Part 1: More Mysterious Multi-Colored Aerial Light Patterns Over Reno, Nevada, and Now Over Empire, Ohio

“I finally photographed the mysterious light with my digital camera and was surprised to see colored light patterns similar to the ones that were taken in Stephenville, Texas, during the mass sighting events in January 2008.”

– Penny Rubsam, Reno, Nevada

December 10, 2008, 9 PM Pacific, over Washoe Valley south of Reno, Nevada. Digital image © 2008 by Penny Rubsam.
December 10, 2008, 9 PM Pacific, over Washoe Valley south of Reno, Nevada. Digital image © 2008 by Penny Rubsam.

January 29, 2009  Reno, Nevada - The morning after my December 17, 2008, three hour news broadcast on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, I received the following email from Penny Rubsam - a Reno, Nevada, resident - along with several photographs she had taken on December 10, 2008, after 9 PM Pacific over the Washoe Valley south of Reno. Penny is 52-years-old, has lived in Reno for twenty-three years and moved to her current home in 2005. Her photographs are very similar to the videotape by David Caron near the Stephenville, Texas, Airport on January 19, 2008. [ See a hot link to David Caron's videotape in the Stephenville section of this report below and other Earthfiles report links in More Information at the end of this report.]


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Part 2: More Mysterious Multi-Colored Aerial Light Patterns Over Reno, Nevada, and Now Over Empire, Ohio

“I noticed there was a circular-shaped object at 2:41 AM Eastern, and it was just directly west of the power plant. went super fast and zipped to where I was at. And I thought, ‘It’s like this thing knows my every move.’”

– Sarah, Security Guard, Empire, Ohio, January 3, 2009

Cropped digital image taken at 7:22 PM Eastern, January 3, 2009, Empire, Ohio. Image © 2009 by Robert Maxwell.
Cropped digital image taken at 7:22 PM Eastern, January 3, 2009, Empire, Ohio. Image © 2009 by Robert Maxwell.

Return to Part 1

January 29, 2009  Empire, Ohio - Between Christmas 2008 and the first week of January 2009, Penny saw the sparkling object projecting colorful patterns in the sky south of her Reno, Nevada, home again and she is going to try more photographing.


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Methane Mystery On Mars

“We observed and mapped multiple plumes of methane on Mars,
one of which released about 19,000 metric tons of methane.”

- Geronimo Villanueva, Ph.D., NASA Goddard

Dark central area is region of Syrtis Major Planum, locations of Nili Fossae and Syrtis Major ancient volcano, both emission sites of methane gas plumes. Image by Hubble.
Dark central area is region of Syrtis Major Planum, locations of Nili Fossae and Syrtis Major ancient volcano, both emission sites of methane gas plumes. Image by Hubble.
Yellow circles at Nili Fossae and southeast quadrant of Syrtis Major, ancient volcano, mark where NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) have measured large quantities of methane emissions since 2003. The persistent size of methane quantities imply a continually replenishing source. Is it geological? Or biological? Map created by Alwyn Botha, www.the-planet-mars-com.
Yellow circles at Nili Fossae and southeast quadrant of Syrtis Major, ancient volcano, mark where NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) have measured large quantities of methane emissions since 2003. The persistent size of methane quantities imply a continually replenishing source. Is it geological? Or biological? Map created by Alwyn Botha, www.the-planet-mars-com.

January 25, 2009  Greenbelt, Maryland -  Methane on Mars was first detected in 1999 and 2001, and then has been measured in persistent quantities since 2003 over at least two “hot spots” in the Martian northern hemisphere shown on map above:


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Part 16: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“I wonder if this triangle craft is coming from an entirely
different place? Entirely different aliens? Just what is this?”

 - Richard M. Nixon, V. President, Oval Office, Fall 1958


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Return to Part 15

January 7, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  My June 29, 1998, interview with Stein at his Florida home continues from Part 15, in which he describes in more detail an Oval Office meeting about UFOs with Vice President Richard Nixon in the fall of 1958 and the photographs shown to Nixon then, followed by a brief meeting in April 1959 with both Nixon and President Dwight Eisenhower in FBI headquarters, Washington, D. C.


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Part 15: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“To finish their meeting with Vice President Nixon, the FBI had a short film about a saucer materializing over a power station. Nixon said he brought us in to the FBI and USAF meeting to see that 16mm film of the UFO.”

 - “Stein,” Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst


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Return to Part 14

January 2, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  My June 29, 1998, interview with Stein at his Florida home continues from Part 14, in which he describes in more detail a Fall 1958 meeting about the UFO phenomenon in the White House's Oval Office with Vice President Richard Nixon and personnel from the United States Air Force (USAF) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).


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Part 14: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“‘Tagging’ was when non-humans put little chips into the necks of people -the CIA had many cases. One implant device was supposed to have produced hieroglyphs when passed over a certain kind of scanning device.”

- “Stein,” Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst


Return to Part 1

Return to Part 13

December 24, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  My June 29, 1998, interview with Stein at his Florida home continues from Part 13, in which he describes CIA meetings at the White House, first in Fall 1958 with Richard Nixon and later in Part 15, a Spring 1959 White House meeting with both President Dwight Eisenhower and Vice President Richard M. Nixon.


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Part 2:  CIA, UFOs and Hollywood

“If you’ve got government agencies working in Hollywood covertly
to improve their own images, that’s not only a bad use of funds, it’s also
fundamentally anti-Democratic and wrong.”

- Matthew Alford, Ph.D.


“The Deep Politics of Hollywood,” a 3-part article by Matthew Alford and Robbie Graham. Only Part 1 was accepted for publication by The Guardian on November 14, 2008, after editors changed the original title, “Spooks and the Silver Screen,” to “An Offer They Couldn't Refuse.”
“The Deep Politics of Hollywood,” a 3-part article by Matthew Alford and Robbie Graham. Only Part 1 was accepted for publication by The Guardian on November 14, 2008, after editors changed the original title, “Spooks and the Silver Screen,” to “An Offer They Couldn't Refuse.”


Return to Part 1

December 22, 2008  Bristol, England -  On December 17, 2008, Earthfiles reported an interview with Robbie Graham about a November 14, 2008, co-authored article in Britain's The Guardian that was the first part of a three-part series. Robbie's writing partner is Matthew Alford, Ph.D., who earned his degree in 2008, from the University of Bath focused on Film and Propaganda. Matthew is now a lecturer in film at the University of Bristol's Department of Drama: Theater, Film and Television. His Ph.D. thesis was entitled, “A Propaganda Model for Hollywood? Representations of American Foreign Policy in Contemporary Films.” Matthew is also author of a forthcoming book, Projecting Power: American Foreign Policy and the Hollywood Propaganda System.


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Mystery of Missing East Coast Acorns

“Once I started paying attention, I couldn't find any acorns anywhere. Not from white oaks, red oaks or black oaks, and this was supposed to be their big year. It's really bizarre!”

- Greg Zell, Long Branch Nature Center, Arlington, Virginia

Acorns on Black Oak, Quercus velutina. Image from Virginia Dept. of Forestry.
Acorns on Black Oak, Quercus velutina. Image from Virginia Dept. of Forestry.
 Oak forest in Arlington and Alexandria, Virginia, region of East Coast where botanists confirmed there were no acorns at all on the ground or in the trees of certain areas extending from Washington, D. C. up along I-95 north to New England and Canada. Image provided by Rod Simmons, Alexandria Field Botanist.
Oak forest in Arlington and Alexandria, Virginia, region of East Coast where botanists confirmed there were no acorns at all on the ground or in the trees of certain areas extending from Washington, D. C. up along I-95 north to New England and Canada. Image provided by Rod Simmons, Alexandria Field Botanist.

December 21, 2008  Alexandria, Virginia -  This fall, Greg Zell, a naturalist working at the Long Branch Nature Center in Arlington, Virginia, went to one of the many oak forests that have long grown around Arlington, Alexandria, Virginia, and in Maryland forests. He wanted to gather a lot of oak acorns to feed flying squirrels in a program run by the Long Branch Nature Center. Greg was in for a surprise. “I couldn't find any acorns anywhere. Not from white oaks, red oaks or black oaks, and this was supposed to be their big year. We're talking zero. Not a single acorn. It's really bizarre!”


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Carbonate Finally Found On Mars

“We know there’s been water all over the place, but how frequently have the conditions been hospitable for life? We can say pretty confidently that when water was present in the places we looked at, it would have been a happy, pleasant environment for life.”

- John Mustard, Ph.D., Geological Sciences, Brown University

NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has finally found carbonate minerals on Mars that show up as green in the above image of a 12-miles-wide region in Nili Fossae on the edge of the Isidis impact basin. Scientists hypothesize the carbonates might have formed at the surface when olivine-rich rocks were exposed and altered by running water. Image courtesy NASA/JPL/JHUAPL/MSSS/Brown University.
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has finally found carbonate minerals on Mars that show up as green in the above image of a 12-miles-wide region in Nili Fossae on the edge of the Isidis impact basin. Scientists hypothesize the carbonates might have formed at the surface when olivine-rich rocks were exposed and altered by running water. Image courtesy NASA/JPL/JHUAPL/MSSS/Brown University.

December 20, 2008  San Francisco, California -  At the annual American Geophysical Union Fall 2008 meeting held in San Francisco from December 15 to December 19, Brown University graduate student, Bethany Ehlmann, reported finding the mineral carbonate on Mars, increasing the chances that life might have existed on the red planet in the past when there was a less acidic watery surface. Carbonates result from carbon dioxide dissolved in water.


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Updated Part 1: Viewer Comments About Aerial Flames and “Symbols” Over Dublin and Stephenville, Texas

February 20, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The following are some of the Earthfiles viewer comments I have received about the Stephenville and Dublin, Texas, unusual aerial phenomena photographed, videotaped and described by eyewitnesses there since early January 2008. In addition to the large rectangular "frames of white fire" described by pilot and businessman Steve Allen (See 020508Earthfiles), perhaps the most extraordinary aerial event was videotaped on January 19, 2008, between 10:10 p.m. and 10:20 p.m. CST by David Caron near the Stephenville municipal airport. The 12-minute videotape shows a pale-colored, disc-shaped aerial object that suddenly seems to transform into “symbols” that pulse every 15 frames of the videotape, or one every half-second. At Earthfiles, I have shared a clip of the videotape and still frames of the symbols (See 021408 Earthfiles).


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