Updated – Is A/H1N1 Outbreak A “Herald Wave” Preceding More Serious Fall 2009 Epidemic? 

“I do not think we are off the hook in the United States. I don’t think we should be complacent to think we’re not going to have it as bad as Mexico because I think if conditions were different and we were now in the Fall of 2009 and it was getting colder, we might see much more disease here.”

- Paul Glezen, M. D., Molecular Virologist

A/H1N1 flu virus is seen in an image taken using an electron microscope, at National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada.
A/H1N1 flu virus is seen in an image taken using an electron microscope, at National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada.
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Updated May 28, 2009/ Original report May 7, 2009  Houston, Texas - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has had a series of phone press conferences to discuss the latest swine flu developments. Today, CDC’s Interim Deputy Director for Science and Public Health Program, Anne Schuchat, M. D., (SHOE-cut) confirmed that 8,585 cases of swine flu have been officially reported to American medical authorities, with 507 hospitalizations and the twelfth death of a Chicago resident last weekend. Authorities estimate that only one in twenty swine flu victims are being reported, so there could be at least 150,000 Americans now sick with this new swine flu.


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Part 1: Idaho Hunters Describe Huge Triangle Aircraft Over Their Campsite 

“That red light came on simultaneously with a really deep, low-pitched throb, a deep base that was not loud, just perceptible, an immense amount of power.”

- Kris Bales, Hunter

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May 28, 2009  Bend, Oregon  -  One of the most important UFO-related government documents to emerge since the early 1980s is entitled:  “Restricted SOM1-01 Majestic-12 Group Special Operations Manual, Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal - TOP SECRET/MAJIC EYES ONLY.” It's dated April 1954, only seven years after a UFO crash made headlines in July 1947 near Roswell, New Mexico. The cover page is also stamped with the official United States War Office seal that was still used in 1954. In Part 3 of this report, I am reprinting the entire SOM1-01 training manual for Earthfiles viewers.


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Part 2: Idaho Hunters Describe Huge Triangle Aircraft Over Their Campsite 

“This thing really didn’t bank like an aircraft - it just sort of slid! I could not hear a thing. Couldn’t smell anything. That was very perplexing how something this size could maneuver like it was with no audio sounds at all!”

- Marc Bales, Pilot

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May 28, 2009  Bend, Oregon  -  Kris Bales’ younger brother, Marc, works in their Bend, Oregon, construction company. Marc Bales also flies his own plane and watched the huge triangle aircraft at their Challis, Idaho, hunting camp site through 10X binoculars with the eyes and mind of a pilot.


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Part 9: High Strangeness Files about EBENs

“The historic facts were disguised and planted by some conduit from MJ-12 into script development for what became Steven Spielberg's E. T., The Extra-Terrestrial.”

- U. S. Military Source

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May 26, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Continuing in Part 9 with Linda Moulton Howe's 1983 to 1987 High Strangeness file notes about EBENs and other non-human entities. The following are interview notes I wrote after a 1984 discussion with a military source.

On June 18, 1952, the Ebe that had been retrieved from a 1949 crash near Roswell, New Mexico, died of unknown causes. That day, Ebe was traveling with the USAF Captain who became a Colonel. The two were en route between USAF bases for meetings with scientists and officials. When Ebe got on the first plane, he told the Colonel he did not feel well and attributed the illness to food. The two proceeded to the first air force base meeting and then returned to the Los Alamos, New Mexico, facility where Ebe was housed. Ebe felt much worse and was taken to a hospital where everyone tried to save his life. His temperature changed. MJ-12 authorities discussed the possibility of sending out a specific Hertz frequency given by the EBENs for an “SOS” call for help to try to save Ebe, who telepathically communicated that if he could get into an EBEN light beam technology, his health could be restored.


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Part 8: High Strangeness Files about EBENs

“Two military men were in the process of being abducted by a Tall Blond craft when three EBEN craft appeared above the Tall Blond craft. Eyewitnesses said it looked as if the EBEN craft forced the Tall Blond craft to land.”

- U. S. Intelligence Agent

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Updated - May 14, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Continuing in Part 8 with Linda Moulton Howe's 1983 to 1987 High Strangeness file notes about EBENs and other non-human entities. The following are interview notes I wrote from a 1984 discussion with an intelligence source.


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Part 3: Astronomical Information in U.K. 2009 Crop Formations?

“In these 2009 progressions of crop patterns so far,
it seems like the circlemakers are describing a combined ‘solar flare
and coronal mass ejection’ on the apogee full Moon
of July 7, 2009.”

- Australian scientist

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May 12, 2009  Wiltshire, England -  Between April 14, 2009, and May 10, 2009, eleven crop formations were reported in the yellow, flowering oilseed rape fields of Wiltshire County, England. An Australian scientist and American retired astrophysicist think some of the crop patterns could have astronomical information about a count down to increased solar flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) activity this coming July 2009, from what has been an unusually quiet sun. The Australian scientist, who took an interest in crop formation patterns, embedded astronomical cycles and perhaps mathematical language, has been studying the patterns for about five years now and reports to a small group of us what he analyzes. But to protect his professional work, he requests anonymity.


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Updated: Part 2: 800-Foot-Long Pattern in U. K. Oilseed Rape – A Sigil Someone Wanted Destroyed?

“I believe that Clatford formation was a genuine event and the damage noted inside of it around 11 AM on the first day of May 4, 2009, was added about 5 to 6 hours prior to my visit, which means the damage occurred around 6 to 7 AM, May 4.”

- Charles Mallett, Silent Circle Information Center, Calne, U.K.

Rainy morning of May 4, 2009, sigil-like pattern at Clatford near Manton, Wiltshire, England. Aerial image © 2009 by Annemieke Witteveen. Also see: Cropcircleconnector.
Rainy morning of May 4, 2009, sigil-like pattern at Clatford near Manton, Wiltshire, England. Aerial image © 2009 by Annemieke Witteveen. Also see: Cropcircleconnector.


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May 10, 2009  Wiltshire, England -  Continuing from Part 1.


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Part 1:  800-Foot-Long Pattern in U. K. Oilseed Rape – A Sigil Someone Wanted Destroyed?

“All of the plants were broken pretty viciously and there were obvious trampled paths up and down the long avenues of the huge formation. The damage is not consistent with standard hoaxing, in my opinion.”

- Charles Mallett, Silent Circle Information Center, Calne, U.K.


Eighth formation in Wiltshire, England, seen in field from airplane on rainy morning of May 4, 2009, after a night of rain at Clatford near Manton, Wiltshire, England. The thick, yellow, flowering oilseed rape is tangled and yet this huge sigil-like pattern was neatly placed 800 feet long and 300 feet wide rising up and down over a hill in the big field at an angle to the tramlines. Image © 2009 by Olivier Morel, WCCSG, U.K. Also see: Cropcircleconnector.
Eighth formation in Wiltshire, England, seen in field from airplane on rainy morning of May 4, 2009, after a night of rain at Clatford near Manton, Wiltshire, England. The thick, yellow, flowering oilseed rape is tangled and yet this huge sigil-like pattern was neatly placed 800 feet long and 300 feet wide rising up and down over a hill in the big field at an angle to the tramlines. Image © 2009 by Olivier Morel, WCCSG, U.K. Also see: Cropcircleconnector.
 Rainy morning of May 4, 2009, sigil-like pattern at Clatford near Manton, Wiltshire, England. Aerial image © 2009 by Annemieke Witteveen. Also see: Cropcircleconnector.
Rainy morning of May 4, 2009, sigil-like pattern at Clatford near Manton, Wiltshire, England. Aerial image © 2009 by Annemieke Witteveen. Also see: Cropcircleconnector.

May 9, 2009  Wiltshire, England -  The person who introduced me to the history of sigils and what they are was Mario Pazzaglini, Ph.D., a psychologist in Wilmington, Delaware, who studied the ancient science of alchemy and secret codes of sigils. A decade before his death, he assembled a limited edition booklet entitled Symbolic Messages: An Introduction to a Study of “Alien” Writing © 1991. Dr. Pazzaglini gave me a copy and in this Earthfiles report, I am reprinting pages 21 - 23 about sigils.


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Part 7: High Strangeness Files about EBENs

“The EBENs can use their craft to control materialization and dematerialization of matter, and also do ‘dimensional skipping’
like jumping from stone to stone over a river. ”

- USAF Officer

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May 5, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Continuing in Part 7 with Linda Moulton Howe's 1983 to 1987 High Strangeness file notes about EBENs and other non-human entities.

Some questions and hand-written answers from a retired USAF officer about information from Ebe 1 and Ebe 2, both retrieved from aerial craft (shot down or crashed) in the Roswell, New Mexico, region:


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Long Minimums Usually Mean Weaker Maximums, But Sun Could Still Have Big X-Flares in 2011 to 2012

“If this solar minimum keeps going past thirteen years, we’ve only had one cycle before that lasted nearly fourteen years. That was about the time of our American revolution! Solar cycle 4 started in 1785, and went from then to almost 1800.”

- David Hathaway, Ph.D., Heliophysics
Team Leader, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center


Spotless sun on May 1, 2009. Out of 365 days in 2008, 266 were without sunspots. So far in 2009, January had 25 sunspot free days; February had 23 sun spot free days; March had 28 sun spot free days and April was generally spotless . Image source:  SOHO.
Spotless sun on May 1, 2009. Out of 365 days in 2008, 266 were without sunspots. So far in 2009, January had 25 sunspot free days; February had 23 sun spot free days; March had 28 sun spot free days and April was generally spotless . Image source:  SOHO.
The last Solar Cycle 23 minimum began in May 1996. The next Solar Cycle 24 was expected to start some time in 2007 with a new crop of sunspots. But it is now April 2009, and this has been the most spotless sun in a century. Graphic by David Hathaway, NASA.
The last Solar Cycle 23 minimum began in May 1996. The next Solar Cycle 24 was expected to start some time in 2007 with a new crop of sunspots. But it is now April 2009, and this has been the most spotless sun in a century. Graphic by David Hathaway, NASA.

May 2, 2009  Huntsville, Alabama -  A sunspot is a region of intense magnetic activity on the Sun's surface that are cooler than the rest of the sun. That's why they appear as dark spots. Sunspots are at temperatures of roughly 4,000 to 4,500 Kelvin, which is 6,740 to 7,640 degrees Fahrenheit, and are surrounded by hotter solar material around 5,800 Kelvin, or 9,980 degrees Fahrenheit.


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