Viewer Comments on Decatur, Alabama, White Sphere Incident

“The pearl-like spheres hover over the canyon Rim, make right angle turns at high speed and then blink out.”

- Payson, Arizona, Resident

Summer 2007, pearl-like aerial objects over canyon Rim near Pine, Arizona, 17 miles north of Payson. Image ©2007 by L. Murray.
Summer 2007, pearl-like aerial objects over canyon Rim near Pine, Arizona, 17 miles north of Payson. Image ©2007 by L. Murray.

May 6, 2008  Decatur and Huntsville, Alabama  - I have received the following emails from Earthfiles viewers about other “white pearl” sphere phenomena and 2008 high strangeness at Redstone Army Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama.


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3-Foot-Diameter Sphere Retrieved by Ambulance in Decatur, Alabama

“On the Med Flight stretcher, the best I can describe it is a giant pearl - a shiny, white sphere.”

- Codey Terry, Decatur, Alabama

Decatur is 20 miles west of Huntsville, home of NASA's Space Rocket Center and Space Camp and the Redstone Army Arsenal.
Decatur is 20 miles west of Huntsville, home of NASA's Space Rocket Center and Space Camp and the Redstone Army Arsenal.

May 27, 2008 - Update Email

“Subject:      Re:  Pearl Marks on Google Earth - I know what they are.
Date:          May 27, 2008
To:            [email protected]

To Whom It May Concern:

I worked for the company, Aerials Express, that produced the imagery with the so called “pearl marks” from 2002-2007.  The aerial photographs were taken in the winter months, and when the negatives were scanned (on a cool morning back in our office in Phoenix) small drops of condensation had formed on the glass of the scanner.  These drops were so small, they went un-detected by the operator.  They were on the underside of the glass, and so appear to obscure the photograph.

At one point, I remember the CEO, Bill Lands, joking about them because a program from the Discovery Channel had contacted him directly.  He planned on releasing a PR piece with a picture of the scanner, and operator in an alien costume.  He had a great sense of humor.  Sorry to dispel the myth, just a bit of water under the scanner.”


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5-Month-Long Lightning Storm On Saturn

“A powerful electrical storm rages on Saturn with lightning bolts 10,000 times more powerful than those found on Earth.”

- NASA JPL Cassini-Huygens Mission

Cassini detected this recent, large electrical storm in Saturn's southern hemisphere at 35 degrees south latitude (above) after nearly two years during which Saturn did not appear to have other large storms. Image credit:  NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute.
Cassini detected this recent, large electrical storm in Saturn's southern hemisphere at 35 degrees south latitude (above) after nearly two years during which Saturn did not appear to have other large storms. Image credit:  NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute.

April 30, 2008  Pasadena, California - NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory Cassini-Huygens Saturn Mission based in Pasadena reports this week that the Radio and Plasma Wave (RPWS) experiment on Cassini has monitored the longest-lived continuously active electrical storm ever observed on Saturn, a storm that resides in a band around Saturn's southern hemisphere called “Storm Alley” because it has so many electrical storms.


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Part 1: Insights from An Experiencer with Greys and Blond Humanoids

“All I've experienced from these beings is that they knew things were going to possibly go quite badly here on this world. They said they wanted to make certain there were those who survived and were able to help the world continue.”

- Arizona Abductee

April 29, 2008  Phoenix, Arizona - Last year, I met an Arizona resident who is 53-years-old now (born 1955), a professional healer, 6' 8.5" tall, long sandy-colored hair and an experiencer with extraterrestrial humanoids. I will call him William. His story began when he was a young boy living about 18 miles from Elizabethtown, Kentucky. Grey-skinned, alien types emerged in his early years. Then one day in 1967 at age 12, while sitting in woods next to a tree, a tall, blond-haired man wearing a beige jump suit approached William and later took him aboard a silver disc. The blond man called himself ‘Zo.’

William:  “This look exactly like the vehicle Zo came in. It was photographed by Billy Meier on his Switzerland farm in 1975.” Photograph © 1975 by Billy Meier.
William:  “This look exactly like the vehicle Zo came in. It was photographed by Billy Meier on his Switzerland farm in 1975.” Photograph © 1975 by Billy Meier.


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Strange Aerial Lights Like Texas – But Now Photographed in Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts

Left:  Kokomo, Indiana, one of series of aerial light photos courtesy of Dustin Cronkhite,  taken between 10 to 11 PM Central, on April 16, 2008. Middle: Flashing light photographed  through telescope around 11:45 PM Central, in Oswego, Illinois, on Saturday, April 5, 2008.  Image © 2008 by Gabrielle Johnson. Right: Video frame of bright, color-changing, aerial object above Granville, Massachusetts, videotaped over a period of 90 minutes between  10 and 11:30 PM Eastern, on Friday, April 18, 2008, © 2008  by Courtney Lynne Wilson-Merrill.
Left: Kokomo, Indiana, one of series of aerial light photos courtesy of Dustin Cronkhite, taken between 10 to 11 PM Central, on April 16, 2008. Middle: Flashing light photographed through telescope around 11:45 PM Central, in Oswego, Illinois, on Saturday, April 5, 2008. Image © 2008 by Gabrielle Johnson. Right: Video frame of bright, color-changing, aerial object above Granville, Massachusetts, videotaped over a period of 90 minutes between 10 and 11:30 PM Eastern, on Friday, April 18, 2008, © 2008 by Courtney Lynne Wilson-Merrill.


April 24, 2008  Kokomo, Indiana; Oswego, Illinois; and Granville, Massachusetts - At 4:37 AM Central on Friday, April 18, 2008, at an epicenter 38 miles northwest of Evansville, Indiana (38.450°N, 87.890°W), a magnitude 5.2 earthquake at 7.2 miles deep shook sleeping residents from Bellmont, Illinois, to St. Louis, Missouri, Des Moines, Iowa, Michigan, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Kansas and Georgia nearly 900 miles away. Indianapolis International Airport closed down for an hour while the control tower was evacuated. This was the first strong earthquake in the Midwest since 1968.


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Four Red, Unidentified Lights Change Patterns Over North Phoenix

“ABC15 contacted several agencies, including the FAA, Sky Harbor, Luke AFB, and the Phoenix Police Department. No one could explain what the lights are.”

- ABC15-TV, Phoenix.

Update: April 24, 2008 - Four Red, Lights Over North Phoenix Now Described As Red Flares Tied to Helium Balloons.

But Phoenix New Times on April 22, headlined: “Air Traffic Controllers
Who Saw UFO Muzzled by FAA.” interviewed Phoenix resident, Lino Mailo, who says he watched his still-anonymous neighbor launch red flares attached to black and white helium balloons into the sky around 8 PM, April 21.  Click here for video interview. But it's still a confusing event. Not only is the perpetrator still anonymous and not talking, his house is allegedly shown about 100 feet from the backyard where the does his interview - so why didn't the reporter simply walk over to that house and knock on the door and ask to talk to the alleged hoaxer? Also, a retired military USAF pilot was interviewed by a Phoenix radio station yesterday morning, April 23. He said he watched the red lights over the half-hour between 8 and 8 PM and said, “They were definitely not flares attached to helium balloons.”


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Grain Shortages, Rising World Food Prices – and Ethanol Backfires?

“Achieving the 15% (Bush) goal (to replace 15% of domestic gasoline with biofuels in 10 years) would require the entire current U. S. corn crop, which represents a whopping 40% of the world's corn supply.”

- Colin Carter, Ph.D., UC-Davis

Corn ethanol plant in South Dakota. Image © 2006 by Greg Harp. 
Corn ethanol plant in South Dakota. Image © 2006 by Greg Harp.

April 18, 2008  Davis, California - In February , I received a phone call from a North Dakota farmer who I had talked to before on other farm issues. He said he and his wheat farmer colleagues were having a hard time finding durham wheat seed to plant for a crop later this year. He wondered why there was such a short seed supply. Wheat prices have risen from $4/ a bushel in 2007 to around $25/bushel this spring of 2008.


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Canadian Society of Questers

Canadian Society of Questers

The Canadian Society of Questers

Proudly Presents


Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative news reporter and Reporter and Editor of, Linda Moulton Howe, presents hard evidence about the American government's strict policy of denial in the interest of national security to cover-up interactions by extraterrestrial biological entities on this planet. Linda is the Reporter and Editor of the award-winning news website,, and reports about science, environment and Real X-Files for Coast to Coast AM radio and Dreamland Online. The format for the evening will be a 90-minute presentation including slides, video, and audio and will be followed by a Q & A period after a break.


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Honey Bee Collapse Now Worse on West Coast

“It's worse than last year, and last year was worse than the year before. So, it's bad. And there are a lot of good, big beekeepers that are having a lot of problems. I think we're coming in for a big train wreck.”

- Gilly Sherman, Beekeeper

Western honey bee, or European honey bee (Apis mellifera), gathering pollen from purple aster. 34% of American honey bees in commercial hives have disappeared this spring of 2008, in a persistent mystery known as “colony collapse disorder.”
Western honey bee, or European honey bee (Apis mellifera), gathering pollen from purple aster. 34% of American honey bees in commercial hives have disappeared this spring of 2008, in a persistent mystery known as “colony collapse disorder.”

April 10, 2008  Gainesville, Florida - On April 5, 2008, England's BBC News carried a report entitled, “U. S. Fears Over Honey Bee Collapse.” A California beekeeper, Gilly Sherman, was interviewed and he said sobering words:  “It's worse than last year, and last year was worse than the year before. So, it's bad. And there are a lot of good, big beekeepers that are having a lot of problems. I think we're coming in for a big train wreck.”

I took that quote to Jerry Hayes, Chief, Apiary Section, Florida Department of Agriculture, and President of the Apiary Inspectors of America in Gainesville, Florida and asked for his comment.


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