Silver Disc Videotaped Near Barbury Castle

“You can have 100 people in a park and this alien technology can control photons to such a point that only one person out of the hundred might see a craft right above their heads.”

- U. S. Intelligence Source


July 30, 2009  Yatesbury, Wiltshire, England - Being back in Wiltshire reminds me of the night back in the late 1990s when I was doing a live COAST report to Art Bell from a red English telephone booth in the countryside. With me were others who had joined me at the East Field silage pit for a night watch after a very rainy, stormy day. I had a powerful infrared scope that had been loaned to me by a former military friend - which was possible then before 9/11- and we had been looking into the dark mist over the East Field toward Golden Ball Hill to see if any mysterious lights might show up, since the small, glowing orbs have been seen before, during and after crop formations are created.


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Inside the 12-Armed Ogbourne St. George Wheat Formation

Smeathe's Plantation near Ogbourne Down Gallop, Wiltshire, England, reported July 24, 2009. Aerial image © 2009 by Lucy Pringle. Other images and information:
Smeathe's Plantation near Ogbourne Down Gallop, Wiltshire, England, reported July 24, 2009. Aerial image © 2009 by Lucy Pringle. Other images and information:

July 30, 2009  Yatesbury, Wiltshire, England - I arrived at Heathrow Airport in London around NOON on Friday, July 24th, and it was raining. On the drive out the M4 to Wiltshire, it was still raining. It was so muddy at the Kennet Canal where good friends of mine, Gill and Robert Nicholas, invited me to spend a couple of days with them on their houseboat, that Gill had to loan me knee-high rain boots.


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Part 3: 1980 RAF Bentwaters Lights and Craft Were “Extraterrestrial In Origin”

“I did drive General Gordon Williams to an F-16 on the Bentwaters tarmac the AM of December 30th. He had two canisters of 35mm footage with him. ...He told me directly that it was actual footage of the UFOs on the ground.”

- Mike Verrano, RAF Bentwaters Capt. and Day Shift Commander, December 1980

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July 22, 2009   Phoenix, Arizona - Eight years after the Rendlesham Forest mysterious aerial light encounters, on October 14, 1988, actor Mike Farrell hosted UFO Cover-Up: Live!, a two-hour prime time syndicated television special that was broadcast in North America. What happened behind the scenes was a secret hypnosis session with John Burroughs on November 11, 1988, after the TV broadcast. A producer wanted to find out what happened to John Burroughs near the lights and the rumor that John either “jumped up” on a craft or was lifted upward in a beam of light. John was confused by the rumor because he could not clearly remember what happened when he was near the lights in Rendlesham Forest on either the early morning of December 26, with Jim Penniston, or with Adrian Bustinza on the early morning of December 28.


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Part 6: Non-Human Entities (NHEs): One View from Alleged Government Insiders

“The aliens have spliced into the human seed to prolong the form. ... They have been collecting every species and every gender of plant for hundreds of years so that nothing will be lost when the last shall come.”

- Betty Andreasson Luca, Abductee

“The people of all races and times encased in clear rectangular receptacles” for preservation by the non-human beings Betty Andreasson called The Watchers, who have monitored the Earth for thousands of years. Illustration © Betty Andreasson Luca.
“The people of all races and times encased in clear rectangular receptacles” for preservation by the non-human beings Betty Andreasson called The Watchers, who have monitored the Earth for thousands of years. Illustration © Betty Andreasson Luca.

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July 20, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Continuing with Glimpses, Vol. II pages 326 to 336, that were included in my February 1997 communication to the Writers. By then, I was working hard on my third book, Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. II: High Strangeness. The Writers had implied that the truths behind at least some of the UFO phenomena were dark forces in spiritual warfare with light forces. I wanted their feedback on a section of my working manuscript in Chapter 4: Body Containers and Souls of Light. I sent a February 28, 1997, letter attached to my draft pages 317 to 346. In the final published edition, those were edited down to pages 320 to 336, of which 326 to 336 are reprinted below.

Content in Real X-Files at is presented for consideration in a wide range of phenomena and interpretations, not as proven fact.


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Update: Part 2 – 1980 RAF Bentwaters Lights and Craft Were “Extraterrestrial In Origin”

“Col. Halt could see that a UFO was shining a beam down into the weapons storage area.”

- Gary Heseltine, U. K. Transport Policeman

Former U. S. Air Force 1st Class Airman John Burroughs is now organizing a 2010 reunion in England for all the military personnel in RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge who were involved in the mysterious light phenomena of December 26 - 28, 1980. John would like to hear from all who were there and has created a website and email account to organize a 2010 Bentwaters reunion.

Website with email address:

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Update August 27, 2009 of July 19, 2009  Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England -

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Col. Halt Saw Beam from UFO Shining
On Weapons Storage Area

Early morning hours of December 28, 1980

Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt described mysterious aerial light that emitted white, narrow, beam down in front of him and over the weapons storage facility (above), said to contain nuclear warheads, at RAF Bentwaters, England, in the early morning hours of December 28, 1980. Illustration by Jan Roth at used with permission.
Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt described mysterious aerial light that emitted white, narrow, beam down in front of him and over the weapons storage facility (above), said to contain nuclear warheads, at RAF Bentwaters, England, in the early morning hours of December 28, 1980. Illustration by Jan Roth at used with permission.

Gary Heseltine confirms that in the early morning hours of December 28, 1980, Col. Halt says he saw a white beam of light come from a bright, unidentified aerial object and aim downward to the RAF Bentwaters weapons storage area.


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Part 1: 1980 RAF Bentwaters Lights and Craft Were “Extraterrestrial In Origin”

“I wish to make it perfectly clear that the UFOs that I saw were structured machines moving under intelligent control and operating beyond the realm of anything I have ever seen before or since. I believe the objects that I saw at close quarter were extraterrestrial in origin ... ”

- Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt (Ret.), former Dep. Base Commander, RAF Bentwaters, in June 25, 2009 press release from Gary Heseltine, PRUFOS

Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt described mysterious aerial light that emitted beam down to the weapons storage facility (said to be nuclear) at RAF Bentwaters, England, in the early morning hours of December 28, 1980. Illustration by Jan Roth at used with permission.
Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt described mysterious aerial light that emitted beam down to the weapons storage facility (said to be nuclear) at RAF Bentwaters, England, in the early morning hours of December 28, 1980. Illustration by Jan Roth at used with permission.
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July 17, 2009  Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England - A press release dated June 25, 2009, was released on the internet and contained this startling quote by retired USAF Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt:

“I wish to make it perfectly clear that the UFOs that I saw were structured machines moving under intelligent control and operating beyond the realm of anything I have ever seen before or since. I believe the objects that I saw at close quarter were extraterrestrial in origin and that the security services of both the United States and England were and have been complicit in trying to subvert the significance of what occurred at Rendlesham by use of well-practiced methods of disinformation.”


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Part 2:  Silbury Hill “Quetzlcoatl Headdress” and Mysterious Tall Blonds

“The police officer says that the tall men moved very fast, as if you were watching a video or DVD in fast forward mode.”

- Andy Russell, Investigator

Silbury Hill “Quetzalcoatl Headdress” about 350 feet in diameter first discovered July 5, 2009, around 4:30 AM by documentary film crew that had been camped all night atop Silbury Hill and were first into the extraordinary pattern. Aerial image © 2009 by Lucy Pringle. For other images and information: Cropcircleconnector.
Silbury Hill “Quetzalcoatl Headdress” about 350 feet in diameter first discovered July 5, 2009, around 4:30 AM by documentary film crew that had been camped all night atop Silbury Hill and were first into the extraordinary pattern. Aerial image © 2009 by Lucy Pringle. For other images and information: Cropcircleconnector.

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July 16, 2009  Silbury Hill, Wiltshire County, England - Three days after the “Quetzalcoatl Headdress” appeared across the Roman Road from ancient Silbury Hill, a website called The Truth Hides printed a peculiar news item on Wednesday, July 8, 2009, allegedly from a Wiltshire police officer's phone tip.


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Part 1:  Silbury Hill “Quetzlcoatl Headdress” and Mysterious Tall Blonds

“The film crew said there was heavy dew on the laid down crop, yet there were no footprints and it was not disturbed. They said the headdress formation was immaculate.”

- Charles Mallett, Silent Circle Research Centre

 Silbury Hill “Quetzalcoatl Headdress” about 350 feet in diameter first discovered around 4:30 AM by documentary film crew that had been camped all night atop Silbury Hill and were first into the extraordinary pattern. Aerial image © 2009 by Jack Roderick. For other images and information: Cropcircleconnector.
Silbury Hill “Quetzalcoatl Headdress” about 350 feet in diameter first discovered around 4:30 AM by documentary film crew that had been camped all night atop Silbury Hill and were first into the extraordinary pattern. Aerial image © 2009 by Jack Roderick. For other images and information: Cropcircleconnector.

July 15, 2009  Silbury Hill, Wiltshire County, England - On the night of July 4 to 5, 2009, a crew of documentary filmmakers with high definition video cameras were camped on top of Silbury Hill from about 2 AM until sunup between 4 and 4:30 AM in the British higher latitude summer light. Atop Silbury Hill, the film crew was only a quarter-mile from the location of what many experienced crop formation investigators say is as spectacular a wheat formation as there has ever been. The pattern spans 350 feet in diameter with unusual shading and "immaculate" ground lay.


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Part 5: Non-Human Entities (NHEs): One View from Alleged Government Insiders

“The grey Watchers are our remote imaging surrogates connected to the tall Elders with bio-electric mind projections.”

- Elder to Betty Andreasson Luca, Abductee


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July 14, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico - After my November 3, 1994, correspondence to the Writers, Ray Boeche and I talked by phone about my possibly traveling to meet with Ray and the Writers for a face-to-face discussion around Thanksgiving 1994. But the Writers decided it was too dangerous. 1995 proceeded without another floppy disc from them.

In fact, two years evolved to February 1997 without any further contact. By then, I was working hard on my third book, Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. II: High Strangeness. The Writers had implied that the truths behind at least some of the UFO phenomena were dark forces in spiritual warfare with light forces. I wanted their feedback on a section of my working manuscript in Chapter 4: Body Containers and Souls of Light. I sent a February 28, 1997, letter attached to my draft pages 317 to 346. In the final published edition, those were edited down to pages 320 to 336, reprinted below.


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