Our Milky Way Galaxy On Collision Course with Huge Gas Cloud – 40 Million Years from Now

“Smith's Cloud is eleven thousand light-years long, 2,500 light-years wide and is only 8,000 light-years from our Milky Way Galaxy's disk. It is moving toward our galaxy at more than 150 miles per second, aimed to strike at an angle of about 45 degrees.”

- National Radio Astronomy Observatory

The Very Large Array (VLA) near Socorro, New Mexico. Image courtesy NRAO/Laure Wilson Neish.
The Very Large Array (VLA) near Socorro, New Mexico. Image courtesy NRAO/Laure Wilson Neish.

January 12 , 2008  Austin, Texas  -  The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) is a facility of the National Science Foundation, operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. Its headquarters and technology center are in Charlottesville, Virginia which coordinate the research of the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in West Virginia; the Very Large Array, Very Long Baseline Array and Expanded Very Large Array in Socorro, New Mexico; and two other instruments in Tucson, Arizona, and Santiago, Chile.


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Solar Cycle 24 Has Begun

“There are a number of indicators that suggest Solar Cycle 24 Maximum
should be a big cycle.”

- David Hathaway, Ph.D., NASA

On left, is Extreme UV-wavelength image of the sun and on right, a B&W magnetogram showing positive (white) and negative (black)  magnetic polarities. On December 11, 2007, this new high-latitude active solar region was magnetically reversed from sunspot magnetic directions in the previous Solar Cycle 23. So, this new sunspot officially marks the beginning of Solar Cycle 24.  Images courtesy SOHO/NASA/ESA.
On left, is Extreme UV-wavelength image of the sun and on right, a B&W magnetogram showing positive (white) and negative (black)  magnetic polarities. On December 11, 2007, this new high-latitude active solar region was magnetically reversed from sunspot magnetic directions in the previous Solar Cycle 23. So, this new sunspot officially marks the beginning of Solar Cycle 24.  Images courtesy SOHO/NASA/ESA.

January 10, 2008  Huntsville, Alabama - One month ago on December 11, 2007, a patch of magnetism on the sun was declared by NASA to be the first official sunspot of the new Solar Cycle 24. The spot was in a high-latitude on the sun with reversed polarity from the previous Solar Cycle 23 that has been in minimum for a long time. The sun has had a blank face without any sunspots for days and weeks at a time. But from now forward to 2012, sunspots should start appearing again all over the sun, leading up to what NASA astrophysicist, David Hathaway, Ph.D., thinks will be one of the more intense solar maximums on record. Dr. Hathaway is the Solar Physics Team Leader at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. He received his Ph.D. in astrophysics from the University of Colorado in Boulder in 1979.


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Canadian “Disc” and Smoke Spiral Still A Mystery

“The corkscrew moving pattern is very curious. You can see it in some detail within the video. It’s very puzzling. We have no idea at this time what the identification of the object is.”

- Chris Rutkowski, UFOROM

North Tryon, Prince Edward Island, Canada, is marked by the red circle on the central south side of the island province.
North Tryon, Prince Edward Island, Canada, is marked by the red circle on the central south side of the island province.

January 11, 2008  Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada -  Canadian UFO researchers say that the number of unexplained aerial lights and craft reports in that country exceeded 650 in 2007. Of those cases, one of the strangest occurred on Boxing Day (Christmas boxes for employees and the poor), December 26, 2007. The time was 5:30 PM at dusk. Marie Ford-Quigley and her husband were driving near the small town of North Tryon on the south side of Prince Edward Island off the east coast of Canada. What happened next made this headline on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation TV broadcasts and internet news: “Dark spiral in sky remains a mystery.”


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Part 15: In League With A UFO

© 1997 Lou Baldin
Electronically reprinted at Earthfiles.com with permission.

“The Aliens were here before humans were conceived and the Aliens will be here when time for humanity has expired.”  

- Author

In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.
In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.

Return to Part 1

January 7, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico  - 


Chapter 10

Back from Utopia

Bill Smith returned from his two-month hiatus and found the committee swamped with material they received from Tim. The scientists were so busy with Tim's revelations that they had forgotten Bill was gone. He was not offended. Bill was aware of all that was happening with Tim and the committee while he was away. Bill gave the scientists time to assimilate all the information that Tim had for them before Bill divulged all that he had learned during his time way. Bill told the committee that he would take thirty days off and spend them with his family. His two children were in college, so he spent a weekend with them. The rest of the time, he and his wife took a cruise to a secluded island.


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Part 14: In League With A UFO

© 1997 Lou Baldin
Electronically reprinted at Earthfiles.com with permission.

“The Aliens have used people like Tim and Bill Smith as intermediaries on Earth for thousands of years. ”

- Author

 In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.
In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.

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January 5, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico  - Chapter 9, Journey to Another Planet, continued.

Primed for A Mission

The Aliens told Tim that his three scientist colleagues, who were previously primed for the bodies, were on the Alien craft the same night that Tim was. During that abduction, the Aliens helped the humans get over their fear of doing the abduction assignment the Aliens were preparing for them to do.


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Part 13: In League With A UFO

© 1997 Lou Baldin
Electronically reprinted at Earthfiles.com with permission.

“Bill understood that the Alien ability to move the soul in and out of the body containers was merely a necessary function of their work, similar to moving the furniture out of a room before cleaning the carpet!”

- Author

 In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.
In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.

Return to Part 1

January 2, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico  - Chapter 8, Meat Market, continued.

Although Bill Smith had nothing but good feelings toward the Aliens, he was aware that there are some Aliens who stayed in the background and out of communication with him. He was not sure why, but he was thankful that those Aliens did. Bill felt shielded from the bad vibrations of the “dark ones,” which is what he called the Aliens who struck fear in him, but which kept their distance.


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Part 12: In League With A UFO

© 1997 Lou Baldin
Electronically reprinted at Earthfiles.com with permission.

“The scientists were concerned about where the Aliens
acquire the human bodies that they use when the Aliens mingle
‘incognito’ among the human population.”

- Author

In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.
In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.

Return to Part 1

December 29, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico  - Chapter 8, Meat Market, continued.

Bill Smith was never sure if an Alien was standing in one of the dark corners in the room, just out of sight, waiting to come to the rescue if Bill or one of the committee members botched up a procedure. He had that strange feeling many times, especially when he was doing something that he knew was out of his league - yet succeeded as if he were a master at it.


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Updated – Part 11: In League With A UFO

© 1997 Lou Baldin
Electronically reprinted at Earthfiles.com with permission.

“Bill Smith was told that the Aliens were going to let him leave his human body and enter into one of the other male bodies. ... As he walked around the city in the new body, he wondered how many other humans were counterfeits, like himself?”

- Author

In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.
In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.

Return to Part 1

Updated - Email received December 28, 2007, from a hypnotherapist concerning this Chapter 8, Meat Market:


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Trends 2008

“In 2008, we’re going to see some major, giant
financial firms fall as they get hit by an economic 9/11.”
- Gerald Celente, The Trends Journal

Trends Research Institute,  Rhinebeck, New York.
Trends Research Institute,  Rhinebeck, New York.


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Click for podcast.

December 21, 2007  Rhinebeck, New York - On December 19, 2007, the Federal Reserve announced it was lending another $20 billion to American banks in the first of four special “auctions” designed to help alleviate the credit crunch on Wall Street caused by the subprime loan collapse in real estate. That $20 billion brings the total money pumped into the United States financial sector since June 2007, to about half a trillion dollars. In its announcement, the Federal Reserve said it was responding to requests for $61.6 billion in loans from 93 bidders – illustrating strong demand by banks that need short-term funds.


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