Part 3:  Real X-File, Source Unknown

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March 2, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico - After posting Parts 1 and 2, I received a PDF from an Earthfiles viewer who stated: “Please see the PDF I have attached to see if this is the same thing you have. Thanks, Jim DeOwl (pseudonym).” His electronic PDF has 6 front pages and two end pages more than the xeroxed copy I received years ago. I have now updated Part 1 with the introductory six pages, which include a Preface that states:


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Mysterious Bat Deaths in New York, Vermont and Massachusetts

  “I have yet to meet a bat biologist anywhere in North America  who does not say, ‘Oh, wow! This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.’”

– Alan Hicks, N. Y. Dept. of Environmental Conservation


Eight Little Brown Bats hanging upside down in hibernation west of Albany, New York, inside Hailes Cave in winter 2007. Unidentified white fungus rings the noses on seven. Bat mortality in two caves affected by the white-nose syndrome was 90% and 97%. By February 2008, the white-nose syndrome has spread to twenty caves in New York state, southwestern Vermont and western Massachusetts. Image © 2007 by Nancy Heaslip.
Eight Little Brown Bats hanging upside down in hibernation west of Albany, New York, inside Hailes Cave in winter 2007. Unidentified white fungus rings the noses on seven. Bat mortality in two caves affected by the white-nose syndrome was 90% and 97%. By February 2008, the white-nose syndrome has spread to twenty caves in New York state, southwestern Vermont and western Massachusetts. Image © 2007 by Nancy Heaslip.

February 29, 2008  Albany, New York - Thousands of bats are sick, or dead, in at least 20 northeastern U. S. caves. So far, not a single laboratory examining tissues has come up with the cause of death. The physical anomalies in some, but not all, of the dead or dying bats are white rings of fungus around their noses and lung tissue inflammation, similar to pneumonia.


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Viewer Comments About Infrared Cameras and Aerial Symbols

 Copper plate engraved with unidentified diagram, writing and ancient sigils (lower elongated combination of symbols) discovered on November 5, 1967, by L. R., on the grass of the Riverside Municipal Golf Course in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, after UFO event. Photographer unknown.
Copper plate engraved with unidentified diagram, writing and ancient sigils (lower elongated combination of symbols) discovered on November 5, 1967, by L. R., on the grass of the Riverside Municipal Golf Course in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, after UFO event. Photographer unknown.

February 26, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico - I have received hundreds of emails the past few days from Earthfiles viewers and Earthfiles podcast listeners, as well as COAST and Dreamland listeners, about the aerial lights and symbols in Stephenville and Dublin, Texas, as well as the unidentified white, glowing “plasma” sphere phenomenon at the Brownwood, Texas, deer feeder. Below are some of the images and correspondence. I welcome viewer and listener comments to: [email protected].


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Updated: Three Eyewitnesses in Selden, Texas, Saw Two, Large Rectangles of “White Flames” in Sky

“Then in two or three more seconds, the two vertical lines of flashing lights turned into white flames. It looked like the flames were contained inside tworectangular shaped 3-dimensional frames about 50 yards wide and about 150 yards tall.”

- Steve Allen, Glen Rose, Texas

A triangle of three small towns (green circles) southwest of Fort Worth begins with Stephenville, the county seat of Erath County, Texas, population about 15,000. Dublin is about eight miles southwest and has a population of 3,754. Straight east of Dublin about ten miles is Selden with a full time population of about seven. Further east (red circles) are Glen Rose and Meridian.
A triangle of three small towns (green circles) southwest of Fort Worth begins with Stephenville, the county seat of Erath County, Texas, population about 15,000. Dublin is about eight miles southwest and has a population of 3,754. Straight east of Dublin about ten miles is Selden with a full time population of about seven. Further east (red circles) are Glen Rose and Meridian.

Updated February 22, 2008 with images and text.

February 5, 2008  Glen Rose, Texas - On the night of January 8, 2008, dozens of eyewitnesses in the region of Texas southwest of Dallas/Fort Worth reported seeing strange combinations of flashing lights in the sky. Everyone said the lights were either on a single huge craft or were in rigid formation. All agreed that the lights pulsed on and off, but not together. One light would come on and go off while one or more at random distances would flash on and off.


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Updated: More Aerial “Symbols” Photographed Over Dublin, Texas

Updated February 22, 2008, about Angelia Joiner:  As of Tuesday, February 19, 2008, Angelia has been hired by KCUB-FM 98.5 radio in Stephenville. She emailed to me, “Still in the planning stages, but will be early morning. Probably won't begin on air until next week (February 25-29). I just started Tuesday. One segment will be community events, announcements and one will be straight news for the local community.”

“It was a disc-like object that was throwing off colors and looked like a ‘spinning sun or Jupiter planet throwing off colored strobe lights. What was so odd about it was when I zoomed in, it looked like a triangle or pyramid inside of the spinning disc.’”

- Lee Roy Gaitan, Erath County Constable, Dublin, Texas

   Click for podcast.    
Click for podcast.    
February 9, 2008, multi-colored “symbol” flashed in night sky between 10:30 to 11 PM Central, over Dublin, Texas, by spinning, disc-shaped aerial object. Digital image © 2008 by Wendy Gaitan, wife of the Erath County Constable, Precinct 2, Dublin, Texas.
February 9, 2008, multi-colored “symbol” flashed in night sky between 10:30 to 11 PM Central, over Dublin, Texas, by spinning, disc-shaped aerial object. Digital image © 2008 by Wendy Gaitan, wife of the Erath County Constable, Precinct 2, Dublin, Texas.


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Abductee Jim Sparks Comments On Alien Symbol Technology

“I know that flashing symbols is a method of getting
information from E. T. to E. T., or E. T. to human. It’s a fast way
of transmitting a tremendous amount of data, in a short time
and retaining it.”

- Jim Sparks, Author and Abductee

Click for podcast.
Click for podcast.

Also see of January 19, 2008,
videotape by David Caron near Stephenville municipal airport:

February 22, 2008  Las Vegas, Nevada - In 1995, at a conference about the human abduction syndrome, I met one of the participants named Jim Sparks, born Jim Sparacino to his Italian parents on November 15, 1954.


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Update: Mysterious Symbols Projected in Night Sky by Aerial Disc Near Stephenville, Texas, Local Airport

UPDATE:  January 19, 2008, David Caron Videotape of Changing Light Shapes:


Update   February 14, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico  - Today the images and brief video clip have been removed from this original February 6, 2008, Earthfiles report. The reason is that David Caron's 12-minute digital videotape was purchased in an exclusive license agreement on January 31, 2008, by Motion Picture Production, Inc., which produces UFO Files for The History Channel.


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Saturn’s Titan Moon Has Greater Oil Reserves Than Earth

“Titan is just covered in carbon-bearing material -- it's a giant factory of organic chemicals.”

- Ralph Lorenz, Ph.D., Cassini Radar Team, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Artist's illustration of hydrocarbon pools, icy and rocky terrain on the surface of Saturn's largest moon Titan. Image credit: Steven Hobbs, Australia.
Artist's illustration of hydrocarbon pools, icy and rocky terrain on the surface of Saturn's largest moon Titan. Image credit: Steven Hobbs, Australia.

February 13, 2008  Pasadena, California - Saturn's orange moon, Titan, has hundreds of times more liquid hydrocarbons than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Earth, according to new data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft. The hydrocarbons rain from the sky, collecting in vast deposits that form lakes and dunes.


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“Conspiracy Theories and Cut InterTube Cables”

© 2008 by Robert A. Kezelis, Attorney
Reprinted with permission at

Fiber-optic submarine communication cable systems and special cables for the offshore industry and other underwater and terrestrial applications. Image by NSW Naval Technology.
Fiber-optic submarine communication cable systems and special cables for the offshore industry and other underwater and terrestrial applications. Image by NSW Naval Technology.

February 12, 2008  Palos Heights, Illinois -  Robert A. Kezelis received his law degree from John Marshall Law School in Chicago, Illinois, in 1986. During the past twenty-two years, Attorney Kezelis has studied international politics and behind-the-scenes intrigues that lead to wars. In addition to his law practice in Palos Heights, Illinois, Robert Kezelis is a regular contributor to the politically sassy, whose motto at the top of its web page reads: “Because nobody's life, liberty or property is safe while Congress is in session or the White House is occupied.”


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