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Special Earthfiles YouTube Channel interview
with Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe.

Part 5: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor

“Something was able to hold this steer paralyzed on the dry pasture ground while its left ear, genitals, rectum and tail were bloodlessly excised. There were no struggle marks on the ground anywhere around the animal. That means even its legs never moved! But it dug an 8-inch deep hole with its head that must have been left unparalyzed.  Can you imagine the pain that steer felt? What can do that?”

- Former Logan County Sheriff Tex Graves, Sterling Colorado


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Part 3: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor


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Reposted January 1, 2023 - March 10, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Three years after my TV documentary, A Strange Harvest, was first broadcast on May 25, 1980, from KMGH-TV Channel 7 in Denver, Colorado, an even more intense period of my investigations into the animal mutilations, UFOs and E. T.s began. On March 20, 1983, I was in New York City for a meeting the next day at Home Box Office. During the previous fall, an HBO executive had screened A Strange Harvest and asked me if I would submit a film proposal that went beyond the mutilation investigation and focused primarily on evidence for extraterrestrial presence on our planet.


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Part 2: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor

“The brightest, whitest light I've ever seen. How can it fly like that?
What is it? Oh, I'm scared. How can they be doing that —
killing that cow? It's not even dead! It's alive!”

- Female abductee at cattle mutilation site, Cimarron, NM, May 1980


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Part 1: Sasquatch That Can’t Be Killed with Bullets and Disappear in A Flash of Light.

“Until he passed away, the farmer's son told me that he'd never forget how that large 8-foot-tall Bigfoot creature with those glowing green eyes kept looking back and staring at him as he's firing live ammo into it. And he said there was no evidence that it was injured in any way!

- Stan Gordon, UFO Anomalies Zone website


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Real X-Files from Earthfiles Viewers

— It's here that the humanoid creature bolts out of the brush over the drive way into the side yard and into the woods on the side of the house.”

- Resident of Georgetown, South Carolina

— “In the past months I have begun to feel very pressured and this overwhelming sensation that something terrible is about to transpire. In my dreams I just see these scenes of being witness to the end to civilised life as I understand it. I find I have to sleep with the light on.”

- Resident in North Queensland, Australia


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Disappearing Pregnancy in Human Abduction Syndrome: Update with Debbie Jordan Kauble.

“You know, I had this weird pregnancy, and I lost this baby somehow. I don't know what happened. But it's always in your heart, and you always carry it with you. I couldn't believe it when I found out a lot of other women had had missing pregnancy stuff.”

- Debbie Jordan Kauble, aka “Kathy Davis”
in Budd Hopkins abduction investigations


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