Part 4: High Strangeness Files about EBENs

“The universe is built on sound patterns, which is why so many different worlds/dimensions can exist in the same space. Each is on a different frequency.”

- Linda Porter, California Abductee

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April 14, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Continuing in Part 4 with Linda Moulton Howe's 1983 to 1987 High Strangeness Files about EBENs.


The alleged presidential briefing paper I was shown at Kirtland AFB on April 9, 1983, stated in one paragraph that extraterrestrials were operating on Earth before the time of the dinosaurs and that in fact, the EBENs genetically created dinosaurs. Scientists date the beginning of dinosaurs to at least 230 million years ago. Dinosaurs ranged the entire planet until 65.5 million years ago when it's theorized that a large meteorite, or bolide, maybe one-half-mile in diameter, crashed into the Gulf of Mexico near the Yucatan peninsula that caused the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event that wiped out 48% of all genera of life on Earth, including the dinosaurs.


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Part 3: High Strangeness Files about EBENs

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April 8, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Continuing in Part 3 with Linda Moulton Howe's 1983 to 1987 High Strangeness Files about EBENs.

Military insiders and people in the human abduction syndrome reference large city-sized, EBEN space stations orbiting between Saturn and Uranus and/or Uranus and Neptune. Back in the 1950s, there were at least two large, “mother ships” orbiting Earth. Author and abductee experiencer, Lou Baldin, described details about a huge, complex space city orbiting near Uranus in his second book published in 2008 entitled, A Day With An Extraterrestrial. His first book, In League With A UFO © 1997, has important insights into alien technologies, cloning and genetic manipulation of bodies that look human, but are designed for alien control and monitoring.


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Longest Solar Minimum Since 1913

“It's a fascinating time. It's the quietest sun in a century,
since the solar cycle of 1902 to 1913. ”

- Mark Miesch, Ph.D., NCAR's High Altitude Observatory


Spotless sun on April 7, 2009. Out of 365 days in 2008, 266 were without sunspots. So far in 2009, January had 25 sunspot free days; February had 23 sun spot free days; and March had 28 sun spot free days. Image source:  SOHO.
Spotless sun on April 7, 2009. Out of 365 days in 2008, 266 were without sunspots. So far in 2009, January had 25 sunspot free days; February had 23 sun spot free days; and March had 28 sun spot free days. Image source:  SOHO.

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April 7, 2009  Huntsville, Alabama and Boulder, Colorado -  A sunspot is a region of intense magnetic activity on the Sun's surface that are cooler than the rest of the sun. That's why they appear as dark spots. Sunspots are at temperatures of roughly 4,000 to 4,500 Kelvin, which is 6,740 to 7,640 degrees Fahrenheit, and are surrounded by hotter solar material around 5,800 Kelvin, or 9,980 degrees Fahrenheit.


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Part 2: High Strangeness Files about EBENs

“We made you. We put you here. But you have to live it.”

- Ebe, Los Alamos, New Mexico

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April 5, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Continuing in Part 2 with Linda Moulton Howe's 1983 to 1987 High Strangeness Files about EBENs.

From Linda Moulton Howe's High Strangeness EBEN files, 1983 - 1987.
From Linda Moulton Howe's High Strangeness EBEN files, 1983 - 1987.

EBEN CLOTHES:  They don't wear any.They have a thick hide of two layers, which changes color and temperature in varying light intensities. One photo in USAF files shows Ebe (1949 retrieval?) in a human male's dress suit and tie, apparently USAF's effort to make Ebe appear more normal for communication with visiting scientists and government agents.


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Updated: Aerial Disc Photographed Over San Luis, Colorado

“I blew up the photograph and it looks like there is some energy that showed up underneath the oval craft – kind of a golden color.”

- Susan Sanderford, San Luis, Colorado Resident

Unidentified aerial object photographed over San Luis, Colorado, on September 18, 2008. Image © 2008 by Susan Sanderford.
Unidentified aerial object photographed over San Luis, Colorado, on September 18, 2008. Image © 2008 by Susan Sanderford.
San Luis, Colorado, is west of Weston, Cokedale, Trinidad, Hoehne and southwest of Walsenburg.
San Luis, Colorado, is west of Weston, Cokedale, Trinidad, Hoehne and southwest of Walsenburg.

Updated: April 3, 2009  San Luis, Colorado -  On March 27, 2009, after my 4-part Earthfiles report was posted about the three, bloodless, cattle mutilations in the Weston to Trinidad to Walsenburg region of southern Colorado, I received the following email and photo (with two enlargements) wondering if the unidentified aerial object seen and photographed over San Luis, Colorado, was similar to the round, silver, aerial craft that Mike Duran saw in February 2009, near Cokedale, about three weeks before his cow mutilation was discovered on March 8. See: 032009 Earthfiles.


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European Honey Bee Decline Continues While Aggressive Africanized Honey Bees Attack in Southern U. S.

“I think bringing African bees to Brazil in 1957 for hybridization experiments was the environmental blunder of the 20th Century!”

- Jerry Hayes, Apiary Dir., Florida Dept. of Agriculture

Left: European honey bees surround their queen on right that has larger body and short wings. Right: Africanized honey bees surround their queen on right, marked with pink dot for clarity. The only scientific way to distinguish between the two honey bee species is DNA analysis.
Left: European honey bees surround their queen on right that has larger body and short wings. Right: Africanized honey bees surround their queen on right, marked with pink dot for clarity. The only scientific way to distinguish between the two honey bee species is DNA analysis.

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March 30, 2009  Gainesville, Florida -  The mysterious disappearance of hundreds of European honey bee colonies in Pennsylvania was first reported in late fall 2006. In the past three years, the baffling empty hive syndrome called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) has been reported in many parts of the world. Some beekeepers have lost nearly 100% of their bees. Even though nicotine-based pesticides are high on the culprit list, to date, scientists have not been able to pinpoint the exact cause - and empty hives continue - although the good news is that American bees are not disappearing as rapidly as they were.


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Part 4:  Unusual Animal Deaths – March 21st Walsenburg Cow

“I think it’s something extraterrestrial. That’s all I can assume it could be – whether it’s a little green man or what, I don’t know. But I don’t believe that either human or animal as I know them could accomplish this (mutilation).”

- Jim Garren, Walsenburg Rancher

Three cattle mutilations discovered in southern Colorado between March 8 and March 21, 2009. The three sites form a triangle (yellow circles) on the map starting with Weston about a half-hour west of Trinidad, which was the 28-year-old cow found March 8, and probably killed on night of March 6, 2009, because she was seen alive March 6. Hoehne is about 15 miles northeast of Trinidad, where 1-week-old calf was found eviscerated on morning of Tuesday, March 17, 2009, and known to be alive Monday afternoon, March 16, 2009. Third mutilation, a ranch about 12.5 miles southeast of  Walsenburg (20 miles northwest of Hoehne) where 2.5-year-old heifer found Saturday morning, March 21, after giving birth to male calf Friday night, March 20.
Three cattle mutilations discovered in southern Colorado between March 8 and March 21, 2009. The three sites form a triangle (yellow circles) on the map starting with Weston about a half-hour west of Trinidad, which was the 28-year-old cow found March 8, and probably killed on night of March 6, 2009, because she was seen alive March 6. Hoehne is about 15 miles northeast of Trinidad, where 1-week-old calf was found eviscerated on morning of Tuesday, March 17, 2009, and known to be alive Monday afternoon, March 16, 2009. Third mutilation, a ranch about 12.5 miles southeast of  Walsenburg (20 miles northwest of Hoehne) where 2.5-year-old heifer found Saturday morning, March 21, after giving birth to male calf Friday night, March 20.
2.5-year-old English Angus and French Gelbvieh heifer crossbreed gave birth to calf Friday, March 20, 2009, and was found dead  under juniper tree with udder removed without blood or milk fluids visible next morning, in Walsenburg, Colorado. Image Sunday morning, March 22, 2009 © by Chuck Zukowski.
2.5-year-old English Angus and French Gelbvieh heifer crossbreed gave birth to calf Friday, March 20, 2009, and was found dead  under juniper tree with udder removed without blood or milk fluids visible next morning, in Walsenburg, Colorado. Image Sunday morning, March 22, 2009 © by Chuck Zukowski.

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March 27, 2009  Walsenburg, Colorado -  Jim Garren is 70-years-old and retired from his CPA profession to full time ranching since 1993 on three ranches - two in southern Colorado and one in Missouri. One of his Colorado ranches is twelve and a half miles southeast of Walsenburg and only about twenty miles from Tom Miller's ranch in Hoehne where the 1-week-old calf was found bloodlessly eviscerated on March 17, 2009.


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Part 3:  Unusual Animal Deaths – Forensic Investigations

“It was like lots of tissue was taken from the calf and then the carcass was dropped from a high elevation and when it hit the ground, it crushed the pelvis, which was dislocated.”

- Chuck Zukowski, MUFON Field Investigator


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March 26, 2009  Colorado Springs, Colorado - I began collecting tissues in formalin from mutilated animals in the 1980s for pathologists to examine. My research is included in large color photographs and documents in my first two books, An Alien Harvest © 1989 and Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1 © 1993. See Earthfiles Shop. The pressure of forensic facts has added up to compelling physical evidence that mutilation excisions are cut with high heat.


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Updated Part 2:  Unusual Animal Deaths – Bizarre Mutilation of Week-Old Calf

“If there really are those aliens or whatever they are, out there and they are coming down, why are they mutilating calves and other animals?”

- Tom Miller, Hoehne, Colorado Rancher


1-week-old male calf discovered by Hoehne, Colorado, rancher Tom Miller on March 17, 2009, with both ears removed as if exposed to heat, its abdomen and all internal organs removed and pelvis broken as if dropped to the ground from some height. Image © 2009 by Chuck Zukowski, MUFON Field Investigator.
1-week-old male calf discovered by Hoehne, Colorado, rancher Tom Miller on March 17, 2009, with both ears removed as if exposed to heat, its abdomen and all internal organs removed and pelvis broken as if dropped to the ground from some height. Image © 2009 by Chuck Zukowski, MUFON Field Investigator.

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Updated March 25 / Original report March 23, 2009  Hoehne, Colorado - I arrived back at my Albuquerque, New Mexico, office from the Duran mutilation investigation on Sunday night, March 15. Two days later on the morning of Tuesday, March 17, in Hoehne, Colorado - about fifteen miles northeast of Trinidad and about 40 miles east of Mike Duran’s place - rancher Tom Miller was stunned to find a 1-week-old male calf next to the feed bin dead and so bizarrely mutilated that it might be unique in animal mutilation history. In all the mutilation cases I have investigated, I don't think I've ever seen anything like this one.


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