Part 1: More New Zealand Metal Spheres Under Project Moon Dust

U. S. Department of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff Message Center,  from Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) concerning Project Moon Dust information from New Zealand location received on November 13, 1978.
U. S. Department of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff Message Center, from Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) concerning Project Moon Dust information from New Zealand location received on November 13, 1978.

Timeline of Metal Spheres Discovered South of Ashburton, New Zealand:

1)  4 similar-sized titanium alloy balls 15 inches in diameter landed on John Lindores farm about 10 miles south of Ashburton on April 3, 1972. Soviets denied metal balls were remnants of Venus-bound spacecraft later renamed Cosmos 482. But New Zealand authorities said Cyrillic Russian writing was found, even though never photographed.

2)  2 other smaller titanium alloy balls, a larger piece of spacecraft and a cylindrical structure were also found by other residents April 3, 1972, a little further south of Ashburton.

Back row:  Group of four similar-sized titanium alloy spheres found on April 3, 1972, by farmer John Lindores about 10 miles south of Ashburton. Front row: Two smaller spheres, larger spacecraft piece and cylindrical structure found further south of John Lindores farm. Photograph © Ashburton Aviation Museum.
Back row:  Group of four similar-sized titanium alloy spheres found on April 3, 1972, by farmer John Lindores about 10 miles south of Ashburton. Front row: Two smaller spheres, larger spacecraft piece and cylindrical structure found further south of John Lindores farm. Photograph © Ashburton Aviation Museum.
Russian Space illustration of  “the Venera-D spacecraft approaching clouds-veiled Venus. Shown configuration was only one of several designs envisioned at the conclusion of the project's definition phase in September 2009. A ball-shaped capsule containing the main lander can be seen at the top, with four mini-capsules carrying atmospheric balloons attached just below it. Individual entry capsules for each balloon would allow to deploy scientific sensors over much wider regions of the planet then it would be possible if they were all released from a single descent vehicle.”
Russian Space illustration of  “the Venera-D spacecraft approaching clouds-veiled Venus. Shown configuration was only one of several designs envisioned at the conclusion of the project's definition phase in September 2009. A ball-shaped capsule containing the main lander can be seen at the top, with four mini-capsules carrying atmospheric balloons attached just below it. Individual entry capsules for each balloon would allow to deploy scientific sensors over much wider regions of the planet then it would be possible if they were all released from a single descent vehicle.”

3)  Silicon-aluminum alloy sphere found October 24, 1978, by farmer John Lovett also south of Ashburton.

4)  Silicon-aluminum alloy sphere found November 5, 1978, by New Zealand DSIE (Defense Security Information Exchange) also south of Ashburton.

The triangle pattern of metallic spheres discovered between April 3, 1972,  and October 24 and November 5, 1978, were in a region about ten miles south of Ashburton, South Island, New Zealand.
The triangle pattern of metallic spheres discovered between April 3, 1972, and October 24 and November 5, 1978, were in a region about ten miles south of Ashburton, South Island, New Zealand.

November 18, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico - On March 31, 1972, the Soviet Union launched a Venus 9 spacecraft later renamed Cosmos 482 with the goal of making a Venus trajectory for exploration. But four days later on April 3, 1972, the Venus 9 failed as it tried to move into the planned Venus trajectory. At 1 AM on April 3, 1972, a farmer named John Lindores of Ashburton, New Zealand, reported that four red-hot, metallic balls about 38 centimeters in diameter (15 inches) landed on his farm near Ashburton. Two smaller spheres, a larger spacecraft piece and cylindrical structure were found further south of John Lindores farm by other residents.


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Large Hadron Collider: Looking for the “God Particle” and Beyond

“We are absolutely and totally confident that the LHC machine
is perfectly safe, just as we were last year. And I'm not at all worried
about it being destroyed by its own future!”

- Lyndon Evans, Ph.D., Physicist and Manager, LHC Construction

“We’re really confident with the LHC that we’re going to find
the Higgs boson or something similar, which will help to explain what’s
going on in the universe.”

- Steven Goldfarb, Ph.D., LHC Muon Spectrometer, ATLAS Experiment

Looking straight down a segment of the 17-mile-long circular  Large Hadron Collider (LHC) accelerator. Image courtesy CERN LHC.
Looking straight down a segment of the 17-mile-long circular Large Hadron Collider (LHC) accelerator. Image courtesy CERN LHC.
In some theories, microscopic black holes may be produced in particle collisions that occur when very-high-energy cosmic rays hit particles in our atmosphere. These  microscopic-black-holes would decay into ordinary particles in a tiny fraction of a second and  would be very difficult to observe in our atmosphere. The ATLAS Experiment offers the exciting  possibility to study them in the lab (if they exist). The simulated collision event shown is viewed along the beampipe. The event is one in which a microscopic-black-hole was produced  in the collision of two protons (not shown). The microscopic-black-hole decayed  immediately into many particles. The colors of the tracks show different types of particles emerging from the collision (at the center). Computer graphic and actual Large Hadron Collider image below courtesy CERN LHC.
In some theories, microscopic black holes may be produced in particle collisions that occur when very-high-energy cosmic rays hit particles in our atmosphere. These microscopic-black-holes would decay into ordinary particles in a tiny fraction of a second and would be very difficult to observe in our atmosphere. The ATLAS Experiment offers the exciting possibility to study them in the lab (if they exist). The simulated collision event shown is viewed along the beampipe. The event is one in which a microscopic-black-hole was produced in the collision of two protons (not shown). The microscopic-black-hole decayed immediately into many particles. The colors of the tracks show different types of particles emerging from the collision (at the center). Computer graphic and actual Large Hadron Collider image below courtesy CERN LHC.
This computer-generated image shows the location of the 17-mile-long (27 km)  Large Hadron Collider (LHC) tunnel (in blue) about 300 feet down on the Swiss-French border. The four main experiments (ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, and LHCb) are located in underground caverns  connected to the surface by 50 meter to 150 meter pits. Part of the pre-acceleration  chain is shown in gray. Illustration courtesy CERN LHC.
This computer-generated image shows the location of the 17-mile-long (27 km) Large Hadron Collider (LHC) tunnel (in blue) about 300 feet down on the Swiss-French border. The four main experiments (ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, and LHCb) are located in underground caverns connected to the surface by 50 meter to 150 meter pits. Part of the pre-acceleration chain is shown in gray. Illustration courtesy CERN LHC.

November 19, 2009  CERN Geneva, Switzerland - Beginning Friday night, November 20, 2009, on the border between Switzerland and France, not far from Geneva, and three hundred feet underground, humans will try again to start producing subatomic energies close to those in the Big Bang. By early Saturday morning, the first beam of particles should be circulating one way around the LHC’s 17-mile-long underground ring. Then a second beam traveling in the opposite direction should start soon after. But the first low-energy collisions won't happen until about a week later.


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Part 2: June Crain and Wright Field, 1942 – 1952

“I took it (metal from ‘spaceship’) and bent it and I twisted it and laid it back down and it went Pfffffft! Got right back to the same shape.”

- June Crain, Secretary, Air Materiel Command, Wright Field, Ohio, 1942-1952

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November 19, 2009  Olympia, Washington - James E. Clarkson, 58, now retired from the Aberdeen, Washington, Police Department, currently investigator for Washington State agencies in the field of administrative law and Chief Investigator for Washington State MUFON continues with excerpts from his June 27, 1997, recorded interview with June Crain Kaba at her Ocean Shores, Washington, home before her death on August 23, 1998.


James E. Clarkson, Investigator for Washington State Agencies and Chief Investigator, MUFON-Washington State, Olympia, Washington:  “June talked about the scientists and engineers who came back from New Mexico where they had experimented with the V-2 rocket and later with the Aerobee rocket. They saw UFOs routinely while they were doing their work.


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Red List of Earth Life Facing Extinction Keeps Growing

“Ever since we have been doing the Red List, the numbers go up every year. ...We are certainly looking at an extinction crisis where things are accelerating and it's an out of control stage.”

- Craig Hilton-Taylor, Mgr., IUCN Red List, U. K.

This crescent sliver of Earth's South Pole was photographed on November 12, 2009, by Rosetta, a European Space Agency spacecraft, from about 400,000 miles away.
This crescent sliver of Earth's South Pole was photographed on November 12, 2009, by Rosetta, a European Space Agency spacecraft, from about 400,000 miles away.

November 19, 2009  Cambridge, England
- This past spring, the United Nations Environment Program declared 2010 to be the Year of Biodiversity. The goal is to unite 40 international organizations to assess the loss of biodiversity on Earth now and what to do in the future to keep Earth life from dying out in the face of climate change, loss of habitats and onslaughts from pesticides and other toxins in the environment. The 2010 Year of Biodiversity slogan is “Life in harmony, into the future.”


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Part 1: June Crain and Wright Field, 1942 – 1952

“He brought in ‘two little men (non-human).’  He called them ‘little green men.’ Then he described them as a ‘greenish-blue.’ And they were 4-feet-tall. And they were dead.”

- June Crain, Secretary, Air Material Command, Wright Field, Ohio, 1942-1952


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November 19, 2009  Olympia, Washington - Recently in Las Vegas at Ryan Wood's UFO Crash Conference, a former police detective shared a tape recorded interview he did on June 27, 1997, with a 72-year-old woman who had worked as a secretary for the War Department at Wright Field, Ohio, from 1942 until 1952. Before marriages, her name then was June Crain and during her work at Wright Field, she said she held both a SECRET and Q clearance (under authority of Atomic Energy Commission), heard about UFO crashes in New Mexico and retrievals of non-human bodies, and even held in her own hands a piece of “spaceship” metal that she could not cut and no matter how hard she twisted, the metal would always spring back to its original shape.


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More Multi-Colored Aerial Lights Above Fryeburg, Maine

Unidentified, colorful, aerial light photographed (est. 15 second exposure)  on November 4, 2009, above Fryeburg, Maine. Upper left streaks are star trails in time exposure. Image © 2009 by Jonathan Spak.
Unidentified, colorful, aerial light photographed (est. 15 second exposure) on November 4, 2009, above Fryeburg, Maine. Upper left streaks are star trails in time exposure. Image © 2009 by Jonathan Spak.
Close to the Conway, New Hampshire border is Fryeburg, Maine,  a little south of the White Mountain National Forest and northwest of Portland, Maine.
Close to the Conway, New Hampshire border is Fryeburg, Maine, a little south of the White Mountain National Forest and northwest of Portland, Maine.

November 11, 2009  Fryeburg, Maine -
On October 12, 2009, Earthfiles reported an interview with Jonathan Spak, 37-years-old, owner of a restaurant who photographed anomalous, colorful lights over Fryeburg, Maine. Now a month later on November 4, 2009, Jonathan has photographed more anomalous lights that are included in this Earthfiles report. If anyone else might be having repeated sightings of multi-colored, aerial lights that persist in a specific geographical area, please email me at [email protected].


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Part 8: 1980 Animal Mutilation High Strangeness Files

“Maybe they aren't helicopters after all because I've heard the chopper sound right above me when I couldn't see anything!”

- Phil McKinley, Colorado Rancher

Pregnant, six-year-old cow was alive and well at noon, but found dead and mutilated at 5 PM, only five hours later, 30 miles east of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Photo © 1982 by rancher Linda Dzuris.
Pregnant, six-year-old cow was alive and well at noon, but found dead and mutilated at 5 PM, only five hours later, 30 miles east of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Photo © 1982 by rancher Linda Dzuris.

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November 5 , 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The following continues from Parts 1- 7 about the 1980 animal mutilation high strangeness summary I typed up for my private research files and am now sharing for the first time in this Real X-Files series. This segment continues on September 22, 1980, after the high strangeness at Iona Hoeppner's Briggsdale, Colorado, high school lab.


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Updated: Is There Life in Europa’s Huge Ocean?

“Probably the best chance of finding current life in our solar system right now would be on Europa.”

- Richard Greenberg, Ph.D., Univ. of Arizona

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Click for podcast.

The icy surface of Europa is cracked like an egg from the tug and pull of Jupiter's gravitational stretching. Below the ice is a 100-miles-deep liquid water ocean and new data indicates more oxygen than expected reaches that ocean from the icy surface. Water plus oxygen could mean life there right now. Image from Galileo spacecraft, 1995 - 2003, by JPL, NASA and Ted Stryk.
The icy surface of Europa is cracked like an egg from the tug and pull of Jupiter's gravitational stretching. Below the ice is a 100-miles-deep liquid water ocean and new data indicates more oxygen than expected reaches that ocean from the icy surface. Water plus oxygen could mean life there right now. Image from Galileo spacecraft, 1995 - 2003, by JPL, NASA and Ted Stryk.
NASA released this image of Europa as true color of the moon's icy surface full of cracks. The slightly reddish tint of the surface cracks is still a mystery, but the hypothesis is that sulfur compounds are responsible. Image courtesy NASA/JPL.
NASA released this image of Europa as true color of the moon's icy surface full of cracks. The slightly reddish tint of the surface cracks is still a mystery, but the hypothesis is that sulfur compounds are responsible. Image courtesy NASA/JPL.

Updated November 2, 2009, with podcast and Europa book information at end of report from Tucson, Arizona - There is a moon in our solar system that is about the size of Earth's moon, but beneath its icy surface is a liquid water ocean 100 miles deep. That moon is Europa, one of 49 known moons that orbit Jupiter, of which Europa, Io, Ganymede and Callisto are the largest.


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Update on 2009 H1N1

“The new H1N1 is like the avian flu on steroids. It really is a new beast, so to speak.”

- Sherif Zaki, M. D.,
CDC Chief of Infectious Disease Pathology


 Weekly Influenza Surveillance Report by CDC showing novel H1N1 flu virus is widespread throughout the United States as of October 17, 2009. See website links for more information at the end of this Earthfiles report.
Weekly Influenza Surveillance Report by CDC showing novel H1N1 flu virus is widespread throughout the United States as of October 17, 2009. See website links for more information at the end of this Earthfiles report.

“Contrary to the perception among many people that this influenza, the novel H1N1, is mild, (new) data vividly demonstrate that this influenza can make you very, very ill.”

- William Schaffner, M. D.,
Vanderbilt University Flu Expert

Click for podcast. New England Journal of Medicine on October 8, 2009, reports CDC research that indicates 7% mortality in U. S. 2009 H1N1 cases - higher than normal seasonal flu. H1N1 cases began doubling each week in September 2009. Further, a virulent strain of H3N2 is coming north from Southern Hemisphere. Novel 2009 H1N1 photomicrograph by CDC.
New England Journal of Medicine on October 8, 2009, reports CDC research that indicates 7% mortality in U. S. 2009 H1N1 cases - higher than normal seasonal flu. H1N1 cases began doubling each week in September 2009. Further, a virulent strain of H3N2 is coming north from Southern Hemisphere. Novel 2009 H1N1 photomicrograph by CDC.

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October 30, 2009 - Atlanta, Georgia, and Houston, Texas -   On Friday, October 23, 2009, President Barack Obama declared the H1N1 pandemic to be a U. S. national emergency. He said, “The rates of illness continue to rise rapidly within many communities across the nation, and the potential exists for the pandemic to overburden health care resources in some localities.” The goal now is to lift bureaucratic requirements to help hospitals and health care facilities deal more easily with the pandemic emergency.


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