Part 2: Bizarre Objects Caught by Illinois and Missouri Game Trail Cameras

“I don’t know what this is – but hopefully, I never have to encounter
this while I’m hunting.”

- Missouri hunter and game trail camera owner

November 5, 2007, beginning at 9:34 PM Central, Sarcoxie, Missouri.  One of twelve images shown in this Earthfiles report of unknown, small,  aerial object close to ground photographed over four hour period  on Missouri hunter's Cuddeback Digital Camera. 
November 5, 2007, beginning at 9:34 PM Central, Sarcoxie, Missouri.  One of twelve images shown in this Earthfiles report of unknown, small,  aerial object close to ground photographed over four hour period  on Missouri hunter's Cuddeback Digital Camera.

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April 7, 2008  Oregon, Illinois -

More Odd November 2007 Images

Sarcoxie, Missouri,
9:34 PM, November 5, to 1:37 AM November 6, 2007

Sarcoxie, Missouri, is on Highway 44 east of Joplin.
Sarcoxie, Missouri, is on Highway 44 east of Joplin.

Bob Coine:  “When I first put my deer camera's six frames up on YouTube and Woods N Water TV (Outdoor Channel) for feedback that might help explain what my photos were, one of our viewers sent me a series of pictures that he had not shared with anybody because they were really odd. They were not even similar to the photos I had taken. These photos show what appears to be a roundish object with a series of odd, circular shapes around the outside. When you get to the far left or far right on the thing moving through the dozen photographs, the object seems to be turning.  I really see that when I bring his Missouri photos up as a series, and flip through them fast. This object appears not only to be rotating, but going up, down and right and left, as well as reflecting light on to the ground.


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Part 1:  Bizarre Objects Caught by Illinois and Missouri Game Trail Cameras

“It is really strange because the object itself is ghostly white against the rest of the darker digital gain camera image.”

- Bob Coine, Heartland Studios, Oregon, Illinois

 Oregon, Illinois, is southwest of Rockford, not far from both the Wisconsin and Iowa borders.
Oregon, Illinois, is southwest of Rockford, not far from both the Wisconsin and Iowa borders.

April 7, 2008  Oregon, Illinois -  Bob Coine is President and Owner of Heartland Studios, Inc., in Oregon, Illinois. Bob in an Illinois native, born there in 1959, and a successful manufacturing entrepreneur until 2000. That year, he sold several businesses with the idea of retiring to his Oregon farm to pursue his personal hobby:  protecting, improving and managing wildlife, with an emphasis on white tail deer.


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Final Part 10: Real X-File, Source Unknown

“(Aliens) also have the ability to withdraw experience and memory from a human and place that experience and memory into another body, or container, whether the container is a natural or synthetic one.”

- Unknown Scientist


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April 6, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Continuing “Blue Planet Project” with final Pages 96 through 107.


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Wingless, “Dragonfly” Sighting On March 31, 2008

It didn’t move like a helicopter at all and there was no sound. A helicopter has a really distinctive look and they don’t have that big point coming off the front. And it didn’t have wings. It wasn’t like any kind of shaped object that I’ve ever seen.”

- Cam, Scotts Valley, California

Wingless, dragonfly aerial craft seen at 10:15 AM, Monday, March 31, 2008, in Scotts Valley, California, flying overhead, long tail leading rounded body in flight. Sketch © 2008 by Cam for
Wingless, dragonfly aerial craft seen at 10:15 AM, Monday, March 31, 2008, in Scotts Valley, California, flying overhead, long tail leading rounded body in flight. Sketch © 2008 by Cam for      

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April 4, 2008  Scotts Valley, California - A video has been circulating on the internet for months as “Kaptive” - a CGI rock video manipulation of the dragonfly aerial drone photographs that first emerged in May to June 2007. Not only is it a manipulation of the photographs, the CGI operator named Kris Avery took my Earthfiles podcast news reports about the dragonfly drone phenomenon and edited in my voice and voices of people I’ve interviewed without asking permission.


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Mysterious Aerial Spheres: Letters to Earthfiles

“One (2008) scene in particular involved a spherical craft being escorted,
and ultimately fought off by, two military helicopters. ...The USAF first asked the scene be changed and the sphere eliminated. If the scene wasn't changed and the spherical craft eliminated, the USAF would withdraw their support. Basically, that's the same thing we went through on Independence Day, too, when Area 51 was referenced in that script.”

- Hollywood Feature Special Effects Pro

March 31, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico - During my 3-hour Coast to Coast AM with George Noory news updates on Thursday, March 27, 2008, I shared a March 20, 2008, deer mutilation in Longs, South Carolina, not far from North Myrtle Beach. A few nights before the mutilated deer was found by a retired broadcast engineer, he also saw a glowing, white sphere about 6 feet in diameter moving in the night sky between two military helicopters. [ See 032808 Earthfiles Real X-File.]  On the air, I asked listeners to email me who might have had their own glowing sphere encounters or have current knowledge about American military interaction with glowing spheres. I have received dozens of emails and share a few in this Earthfiles report for consideration and other comment.


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Part 8: Real X-File, Source Unknown

“Normally the Greys during an abduction make an insertion
of a 3mm device (SBMCD) through the nasal cavity into more close proximity to the brain of the abductee and after implementing subliminal post-hypnotic suggestions that could compel the abductee to perform some specific act within the next two to five years (after implant).”

- Unidentified Scientist

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March 30, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Continuing “Blue Planet Project” with Pages 76 through 85.


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Enceladus Water Geyers Full of Organic Chemicals

“A completely unexpected surprise is that the chemistry of Enceladus,
what's coming out from inside, resembles that of a comet. To have primordial material coming out from inside a Saturn moon raises many questions on the formation of the Saturn system.”

- Hunter Waite, a Principal Investigator, Cassini Mission

On Wednesday, March 12, 2008, NASA's Cassini spacecraft flew along the south pole of Enceladus to sample water-ice, dust and gas in the geyser plumes that erupt there. This was the first of four Cassini flybys of Enceladus planned for 2008, the second coming in August. Image 2007 by Cassini-Huygens spacecraft.
On Wednesday, March 12, 2008, NASA's Cassini spacecraft flew along the south pole of Enceladus to sample water-ice, dust and gas in the geyser plumes that erupt there. This was the first of four Cassini flybys of Enceladus planned for 2008, the second coming in August. Image 2007 by Cassini-Huygens spacecraft.

March 30, 2008  Pasadena, California - NASA reported this week:

NASA's Cassini spacecraft tasted and sampled a surprising organic brew erupting in geyser-like fashion from Saturn's moon Enceladus during a close flyby on March 12. Scientists are amazed that this tiny moon is so active, "hot" and brimming with water vapor and organic chemicals.

New heat maps of the surface show higher temperatures than previously known in the south polar region, with hot tracks running the length of giant fissures. Additionally, scientists say the organics "taste and smell" like some of those found in a comet. The jets themselves harmlessly peppered Cassini, exerting measurable torque on the spacecraft, and providing an indirect measure of the plume density.


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Carancas, Peru, Meteorite in September 2007 – “Unprecedented?”

“We’re talking about essentially up to around 2 miles per second (15,000 mph). So, this (Carancas stoney meteorite) was coming in at a very high speed.”

- Prof. Peter Schultz, Brown University

Not far from Lake Titicaca and Puno in southern Peru, is the small farming town of Carancas on a high Andean plateau near the Bolivian border (pink circle below Desaguadero).
Not far from Lake Titicaca and Puno in southern Peru, is the small farming town of Carancas on a high Andean plateau near the Bolivian border (pink circle below Desaguadero).

March 28, 2008   Providence, Rhode Island - It was 11:45 AM on Saturday, September 15, 2007, when alpaca farmer, Justina Limache, heard a “thunderous roar from the sky.” Scared, she grabbed her 8-year-old granddaughter and ran into her house. For the next few minutes, Justina heard rocks raining down on the roof so loudly that she worried her house would collapse. What 74-year-old Justina Limache did not know was that a meteorite had fallen near her home in Carancas, Peru, 62 miles (100 kilometers) southeast of Puno and not far from Lake Titicaca. Carancas is a farm community of about 2,000 people who raise cows, alpacas, llamas and other animals on the high Andean plateau near the Bolivian border.


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Earth-Size Planet Beyond Pluto and Kuiper Belt?

“Even though this object (Planet X) might be at 100 A. U., if it’s a bright object, if its surface reflects light sufficiently, then it might easily be picked up - and perhaps other objects like it - by these new surveys coming on line even next year (2009) and in the next several years.”

- Prof. Mark V. Sykes, Ph.D., Planetary Science Institute

Illustration of possible Earth-size planet beyond Pluto and Kuiper Belt at 100 Astronomical Units (A. U.) from our sun (upper right). Theorized by Kobe University Japanese scientists because of perturbations in the orbits of other bodies in that region of solar system. Illustration courtesy Kobe University, Japan.
Illustration of possible Earth-size planet beyond Pluto and Kuiper Belt at 100 Astronomical Units (A. U.) from our sun (upper right). Theorized by Kobe University Japanese scientists because of perturbations in the orbits of other bodies in that region of solar system. Illustration courtesy Kobe University, Japan.
Illustration of Kuiper Belt objects (green) ranging from 42 to 47 Astronomical Units (A. U.) from the sun beyond Pluto. Illustration courtesy Kobe University, Japan.
Illustration of Kuiper Belt objects (green) ranging from 42 to 47 Astronomical Units (A. U.) from the sun beyond Pluto. Illustration courtesy Kobe University, Japan.

March 28, 2008   Tucson, Arizona - The upcoming April 2008 printed issue of The Astronomical Journal will have this intriguing paper: “An Outer Planet Beyond Pluto and the Origin of the Trans-Neptunian Belt Architecture.” The authors are Patryk Lykawka and Tadashi Mukai from the Graduate School of Science, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kobe University, Japan. After studying perturbations and highly angled inclinations to the plane of the inner solar system among objects in a region 100 Astronomical Units (A. U.) from our sun far beyond Pluto, the Japanese scientists propose the discovery of a nearly Earth-size planet out there that takes 1,000 years to orbit the sun. Prof. Tadashi Mukai says,  “We have been able to identify more than 1,100 objects beyond Neptune since 1992, and a huge number of objects are showing large orbital eccentricities and elliptical orbits.”


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