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Special Earthfiles YouTube Channel interview
with Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe.

Part 3: In League With A UFO

© 1997 Lou Baldin
Electronically reprinted at Earthfiles.com with permission.

“One Alien device literally made doorways where none existed before.
By using this device, the scientists were able to walk through walls,
regardless of the composition or thickness of them.”

- Author


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Part 2: In League With A UFO

© 1997 Lou Baldin
Electronically reprinted at Earthfiles.com with permission.

“This Alien instrument, on its own, completed a complex surgical
procedure in a split second: it cauterized all the blood vessels without
damaging the eye socket or the eyeball! Everyone present knew that
this was beyond ‘magic.’ It was outright scary!”

- Author


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Part 1: In League With A UFO

© 1997 Lou Baldin
Electronically reprinted at Earthfiles.com with permission.

“‘The craft was like a living organism,’ claimed a document
in one of the secret files. … Miraculously, three weeks after the craft
was discovered, the ship completely healed itself. … If Aliens did the
repair work, they would have had to be invisible.”

– AuthorClick for report.

Reward Grows and Task Force Assembled in Olympia, WA Bloodless Cat Mutilations

“In most cases, the perpetrator has been meticulous. The cuts are clean and there is little other evidence, an indication that the killer has experience doing this. In some cases the spines have been removed, in others the organs have been laid out next to the body. Some of the cats have been found dismembered.” - The New York Times, Aug. 31, 2018


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Part 1 Animal Mutilations: Half-Cats in Washington and Texas and Mutilated Cattle in Argentina

— Two cats were cut open from stern to genitals with the cutting precision of a scalpel and their spines were removed.  “I feel for the animal owners because I'm an animal owner myself and just the manner these animals have died is extremely horrific.”

- Officer Erika Johnson, Thurston County Animal Services, Olympia, Washington

— “What was done to the cats was done with three or four cuts and that was it. There was no evidence of any sawing or jagged edges or tearing, or anything like that. It was done very cleanly and very precisely.”

– Cherie Good, D.V.M., Bothell, Washington, August 2003


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Part 10: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor

“The white-skinned humanoid doesn’t say anything to me out loud, but I feel something in my mind, ‘Look out there. The universe is full of – there is conflict between good and evil.”


Joshua Rhinehall: “Flight was fast and erratic” between the huge sphere and the large, triangular craft that seemed to be in a dogfight. Illustration © 2011 by Joshua Rhinehall.
Joshua Rhinehall: “Flight was fast and erratic” between the huge sphere and the large, triangular craft that seemed to be in a dogfight. Illustration © 2011 by Joshua Rhinehall.

“I feel that the non-human entities have conducted genetic testing on mankind for centuries in order to alter human genetics and guide our evolution to a point where they can harvest a genetic component for cloning and/or hybrid that has the ability to contain a soul.”

- “Joshua Rhinehall,” Private Investigator, Pacific Northwest


Return to Part 1.

Reposted January 15, 2023 - April 14, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - As the 1980s evolved into the 1990s and past New Year's Day 2000, my files filled up with contradictory descriptions of different types of non-humans and agendas ranging from positive entities trying to help humanity to negative — even dangerous — intents of insectoids, grey types, standing up reptiles and large, humanoid praying mantises.


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Part 9: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor

“The Grey-type ETs were described as joined mind-to-mind in instant telepathy as bees in a hive; thus, a “hive mind.” Betrayal by an alien hive mind that could not be understood  is the quicksand. The illusions planted in human minds by the Greys is the hall of mirrors.”

- Linda Moulton Howe, Fall 1989, confidential interview notes


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Part 8: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor

“The extraterrestrial's ‘skin’ was nothing like anything I’d seen before. It was just like it was fabric. It was almost like it had a fabric suit on (leotard), but the suit was its flesh at the same time.”

- Wright-Patterson AFB Flight Surgeon, late 1940s


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Part 7: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor

The Garden of Eden experiment created, monitored and manipulated by Other Intelligences including the tall Praying Mantis being at gate; the two extraterrestrial biological entity (EBEN) scientist types in front of the Praying Mantis directing “Adam and Eve” to leave the Garden where a Mesopotamian/Reptilian ziggurat is seen beyond the wall; assisting in the Garden of Eden experiment are small, gray-skinned androids with large slanted eyes that often wear blue leotard-type uniforms with a circle patch that encircles a triangle; and the Tall humanoids, often described as having shoulder-length blond hair or longer copper red hair or even black hair and often wearing shoulder-to-feet robes. Illustration © 1984 by Debbie Pagliughi and Beau Peterson, The Order.
The Garden of Eden experiment created, monitored and manipulated by Other Intelligences including the tall Praying Mantis being at gate; the two extraterrestrial biological entity (EBEN) scientist types in front of the Praying Mantis directing “Adam and Eve” to leave the Garden where a Mesopotamian/Reptilian ziggurat is seen beyond the wall; assisting in the Garden of Eden experiment are small, gray-skinned androids with large slanted eyes that often wear blue leotard-type uniforms with a circle patch that encircles a triangle; and the Tall humanoids, often described as having shoulder-length blond hair or longer copper red hair or even black hair and often wearing shoulder-to-feet robes. Illustration © 1984 by Debbie Pagliughi and Beau Peterson, The Order.


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