Deer Mutilation in Longs, South Carolina, Two Helicopters and Large, White Sphere

“The deer was just lying there, except it was missing the two eyes,
the side of the cheek and the rear of the animal was completely cored out. No blood.So, it was a very,very strange occurrence.”

- Retired Broadcast Engineer, New York

Longs, South Carolina (red circle) is near the North Carolina border northeast of Myrtle Beach, a resort town and home of Myrtle Beach AFB until its closure in 1993.
Longs, South Carolina (red circle) is near the North Carolina border northeast of Myrtle Beach, a resort town and home of Myrtle Beach AFB until its closure in 1993.

March 28, 2008   Longs, South Carolina - This week I received an email from a retired broadcasting engineer. He and his wife are currently spending the winter in Longs, South Carolina, near North Myrtle Beach. Their permanent residence is in New York State. The couple traveled to a recreational vehicle park in October 2007, where they have been living until they return to New York on April 1st. Last Thursday, March 20th, the husband – who has asked I not use his name – drove his car to a store, taking Southern Heights Drive towards Route 905. At that intersection, there is a small open field and he could see a deer down on its right side.


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Ice Block Size of Northern Ireland Has Broken From Wilkins Ice Shelf in West Antarctic Peninsula

“The Wilkins breakout won't have any effect on sea-level because that ice is floating already, but it is another indication of the impact that climate change is having on the region. We believe the Wilkins has been in place for at least a few hundred years. But warm air and exposure to ocean waves are causing a break-up.”

- Ted Scambos, Ph.D., Glaciologist, University of Colorado

 Above and below satellite images of the Wilkins Ice Shelf in the West Antarctic Peninsula where a huge 160-square-mile-chunk of ice disintegrated between February 28 and March 8, 2008. The ice section that broke away measured 25-miles-long (41 kilometers) by 1.5-miles-wide (2.5 kilometers). All that's holding back the rest of the Wilkins Ice Shelf is a narrow band of ice, which might also give way in the near future. Image courtesy NSIDC.
Above and below satellite images of the Wilkins Ice Shelf in the West Antarctic Peninsula where a huge 160-square-mile-chunk of ice disintegrated between February 28 and March 8, 2008. The ice section that broke away measured 25-miles-long (41 kilometers) by 1.5-miles-wide (2.5 kilometers). All that's holding back the rest of the Wilkins Ice Shelf is a narrow band of ice, which might also give way in the near future. Image courtesy NSIDC.

Left: Red rectangle is blown up on right to show the large chunks in the disintegrated mass of Wilkins Ice Shelf the size of Northern Ireland that broke off between February 28, and March 8, 2008. Image courtesy NSIDC.
Left: Red rectangle is blown up on right to show the large chunks in the disintegrated mass of Wilkins Ice Shelf the size of Northern Ireland that broke off between February 28, and March 8, 2008. Image courtesy NSIDC.

March 27, 2008  Boulder, Colorado - In West Antarctica on March 8, 2008, at the Wilkins Ice Shelf  which floats on the Pacific Ocean not far from the southern tip of South America, a slab of ice as large as Northern Ireland broke off. The 160-square-mile ice chunk had been there for perhaps 1,500 years. But between February 28 and March 8, 2008, NASA’s Earth Observing System Aqua and Terra satellites photographed the Wilkins’ disintegration.


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Part 1, Dragonfly-Shaped Aerial Craft: Current Media Misinformation Versus Eyewitnesses 1987 to 2007

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March 21, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico - It’s ironic that in March 2008, a TV network such as FOX in New York City and the cable distributor, History Channel, would finally do reports about the strange, aerial, dragonfly-shaped craft that first showed up in 2007 photographs – a whole year after events without doing any substantive research. Their sarcastic reports have left viewers with the false impression that the photos were all from California and most likely CGI/Photoshop creations. Neither conclusion is true.

Why did FOX have a segment about the dragonfly drones? Because the Los Angeles Times on March 18, 2008, headlined: “A UFO Cold Case” with a photograph of two private investigators named Frankie Dixon and T. K. Davis. The two were hired by a European group to track down one of last year’s eyewitnesses who photographed a dragonfly machine over a power line in Capitola, California, on May 16, 2007.

Los Angeles Times photo caption: “Private eyes Frankie Dixon, left, and T.K. Davis at a park in Capitola, Calif., where they’re investigating reports that a UFO was photographed by a man with the Internet name of Raji, who later vanished into cyberspace.” Image © 2008 by Los Angeles Times.
Los Angeles Times photo caption: “Private eyes Frankie Dixon, left, and T.K. Davis at a park in Capitola, Calif., where they’re investigating reports that a UFO was photographed by a man with the Internet name of Raji, who later vanished into cyberspace.” Image © 2008 by Los Angeles Times.


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Part 2, Dragonfly-Shaped Aerial Craft: Current Media Misinformation Versus Eyewitnesses 1987 to 2007

“I think the technology is definitely extraterrestrial. Nothing flies like this!”

- Infrared Technical Specialist, Montgomery, Alabama

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March 21, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico - After the Big Basin craft, no other photographs of the mysterious dragonfly-shaped drones emerged in 2007. But on Tuesday, June 26, 2007, the mystery of the dragonfly-shaped aerial drones took another turn with the release of an alleged secret report containing photographs of alleged extraterrestrial technologies, entitled “Commercial Applications Research for Extraterrestrial Technology” – known with the acronym CARET, which contained a “Q4-86 Research Report,” dated December 1986, Palo Alto, California, by the Palo Alto CARET Laboratory, also known as PACL (pronounced “packel”). See:  Isaac Release and 062607Earthfiles Parts 1 and 2.

 Cover of CARET Q4-86 Research Report, December 1986, Palo Alto, California, and PACL Staff, Palo Alto CARET Laboratory. Document provided by "Isaac" electronically on June 26, 2007.
Cover of CARET Q4-86 Research Report, December 1986, Palo Alto, California, and PACL Staff, Palo Alto CARET Laboratory. Document provided by "Isaac" electronically on June 26, 2007.


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Mysterious Aerial “Drones” – Oklahoma and Arkansas

  “The strange thing got closer and closer and had all kinds of arms and legs on it and spirally things (top wires going up into the air) and lights all over it. And it had writing on it that looked like a foreign language.”

– Hartshorne, Oklahoma, Drone Eyewitness, June 2003

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Left:  Dragonfly-shaped “drone” near Bakersfield, California, May 6, 2007, © by “Chad.”  Right:  More complicated “drone” at Big Basin Redwoods State Park northwest of Santa Cruz,  California, on June 5, 2007. Photograph © 2007 by “Ty B.”
Left: Dragonfly-shaped “drone” near Bakersfield, California, May 6, 2007, © by “Chad.” Right: More complicated “drone” at Big Basin Redwoods State Park northwest of Santa Cruz, California, on June 5, 2007. Photograph © 2007 by “Ty B.”
Hartshorne, Oklahoma (bottom red circle) is about two hours southwest of Van Buren, Arkansas, a suburb of Fort Smith. Jane Smith in Hartshorne saw a Big-Basin-type drone twice in June 2003, at her rural home. Her sister, Melody Thaxton, saw a Chad-type drone on or about November 20, 2007, from her Van Buren, Arkansas, office parking lot.
Hartshorne, Oklahoma (bottom red circle) is about two hours southwest of Van Buren, Arkansas, a suburb of Fort Smith. Jane Smith in Hartshorne saw a Big-Basin-type drone twice in June 2003, at her rural home. Her sister, Melody Thaxton, saw a Chad-type drone on or about November 20, 2007, from her Van Buren, Arkansas, office parking lot.

March 7, 2008  Hartshorne, Oklahoma, and Van Buren, Arkansas - A year ago on May 11, 2007, Coast to Coast AM webmaster, Lex, received an email letter with several images attached of an odd, dragonfly-shaped, aerial object from a Central California resident who called himself  “Chad.” The images were dated May 6, 2007. In addition to the dragonfly-shaped body that had appendages sticking out from a large ring, there was another odd feature. Rising from the ring straight up into the air were slightly curved, thin wires that formed a tall, circular crown above the dragonfly body. Chad was worried about his family's safety and health after he saw the bizarre aerial object at least eight times from his house and on hikes near his home. Neighbors, he said, had also seen the unidentified aerial object.


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Updated Part 1:  Real X-File, Source Unknown

“The following document is believed to be the personal notes and scientific diary of a scientist who was contracted by the government over several years to visit all crash sites, interrogate captured Alien Life Forms and analyze all data gathered from that endeavor.”

- Preface, Blue Planet Project

Updated March 2, 2008  after original filing February 29, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Several boxes of old files and even unopened mail have traveled with me in moves from Colorado to Pennsylvania and then to New Mexico. This week I opened one of my long-taped boxes looking for materials I remembered from 1980s research. I discovered a package that contains more than a hundred pages entitled “Blue Planet Project, Alien Technical Research - 25, Westchester Camp, Office of Central Research # 3, Alien Life Forms, CODE:  ARAMIS III - ADR3-24SM.” No author or source is given, there is no cover letter, but the text indicates 1990 to 1991 might be the time period when the pages were assembled.


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