Part 1: Highly Strange X-File of Edward Leverne Moragne, Ph.D.

“After the military moved the three humanoid bodies out to Edwards AFB, they were laid out one, two and three. It was like they were dormant in suspended animation. But during the night when no one was watching, Number Two got up and went to the other side of Number Three. It was eerie!”

- Edward L. Moragne, Ph.D., Physicist


December 28, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Twelve years ago on May 8, 1997, I was at the Houston, Texas, home of Edward Leverne Moragne, Ph.D., physicist and chemical engineer. Dr. Moragne was born on July 28, 1915, in Somerset, Texas, and received an M. S. in Chemical Engineering from Columbia University, New York, in 1941, and his Ph.D. in Physics from Columbia in 1943. Three years later in 1946, Dr. Moragne founded the Moragne Research & Development Co. in Houston. Dr. Moragne had been referenced to me as a scientist who claimed firsthand knowledge of non-human entities kept at Edwards AFB, California.


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Breaking Point 2010: Top Trends with Gerald Celente.

“The global 2009 stimulus money is going to start drying up.
When that happens, we are going to see another economic collapse,
the Crash of 2010.”

- Gerald Celente, Editor, Trends Journal


December 24, 2009  Kingston, New York - Nearly every year for a decade, I have interviewed Gerald Celente, Publisher and Editor of The Trends Journal in Kingston, New York, about upcoming trends in the New Year. When we talked on December 21, 2007, about 2008 anticipated trends, Gerald said: “In 2008, we’re going to see some major, giant financial firms fall as they get hit by an economic 9/11. Watch for when one of the big firms crashes – like a big bank. That’s going to be the first signal. But even bigger than that. Much bigger – like a Bank of America caliber.”


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Does the Allen Hills Meteorite from Mars Contain Fossilized Microbial Life?

“The Allan Hills Martian meteorite suggests there is evidence
for life on ancient Mars. If that is true ... there could still be life –
particularly in the subsurface regions of Mars”

- Kathie Thomas-Keptra, Ph.D., NASA Johnson Space Center


Mars by Hubble Space Telescope, June 30, 1999.
Mars by Hubble Space Telescope, June 30, 1999.
The Allan Hills meteorite (ALH84001) that crashed into Antarctica about 13,000 years ago. Scientists say gases in the meteorite definitely match 1976 Viking data about the Martian atmosphere. Allan Hills has magnetite crystals in its carbonate that match similar crystals produced by Earth bacteria. Photograph © 2000 by David J. Phillip, AP.
The Allan Hills meteorite (ALH84001) that crashed into Antarctica about 13,000 years ago. Scientists say gases in the meteorite definitely match 1976 Viking data about the Martian atmosphere. Allan Hills has magnetite crystals in its carbonate that match similar crystals produced by Earth bacteria. Photograph © 2000 by David J. Phillip, AP.
Three darker carbon, tiny, worm-like structures might be fossilized Martian bacteria photographed in the Allan Hills meteorite by Kathie Thomas-Keprta at the NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas. Small magnetite crystals were discovered inside the worm-like structures. Photomicrograph provided by the NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas.
Transmission electron microscopy of hexagonal-shaped magnetite crystals (arrows) found inside the carbon worm-like structures in the Allan Hills meteorite from Mars that might be fossilized bacteria. Image photographed by Kathie Thomas-Keprta at the NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas.
Transmission electron microscopy of hexagonal-shaped magnetite crystals (arrows) found inside the carbon worm-like structures in the Allan Hills meteorite from Mars that might be fossilized bacteria. Image photographed by Kathie Thomas-Keprta at the NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas.
Transmission electron microscopy of hexagonal-shaped magnetite crystals (arrows) found inside the carbon worm-like structures in the Allan Hills meteorite from Mars that might be fossilized bacteria. Image photographed by Kathie Thomas-Keprta at the NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas.

December 24, 2009  Houston, Texas - On December 27, 1984, a team of U.S. meteorite hunters were searching in Allan Hills, Antarctica, when they discovered a 1.93 kilogram (about 4 pounds) meteorite dubbed “ALH 84001.” The rock is 3.9 billion years old and an analysis of trapped gases within ALH 84001 was an identical match to the Martian atmosphere that the 1976 Viking landers analyzed. So a new category of meteorites from Mars was confirmed.


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Why Has U. K. Ministry of Defence Shut Down UFO Office?

“There are objects in our atmosphere which are technically miles in advance of anything that we can deploy, that we have no means of stopping them coming here, and that we have no defense against them, should they be hostile.”

- Lord and Admiral Peter John Hill-Norton,
former U. K. Chief of Defense Staff and Chmn., NATO Military Comm.,
2000 TV interview before his death in 2004

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December 20, 2009  London, England - The British Ministry of Defence (MoD) has confirmed that on December 1, 2009, it has suddenly and mysteriously shut down its UFO phone hotline and email address for public reports at the time of a UFO flap in the U.K.

The MoD originally in November 2009 explained its surprising cutoffs this way:


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Part 3: June Crain and Wright Field, 1942 – 1952

“June said she took dictation in a Wright Field office from Dr. Wernher von Braun under a very high security setting, apparently at night.”

- James Clarkson, former Aberdeen, WA, Police Detective

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December 20, 2009  Olympia, Washington - James E. Clarkson, 58, now retired from the Aberdeen, Washington, Police Department, currently investigator for Washington State agencies in the field of administrative law and Chief Investigator for Washington State MUFON, continues with excerpts from his June 27, 1997, recorded interview with June Crain Kaba at her Ocean Shores, Washington, home before her death on August 23, 1998.


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Unexplained White and Blue Light Spirals in Norwegian Sky

“The light stopped mid-air, then began to circulate (rotate around and around). Within seconds, a giant spiral had covered a large portion of sky. Then a green-blue beam of light shot out from its centre.”

- U. K.'s Daily MailOnline

December 9, 2009, early morning close-up of the white spiral after a mysterious light rotated in the sky and from the center of the white spiral came a blue-green spiral. According to some eyewitnesses, the white and blue spirals remained in the sky for ten to twelve minutes before fading out completely. Image © 2009 by Svein-Egil Haugen.
December 9, 2009, early morning close-up of the white spiral after a mysterious light rotated in the sky and from the center of the white spiral came a blue-green spiral. According to some eyewitnesses, the white and blue spirals remained in the sky for ten to twelve minutes before fading out completely. Image © 2009 by Svein-Egil Haugen.
Unexplained white and blue aerial spiral lights were seen for several minutes between Tromso and the Finnmark region of northern Norway before sunup on Wednesday, December 9, 2009.
Unexplained white and blue aerial spiral lights were seen for several minutes between Tromso and the Finnmark region of northern Norway before sunup on Wednesday, December 9, 2009.

Update 10:30 PM Mtn, December 10, 2009: 

“We have seen rockets being launched from northwest Russia, and from the rocket range in Kiruna in northern Sweden, and from the neighboring Andenes in northern Norway, but nothing like this.”

- Truls Lynne Hansen, Dir., Tromso Geophysical Observatory, Norway

After the Russian government's denial on December 9, 2009, that it had not conducted any missile tests that could explain the white and blue light spirals over northern Norway, today on December 10, 2009, the Russian Defense Ministry now says a Bulava ballistic missile launch from the Russian Navy nuclear submarine “Dmitry Donskoi” in the region had failed. However, the Russian Defense Ministry would not confirm any connection with the white and blue spiraling lights over northern Norway. Adding to the mystery is Norway's concern that its government had no prior communication from Russia that any such missile tests were scheduled near northern Norway.


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Last Time Earth Without Ice: 55 Million Years Ago

“Ice asks no questions, presents no arguments, reads no newspapers,  listens to no debates. It is not burdened by ideology and carries no political baggage as it changes from solid to liquid. It just melts.”

- Henry Pollack, Ph.D., Geophysicist and Author, A World Without Ice

 Sea ice melt in the Arctic, Greenland, and elsewhere is likely to affect future temperatures in the regions because ice reflects much of the sun's radiation back into space while dark ocean water absorbs more of the sun's energy. As ice melts, more exposed ocean water changes the Earth's albedo, or fraction of energy reflected away from the planet. This leads to increased absorption of energy that further warms the planet in what is called ice-albedo feedback and Earth gets warmer. Illustration by NASA.
Sea ice melt in the Arctic, Greenland, and elsewhere is likely to affect future temperatures in the regions because ice reflects much of the sun's radiation back into space while dark ocean water absorbs more of the sun's energy. As ice melts, more exposed ocean water changes the Earth's albedo, or fraction of energy reflected away from the planet. This leads to increased absorption of energy that further warms the planet in what is called ice-albedo feedback and Earth gets warmer. Illustration by NASA.

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December 5, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico - This week 2007 Nobel Peace Prize participant and Professor Emeritus Geophysicist Henry Pollack, Ph.D., was in Albuquerque to speak at the University of New Mexico about his new book, A World Without Ice, released in October 2009. I was able to interview him before his presentation about the recent leaked climate data scandal, the upcoming December 7 to 18, 2009, Copenhagen global climate conference that Dr. Pollack will attend and his perspective on Earth's climate past, present and future. According to the United Nation's Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Earth will warm up between 1.4 degrees Celsius and 5.8 degrees Celsius (roughly 2 degrees Fahrenheit to 10 degrees Fahrenheit) by the end of this century.


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Amid Climate Data Email Scandal, U. K. Climate Research Director Resigns Pending University Inquiry

“If the current [ice melt] trend continues or gets worse, Antarctica could become the latest contributor to sea level rises in the world. It could start to lose more ice than Greenland in a few years.”

- Jianli Chen, Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin

December 2, 2009  Norwich, England -  Phil Jones, Ph.D., Director, Climatic Research Unit (CRU) and professor in the School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia in Norwich, England, used the word “trick” to “hide the decline” in a chart detailing a recent plateau of global temperatures. Dr. Jones's email is among thousands of pieces of correspondence among various scientists about global climate change data. Dr. Jones argues he used the word “trick” to mean “a clever thing to do.” Further embarrassing leaked emails include how to keep scientific work that is critical of a global warming trend out of peer-reviewed journals.

Phil Jones, Ph.D., Director, Climatic Research Unit (CRU) and Prof. of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, England, stepped down on Tuesday, December 1, 2009, pending the university's independent inquiry about allegations of scientific misconduct. Image by U. of East Anglia.
Phil Jones, Ph.D., Director, Climatic Research Unit (CRU) and Prof. of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, England, stepped down on Tuesday, December 1, 2009, pending the university's independent inquiry about allegations of scientific misconduct. Image by U. of East Anglia.


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Retired U. S. AFOSI Agent Describes Face-to-Face with Non-Human “Grey”

“At the moment of eye contact with that Grey, it was like seven different feature films started rapidly running through my mind all at the same time with sound, temperature, touch and 3-dimensional gold symbols superimposed over the films.”

- Retired U.S. AFOSI Agent


December 1, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico - In my 1984 research files about high strangeness in the non-human phenomena, I typed the following notes after an interview with a man who had retired from the U. S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). He implied that he actually received his check from an American intelligence agency when he said, “The AFOSI is convenient cover for U. S. intelligence all over the world.” He would talk to me only off the record and this is the first time I have put his alleged experience in a public forum.


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Mysterious Aerial Lights and Beams in Pennsylvania Woods

“If you look at the blow-up images frame-by-frame, the beam looks like it is shining through spaces of the trees, not hitting the leaves.”

- Alison Kruse, Murrysville, PA

Video frame of aerial light emitting strong beam on October 10, 2009, in Murrysville, Pennsylvania. Sony HDR-VR500 HD digital camcorder attached to an ATN NVM14-3A Generation 3 Nightvision scope with a 5X zoom lens. Video image © 2009 by Alison Kruse.
Video frame of aerial light emitting strong beam on October 10, 2009, in Murrysville, Pennsylvania. Sony HDR-VR500 HD digital camcorder attached to an ATN NVM14-3A Generation 3 Nightvision scope with a 5X zoom lens. Video image © 2009 by Alison Kruse.
East of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Route 22 William Penn Highway is the pastoral town of Murrysville southwest of the Beaver Run Reservoir. Since June of 2008, Alison Kruse, her daughter and others have repeatedly seen unidentified aerial lights and occasionally beams shining down into trees near abandoned coal mines.
East of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Route 22 William Penn Highway is the pastoral town of Murrysville southwest of the Beaver Run Reservoir. Since June of 2008, Alison Kruse, her daughter and others have repeatedly seen unidentified aerial lights and occasionally beams shining down into trees near abandoned coal mines.

November 25, 2009  Murrysville, Pennsylvania - Alison Kruse, 47, is the owner of a construction site development company in the Murrysville, Pennsylvania, region about 20 miles east of Pittsburgh. Her home is about a quarter mile from old abandoned coal mines that give off radon gas from uranium decay and often the family hears low frequency hums that are sometimes loud enough to vibrate inside their heads. The hums seem to come from underground.


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