More Strange Aerial Lights Seen Over Stephenville and Dublin, Texas

“Accounts started trickling in on Tuesday, October 21. But on Thursday and Friday, October 23 and 24, they poured in, with dozens of people claiming to see unexplainable lights across the Erath County area.”

- Stephenville Empire-Tribune


Cropped cell phone image showing two of three strange lights (middle reddish and top white), first lined up horizontally and then rotated counterclockwise to a vertical line above Henderson Junior High football field (bottom two stadium lights). Cell phone image taken on Thursday, October 23, 2008, 8:34 PM Central, from parking lot of Gilbert Intermediate School on Frey Street near Henderson in Stephenville, Texas. Image © 2008 by Brent Chambers.
Cropped cell phone image showing two of three strange lights (middle reddish and top white), first lined up horizontally and then rotated counterclockwise to a vertical line above Henderson Junior High football field (bottom two stadium lights). Cell phone image taken on Thursday, October 23, 2008, 8:34 PM Central, from parking lot of Gilbert Intermediate School on Frey Street near Henderson in Stephenville, Texas. Image © 2008 by Brent Chambers.
A triangle of three small towns (central green circles) southwest of Fort Worth begins with Stephenville, the county seat of Erath County, Texas, population about 15,000. Dublin is about eight miles southwest and has a population of 3,754. Straight east of Dublin about ten miles is Selden with a full time population of about seven. Brownwood in lower left is about 33 miles southwest of Dublin and in the flight path of jets traveling to and from the Brownwood Military Operation Area (MOA) .
A triangle of three small towns (central green circles) southwest of Fort Worth begins with Stephenville, the county seat of Erath County, Texas, population about 15,000. Dublin is about eight miles southwest and has a population of 3,754. Straight east of Dublin about ten miles is Selden with a full time population of about seven. Brownwood in lower left is about 33 miles southwest of Dublin and in the flight path of jets traveling to and from the Brownwood Military Operation Area (MOA) .

October 28, 2008  Stephenville, Texas - On Tuesday night, October 21, 2008, around 8:30 PM, Sherry Sechrist and her family noticed lights in the sky. Using her cell phone, Sherry snapped a few still images, while her mother shot some video on her cell phone. Sherry told Stephenville Empire-Tribune reporter, Whitney White-Ashley, that “the lights would flash and move up and down and side-to-side. She could hear jets buzzing around the lights, but doesn't think the jets produced the lights. ‘I'd like to know what goes in reverse,’ Sechrist said. ‘The lights would fly over and then they would stay still.’”


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Other Eyewitnesses of “Thunderbirds”

“The wings of the ‘small plane’ began to flap and I realized it was a bird.”

- Union City, Tennessee, resident

 Mesopotamian stone carving depicts Anzu, Sumerian Bird-Man, with large wings, interacting with Tree of Life. Source:  Sumerian Gods and Goddesses.
Mesopotamian stone carving depicts Anzu, Sumerian Bird-Man, with large wings, interacting with Tree of Life. Source:  Sumerian Gods and Goddesses.

October 25, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Since my October 23, 2008, news updates on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory about “Thunderbird” reports in western Pennsylvania gathered by UFO investigator and cryptozoologist Stan Gordon, I have received the following email reports about alleged large sky creatures.


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Rapidly Changing Earth

“The Hadley Computer Lab Center in Britain’s Meteorological Office
warned in October that unless global greenhouse gas emissions start reducing 3% a year beginning in 2010, the average global mean temperature of Earth will rise by at least 4 degrees Fahrenheit over the next 90 years - 4 times the rate of global warming in the 20th Century.”


Summer ice melt in Arctic has accelerated as fall temperatures broke all record highs - averaging 5 degrees Celcius (9 degrees Fahrenheit) above normal. Image courtesy NOAA.
Summer ice melt in Arctic has accelerated as fall temperatures broke all record highs - averaging 5 degrees Celcius (9 degrees Fahrenheit) above normal. Image courtesy NOAA.

October 24, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico - In October, scientists reported that the fall temperatures in the Arctic broke all record highs – averaging 5 degrees Celcius above normal, which is 9 degrees Fahrenheit above normal! All that Arctic warming has caused the highest sea level rise on record. It doesn’t seem like a big number – only .254 centimeters a year – but it still means Arctic waters are rising as more and more ice melts from the warmer and warmer Arctic temperatures.


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After Wall Street Bailout, Is Main Street Headed for Depression?

“This Wall Street bailout is really taxation without representation.”

- Gerald Celente, Editor and Publisher, The Trends Journal

October 16, 2008, The Albuquerque Journal, Front Page Headline after Dow plunged 733 points “on stream of disheartening economic data” released on October 16, 2008.
October 16, 2008, The Albuquerque Journal, Front Page Headline after Dow plunged 733 points “on stream of disheartening economic data” released on October 16, 2008.
October 16, 2008, The Albuquerque Journal, Front Page of Business Outlook after government report confirmed September 2008 retail sales were down 1.2% - almost double expectations.
October 16, 2008, The Albuquerque Journal, Front Page of Business Outlook after government report confirmed September 2008 retail sales were down 1.2% - almost double expectations.
October 17, 2008, America's Money Crisis.
October 17, 2008, America's Money Crisis.
October 17, 2008, Associated Press.
October 17, 2008, Associated Press.
October 17, 2008, America's Money Crisis.
October 17, 2008, America's Money Crisis.

October 17, 2008  Rhinebeck, New York - The American government bought $250 billion in ownership of United States banks this week of October 13th. The week before, it authorized nearly a trillion dollars to bail out Wall Street that included even saving the world’s largest insurance company, A. I. G.


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Part 2:  Pennsylvania High Strangeness – “Thunderbird” Sightings

“The huge flying creature had a long beak and pointed head that swept back from the beak. ...The wings appeared to be a membrane stretched over bone.”

 - May 2008 eyewitness south of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pteranodon, Greek for “wing” and “toothless,” was a flying reptile from the Late Cretaceous 89.3 to 70.6 million years ago, ranging in North America over Kansas, Alabama, Nebraska, Wyoming, and South Dakota. The Pteranodon was one of the largest pterosaur genera, with a wingspan of 30 feet (9 meters). Illustration © 1996 by Joe Tucciarone and Jeff Poling.
Pteranodon, Greek for “wing” and “toothless,” was a flying reptile from the Late Cretaceous 89.3 to 70.6 million years ago, ranging in North America over Kansas, Alabama, Nebraska, Wyoming, and South Dakota. The Pteranodon was one of the largest pterosaur genera, with a wingspan of 30 feet (9 meters). Illustration © 1996 by Joe Tucciarone and Jeff Poling.

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October 12, 2008  Greensburg, Pennsylvania - Six years ago in October 2002, Earthfiles reported “What Is the Huge Bird Flying Over Manokotak, Alaska?” [ See:  102102 Earthfiles.]  Several dozen Manokotak and Dillingham, Alaska, residents and local pilots reported a very large, dark-colored bird soaring in the sky with a wing span estimated up to 14 feet. Could it have been an unusually large Andean or California Condor? Their wingspreads average up to 9 to 10 ft.


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Part 1:  Pennsylvania High Strangeness – Hunters Encountered Strange Lights and Lime Green, Glowing Humanoid on Oct. 4    

“The humanoid-shaped being looked like the silhouette of a person, but was glowing a light, lime green color.”

- Stan Gordon, Pennsylvania UFO Investigator

About 60 miles northwest as the crow flies from State College, Pennsylvania, is the Clarion River Lake forest region of Elk County. There around 4:45 AM on Saturday, October 4, 2008, two hunters encountered strange lights and a lime green, glowing humanoid “gliding” over a grassy clearing.
About 60 miles northwest as the crow flies from State College, Pennsylvania, is the Clarion River Lake forest region of Elk County. There around 4:45 AM on Saturday, October 4, 2008, two hunters encountered strange lights and a lime green, glowing humanoid “gliding” over a grassy clearing.

October 10, 2008  Elk County, Pennsylvania - Western Pennsylvania has long been haunted by the mysterious phenomena of Bigfoot, large, black panthers, unidentified aerial craft in the skies and non-human beings on the ground – including most recently a lime green, glowing humanoid. Early Saturday morning October 4, 2008, two hunters were in the Clarion River Lake forest region of Elk County, Pennsylvania, about 60 miles northwest of State College. The sun was not up.  One hunter had on a hat light and the other hunter had on a Mini-Mag light. Out of the darkness ahead appeared two greenish-blue lights. Over the next five minutes, the hunters were stunned by what happened.


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Mother and Son Watched Cow Rise In Golden-Orange Beam to Disc.

“Paul Bennewitz wondered if the underground military governmental complex was hiding information in league with the bad E. T.s who mutilated animals and abducted the mother and son in the beam of light.”

- Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., Prof. Emeritus, Psychology


Colorado Grazing Association's mutilated cow found on July 26, 1977, with jaw stripped as thousands have been on cattle, horses, goats, sheep, deer and other animals around the world since the 1960s and before. Photograph by the Logan County Sheriff's Office, Sterling, Colorado.
Colorado Grazing Association's mutilated cow found on July 26, 1977, with jaw stripped as thousands have been on cattle, horses, goats, sheep, deer and other animals around the world since the 1960s and before. Photograph by the Logan County Sheriff's Office, Sterling, Colorado.

October 3, 2008  Laramie, Wyoming - My investigations of the worldwide bloodless animal deaths - that law enforcement has long called “mutilations” - began in September 1979, almost thirty years ago. I was Director of Special Projects in the Denver, Colorado, CBS affiliate, that was then KMGH-TV. For nine months, eighteen hours a day without stop, I tried to get to the bottom of what was causing the animal mutilation mystery. My greatest surprises were the law enforcement who told me they knew we were dealing with “creatures from outer space,” as they put it,  because of the aerial discs, beams of light and even non-human creatures encountered by eyewitnesses in pastures where mutilated animals were found.


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Part 6: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“We think the grey beings are friendly, but we are not sure.”

- “Col. Jim,” USAF, Area 51, Nellis AFB


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October 3, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The following transcript concludes my third taped phone interview with Stein on June 1, 1998. I asked him if he would try to add more details about his August 1958 trip with his CIA boss and three other CIA colleagues (secret Project Blue Book analysis group) to Nellis AFB, Area 51, Groom Lake, Nevada.


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Cross and “Bar Code” At Avebury Down Near Avebury, Wiltshire.

“The new cross in maize on September 28, 2008, appears at first glance to be authentic, and shows a ‘barcode signature’ off to one side.”

- Australian Scientist


Large cross pattern and “bar code” in upper left reported September 28, 2008, in maize (corn). Estimated length is 700 feet. Aerial image © 2008 by Tammi Paxman.
Large cross pattern and “bar code” in upper left reported September 28, 2008, in maize (corn). Estimated length is 700 feet. Aerial image © 2008 by Tammi Paxman.

October 1, 2008  Avebury, Wiltshire, England - received the following email report on September 28, 2008, about a new formation seen from the air at Avebury Down near the ancient stone circles of Avebury, Wiltshire.


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Half Cat and Other Animal Mutilations Around the World and East of Palm Springs, California

“The officer said it looked like a clean, bloodless cut across my cat's chest, right underneath her breast (through cat's spine).”

- Helen Cary, Bermuda Dunes, California


September 29, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico - There is one environmental assault I wish I never had to report about, but new cases are persistent. These are the bloodlessly mutilated cats, rabbits, dogs, horses, cows – and even kangaroos and koalas -  around the world. The following are only some of the unusual animal deaths since June 2008. There have also been several animal mutilation reports from Argentina and other South American regions and in the future, I will devote another Earthfiles to those South American cases.


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