NRDC Sues EPA for Honey Bee Lab Data and EPA Approves Another Bee-Killing Pesticide

“Sometimes in combination, multiple pesticides are many times more toxic than either one would be individually ...A chemical combination can be 1,000 times more toxic than each of the individual pesticides.”

- Aaron Colangelo, Sr. Attorney, NRDC


September 25, 2008  Washington, D. C. - For two years, honey bees have been dying and disappearing in massive numbers throughout North America, Europe and spreading to other parts of the world. Half of Italy’s bee population died in 2007 and in September 2008, the Italian government issued a ban on four nicotine-based pesticides linked to honey bee deaths, including clothianidin and imidacloprid. Argentina has lost more than 30% of its bees and the  British Beekeepers Association reports that one-third of English honey bee hives did not survive through this past spring. The Association says if colony collapse disorder continues, “honey bees will disappear completely from Britain by 2018, causing calamitous economic and environmental problems.”


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Part 2: Growing Concern about Electromagnetic Pollution and Cell Phones.

“Cell phones could cause harmful effects due to the proximity of the phones and the exposure that they are causing to the gonads (affecting sperm).”

- Ashok Agarwal, M. D., Cleveland Clinic


Sperm cells under microscope. Source Thphys.physics.
Sperm cells under microscope.
Source Thphys.physics.

Cell Phone Use Linked to Male Infertility
Hands-Free Calls May Expose Sperm to Radiation
By Denise Mann

“Sept. 19, 2008 -- Men, beware: Using a hands-free device with a cell phone may affect your fertility if you keep your phone close to your testicles, Cleveland Clinic researchers warn in the journal Fertility and Sterility.

Men who use these hands-free devices tend to carry their cell phones in their pants pocket or clipped to their belts at the waist while in talk mode. As a result, they may be exposing their testicles to damaging radio frequency electromagnetic waves, explains Ashok Agarwal, Ph.D., head of the Andrology Laboratory and the Director of the Center for Reproductive Medicine at the Glickman Urologoical and Kidney Institute at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.

‘The Bluetooth devices, which many people are using these days because of health or safety concerns, may not be always so safe. There is a downside,’ he says.

Cell Phone Radiation Affects Sperm Quality
To arrive at their findings, researchers collected semen samples from 32 men and divided each man's sample into two parts. They placed half of the semen samples 2.5 centimeters away from a 850 MHz frequency cell phone in talk mode for one hour. Most cell phones used in the U.S. are 850-900 MHz. They chose this distance because it is the typical distance between the testes and the trouser pockets.”

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September 25, 2008  Washington, D. C. - On September 19, 2008, the published research of Ashok Agarwal, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Reproductive Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio made national and international headlines. This was Dr. Agarwal's second study of cell phone radiation on sperm and he reported: “On average, there was an 85% increase in the amount of free radicals for all the subjects in the study. Free radicals have been linked to decreased sperm quality in previous studies.” In another study, Dr. Agarwal found that 361 men who used their cell phones more than four hours a day had significantly lower sperm quality than those who used their cell phones for less time.


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Part 5: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“I’m sure the CIA would have killed me to prevent my getting out and talking about the classified UFO stuff. We had 26 people to start with in that CIA Project Blue Book and I was the only one that survived and got out because my boss helped me with the phony body cover.”

- “Stein,” Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst


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September 24, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The following transcript is from the third taped interview I did by phone with Stein a day after I played excerpts from the previous two recordings with Stein's permission on Dreamland hosted by Art Bell. Since Stein had been warned that his or my or both of our phones were tapped, I called to check about any repercussions from the radio program. He said no one had called him at that point. I also asked him if he could send me copies of his Army Signal Corps discharge records from 1956 to 1960.


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AH-1W SuperCobra Helicopters and Glowing Sphere

“One second, the glowing sphere was between the two Cobras; the next it was moving vertical with out any sort of turn, and it started making amazing, impossible 90-degree turns in the air, which is something I know no sort of aircraft can do at those speeds.”

- U. S. Marine, Camp Lejeune, NC


September 23, 2008  Camp Lejeune, Jacksonville, North Carolina - Recently I received an email from a U. S. Marine stationed at Camp Lejeune, near Jacksonville, North Carolina.


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Solar Wind Pressure Lowest in 50 Years

“The entire sun is blowing solar wind significantly less harder, about 20% to 25% less harder and 13% lower temperature, than it was during the previous solar minimum a decade ago. ...Over the entire record of solar wind observations (about 50 years), this is the lowest prolonged pressure that we’ve ever observed.”

– Dave McComas, Ph.D., Solar Wind Principal Investigator, Ulysses


Sun depicted as bright white-yellow object on left blowing off electrons, protons and some heavy ions at nearly 1 million mph (400 kilometers/second) past the earth and out through the solar system. NASA's and ESA's Ulysses spacecraft has measured the pressure of the solar wind decreasing 20% to 25% since 1990. Implications for Earth and solar system are unclear. Graphic illustration by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
Sun depicted as bright white-yellow object on left blowing off electrons, protons and some heavy ions at nearly 1 million mph (400 kilometers/second) past the earth and out through the solar system. NASA's and ESA's Ulysses spacecraft has measured the pressure of the solar wind decreasing 20% to 25% since 1990. Implications for Earth and solar system are unclear. Graphic illustration by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

September 23, 2008  Pasadena, California - NASA produced a media teleconference today with Ulysses spacecraft scientists to announce, “The entire sun is blowing significantly less hard, about 20% to 25% less hard, than it was during the previous solar minimum a decade ago and its solar wind temperature has lowered 13%.” Ulysses is the first spacecraft from Earth to orbit around the poles of the sun. Since its launch on October 6, 1990, from the Space Shuttle Discovery (mission STS-41) as a joint venture of NASA and the European Space Agency, Ulysses has completed almost three orbits around the sun's poles that began with the 1990 solar minimum, included the 2000 solar maximum and is running out of heat and power as it nearly completes a third orbit during this 2008 solar minimum that has had a prolonged period without sunspots.


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With the September 15, 2008 “Economic 9/11,” Are We Facing Depression Like 1929?

“This is a classic Titanic situation in the sense that what we saw with the Fannie and Freddie bailouts and the Bear Stearns bailouts and now the AIG request for more than forty billion more dollars from the federal government – it’s just like the Titanic where the rich and affluent were given the lifeboats and the rest of the people went under from steerage. The rich and powerful are too big to fail; the rest of us are too small to save.”

- Gerald Celente, Editor and Publisher, The Trends Journal

“They (Republican Party) had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.”

- Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1936, quoted in The FDR Years © 1995 by William Leuchtenburg

  Crowd at New York's American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression that began in 1929. The bank opened in 1917, and went out of business on June 30, 1931. Image source Wikipedia.
Crowd at New York's American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression that began in 1929. The bank opened in 1917, and went out of business on June 30, 1931. Image source Wikipedia.    
Crowd at IndyMac Bank in Pasadena, California, on Friday, July 11, 2008, after the federal government took control in the second-largest bank failure in U. S. history. Financial experts predicted at least 50 to 100 bank failures in the United States after IndyMac Bank.
Crowd at IndyMac Bank in Pasadena, California, on Friday, July 11, 2008, after the federal government took control in the second-largest bank failure in U. S. history. Financial experts predicted at least 50 to 100 bank failures in the United States after IndyMac Bank.

Updated 11:00 PM EDT September 17, 2008 - Dow closed 450 down today in continuing “Economic 9/11,” after Feds loan AIG $85 billion and oil and metals spiked upward. “Right now, citizens don't trust banks and bankers don't trust other bankers. The financial system is freezing up,” said a CNBC Business Network analyst.

Investors also considered a report on new home construction that showed that housing starts dipped to a 17-year low. Further, the FDIC website lists 11 bank failures in 2008 since April, the latest being Silver State Bank in Henderson, Nevada, on September 5, 2008. The Pasadena, California, IndyMac Bank FDIC takeover on July 11, 2008, was the second largest bank failure in American history.


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Part 2: Getting Close to the “Big Bang” Inside Large Hadron Collider?

“The discovery of Higgs boson particles would be the discovery
of a new force of Nature and the first one we will have seen in over a century.”

- Joseph Lykken, Ph.D., Fermi Lab Particle Physicist


Looking straight down a segment of the 17-mile-long circular  Large Hadron Collider accelerator. Image courtesy CERN LHC.
Looking straight down a segment of the 17-mile-long circular Large Hadron Collider accelerator. Image courtesy CERN LHC.
 This computer-generated image shows the location of the 17-mile-long (27 km)  Large Hadron Collider (LHC) tunnel (in blue) about 300 feet down on the Swiss-France border. The four main experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb) are located in underground caverns  connected to the surface by 50 meter to 150 meter pits. Part of the pre-acceleration  chain is shown in grey. Illustration courtesy CERN LHC.
This computer-generated image shows the location of the 17-mile-long (27 km) Large Hadron Collider (LHC) tunnel (in blue) about 300 feet down on the Swiss-France border. The four main experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb) are located in underground caverns connected to the surface by 50 meter to 150 meter pits. Part of the pre-acceleration chain is shown in grey. Illustration courtesy CERN LHC.

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September 9, 2008  Batavia, Illinois -

Composition of Universe  ­     .4% glowing matter such as stars.­   3.6% “normal” matter as we know it in planets and stars.­ 22.0% cold, invisible “dark matter” detectable only by its gravitational influence on normal matter.­ 74.0% invisible “dark energy.”


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Part 3: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“The whole craft was like an electronic circuit and the aliens had to be inside the craft with headbands on and their fingertips in control panels in order to complete the electronic circuit to make it fly.”

- “Stein,” Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst

Panels with depressions of six-fingered handprints allegedly found with six-fingered humanoids in May 31 to June 2, 1947, recovery operation at crash site southwest of Socorro, New Mexico. Linda Moulton Howe was given the date of May 31, 1947, between Aragon, New Mexico, and Elk Mountain at the western end of the Plains of San Agustin, as the disc crash site where 6-fingered and 6-toed extraterrestrial biological entities were retrieved and autopsied at either Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, or the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Photograph from 16mm film © 1996 by Orbital Media Ltd.
Panels with depressions of six-fingered handprints allegedly found with six-fingered humanoids in May 31 to June 2, 1947, recovery operation at crash site southwest of Socorro, New Mexico. Linda Moulton Howe was given the date of May 31, 1947, between Aragon, New Mexico, and Elk Mountain at the western end of the Plains of San Agustin, as the disc crash site where 6-fingered and 6-toed extraterrestrial biological entities were retrieved and autopsied at either Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, or the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Photograph from 16mm film © 1996 by Orbital Media Ltd.

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September 7, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico -

Phone Interview # 2 (cont.)
May 30, 1998

Area 51 Groom Lake, Nevada - CIA Meeting

But when I went to Area 51 with my boss in 1958, I did see another type of being that had the great big eyes and little, pointed chin, that has since been called a ‘Grey.’


We were out there at Area 51 for a meeting of all the CIA people around this country and from the Far East. The meeting was related to the CIA Project Blue Book and they wanted the meeting at Area 51. There were only five of us involved directly with Project Blue Book who went from our southeastern military base. They had meetings a little base the USAF had there.


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