Part 2: Update – Bentwaters 1980, Telepathic Lights?

“If you took three handfuls of colored fire and put them together and you saw one color and then saw another color and saw another color, you would get the feeling that it’s not blinking, but that it was turning.”

- Former RAF Bentwaters Airman Lori Buoen

Fiery, orange-red sphere that former Airman Lori Buoen, D Flight law enforcement, RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge, reported after midnight to her Flight Chief  Master Sgt. Glen Whitehead, on December 27, 1980, after Lori watched the unidentified light move slowly down into Rendlesham Forest. Illustration © 2010 by Lori Buoen.
Fiery, orange-red sphere that former Airman Lori Buoen, D Flight law enforcement, RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge, reported after midnight to her Flight Chief  Master Sgt. Glen Whitehead, on December 27, 1980, after Lori watched the unidentified light move slowly down into Rendlesham Forest. Illustration © 2010 by Lori Buoen.

Return to Part 1.


April 17, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The computer graphic below was produced by John Burroughs and U. K. researcher, John Rackham, of what John remembers seeing in the forest on December 26, 1980.


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Part 1: Update – Bentwaters 1980, Telepathic Lights?

“The lights were red and blue, the red one above the blue one and they were flashing on and off. Because I never saw anything like that coming from the woods before, we  decided to drive down and see what it was.”

- January 2, 1981, Statement, Airman 1st Class John Burroughs,
81st Security Police Squadron, Bentwaters AFB, U. K.

Computer illustration of sketch by John Burroughs of lights in Rendlesham Forest, 3 AM, December 26, 1980. Artwork by John Rackham.
Computer illustration of sketch by John Burroughs of lights in Rendlesham Forest, 3 AM, December 26, 1980. Artwork by John Rackham.

April 16, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico - On April 10, 2010, at the Eureka Springs, Arkansas, UFO conference, I presented a 2-hour update of my continued investigation of the December 1980 to January 1981, unidentified aerial lights and craft phenomena at the then-joint U. S. and U. K. RAF Bentwaters and Woodbridge air base northeast of London in Suffolk County, England. I have broken that 2-hour presentation down into several parts that begin today in Part 1.

Brief RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge Background

In 1942, the British Royal Air Force constructed an air base between Butley and Tunstall (larger pink circle near top of map) in Suffolk County, England, on the northeastern edge of Rendlesham Forest. It was called RAF Butley – about 4 miles northeast of RAF Woodbridge (large pink circle on far left). More trees were planted to build up the Rendlesham Forest in the 1940s to help shield military activities.


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Part 10: RAF Bentwaters – 1986 Interview with Former Airman Larry Warren

“Adrian (Bustinza) said he could see a strange silhouette
behind the screen, but not what was making the silhouette,
and it talked to him in his mind telepathically about a lot of things,
including religion.”

- Larry Warren, former RAF Bentwaters Airman 1st Class

Return to Part 1

April 15, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico  - Continuing Part 10 of the May 18, 1986, interview of former RAF Bentwaters Airman 1st Class Larry Warren by New York mathematics professor, Benton Jamison, and Linda Moulton Howe, in New Haven, Connecticut.

Farmer's field in general area of central pink circle in Rendlesham Forest near Capel St. Andrew, England. The Orford Ness lighthouse is the far right pink circle. RAF Bentwaters is top large pink circle, about 6 miles northeast of RAF Woodbridge, pink circle at Woodbridge.
Farmer's field in general area of central pink circle in Rendlesham Forest near Capel St. Andrew, England. The Orford Ness lighthouse is the far right pink circle. RAF Bentwaters is top large pink circle, about 6 miles northeast of RAF Woodbridge, pink circle at Woodbridge.


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NASA Astronauts Write Protest to President Obama

“America is faced with the near-simultaneous ending of the Shuttle program and your recent budget proposal to cancel the Constellation program. This is wrong for our country ... (and) we are stunned that, in a time of economic crisis, this move will force as many as 30,000 irreplaceable engineers and managers out of the space industry.”

- 27 former NASA Astronauts and Managers


NASA logo at Cape Kennedy, Florida.
NASA logo at Cape Kennedy, Florida.
NASA Discover Shuttle launch on March 15, 2009, from Cape Kennedy, Florida. Image by NASA.
NASA Discover Shuttle launch on March 15, 2009, from Cape Kennedy, Florida. Image by NASA.

April 14, 2010  Cape Kennedy, Florida - On Thursday, April 15, President Barack Obama will visit Cape Canaveral to outline his administration's goals for NASA. Twenty-seven former NASA astronauts and managers are waiting to see what President Obama specifically says about manned flights to the moon and Mars.


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Part 1: U. K. Sheep Mutilations and Red-Orange Spheres in U.K.’s Radnor Forest

“A retired police officer saw a fleet of six red-orange spheres on New Year’s Eve (December 31, 2009) that  were approximately 30 to 50 feet in diameter” in the Radnor Forest area of sheep mutilations.”

– Phil Hoyle, U. K. Animal Pathology Field Unit

“How do you catch a sheep at that time of the night (April 5, 2010) in the dark and butcher them like this? It's got to be somebody who knew what they were doing.”

- Kay Thompson, Hamsterley, Durham, U. K.


One of three ewes found dead and mutilated with bloodless excisions of eye, jaw flesh, tongue, genitals and rectum on February 13, 2010, in the Radnor Forest area of Wales. Image © 2010 by APFU.
One of three ewes found dead and mutilated with bloodless excisions of eye, jaw flesh, tongue, genitals and rectum on February 13, 2010, in the Radnor Forest area of Wales. Image © 2010 by APFU.
Triangular region of high strangeness marked by the three yellow circles from Oswestry, Shropshire, England, in the north to Leominster in the southeast to Rhayader, Wales, in the southwest. Between Leominster and Rhayader, the red circle marks the Radnor Forest, Radnorshire region of sheep mutilations and red-orange spheres.
Triangular region of high strangeness marked by the three yellow circles from Oswestry, Shropshire, England, in the north to Leominster in the southeast to Rhayader, Wales, in the southwest. Between Leominster and Rhayader, the red circle marks the Radnor Forest, Radnorshire region of sheep mutilations and red-orange spheres.

April 13, 2010  Radnor Forest, Radnorshire, U. K. -  In January and February 2010, the British Animal Pathology Field Unit (APFU) founded by David Cayton and Phil Hoyle, investigated three, bloodless sheep mutilations in the Radnor Forest, Radnorshire, area of Wales (red circle in above map). A year ago in March 2009, the men also investigated the bloodless mutilation of four ewes on the same farm.


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Part 9:  RAF Bentwaters – 1986 Interview with Former Airman Larry Warren

“Col. Halt said to Lee Spiegel (NBC), ‘There is
so much more to this than I can say.’ Something happened
to Col. Halt out there that he can’t talk about.”

- Larry Warren, former RAF Bentwaters Airman 1st Class


Return to Part 1

April 1, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico  - Continuing Part 9 of the May 18, 1986, interview of former RAF Bentwaters Airman 1st Class Larry Warren by New York mathematics professor, Benton Jamison, and Linda Moulton Howe, in New Haven, Connecticut.


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Part 1:  Unidentified Beam Technology Near Ft. Stewart, Georgia.

“Two military policemen at the Army's Hunter Airfield near Savannah reported Saturday, September 8, 1973, that an unidentified flying object forced their patrol car off the road during the early morning hours.”

- Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Sept. 9, 1973

  April 1974, Hinesville, Georgia, near Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Air Field (HAAF), a glowing disc appeared to raise a human body in a beam of light. Drawing by former U. S. Army Ranger Derek Smith.
April 1974, Hinesville, Georgia, near Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Air Field (HAAF), a glowing disc appeared to raise a human body in a beam of light. Drawing by former U. S. Army Ranger Derek Smith.

March 30, 2010  Hinesville, Georgia - Glowing beams emitted from unidentified aerial objects have been reported for decades around the world. In a recent report, a former USAF security man described watching a greenish-blue beam aimed at the fuselage of a new C-5 at Vandenberg AFB, California, in December 1969.


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Part 2:  Unidentified Beam Technology Near Ft. Stewart, Georgia.

“While my wife and I were watching the white beam go up to the craft, we saw something inside the beam that reminded me of a person with arms and legs spread-eagled, tumbling and turning slowly inside that light beam.”

- Derek Smith, former U. S. Army Ranger

April 1974, Hinesville, Georgia, near Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Air Field (HAAF), a glowing disc appeared to raise a human body in a beam of light. Drawing © 1998 by former U. S. Army Ranger Derek Smith.
April 1974, Hinesville, Georgia, near Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Air Field (HAAF), a glowing disc appeared to raise a human body in a beam of light. Drawing © 1998 by former U. S. Army Ranger Derek Smith.
Fort Stewart and Hunter (Wright) Army Air Field is a military complex between Hinesville and Savannah, Georgia. It is the home of the 3rd Infantry Division of the United States Army. Hunter's 11,375 ft long runway (the longest on the East Coast) supports the installation's rapid deployment needs as any aircraft, including the C-5 Galaxy, can land at Hunter. It also has been an emergency alternate landing site for NASA's space shuttles.
Fort Stewart and Hunter (Wright) Army Air Field is a military complex between Hinesville and Savannah, Georgia. It is the home of the 3rd Infantry Division of the United States Army. Hunter's 11,375 ft long runway (the longest on the East Coast) supports the installation's rapid deployment needs as any aircraft, including the C-5 Galaxy, can land at Hunter. It also has been an emergency alternate landing site for NASA's space shuttles.

Return to Part 1

March 31, 2010  Hinesville, Georgia - Part 2 continues with Derek Smith's and wife's eyewitness account while parked at a drive-in movie theater near Fort Smith in Hinesville, Georgia, after Derek was transferred there from Hunter Army Airfield in 1974.


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NASA and Houston Oil Companies Attacked by Cyber Spies

“A long term, persistent campaign to collect sensitive but unclassified information from U.S. Government and U.S. defense industry networks using computer network exploitation techniques, long attributed to China, has successfully exfiltrated at least 10 to 20 terabytes of data from US Government networks as of 2007, according to US Air Force estimates, and that figure has possibly grown in the past two years, though no figure is publicly available.”

- Page 7, Executive Summary, “Capability of the People’s Republic of China to Conduct Cyber Warfare and Computer Network Exploitation,” prepared for The US-China Economic and Security Review Commission by Bryan Krekel, Northrop Grumman Corp., October 2009.
Website and PDF below.


March 25, 2010  Houston, Texas - The first week of March, I was in Houston, Texas, to attend the NASA Lunar and Planetary Institute conference. To my surprise, one subject that kept coming up in conversations and in the Houston media is persistent attacks by cyber spies - especially from China.


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GMO Seed Prices Skyrocket and Justice Department Investigates Monsanto for Antitrust Violation

“In 2010 as farmers move out into their fields this year,
they will be planting the most expensive seeds they have
ever bought because of the genetically engineered traits. But,
the farmers are going to be wondering how well the seeds are going
to work?”

- Charles Benbrook, Ph.D., Agricultural Economist


California Farmer, October 1, 2009.
California Farmer, October 1, 2009.

March 25, 2010  Enterprise, Oregon -  On March 12, 2010, U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack spoke in Ankeny north of Des Moines, Iowa, in the first of a series of public meetings with farmers and industry executives.


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