Part 1: 1980 Animal Mutilation High Strangeness Files

“It's like whatever mutilated this horse embalmed him!”

- Robert Blake, Rancher, Simla, Colorado

Typical excisions found repeatedly on heads of mutilated animals from early 1970s onward: cleanly removed lower and upper jaw flesh; “cookie cutter” circular removal of flesh around the eye; eyeball, tongue and ear removed. Polaroid by Sheriff Tex Graves, Budin Ranch, Logan County, northeastern Colorado, 1976.
Typical excisions found repeatedly on heads of mutilated animals from early 1970s onward: cleanly removed lower and upper jaw flesh; “cookie cutter” circular removal of flesh around the eye; eyeball, tongue and ear removed. Polaroid by Sheriff Tex Graves, Budin Ranch, Logan County, northeastern Colorado, 1976.

September 22, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico - After my Emmy Award-winning television documentary, A Strange Harvest, was first broadcast on the CBS affiliate in Denver, Colorado, KMGH-TV, on May 25, 1980, I assembled a chronological list of animal mutilation reports as the year unfolded. The following is the 1980 summary I typed up for my private research file and now share for the first time in this Earthfiles Real X-File. Addresses, phone numbers and some names of ranchers and eyewitnesses have been deleted.


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Yeti in Tatra Mountains, Poland?

“I saw this huge, ape-like form hiding behind the rocks.
When I saw it, it was like being struck by a thunderbolt.”

- Piotr Kowalski, Warsaw, Poland, hiker


Tatra Mountains in southern Poland (red circle). Highest peak is Rysy at 2,499 meters (8,190 feet). Map above © by Photo of Tatra Mountains below © by Destination360.
Tatra Mountains in southern Poland (red circle). Highest peak is Rysy at 2,499 meters (8,190 feet). Map above © by Photo of Tatra Mountains below © by Destination360.

September 16, 2009  Tatra Mountains, Poland -  On Monday, September 14, 2009, the Austrian Times headlined: “Polish Yeti Caught On Film.”


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Updated – Part 2: RAF Bentwaters Feedback, Another Military Eyewitness Speaks for First Time

“The light in Rendlesham Forest had a dome quality to it
... a strange light ... probably about the size of a football field.”

- Richard Bertolino, former RAF Bentwaters Airman 1st Class

Click for podcast.
Click for podcast.

Updated:  September 17, 2009, comments from former RAF Bentwaters Deputy Base Commander Charles I. Halt:  “I definitely was not out in the forest with Capt. Mike Verano [ on December 26, 1980]. I only knew he was out the next day because several others told me. ...Ray Gulyas (E-4 or E-5, Buck Sgt. or Staff Sgt.) ... somewhere I've seen pictures he took of the ‘landing site’ the morning after [of] the first event.”


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China Solar Eclipse Image of “Unidentified Object.”

“During the July 22 total solar eclipse observation, China had discovered
near the sun an unidentified object, it's physical nature remains to be further studied.”

- Ji Haisheng, Dir., Jijinshan Astronomical Observatory, Nanjing, China,
as quoted on September 7, 2009, by U. K. Daily Mail

Small white object haloed in blue to left of red-white solar corona during July 22, 2009, total solar eclipse. Image © 2009 by Jijinshan Astronomical Observatory, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China.
Small white object haloed in blue to left of red-white solar corona during July 22, 2009, total solar eclipse. Image © 2009 by Jijinshan Astronomical Observatory, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China.


September 13, 2009  Nanjing, Jiangsu, China -  Ji Haisheng, Director of the Jijinshan Astronomical Observatory in Nanjing, China, is upset that on September 7, 2009, U. K.'s Daily Mail used his quotes in an article headlined:  “UFO ‘filmed for 40 minutes’ by Chinese scientists during solar eclipse.” Dr. Haisheng told on September 12, “Obviously, there have been misunderstandings. That's false news. I said ‘an unidentified object,’ not ‘an unidentified flying object.’” Dr. Haisheng explained further that the bright spot might be “some coronal activity filmed during the total eclipse” and it could take a year to analyze and identify. Dr. Haisheng confirmed his observatory recorded 40 minutes of the solar corona during the total solar eclipse, not 40 minutes of a UFO.


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More Aerial “Milk Bottles” Photographed By Game Trail Cameras

“These [ December 1, 2008] ‘milk bottle’ photographs, are unique because they show the object behind a tree branch. This finally settles the reflection/real object controversy; whatever it is, this new data clearly confirms it is a real object.”

- Chris Zietkiewicz, Ph.D., Senior Engineer

“Milk bottle” aerial object caught by game trail camera behind tree branch on December 1, 2008, between 11:05 PM and 11:29 PM Central in Edom, Texas. Image provided by camera owner.
“Milk bottle” aerial object caught by game trail camera behind tree branch on December 1, 2008, between 11:05 PM and 11:29 PM Central in Edom, Texas. Image provided by camera owner.

September 11, 2009  Edom, Texas -  A year and a half ago on April 7, 2008, I interviewed Bob Coine, President and Owner of Heartland Studios, Inc., in Oregon, Illinois. His company is devoted to protecting, improving and managing wildlife, with an emphasis on white tail deer.
See:  040708 Earthfiles.

In order to keep track of how many white-tailed bucks and does use his farm and to estimate ages of the bucks, Bob explained that he uses a variety of game trail cameras. He has pure infrared cameras that do not flash and take images in non-visible infrared; standard 35mm cameras; and digital cameras that have an infrared beam to detect motion, which then triggers the camera to flash in the visible light spectrum. Six photographs taken in visible flash mode on November 16, 2007, beginning at 3:59 AM over a three minute time span, are still a mystery.


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Final Part 10: Non-Human Entities (NHEs): One View from Alleged Government Insiders

“If we are dealing with a non-human, other-dimensional
intelligence, how come the Writers know about them and
about their intentions?”

- Florida Researcher


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September 9, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico - After I received the two Writers floppy disc printouts of June 21 and August 16, 1994, I sent copies to three trusted friends for their comments. One was a psychologist who studied ancient sigils, symbols and the “alien writings” shared by so many people in the human abduction syndrome. He sent back a copy of an English translation by famous British archaeologist, Sir E. A. Wallis Budge, of The Bandlet of Righteousness, An Ethiopian Book of the Dead. Budge showed the evolution from talismanic drawings of humanoid eyes in a face to a geometric pattern of the eyes to the spaces in the geometry forming a religious Maltese cross that becomes a repeating flower petal pattern that becomes a plain 4-fold geometry that is repeated in linking decorative patterns reminiscent of the very ancient Flower of Life symbol. The psychologist wanted me to consider the many layers of hidden meanings in religious symbols through the centuries that might relate to deceptions in the battles between forces of light and darkness.


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Authorities Baffled in California and Switzerland As Cattle Fall Off Cliffs and Die

“We are investigating because cows that grow up in the mountains normally can estimate dangers and do not plunge down cliffs.”

- Swiss Police Officer

September 8, 2009  Coarsegold, California, and Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland -

Coarsegold, California

Coarsegold is a ranching region north of Fresno, Madera County, California.
Coarsegold is a ranching region north of Fresno, Madera County, California.

On August 14, 2009, more than thirty young males from a cattle herd were discovered dead in the Fresno River near Coarsegold, California, in Madera County. The owner of the animals is a rancher from Chowchilla, California, who did not talk to the media.


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Part 9: Non-Human Entities (NHEs): One View from Alleged Government Insiders

“In effort to establish contact with non-human entities,
every avenue is being explored.”

- The Writers

Drawing by Aleister Crowley of  “Lam, an extraterrestrial” after alleged 1919 contact, as reprinted in The Magical Revival © 1991 by Kenneth Grant.
Drawing by Aleister Crowley of  “Lam, an extraterrestrial” after alleged 1919 contact, as reprinted in The Magical Revival © 1991 by Kenneth Grant.

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August 31, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Continuing Ray Boeche's January 24, 1992, notes from first meeting with the Writers in Nebraska.


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