Part 9: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“After the medical people cut off the top of the skull, you could see two brain hemispheres, but instead of having a solid brain like humans, it looked like a lot of branches. We called those aliens ‘branch brains.’”

- “Stein,” Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst


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November 19, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  My June 29, 1998, interview with Stein at his Florida home continues from Part 8. I asked him to go over the sequence of scenes as he remembered them in the non-human autopsy film screened by Stein's CIA boss, Anthony Barden, for the CIA's highly classified Project Blue Book group at the military base in the southeastern United States in July 1958.


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Part 4: Morphing UFO Over Levittown, PA – Scientific Research

“This seems to be physical evidence of very thin energy beams only 1/10th of a millimeter wide, probably of a microwave nature, that caused these straight line lesions in the leaves. ... I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

- Biophysicist W. C. Levengood

Arrow points to unusual reddish, thin, straight line on one of the sampled silver maple leaves exposed to the Levittown aerial object's glittery light energy. Image © 2008 by W. C. Levengood.
Arrow points to unusual reddish, thin, straight line on one of the sampled silver maple leaves exposed to the Levittown aerial object's glittery light energy. Image © 2008 by W. C. Levengood.
Left: Digital image of curved cylinder, or boomerang aerial object, that morphed into middle pink-colored disc. Right: The pink disc then flashed three oval, white lights on its bottom surface and “little squares of light” dropped like snow in the air around privet bush and silver maple tree, but never reached the ground, floating three feet above yard. Half a dozen sightings April through July 2008, Levittown, Pennsylvania. Image and drawings by resident and eyewitness.
Left:  “Boomerang” version of mysterious aerial object that morphed into middle pink-colored disc. Right: The pink disc then flashed three oval, white lights on its bottom surface and “little squares of light” dropped like snow onto apartment yard and privet bush. Half a dozen sightings April through July 2008, Levittown, Pennsylvania. Image and drawings by resident and eyewitness.
Privet bush about 15 feet high grows next to eyewitness's apartment back door in Levittown, Pennsylvania, where “little squares of light” first fell on June 12, 2008 - and two more times in July 2008 - from a pink-colored aerial disc and surrounded the privet bush and a silver maple tree about 65 feet away. Image © 2008 by Robert Gardner.
Privet bush about 15 feet high grows next to eyewitness's apartment back door in Levittown, Pennsylvania, where “little squares of light” first fell on June 12, 2008 - and two more times in July 2008 - from a pink-colored aerial disc and surrounded the privet bush and a silver maple tree about 65 feet away. Image © 2008 by Robert Gardner.


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November 17, 2008  Grass Lake, Michigan - The biophysical and biochemical research by biophysicist W. C. Levengood continues with this laboratory report about somatic leaf growth anomalies in privet bush leaves exposed to energy dispersed from unidentified aerial craft over Levittown, Pennsylvania, apartment three times on June 12, July 10 and July 16, 2008.


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Part 3: Morphing UFO Over Levittown, PA – Scientific Research

After exposure to the aerial object's glittering light energy, there were “respiration-related increases in the internal energy of the privet leaves 17 times normal and 15 times normal in the silver maple leaves.”

- Biophysicist W. C. Levengood Lab Report


Left: Digital image of curved cylinder, or boomerang aerial object, that morphed into middle pink-colored disc. Right: The pink disc then flashed three oval, white lights on its bottom surface and “little squares of light” dropped like snow in the air around privet bush and silver maple tree, but never reached the ground, floating three feet above yard. Half a dozen sightings April through July 2008, Levittown, Pennsylvania. Image and drawings by resident and eyewitness.
Left: Digital image of curved cylinder, or boomerang aerial object, that morphed into middle pink-colored disc. Right: The pink disc then flashed three oval, white lights on its bottom surface and “little squares of light” dropped like snow in the air around privet bush and silver maple tree, but never reached the ground, floating three feet above yard. Half a dozen sightings April through July 2008, Levittown, Pennsylvania. Image and drawings by resident and eyewitness.
Privet bush about 15 feet high grows next to eyewitness's apartment back door in Levittown, Pennsylvania, where “little squares of light” first fell on June 12, 2008 - and two more times in July 2008 - from a pink-colored aerial disc and surrounded the privet bush and a silver maple tree about 65 feet away. Image © 2008 by Robert Gardner.
Privet bush about 15 feet high grows next to eyewitness's apartment back door in Levittown, Pennsylvania, where “little squares of light” first fell on June 12, 2008 - and two more times in July 2008 - from a pink-colored aerial disc and surrounded the privet bush and a silver maple tree about 65 feet away. Image © 2008 by Robert Gardner.


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November 17, 2008  Grass Lake, Michigan - The biophysical and biochemical research by biophysicist W. C. Levengood continues with this laboratory report about somatic leaf growth anomalies in privet bush leaves exposed to energy dispersed from unidentified aerial craft over Levittown, Pennsylvania, apartment three times on June 12, July 10 and July 16, 2008.


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Part 8: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“Anthony told me the small, grey, non-humans lived for a long time. He also said that knowledge could be transferred from a dying or dead non-human into a replacement body.”

- “Stein,” Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst


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November 16, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  My June 29, 1998, interview with Stein at his Florida home continues from Part 7.

“Antony Barden said the smelting of gold was the big thing the small Greys taught the Incas – at least that’s what he understood from telepathic communication.


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Part 2: Morphing UFO Over Levittown, PA – Scientific Research

“The red-brown color observed and photographed in the Levittown leaves implies that the June and July leaves, filled with green chlorophyll, were subjected to external radiation - presumably the beamed energy from the aerial craft - that provoked leaf production of the red, protective pigment anthocyanin usually associated with fall leaves, not summer growth.”

- Biophysicist W. C. Levengood

Summer privet leaves with abnormal red-brown discoloration associated normally with fall production of the pigment anthocyanin. Hypothesis is that unusual external energies associated with the Levittown aerial phenomenon provoked premature anthocyanin production. Image © 2008 by W. C. Levengood, Pinelandia Biophysical Lab.
Summer privet leaves with abnormal red-brown discoloration associated normally with fall production of the pigment anthocyanin. Hypothesis is that unusual external energies associated with the Levittown aerial phenomenon provoked premature anthocyanin production. Image © 2008 by W. C. Levengood, Pinelandia Biophysical Lab.
Left: Digital image of curved cylinder, or boomerang aerial object, that morphed into middle pink-colored disc. Right: The pink disc then flashed three oval, white lights on its bottom surface and “little squares of light” dropped like snow in the air around privet bush and silver maple tree, but never reached the ground, floating three feet above yard. Half a dozen sightings April through July 2008, Levittown, Pennsylvania. Image and drawings by resident and eyewitness.
Left: Digital image of curved cylinder, or boomerang aerial object, that morphed into middle pink-colored disc. Right: The pink disc then flashed three oval, white lights on its bottom surface and “little squares of light” dropped like snow in the air around privet bush and silver maple tree, but never reached the ground, floating three feet above yard. Half a dozen sightings April through July 2008, Levittown, Pennsylvania. Image and drawings by resident and eyewitness.
Privet bush about 15 feet high grows next to eyewitness's apartment back door in Levittown, Pennsylvania, where “little squares of light” first fell on June 12, 2008 - and two more times in July 2008 - from a pink-colored aerial disc and surrounded the privet bush and a silver maple tree about 65 feet away. Image © 2008 by Robert Gardner.
Privet bush about 15 feet high grows next to eyewitness's apartment back door in Levittown, Pennsylvania, where “little squares of light” first fell on June 12, 2008 - and two more times in July 2008 - from a pink-colored aerial disc and surrounded the privet bush and a silver maple tree about 65 feet away. Image © 2008 by Robert Gardner.

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November 14, 2008  Grass Lake, Michigan - W. C. Levengood, a biophysicist who worked on his Ph.D. at the University of Michigan, has received several patents concerning seed development. His research work about evidence of spinning plasma vortices containing microwave and other energies affecting plants and grasses in the global crop circle phenomenon has been published in the prominent journal, Physiologia Plantarum: An International Journal for Plant Biology.


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Part 1: Morphing UFO Over Levittown, PA – Scientific Research

“The morphing aerial object was about 60 to 100 feet away. ... When three oval-shaped lights appeared on the bottom ... sparkling little squares of light came down in a triangular pattern and surrounded the privet bush and silver maple tree.”

- Robert Gardner, PA MUFON

Left: Digital image of curved cylinder, or boomerang aerial object, that morphed into middle pink-colored disc. Right: The pink disc then flashed three oval, white lights on its bottom surface and “little squares of light” dropped like snow in the air around privet bush and silver maple tree, but never reached the ground, floating three feet above yard. Half a dozen sightings April through July 2008, Levittown, Pennsylvania. Image and drawings by resident and eyewitness.
Left: Digital image of curved cylinder, or boomerang aerial object, that morphed into middle pink-colored disc. Right: The pink disc then flashed three oval, white lights on its bottom surface and “little squares of light” dropped like snow in the air around privet bush and silver maple tree, but never reached the ground, floating three feet above yard. Half a dozen sightings April through July 2008, Levittown, Pennsylvania. Image and drawings by resident and eyewitness.   
About thirteen miles northeast of Philadelphia up the Delaware River is Levittown. Close to Levittown is the Oxford Valley Mall, marked with red star above. 2008 UFO reports have ranged from an unidentified aerial object over the mall in January to a series of sightings over a Levittown apartment complex that involved the “snowfall” of little squares of light.
About thirteen miles northeast of Philadelphia up the Delaware River is Levittown. Close to Levittown is the Oxford Valley Mall, marked with red star above. 2008 UFO reports have ranged from an unidentified aerial object over the mall in January to a series of sightings over a Levittown apartment complex that involved the “snowfall” of little squares of light.

November 13, 2008  Levittown, Pennsylvania - On July 13, 2008, I received a phone call from Robert Gardner, MUFON Field Investigator living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Bob wanted to know if I knew a scientist who could analyze “glitter” that had fallen from a pink-colored, aerial disc over an apartment complex in Levittown. Bob's had talked with an eyewitness who first left him with the impression that sparkling, physical material had fallen onto a privet bush growing next to the female eyewitness's apartment. After I asked questions in order to get physical material to a scientist who helps me with energy dispersive spectroscopy and other laboratory tests, Bob learned that there was no physical material. But the eyewitness wanted to know what might have happened to the privet bush growing next to her apartment door. She was alarmed when she found a dead bird near the privet bush the next day after the April 20, 2008, sighting. Later on, the female eyewitness's daughter would also see the aerial craft.


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U. S. Border Patrol Agent Reports Camouflaged Underground Bases in New Mexico and Beam “Swallowed Up” California Airplane

“There were two people jogging on the beach. They saw the strange, intense beam and watched it swallow up an airplane that was flying over the ocean west of San Diego!”

- Retired U. S. Border Patrol Agent


November 7, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Seventeen years ago in March 1991, I received a brown, legal-sized envelope by Certified Mail postmarked February 28, 1991, from Porterville, California. The envelope contained an audiocassette, letter and drawings from a woman named Linda Porter about her abduction experiences since her teenage years. I felt her information was so important that I traveled to California to meet and interview Linda in person. Eventually, all of her drawings and insights were included in my third book, Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. II: High Strangeness, including information about a location in the Poway region of San Diego, that now seems even more relevant after recent mail from a retired United States Border Patrol Agent. [ See Earthfiles Shop for my books and documentaries.]


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Part 7: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“The Ft. Belvoir photograph from Italy, that our CIA unit investigated, showed a saucer-shaped craft that had landed. There were two or three small, non-humans outside, like walking around.”

- “Stein,” Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst


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November 5, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico - After my initial phone interviews with Stein in May to early June 1998, recorded with Stein's permission, he and I decided that given the evidence that my phone was tapped by Someone, it would be better for me to travel to his home to speak in person. When I made the trip on June 29, 1998, no one knew my travel plans or location, not even my family. However, after three days of taping with Stein in much greater detail than inn the phone conversations, it was made clear that I was monitored, followed, because government agents showed face-to-face with Stein within hours of my departure, warning him “if you ever want to see your son married and have grandkids, we are here to tell you that you are never to speak to Linda Moulton Howe again.”


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Updated: Strange Lights Chased by Jets Again October 29, Over Stephenville, Texas, and Crystalline Triangle in Ohio

“As the large white-orange object was rising up, it looked like it was going into the center of the triangle of blue lights. ”

- Tim Comstock, Ohio Truck Driver

 Cell phone image around 3:48 AM, October 23, 2008 (date correction), on Route 7 near W. H. Sammis coal power plant between Empire and Stratton, Ohio, along Ohio River. Image © 2008 by Tim Comstock.
Cell phone image around 3:48 AM, October 23, 2008 (date correction), on Route 7 near W. H. Sammis coal power plant between Empire and Stratton, Ohio, along Ohio River. Image © 2008 by Tim Comstock.

October 31, 2008  Stephenville, Texas - Every day since October 23, I have been receiving reports of unusual aerial lights in different regions of the United States, including Stephenville, Texas. Eyewitnesses describe patterns of lights in straight lines that change to vertical lines; or straight lines that change to triangular patterns; or spinning discs shooting off spirals of light; or pulsing red-orange lights; or even a huge, flat triangle-shaped craft apparently lifting a large, glowing object from a hill near Empire, Ohio.


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More Encounters with Glowing Humanoids, Strange Aerial Lights and “Thunderbirds”

“I woke up in the middle of the night and saw three typical “gray” aliens standing in my bedroom. One was standing right next to the bed, glowing a bright azure blue.”

- Coast to Coast AM listener

October 30, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Since my 3-hour news updates on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory radio October 23-24, 2008, about a green, glowing humanoid in a western Pennsylvania forest; pterodactyl-looking “Thunderbirds” soaring over Pennsylvania, Ohio, Tennessee and other American regions; and a beam technology that can lift animals from pastures, I have received a lot of e-mails from listeners provoked by the details of my interviews, which resonate with the listeners' own experiences.


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