Law Officers Describe Unidentified Shape-Shifting Aerial Craft in Stephenville, Texas, Region

“The police officer said this huge thing in the sky turns toward the east,
but it is no longer horizontal. It’s vertical. And he says it is traveling at a low rate of speed and he cannot believe it was able to stay in the air after it turned vertical.”

- Lee Roy Gaitan, Constable, Erath County, Dublin, Texas

A triangle of three small towns (green circles) southwest of Fort Worth begins with Stephenville, the county seat of Erath County, Texas, population about 15,000. Dublin is about eight miles southwest and has a population of 3,754. Straight east of Dublin about ten miles is Selden with a full time population of about seven. Further east (red circles) are Glen Rose and Meridian.
A triangle of three small towns (green circles) southwest of Fort Worth begins with Stephenville, the county seat of Erath County, Texas, population about 15,000. Dublin is about eight miles southwest and has a population of 3,754. Straight east of Dublin about ten miles is Selden with a full time population of about seven. Further east (red circles) are Glen Rose and Meridian.

February 8, 2008  Stephenville and Dublin, Texas - I was in Dublin, Stephenville, Brownwood and Glen Rose, Texas, between January 29 and February 1, to see for myself videotapes, photos, and drawings of the unusual aerial lights, craft and plasmas that have been reported by dozens of residents there since New Year’s Day. In the first week of February 2008, there have also been reports of two more disc-shaped aerial lights and more unusual spherical plasmas at the infrared deer feeder cameras in Brownwood. At the center of many of the local investigations is Lee Roy Gaitan, the Erath County Constable in Precinct 2, Dublin, Texas. Lee Roy has been Constable about four years and a police officer for seventeen years. Not only is he investigating, he and his son were eyewitnesses themselves to remarkable aerial lights on January 8, 2008.


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Federal Court Rejects Bush Navy Sonar Exemption

“The Navy doesn’t need to harm whales to train effectively with sonar.
By following the carefully crafted measures ordered by the court, the Navy can  conduct its exercises without imperiling marine mammals.”

- Joel Reynolds, Director, Marine Mammal Protection Project, NRDC

Humpback Whale off central California coast. Photo courtesy of Monterey Bay Whale Watch.
Humpback Whale off central California coast. Photo courtesy of Monterey Bay Whale Watch.

February 5, 2008  Los Angeles, California  – The National Resources Defense Council reports that on February 4, 2008, “a federal court struck down a waiver issued by the White House purporting to exempt the U.S. Navy from complying with a bedrock environmental law during sonar training exercises off southern California. [ See Earthfiles More Information below.]


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Updated 01-28-08:  Viewer Letters About Aerial Craft and Military Fly-Overs Above Dublin, Stephenville and Seldon, Texas

“Each cone-shaped indention is a device that creates an electrical vortex
(sometime called a plasma or ion vortex), and like a tornado with multiple vortexes, they all the add up to cause one big vortex around the craft.”

- Earthfiles Viewer

Computer illustration of Ricky Sorrells' perspective on January 1, 2008, looking up through the trees on his Dublin, Texas, property at a “tin barn grey” metal emitting “mirage heat waves” and embedded with cone-shaped holes he thought were equally separated by forty feet over the entire surface of the gigantic aerial craft above him. Graphic © 2008 by Gregory Watters for
Computer illustration of Ricky Sorrells' perspective on January 1, 2008, looking up through the trees on his Dublin, Texas, property at a “tin barn grey” metal emitting “mirage heat waves” and embedded with cone-shaped holes he thought were equally separated by forty feet over the entire surface of the gigantic aerial craft above him. Graphic © 2008 by Gregory Watters for

“If you want to discover what may be happening in Texas, check the coordinates of 32 degrees North 01' 09" 97 degrees 41' 10" on Google Earth in Bosque County, Texas, between the towns of Glen Rose and Meridian.”

- Anonymous, 01-23-08

A triangle of three small towns (green circles) southwest of Fort Worth begins with Stephenville, a city in and the county seat of Erath County, Texas, population 14,921 in 2000 census.  Then Dublin about eight miles southwest has a population of 3,754. Straight east of Dublin about ten miles is Selden with a full time population of about seven. Further east are Glen Rose and Meridian (red circles) referenced in first updated email below.
A triangle of three small towns (green circles) southwest of Fort Worth begins with Stephenville, a city in and the county seat of Erath County, Texas, population 14,921 in 2000 census.  Then Dublin about eight miles southwest has a population of 3,754. Straight east of Dublin about ten miles is Selden with a full time population of about seven. Further east are Glen Rose and Meridian (red circles) referenced in first updated email below.

Return to:  01-18-08 Ricky Sorrells Report

January 28, 2008 - Update of Emails:


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Could Our Universe Be A Virtual Reality Processed By Other Intelligence?

“If I’m in a virtual reality, the graphics are great, but the plot sucks.”

- Student of Prof. Brian Whitworth

Virtual reality universe illustration by Prof. Seth Lloyd, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, MIT.
Virtual reality universe illustration by Prof. Seth Lloyd, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, MIT.

January 25, 2008  Auckland, New Zealand -  A professor in Auckland, New Zealand, published a paper in December that seriously raises the question: could we be in a virtual reality world and universe where the “computer” behind-the-scenes has a processing speed of 186,282.397 miles per second - the maximum speed of light? The professor is Brian Whitworth, Ph.D., in Information Systems and now Senior Lecturer at the Institute for Information and Mathematical Sciences at Massey University in Auckland.


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Part 17: Final:  In League With A UFO, Interview with Lou Baldin

© 1997 Lou Baldin
Electronically reprinted at with permission.

“The reptilians just came right through the wall. I was awake and they seemed to be in a big rush. There were two of them and they took me away.”

- Author Lou Baldin

In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.
In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.


Return to Part 1

January 24, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Interview with author Lou Baldin continued in this final segment after the reprint of his 1997 book, In League With A UFO.


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Amphibians Dying Out At Alarming Rate

“This recent and massive decline in amphibian populations,
that have been on Earth for millions of years, is one of the greatest extinction events in history.”

- Andrew Blaustein, Ph.D., Oregon State University

Amphibian Ark's Disturbing Statistics:

50%  of  some 6,000 described amphibian species, are threatened with extinction.

165 amphibian species believed to have already gone extinct, including 34 known to be extinct and 130 not found in recent years and possibly extinct.

500  amphibian species whose threats currently cannot be mitigated quickly enough to stave off extinction.

Harlequin Frog - 67% of Central and South America's 110 harlequin frog species are believed to have vanished during the 1980s and 1990s. A new study says the primary culprit is the pathogenic chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, which has been spurred by global warming. Photograph by Forrest Brem, NatureServ.
Harlequin Frog - 67% of Central and South America's 110 harlequin frog species are believed to have vanished during the 1980s and 1990s. A new study says the primary culprit is the pathogenic chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, which has been spurred by global warming. Photograph by Forrest Brem, NatureServ.

January 18, 2008  Corvallis, Oregon -  Can you imagine what the Earth would be like without frogs, toads and salamanders? Mosquitoes, flies and other insect populations eaten by amphibians would soar. Until now, the possibility that frogs, toads and salamanders that have been living on this planet for millions of years could ever disappear was unthinkable. 2008 has been declared the Year of the Frog by Amphibian, which is trying to let the world know that amphibians are dying out in ever-increasing numbers. Scientists say that without immediate public, zoo and government efforts to conserve them, this century could see the extinction of nearly half of all the world's 6,000 amphibian species.


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Updated: Huge Aerial Craft Over Dublin, Texas, “Longer Than 3 Football Fields”

“I don’t know how you can make a piece of metal that large with no bolts, rivets, seams or welds. I’ve never seen anything like this.”

- Ricky Sorrells, Metal Welder and Machinist, Dublin, Texas

 A triangle of three small towns southwest of Fort Worth includes Stephenville, a city in and the county seat of Erath County, Texas, population 14,921 in 2000 census. Dublin about eight miles southwest has a population of 3,754. Straight east of Dublin about ten miles is Selden with a full time population of about seven.
A triangle of three small towns southwest of Fort Worth includes Stephenville, a city in and the county seat of Erath County, Texas, population 14,921 in 2000 census. Dublin about eight miles southwest has a population of 3,754. Straight east of Dublin about ten miles is Selden with a full time population of about seven.

Updated with computer graphic illustration below on January 24, 2008

January 18, 2008  Dublin, Texas -  The first week of January 2008, came with shocks for at least three dozen people living in Dublin, Stephenville and Selden, Texas, southwest of Fort Worth. The shocks were yellow, red, blue and white lights that showed up after sunset – lights so bright that eyewitnesses compared them to a welder’s torch.


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Mystery Radio Burst from Outer Space

“The sudden burst of radio energy lasted only 0.005 seconds, and had spectral characteristics that suggested that it was from a distant galaxy, probably billions of light-years from us."

- Seth Shostak, Ph.D., SETI Institute

January 16, 2008  Oakland, California  -  This afternoon, KTVU-TV Channel 2, removed their earlier report quoted below and by tonight, a correction was posted saying the mystery signal had been recorded by an Australian radio telescope (confirmed now to be the Parkes Radio Telescope) and that the complex signal is still being studied. Yesterday, KTVU-TV in the San Francisco Bay area, reported: “Across the globe, researchers searching for signs of life in space were abuzz this week with word that a mystery signal has been picked up by a giant radio-telescope (Arecibo) in Puerto Rico. Now the dilemma is -- how do you answer it? Dan Werthimer of the UC Berkeley SETI Project, said the dilemma is compounded by the fact that the signal may never be completely decoded. ‘We probably won't be able to decode it,’ he said. ‘We'll know something's out there, but we won't know much about their civilization.’”   See:  KTVU-TV.


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Updated: More Sky Spiral Mysteries in Iraq, Canada and Germany

"I thought first it was a tornado, but then it started to glow and the stripe become brighter.”

- Virginia Vater, Gadebusch, Germany

Update 11 AM Mountain, January 15, 2008:  January 15, 2008  Edmonton, Alberta, Canada -  This is where the "disc" and smoky corkscrew report began in North Tryon, Prince Edward Island, Canada, on December 26, 2007, around 5:45 PM. Return to: January 15, 2008 Earthfiles re: Prince Edward Island Spiral

The CBC story with a link and a video excerpt is:


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Part 16: In League With A UFO, Interview with Lou Baldin

© 1997 Lou Baldin
Electronically reprinted at with permission.

“Humans are here to determine where we go after the moment of death,
which is related to how much more information and truths we become aware of, or not.”

- Author Lou Baldin

In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.
In League With A UFO © 1997 by Lou Baldin. Out of print.

Return to Part 1

January 13, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico  - Lou Baldin was born on October 7, 1952, in Verona, Italy. In 1957, when Lou was five, he moved with his parents and siblings to Patterson, New Jersey, where his father set up a bakery that was not successful. Three years later in 1960, the family moved to Kansas City, Missouri. As a young child, Lou Baldin said he had other vivid memories of where he came from before he was born in Italy. That other existence was in a non-organic energy form. By age twelve and beyond, Lou also became aware of other non-human intelligences he characterizes as negative, sabotaging, and in competition with the goals of his prior existence where energy fields focus upon the evolution of souls.


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