Part 1: Unusual Animal Deaths from Half Cats to Mutilated Cows

Left:  28-year-old cow discovered by Weston, Colorado, rancher Mike Duran on March 8, 2009, with her udder removed in a circle, vaginal tissue excised and left front leg likely broken  as if cow dropped to ground from some height. Image © 2009 by Tom Murphy, Trinidad Times Independent. Right:  1-week-old male calf discovered by Hoehne, Colorado, rancher Tom Miller on March 17, 2009, with both ears removed as if exposed to heat, all its internal organs  removed and hips broken as if dropped to ground from some height. Image  © 2009 by Chuck Zukowski, MUFON Field Investigator.
Left: 28-year-old cow discovered by Weston, Colorado, rancher Mike Duran on March 8, 2009, with her udder removed in a circle, vaginal tissue excised and left front leg likely broken as if cow dropped to ground from some height. Image © 2009 by Tom Murphy, Trinidad Times Independent. Right: 1-week-old male calf discovered by Hoehne, Colorado, rancher Tom Miller on March 17, 2009, with both ears removed as if exposed to heat, all its internal organs removed and hips broken as if dropped to ground from some height. Image © 2009 by Chuck Zukowski, MUFON Field Investigator.

March 20, 2009  Corpus Cristi, Texas and Weston, Colorado:

Corpus Cristi, Texas:  Half Cat Mutilation

On March 18, 2009, Corpus Cristi police investigated a cat found cut in half near the city’s Club Estates Elementary School on the south side of Corpus Christi. The cat was cut cleanly through its middle with a smooth incision. Its organs had been removed and were not at the scene. 31 cat mutilations have been reported to Corpus Christi police since April 2008. Twelve of those 31 cats have been found in the same general area on the south side of the city. Police have no suspects and have not made any arrests. Anyone with information, please call Corpus Christi CrimeStoppers at: 361-888-8477.


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Highly Strange Missing Time in 1947

“It looked like a military formation of three groups of shiny silver flying saucers. The three groups of 13 silver saucers each, totaling 39, were arranged in respective diamond formations.”

- Frank, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Japanese katakana symbols similar to what Frank in Brooklyn, New York, in 1947, saw written by tall, auburn-haired female aboard silver saucer craft. Graphic source Wikipedia.
Japanese katakana symbols similar to what Frank in Brooklyn, New York, in 1947, saw written by tall, auburn-haired female aboard silver saucer craft. Graphic source Wikipedia.

March 17, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico - In one of my 1988 correspondence files about high strangeness, I have a report from a man named Frank that is nine, typed pages about his eyewitness sighting of thirty-nine saucer-shaped craft divided into three groups over Brooklyn, New York, in 1947, when he was 14-years-old. In a separate note, he explained he wrote up his experience for a book he hoped to write some day, but “you may use this data in the hope that perhaps others who might have had a similar experience will know that they are not alone, and perhaps with your reporter's experience, might somehow formulate what I and others experienced.” The purpose of Earthfiles Real X-Files is to share the strangest phenomena described by civilians, military and intelligence, even if events cannot be proved.


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Updated: Security Guard Saw “V-Shaped Panel” Fall Near Needles, California, and Encountered “Telepathic UFO”

“The falling black silhouette appeared to have a sort of V shape like some kind of side panel or nose cone.”

- Shark, Security Guard, Perris, California

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Updated March 16 of original report March 14, 2009  Perris, California - A year ago on May 14, 2008, at 3 AM Pacific south of Needles, California, on the Colorado River near Topock, Arizona, a long-time houseboat resident calling himself River Bob was stunned to see a large, bright “fiery object” hurtling from the sky toward him. From the upper deck on his houseboat, he was puzzled by the vivid turquoise blue-green amid other more fiery red, yellow and orange colors. Despite the strange blue-green color, River Bob thought perhaps he was watching a plane about to crash. Whatever hit the ground was picked up within fifteen minutes by a large sky crane helicopter and carried away.


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More Odd, Changing Aerial Light Patterns, Now Over Beavercreek, Oregon

March 12, 2009  Beavercreek, Oregon -  On January 29, 2009, I filed a 2-part Earthfiles report about more mysterious, multi-colored aerial light patterns photographed over Reno, Nevada, and Empire, Ohio. A week later, I received an email from a retired Wisconsin businessman in rural Elmwood, Wisconsin, who has taken more than one hundred digital still frames of a reappearing bright, aerial object. His images like all the others appear to be 3-dimensional, multi-colored patterns in the sky, changing shape every second or two.


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Final Part 20: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“I do remember reading a CIA file on Harry Truman in which he was talking about the Cold War starting and that there were aliens from outer space and some looked like little humans and some looked like insects.”

- “Stein,” Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst

First Secretary of Defense James V. Forrestal from September 17, 1947, to March 28, 1949, with U. S. President Harry S. Truman, undated.
First Secretary of Defense James V. Forrestal from September 17, 1947, to March 28, 1949, with U. S. President Harry S. Truman, undated.

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Return to Part 19

March 8, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  The previous Part 19 was my August 7, 1998, phone call with Stein about the two men who stopped him in a supermarket parking lot, showed Stein photographs of himself from the 1950s southeastern base period as well as 1998 photos of Stein's only son at work and home, and told Stein that if he continued to work with me, his son would come to harm. But Stein agreed to consider my traveling to his home again with a small videotape crew to record his whole CIA Project Blue Book story, to be held by me until after his death before public distribution. Through the U. S. mail, I sent him a letter with proposed details for the taping and a non-disclosure letter signed and dated by me that confirmed I would not use the videotape until after his death. Our goal was for me to arrive at his home with a crew in mid-September 1998.


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Unexplained Stranding of 200 Pilot Whales and Dolphins

“An effort was made in the large King Island stranding to return the animals to deeper water, but in some cases, the animal turned around from deeper water and went straight back to the beach.”

- Scott Baker, Ph.D., OSU Marine Mammal Institute

“It is pretty darn sad, you can hear them crying.”

- John Nievaart, King Island, Tasmania resident

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200 pilot whales (species of dolphin) and a few bottle-nosed dolphins began mass stranding on Sunday, night, March 1, 2009, at a King Island beach above. On March 2, 2009, about 50 animals were saved by human volunteers (below) and the rest died. King Island is in the Bass Strait between northern Tasmania, an Australian state, and Melbourne, Australia. Image courtesy Liz Wren, Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service.
200 pilot whales (species of dolphin) and a few bottle-nosed dolphins began mass stranding on Sunday, night, March 1, 2009, at a King Island beach above. On March 2, 2009, about 50 animals were saved by human volunteers (below) and the rest died. King Island is in the Bass Strait between northern Tasmania, an Australian state, and Melbourne, Australia. Image courtesy Liz Wren, Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service.
On March 2, 2009, volunteers saved about fifty of the 200 pilot whales (dolphins) and bottle-nosed dolphins that beached on King Island north of Tasmania beginning on March 1, 2009. An unusual series of strandings has occurred since early Nov. 2008, when 60 pilot whales were stranded not far from King Island; on Nov. 29, 2008, 150 pilot whales and dolphins stranded and all died near King Island; in January 2009, 50 sperm whales stranded and all died near King Island. Scientists are puzzled by the the unexplained series of cetacean beachings. Image courtesy Liz Wren, Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service.
On March 2, 2009, volunteers saved about fifty of the 200 pilot whales (dolphins) and bottle-nosed dolphins that beached on King Island north of Tasmania beginning on March 1, 2009. An unusual series of strandings has occurred since early Nov. 2008, when 60 pilot whales were stranded not far from King Island; on Nov. 29, 2008, 150 pilot whales and dolphins stranded and all died near King Island; in January 2009, 50 sperm whales stranded and all died near King Island. Scientists are puzzled by the the unexplained series of cetacean beachings. Image courtesy Liz Wren, Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service.

March 2, 2009

“One of the biggest mass beachings in Australia, 200 pilot whales came ashore on King Island on Sunday evening, March 1, only 54 of which are still alive. Among the whales are a number of dolphins, according to Chris Arthur, from Tasmania's Parks and Wildlife. Around 150 local people are helping parks officials in trying to refloat the whales from a Naracoopa beach and shepherd them back to sea, where a large number of whales were still milling in a pod.”

March 6, 2009  Newport, Oregon - Scientists who study whales and dolphins are puzzled about repeated strandings of large numbers of pilot whales – which are actually large dolphins – and other dolphins and sperm whales on or around King Island north of the Australian state, Tasmania. There was also highly strange – perhaps unprecedented behavior – in Manila Bay, Philippines, last month on February 10, 2009, when 500 melon-headed dolphins filled Manila Bay and swam back and forth as if completely disoriented.


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Part 2: Silicas – and Hot Springs? – Could Mean Ancient Life On Mars

“To be honest, what would surprise me the most would be if life never was on the planet Mars. That would be surprising and give us all some pause and make us wonder – why?”

- Dorothy Z. Oehler, Ph.D, NASA Johnson Space Center     

Dark “horse head” of Syrtis Major Planum rises at center of this Hubble telescope image of Mars. On the right side of that darkness is Elysium Planitia; on the left is Arabia Terra. Image courtesy Hubble.
Dark “horse head” of Syrtis Major Planum rises at center of this Hubble telescope image of Mars. On the right side of that darkness is Elysium Planitia; on the left is Arabia Terra. Image courtesy Hubble.

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February 27, 2009  Houston, Texas - Other scientists studying a completely different part of Mars in Arabia Terra have also discovered features they think are the residue of hot springs, largely based on the tell-tale oval rings that closely resemble hot springs in Yellowstone National Park and Dalhousie, Australia. In a recent issue of Astrobiology, NASA Johnson Space Center planetary geologists described one mound on Mars named Vernal crater that could be a dried up hot springs?


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Unprecedented Northeast Bat Die-off Spreading Rapidly

“People are starting to comb through old historic records to see,
but there is no evidence that I know of anywhere in the fossil record,
or in recent recorded history, of a die-off of this nature in bats.”

– DeeAnn Reeder, Ph.D., Bucknell University


Little Brown Bat hibernating in West Virginia cave has white ring of the fungal genus Geomyces  around its nose and on its ears. Image © 2009 by Craig W. Stihler, Ph.D., West Virginia Dept. of Natural Resources.
Little Brown Bat hibernating in West Virginia cave has white ring of the fungal genus Geomyces  around its nose and on its ears. Image © 2009 by Craig W. Stihler, Ph.D., West Virginia Dept. of Natural Resources.

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February 26, 2009  Vicksburg, Mississippi and Lewisburg, Pennsylvania -  One year ago in February 2008, I reported at my news website,, about thousands of sick and dead cave-dwelling bats in New York, Vermont and Massachusetts. [ See 022908 Earthfiles.]


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Part 19:  Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“I asked, ‘Have you been shooting down any saucer vehicles and aliens
with this weapon?’ And those Wackenhut types told me they had.”

- “Stein,” Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst


Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) seal, Wackenhut now as G4S logo, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) seal
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) seal, Wackenhut now as G4S logo, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) seal.


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Return to Part 18

February 24, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  At the end of Part 18, of my June 29, 1998, interview with Stein at his Florida home, he was talking about the Wackenhut security firm that worked with the CIA in the 1950s. It was also Wackenhut in Coral Gables, Florida, that his phone manager friend told him [ See Stein Earthfiles Part ] was the source of the first call to Stein warning him not to talk with me further about the name of the southeastern military base or its activities during the Cuba stand-off with the Soviet Union or its alleged assassin squad assigned to termination missions. During his work for the Army/CIA unit that studied real UFO Blue Book cases, Stein said, “We could call Wackenhut for background checks on civilians coming to do work. Wackenhut is a worldwide security firm with offices in Europe.”


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