Part 1: Growing Concern about Electromagnetic Pollution and Cell Phones


“Electromagnetic fields generated by cell phones
should be considered a potential human health risk.”

- Ronald Herberman, M. D., Dir., Univ. of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute

Left: microwave cell site tower in the Philippines. Middle: two cell sites on a single mast tower.  Right:  “Camouflaged” monopole microwave tower called a monopalm,  located in Tucson, Arizona. As of September 3, 2008, there are now 1,947,083 microwave towers and antennas in the United States. Images by Wikipedia.
Left: microwave cell site tower in the Philippines. Middle: two cell sites on a single mast tower. Right: “Camouflaged” monopole microwave tower called a monopalm, located in Tucson, Arizona. As of September 3, 2008, there are now 1,947,083 microwave towers and antennas in the United States. Images by Wikipedia.
Cell phone next to right ear is focusing microwaves on man's head. Image © 2006 by AP.
Cell phone next to right ear is focusing microwaves on man's head. Image © 2006 by AP.

September 5, 2008  Tucson, Arizona -  “You cannot see it, taste it or smell it, but it is one of the most pervasive environmental exposures in industrialized countries today. Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) or electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are the terms that broadly describe exposures created by the vast array of wired and wireless technologies that have altered the landscape of our lives in countless beneficial ways. However, these technologies were designed to maximize energy efficiency and convenience – but not with biological effects on people in mind. Based on new studies, there is growing evidence among scientists and the public about possible health risks associated with these technologies.”


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Part 2: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“At the end of the non-human autopsy film, it said that the brain was different than ours and the internal organs were entirely different.”

- “Stein,” Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst

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September 2, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico -

Phone Interview # 2 -
May 25, 1998, Stein Received Phone Warning -
After Apparent Phone Tap

Stein was retired and living in the southeastern United States. I was living and working in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He and I had talked by phone for the first times on May 2 and May 7, 1998. To his surprise, on Monday, May 25, 1988, he received a phone call from a male voice who did not introduce himself and did not address Stein by name, but who warned Stein not to talk about an “assassination squad” based in the southeastern military base where the CIA Project Blue Book analysis of UFO photographs and film was also carried out. The clear implication was that one or both of our phones were tapped.


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Honey Bees Not Healthy in U. S. or U. K.

“We’re very close to the breaking point of what’s enough and what’s not enough. Honey bees are not healthy.”

- Jerry Hayes, President, Apiary Inspectors of America

“Our lawsuit is to uncover critical information that the U. S. government is withholding about the risks posed by nicotine-based pesticides to honey bees. EPA should be evaluating the risks to bees before approving new pesticides, but now refuses to tell the public what it knows.”

- Aaron Colangelo, NRDC Sr. Attorney


Western honey bees, or European honey bees (Apis mellifera), are still weak, unhealthy and continue to disappear in massive numbers since Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) was identified in the fall of 2006. At least one-third of all the commercial honey bee colonies in the United States and United Kingdom have collapsed as of 2008. There might not be enough pollinators for the 2009 season, forcing food growers to seek out other pollinators in Australia, Argentina and perhaps even the Africanized bees based in Mexico that have spread north into the southern United States. Honey bee image © 2007 by Matt Cardy/Getty.
Western honey bees, or European honey bees (Apis mellifera), are still weak, unhealthy and continue to disappear in massive numbers since Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) was identified in the fall of 2006. At least one-third of all the commercial honey bee colonies in the United States and United Kingdom have collapsed as of 2008. There might not be enough pollinators for the 2009 season, forcing food growers to seek out other pollinators in Australia, Argentina and perhaps even the Africanized bees based in Mexico that have spread north into the southern United States. Honey bee image © 2007 by Matt Cardy/Getty.

August 31, 2008  Gainesville, Florida - It was 18 months ago in February 2007 at Earthfiles that I reported my first interviews with Penn State and University of Pennsylvania scientists about honey bee disappearances that came to be known as “Colony Collapse Disorder,” or CCD. [ See:  022307 Earthfiles.] I also interviewed David Hackenberg, a beekeeper from Pennsylvania, about his massive disappearance of honey bees. That fall of 2006, Dave Hackenberg lost 60% of his bee colonies; in 2007 he lost 80% of his bees and went into debt to stay in business. He told me, “I am trying to stay as far away from all those nicotine-based chemicals as I can.” He had become convinced that those pesticides (such as Imidicloprid and Clothianidin) were the main problem in the disappearance of his bees.


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Still No Sunspot Action on the Sun

“I am surprised that if it’s going to be big solar cycle 24, it’s taking this long for sunspots to get started.”

- David Hathaway, Ph.D., Solar Physics Team Leader,
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama


No sunspots on sun, August 28, 2008, and the sun has been going spotless for weeks at a time. The minimum of solar cycle 23 was 1996 and NASA says solar cycle 24 began on December 11, 2007 (see images below). Image courtesy SOHO.
No sunspots on sun, August 28, 2008, and the sun has been going spotless for weeks at a time. The minimum of solar cycle 23 was 1996 and NASA says solar cycle 24 began on December 11, 2007 (see images below). Image courtesy SOHO.
On left, is Extreme UV-wavelength image of the sun and on right, a B&W magnetogram showing positive (white) and negative (black)  magnetic polarities. On December 11, 2007, this new high-latitude active solar region was magnetically reversed from sunspot magnetic directions in the previous Solar Cycle 23. So, this new sunspot officially marks the beginning of Solar Cycle 24.  Images courtesy SOHO/NASA/ESA.
On left, is Extreme UV-wavelength image of the sun and on right, a B&W magnetogram showing positive (white) and negative (black)  magnetic polarities. On December 11, 2007, this new high-latitude active solar region was magnetically reversed from sunspot magnetic directions in the previous Solar Cycle 23. So, this new sunspot officially marks the beginning of Solar Cycle 24.  Images courtesy SOHO/NASA/ESA.

August 29, 2008  Huntsville, Alabama - On July 11, 2008, NASA headlined one of its press releases as, “What's Wrong with the Sun? (Nothing).” The featured scientist in the news release was solar physicist David Hathaway, Ph.D., Solar Physics Team Leader, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Dr. Hathaway received his Ph.D. in Astrophysics from the University of Colorado - Boulder in 1979.


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Part 1: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“In 1946-1947, the United States had a scientific mission to Antarctica under Admiral Byrd and we had military interaction there with aliens and their saucer craft, like a mini-war.
We lost all of our aircraft.”

- “Stein,” Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst

Original Earthfiles 20-part Interview with Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst based on 1998 transcripts first released by Linda Moulton Howe beginning August 27, 2008,  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Ten years ago in April 1998, I received a phone call from a California resident who said he was an acquaintance of a man whose father-in-law had worked for the Central Intelligence Agency in the late 1950s and his work included E. T. and UFO investigations. The caller thought I should talk with the son-in-law to see if  I could speak with the then 62-year-old father-in-law living in the southeastern United States whose health was deteriorating.


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Updated: Earthfiles Viewer Comments About UFOs and 14th Century Black Death

“At the time of the Black Death a young man, Teitur, and a young woman, Sigga, ... saw a dense fog lying like a carpet over the whole area.  ... they found that everyone was dead.”

- Icelandic lore


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Update August 26, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico -

Updated with Earthfiles viewer letter and images:

1)  Subject: UFOs and 14th Century Black Death
Date: August 26, 2008
To: [email protected]

“I thoroughly enjoyed the interview with William Bramley, and The Gods of Eden is one of my all time favorite books.

The part about the black death reminded me of my honeymoon... No really! My wife and I went to Italy, and while there visited the Mediaeval town of Orvieto. Orvieto is noted for its Gothic cathedral, or duomo. The duomo was built starting in 1290. On the ceiling is a very dramatic fresco done in 1451 by Luca Signorelli called ‘The Rule of the Antichrist.’ The two things that struck me in this painting were a battle in the sky between two beings (probably God and Satan?) complete with beams of energy, and on the right a bunch of beings dressed completely in black, like Ninjas, with long black staffs! They seem to be gathering up the town’s people and searching a temple of some kind. This really struck me as an actual event that was captured in the fresco, more than iconography. And the figures in black with the staffs reminded me of the reports in the Black Death.


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UFOs and 14th Century Black Death

“People were reporting ‘comets.’ But they were clearly not comets from the descriptions. People were reporting bright flying objects and said the aerial objects were spraying gas, which they called ‘mists’ that caused the Black Death.”

- William Bramley, Atty., The Gods of Eden

The classic sign of the 14th Century bubonic plague was the appearance of buboes shown in illustration, which are swollen lymph nodes in the groin, the neck and armpits that oozed pus and bled. Most victims died within four to seven days after infection. Illustration of the Black Death from the Toggenburg Bible in 1411.
The classic sign of the 14th Century bubonic plague was the appearance of buboes shown in illustration, which are swollen lymph nodes in the groin, the neck and armpits that oozed pus and bled. Most victims died within four to seven days after infection. Illustration of the Black Death from the Toggenburg Bible in 1411.

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August 22, 2008  Modesto, California - Every once in awhile, there is a book that grabs the mind as revelation. In my life, one such book is The Gods of Eden by William Bramley, first published in 1989. William Bramley was then 36-years-old, an older student in law school at Santa Clara University in California. Between high school graduation and law school, he had gotten a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology because he was always fascinated by the political and war dynamics of human societies. But he needed to earn a practical living for his family and worked in hotel management for fifteen years. Finally, in his decision to go to law school, he also started a book about a question that had always troubled him: why does humanity war so much?


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Updated:  Bigfoot Body Not Found in Georgia?

Update August 19, 2008: Press release from Steve Kulls, to Fox News:

“Good afternoon. I am Steve Kulls Executive Director of and Host of Squatchdetective Radio. I am here with Bob Schmalzbach, Vice President of Searching for Bigfoot, Inc. I had been invited to be a witness of the thawing of the alleged Bigfoot Body by the Searching for Bigfoot team. As an independent researcher, it has been's goal to obtain proof positive in all cases when either trying to substantiate a claim or debunk it, so as there is no question to the matter's certainty. Having worked in the past, with Searching for Bigfoot, Inc., I understand that it has always been their corporate goal, “to tell it like they see it, as it happens, and when it happens”. In my organization's limited involvement with Searching For Bigfoot, Inc. it is and has been the goal of both organizations to obtain the truth in this and all matters.


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Amphibian Warning Bell of Mass Extinctions

“Amphibians are an ancient organism, which has survived past extinctions, and is telling us that something is wrong right now (on Earth). The question is whether we humans will listen before it's too late.”

- Vance Vredenburg, Ph.D., Biology, San Francisco State

Already steeply in decline, the critically endangered yellow-legged frogs died at Sixty Lake Basin in California in August 2006. Their killer is the Chytrid fungus (Chytridiomycosis) which has devastated amphibian populations from California to Panama to Brazil to Australia over the past decade. Image courtesy David Wake, Ph.D. and Vance Vredenburg, Ph.D., co-authors of August 12, 2008, report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Already steeply in decline, the critically endangered yellow-legged frogs died at Sixty Lake Basin in California in August 2006. Their killer is the Chytrid fungus (Chytridiomycosis) which has devastated amphibian populations from California to Panama to Brazil to Australia over the past decade. Image courtesy David Wake, Ph.D. and Vance Vredenburg, Ph.D., co-authors of August 12, 2008, report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

August 15, 2008  Berkeley, California - Frogs, toads, salamanders, newts and caecilians – all amphibians – are among the oldest creatures on Earth. Amphibians have survived the last four of five mass extinctions on this planet.


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Part 2:  Rise of Fourth Reich -Where Is Nazi Die Glocke?

“The (Nazi) Bell was said to be extremely dangerous, causing illness, mutation and death in animal and possibly human subjects. One of Nick Cook's scientist contacts in The Hunt for Zero Point even went so far as to claim that The Bell was a torsion field generator and that the SS scientists were attempting to build some sort of time machine with it.”

- Wikipedia


The Rise of the Fourth Reich © 2008 by Jim Marrs, published by William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.
The Rise of the Fourth Reich © 2008 by Jim Marrs, published by William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.
Nazi Third Reich flag.
Nazi Third Reich flag.

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August 12, 2008  Wise County, Texas - Robert Dale Arndt Jr. wrote Disc Aircraft of the Third Reich (1922-1945 and Beyond), © 2005 by Ice Reich Productions. Arndt says the 1945 Nazi Die Glocke, or Bell, “represented something at the very pinnacle of SS General Hans Kammler's occult and super-secret SS ‘wonder weapons’ empire.” In this Earthfiles report, the phrase Die Glocke is used as a general name for all the series of round, aerial machines associated with German SS research before and during World War II, including the Bell, Vril and Haunebu.


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