Part 3: Insights from An Experiencer with Greys and Blond Humanoids

“Zo told me that the ship was alive and it recognizes who is in there. The ship won’t work unless it knows you. If you walked up outside the ship and put your hands at the right place, if it does not know you, the ship is not going to open up.”

- Arizona Abductee

Return to:  Part 1

June 15, 2008  Phoenix, Arizona -

Interview Continued:


This would be like the next summer in 1966. By then, I had been seeing Zo every two weeks or so.


He would land and I would hear the beeping sound.


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Part 2: Insights from An Experiencer with Greys and Blond Humanoids

“The disc is creating a strong field around it that has a charge that causes things to be repelled or pulled towards it. ... I was warned that if I saw the discs coming down to stay away a good distance and then they would let me know when it was safe to come up to the craft.”

- Arizona Abductee

Arizona Abductee: “Here's a painting on the internet I found that closely resembles one event I had.”
Arizona Abductee: “Here's a painting on the internet I found that closely resembles one event I had.”

Return to:  Part 1

June 13, 2008  Phoenix, Arizona - The Arizona experiencer, William, says his parents had his birth certificate that showed 1953 as his birth year. But after his experiences with the human-looking entity, Zo, and others, William became convinced that he somehow entered life on Earth at a different date under the control of Zo and a civilization based on the planet Lanulose orbiting the yellow sun, Tau Ceti, only about 12 light-years from Earth.


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Barbury Castle Pi Formation:  “Perfectly Clean” in Muddy, Rain-Soaked Field

“When Newsnight said to me the BBC had no intention of doing any in-depth study or program on crop circles, I thought that really says it all. They are not prepared to look at the crop phenomenon seriously.”

- Lucy Pringle, Crop Circle Photographer and Author


Barbury Castle barley crop formation near Wroughton, Wiltshire, U. K., reported June 1, 2008, 300 feet in diameter. Aerial image © 2008 by Lucy Pringle.
Barbury Castle barley crop formation near Wroughton, Wiltshire, U. K., reported June 1, 2008, 300 feet in diameter. Aerial image © 2008 by Lucy Pringle.
Fragile barley undamaged and springing up again to the sun in three circles. Image © 2008 by Stuart Dike,
Fragile barley undamaged and springing up again to the sun in three circles. Image © 2008 by Stuart Dike,

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2008 Barbury Castle Pattern is Pi to 3.14159265358


June 12, 2008  Wroughton, Wiltshire, England - Lucy Pringle has been photographing crop formations from the air and on the ground since 1993. Her books include Crop Circles: Art in the Landscape © 2007, Crop Circles (Pitkin Guides) © 2004, and Crop Circles: The Greatest Mystery of Modern Times © 1999. Her Lucy Pringle website (see Websites below) contains her latest and archived photographs, crop circle calendars and other crop formation-related productions.


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2008 Barbury Castle Pattern Is First ten digits of Pi 3.141592654

“The fact that the Pi decimal point is included (in the 2008 Barbury Castle
barley pattern) and there is rounding up to 10 decimal places is to me a little mind boggling!”

– Michael Reed, Astrophysicist

Yellow graphic overlay created by Earthfiles viewer Steve McMath based on Michael Reed interview and drawing below in this Earthfiles report.
Yellow graphic overlay created by Earthfiles viewer Steve McMath based on Michael Reed interview and drawing below in this Earthfiles report.
Barbury Castle barley crop formation near Wroughton, Wiltshire, U. K., reported June 1, 2008, 300 feet in diameter. Aerial image © 2008 by Lucy Pringle.
Barbury Castle barley crop formation near Wroughton, Wiltshire, U. K., reported June 1, 2008, 300 feet in diameter. Aerial image © 2008 by Lucy Pringle.

June 8, 2008  Timberlake, North Carolina - On June 7, 2008, I received the following email from a man who retired from an astrophysics career and is now a semi-retired technology consultant for electronic and electro-optics industries living in Timberlake, North Carolina. Mike Reed once worked at the University of Arizona in Tucson on the Multi-Mirror Telescope (MMT) at Mt. Hopkins, a joint venture with the Harvard Smithsonian Observatory. He had been studying the June 1, 2008, formation in barley at Barbury Castle.


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Updated: Mysterious Crash Near Needles, California

“When it came down, that’s how I saw the shape of it – by the turquoise-blue fire that was in front of it that showed the oval shape.”

- R. B.

Needles, California, is the larger red circle; Topock, Arizona, is the smaller red circle.
Needles, California, is the larger red circle; Topock, Arizona, is the smaller red circle.
KTOX 1340 AM Radio, Needles, California. Owner and General Manager is David Hayes. Frank Costigan, who is retired from airport police and operations management, does special news reports for KTOX. David Hayes has known “R. B.,” the Colorado River houseboat residence, for some time. Image courtesy KTOX Radio.
KTOX 1340 AM Radio, Needles, California. Owner and General Manager is David Hayes. Frank Costigan, who is retired from airport police and operations management, does special news reports for KTOX. David Hayes has known “R. B.,” the Colorado River houseboat residence, for some time. Image courtesy KTOX Radio.

Updates June 8, 2008:

National UFO Reporting Center Sighting Report
Occurred : 4/17/2002 03:30 (Entered as : 04/17/02 03:30)
Reported: 4/28/2002 6:29:44 PM
Posted: 3/11/2003
Location: Needles, CA
Shape: Circle
Duration: 10 seconds

“I was driving west on -I40, west of Needles, CA. about 3:30 am. There were many semi- trucks on the road who probably saw this, too. It is a very desolate desert area


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Updated: Aerial Ring with Antennas in Southern Ohio Forest and Downtown Chicago Dragonfly Drone Sighting

“I don’t know where the ring with the antenna appendages was from. I definitely do not believe it was manmade. There’s a lot of stuff out there that I know can be manmade, but this was not. This was completely

– Cincinnati Drone Eyewitness

Computer 3-D recreation © 2008 by Andy Carolan Illustration and Design, U. K.
Computer 3-D recreation © 2008 by Andy Carolan Illustration and Design, U. K.
 Click here for Earthfiles podcast.
Click here for Earthfiles podcast.

“I saw it for about a full 2 minutes before it ‘sparkled’ and de-materialized right before it turned the corner. I couldn't believe what I saw!” 

- Chicago Drone Eyewitness

Red circles are the 15 regions know in United States to date in which 21 eyewitnesses have reported seeing a wingless aerial craft with antenna appendages hovering and moving like a dragonfly, spanning 21 years from 1987 to 2008. Map © 2008 by Earthfiles.
Red circles are the 15 regions know in United States to date in which 21 eyewitnesses have reported seeing a wingless aerial craft with antenna appendages hovering and moving like a dragonfly, spanning 21 years from 1987 to 2008. Map © 2008 by Earthfiles.


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Phoenix Robotic Arm Preparing to Dig Into Martian Permafrost

“We are not looking for live microbes on this Phoenix instrument suite.
We would not detect them. What we are looking for are the organic compounds that might be the food that could create life, either in the past or some time in the future.”

- Barry Goldstein, Phoenix Project Manager, JPL

Phoenix Mars Lander footpad after landing at 4:53 p.m. Pacific, Sunday, May 25, 2008. Image credit:  NASA; JPL; Cal Tech; University of Arizona.
Phoenix Mars Lander footpad after landing at 4:53 p.m. Pacific, Sunday, May 25, 2008. Image credit:  NASA; JPL; Cal Tech; University of Arizona.

May 29, 2008  Pasadena, California -  On Sunday, May 25, 2008, at about 4:53 p.m. Pacific time, NASA and JPL’s Mars Phoenix Lander reached the North Pole of Mars with only minor glitches. First, the sleeve on its robotic arm designed to dig into the Martian permafrost wasn’t completely off, but corrected itself later on. Then the UHF radio signal from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter satellite suddenly and mysteriously shut off. Scientists are depending on the MRO radio to communicate with the Phoenix Lander. The radio silence, fortunately, was temporary and only delayed for a day the GO! signal to slowly start the deployment of the Phoenix robotic explorer and its digging arm. In a press conference on Tuesday, May 27th, Phoenix mission officials showed a Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter photograph of the Phoenix hanging from its parachute as it drifted down about 12 miles in front of a North Pole Crater.


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Pregnant Cow Mutilation in Stockholm, Saskatchewan, Canada

“We had the bedroom window open that night (April 30, 2008) and there was no barking from our pit bull and basset hounds. We found that quite strange.”

- Heather Harris, Stockholm Farmer

May 22, 2008  Stockholm, Saskatchewan, Canada - There has been yet another cattle mutilation in Saskatchewan, Canada, found on May 1, 2008. This time it’s a 2-year-old pregnant cow on a farm about 5 miles from Stockholm, a ranching community of about 500 residents not far from Esterhazy and the Manitoba border. Straight west is the large Saskatchewan city of Regina.


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High Strangeness in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

“I think they need to create a new hybrid race, which is part them and part us that perhaps is going to help them regenerate their own race.”

- Corina Saebels, Author, The Collectors

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, is about two hours north of Spokane, Washington.  Okanagan Lake is about 90 miles long and is famous for reports of an “Ogopogo” creature similar to the Loch Ness monster in Scotland.
Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, is about two hours north of Spokane, Washington.  Okanagan Lake is about 90 miles long and is famous for reports of an “Ogopogo” creature similar to the Loch Ness monster in Scotland.

May 19, 2008  Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada  - This past week I have been in the Okanagan Lake region of British Columbia, Canada, about two hours north of Spokane, Washington. Okanagan Lake runs north and south for 90 miles and is famous in Canada as one of the warmest and driest regions where grape vineyards, fruit trees and all kinds of berries grow. Okanagan Lake itself is famous for high strangeness. The Native American Indians said there was an “Ogopogo” in the lake, which translates as “lake monster.” No one has produced public photographs of the creature, but alleged eyewitnesses have sketched three or four snake-like loops breaking the water that look very similar to the Loch Ness monster illustrations in Scotland.


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Dragonfly Drones – Surveillance Technology?

“It looked like the appendage that was facing me rotated ... like the appendages rotated and the ring stayed still almost.”

- Brent Yearout, Camas, Washington

Airbrushed sketches on torn, black work board of strange aerial craft seen from the side by Brent Yearout (brighter white object) and from underneath by his friend, Tim, (top center ring with appendages) on June 7, 2007, in Camas, Washington. Airbrushed images © 2007 by Brent Yearout.
Airbrushed sketches on torn, black work board of strange aerial craft seen from the side by Brent Yearout (brighter white object) and from underneath by his friend, Tim, (top center ring with appendages) on June 7, 2007, in Camas, Washington. Airbrushed images © 2007 by Brent Yearout.

Click here for Earthfiles podcast. Airbrushed sketches on torn, black work board of strange aerial craft seen from the side by Brent Yearout (brighter white object) and from underneath by his friend, Tim, (top center ring with appendages) on June 7, 2007, in Camas, Washington. Airbrushed images © 2007 by Brent Yearout.Click here for Earthfiles podcast.

May 9, 2008  Camas, Washington -  A year ago on May 4, 2007, Coast to Coast AM webmaster, Lex, received an email from a Central California resident who called himself “Chad” about his photographing an odd, dragonfly-shaped, aerial object. In an email a week later, Chad sent some of his photographs dated May 6, 2007. [ See: 051507 Earthfiles for photos.] In addition to the dragonfly-shaped body that had appendages sticking out from a large ring, there was another odd feature. Rising from the ring straight up into the air were slightly curved, thin wires that formed a tall, circular crown above the dragonfly body. Chad was worried about his family's safety and health after he saw the bizarre aerial object at least eight times from his house and on hikes near his home and heard a low, electrostatic hum coming from it. Neighbors, he said, had also seen the unidentified aerial object.


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