Green Beam and White-Haired Non-Humans

“Right after the chartreuse beam came down and engulfed me,
it might have been a second or two later, these four alien beings
showed up in the beam circling around me.”

- Steve Askew, Leggett, California


Leggett (formerly, Leggett Valley) is an unincorporated community in Northern California's Mendocino County. Leggett is located on the South Fork of the Eel River at an elevation of 984 feet (300 m). Nearby Smithe Redwood State Reserve and the Standish-Hickey State Recreation Area are noted for their forests of Coastal Redwoods that have some of the largest trees in the world.
Leggett (formerly, Leggett Valley) is an unincorporated community in Northern California's Mendocino County. Leggett is located on the South Fork of the Eel River at an elevation of 984 feet (300 m). Nearby Smithe Redwood State Reserve and the Standish-Hickey State Recreation Area are noted for their forests of Coastal Redwoods that have some of the largest trees in the world.

May 26, 2010  Spokane, Washington  -  Forty-nine years ago on September 16, 1960, Steve Askew (birth name withheld at request) was born in Tacoma, Washington. That's where he grew up and graduated from high school in 1978. For a decade, he worked with road construction crews. Then in 1989, Steve enrolled in a Spokane college where he studied water resources, graduated with a degree in hydrography and water quality and worked for the USGS until a car accident in 2002 permanently damaged his spinal cord.


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Fungus in White-Nose Bat Deaths Has Spread Rapidly to Missouri and Oklahoma

“This Woodward County bat infected with white-nose fungus is the
first known record of Geomyces destructans in Oklahoma's Region 2.”

- Richard Stark, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Oklahoma

 Eight Little Brown Bats (Myotis lucifugus) hanging upside down in hibernation west of Albany, New York, inside Hailes Cave in February 2007. The white- nose fungus, Geomyces destructans, rings the noses of several bats. Mortality in some caves has reached 100%. Image © 2007 by Nancy Heaslip.
Eight Little Brown Bats (Myotis lucifugus) hanging upside down in hibernation west of Albany, New York, inside Hailes Cave in February 2007. The white- nose fungus, Geomyces destructans, rings the noses of several bats. Mortality in some caves has reached 100%. Image © 2007 by Nancy Heaslip.

May 20, 2010  New York, New York  -  The Natural Resources Defense Council reports that the white-nose fungus, Geomyces destructans, has spread faster and farther by May 2010 than anyone expected. The fungus has been wiping out bat populations along the eastern U. S. and spreading north into Quebec and Ontario, Canada. Now it is in the Great Smoky Mountains and other caves of Tennessee and has spread into Missouri. On May 18, 2010, the International Society for Infectious Diseases reported from Missouri:


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Recent Cattle Mutilations in Montana

“There was a beam of light come down and it got that calf and that calf went up in that beam of light and was gone!”

- Montana Rancher

Left: 7-year-old Black Angus pregnant cow found dead and mutilated in the morning of April 9, 2010, on a very remote northeastern Montana ranch. Right: Another mutilated cow discovered 15 miles from first mutilation one month later on May 9, 2010. Photos by owners who have asked for anonymity.
Left: 7-year-old Black Angus pregnant cow found dead and mutilated in the morning of April 9, 2010, on a very remote northeastern Montana ranch. Right: Another mutilated cow discovered 15 miles from first mutilation one month later on May 9, 2010. Photos by owners who have asked for anonymity.

Red circle marks the region in northeastern Montana where mutilated cows were found on April 9 and May 9, 2010. Western Montana around Great Falls has had more than a hundred reported cattle mutilations since the early 1970s.

Red circle marks the region in northeastern Montana where mutilated cows were found on April 9 and May 9, 2010. Western Montana around Great Falls has had more than a hundred reported cattle mutilations since the early 1970s.

Pregnant cow owned by Bill Veenhuizen, Maple Valley, Washington, found dead with “keyhole” excision of jaw flesh, bone, teeth, tongue, and large hide-deep excision of rectal and vaginal tissue on July 17, 1989. Photograph © 1989 by Bill Veenhuizen.
Pregnant cow owned by Bill Veenhuizen, Maple Valley, Washington, found dead with “keyhole” excision of jaw flesh, bone, teeth, tongue, and large hide-deep excision of rectal and vaginal tissue on July 17, 1989. Photograph © 1989 by Bill Veenhuizen.

May 17, 2010  Northeastern Montana  -  In 1975-1976, there were so many cattle mutilations in Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and other parts of the United States that sheriffs reported some carcasses were still warm to touch, but had an ear, eye, jaw flesh, tongue, genitals and rectal area excised in a "cookie cutter" surgical fashion without blood and without signs of struggle or tracks from what killed and mutilated the animals.


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Updated: U. S. Honey Bee Industry Struggles with 34% Colonies Loss

“The rate of honey bee loss experienced by the industry is unsustainable.”

- Apiary Inspectors of America Survey, Winter 2009-2010

A total 33.8% of U. S. commercial honey bee colonies  were lost in 2009-2010. But some individual beekeepers had to replace 75% to 100% of their colonies.
A total 33.8% of U. S. commercial honey bee colonies were lost in 2009-2010. But some individual beekeepers had to replace 75% to 100% of their colonies.
Before the fall of 2006 and the first report of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), the U. S. commercial honey bee industry generally thrived on California almond pollination, other orchard crops, vegetables and berries. But in January 2010, many commercial beekeepers who trucked colonies to California for almond pollination lost nearly 100 percent of their hives.
Before the fall of 2006 and the first report of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), the U. S. commercial honey bee industry generally thrived on California almond pollination, other orchard crops, vegetables and berries. But in January 2010, many commercial beekeepers who trucked colonies to California for almond pollination lost nearly 100 percent of their hives.


Updated:  May 5, 2010  Gainesville, Florida - On April 22, 2010, the Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA) and the U. S. Department of Agriculture ARS Honey Bee Lab in Beltsville, Maryland, reported, “Preliminary Results: Honey Bee Colonies Losses in the U. S., Winter 2009-2010.” [ See More Information below for complete summary report.]


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Part 5: Update – Bentwaters 1980: Telepathic Lights?

“It just sat there. That blue-red, big, object didn’t go anywhere.
It just sat in one spot. I think you could have put a crosshair on it
and that big light never would have moved.”

- Rick Bobo,
Former USAF Sgt. and Security Flight Chief, RAF Bentwaters WSA


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April 30, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico:  The RAF Bentwaters Weapons Storage Area (WSA) had nuclear weapons in December 1980 – a TOP SECRET at the time. Those nuke bunkers were watched around the clock by security from the WSA Alarm Station Watch Tower. The Delta Flight Security Chief in the Bentwaters tower the night of December 27- 28 was Sergeant Rick Bobo. The tower was fifty feet above the ground to give a clear, 360-degree view. Sgt. Bobo's priority was to report any threat to the WSA. That night, he watched a large, reddish-blue light in the sky that hovered stationary for nearly two hours and also emitted a smaller light that sped rapidly down into Rendlesham Forest. At least twice, Sgt. Bobo phoned Central Security Control (CSC) and in each call, he was told the situation was under control because there was an investigation in the forest. Apparently that was the same night that RAF Bentwaters Deputy Base Commander Lt. Col. Charles Halt investigated lights and beam phenomena in Rendlesham Forest.


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M82 Galaxy’s Mysterious Radio Waves

“The new object, which appeared in May 2009, has left us scratching our heads — we've never seen anything quite like this before.”

- Tom Muxlow, Ph.D., U. K. Jodrell Centre for Astrophysics


M82 is a “starburst” galaxy 10 million light-years  from our Milky Way galaxy. The mysterious radio wavelengths  appeared very suddenly, have persisted and have never been seen  before in our galaxy. Supernova explosions in the core of the galaxy have produced a hot wind which can be seen escaping in this infra-red image where dust emission is colored red.  Image by NASA/ESA/STScI/AURA.
M82 is a “starburst” galaxy 10 million light-years from our Milky Way galaxy. The mysterious radio wavelengths appeared very suddenly, have persisted and have never been seen before in our galaxy. Supernova explosions in the core of the galaxy have produced a hot wind which can be seen escaping in this infra-red image where dust emission is colored red. Image by NASA/ESA/STScI/AURA.

April 30, 2010  Manchester, U. K. - Our universe is estimated to be 13.7 billion light-years old and still expanding. In all that vastness, there are billions of galaxies. Our Earth is in the Milky Way galaxy and 10 million light-years from us are two companion galaxies that astronomers call M81 and M82.


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Final Part 11: RAF Bentwaters – 1986 Interview with Former Airman Larry Warren

“Adrian Bustinza never said it was an alien behind
the lighted scrim underground, but it was his impression that it was.”

- Larry Warren, former RAF Bentwaters Airman 1st Class

Return to Part 1

April 28, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico  - Continuing Part 11 of the May 18, 1986, interview of former RAF Bentwaters Airman 1st Class Larry Warren by New York mathematics professor, Benton Jamison, and Linda Moulton Howe, in New Haven, Connecticut.

Farmer's field in general area of central pink circle in Rendlesham Forest near Capel St. Andrew, England. The Orford Ness lighthouse is the far right pink circle. RAF Bentwaters is top large pink circle, about 6 miles northeast of RAF Woodbridge, pink circle at Woodbridge.
Farmer's field in general area of central pink circle in Rendlesham Forest near Capel St. Andrew, England. The Orford Ness lighthouse is the far right pink circle. RAF Bentwaters is top large pink circle, about 6 miles northeast of RAF Woodbridge, pink circle at Woodbridge.


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Part 4: Update – Bentwaters 1980: Telepathic Lights?

“I knew that craft was not from any form of government - I mean, no air force on Earth. It was beyond our (human) capability.”

- Former Staff Sgt. Jim Penniston, RAF Bentwaters

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April 27, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico - On June 25, 2009, USAF Col. Charles I. Halt (Ret.), former Deputy Base Commander at RAF Bentwaters, England, in December 1980, went on the record to state:


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Part 3: Update – Bentwaters 1980, Telepathic Lights?

“We’re observing what appears to be a beam coming down to the ground! This is unreal!”

- Former RAF Bentwaters Deputy Base Commander Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt

Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt described mysterious aerial light that emitted white, narrow, beam down to the ground close in front of him and his investigating team in Rendlesham Forest near RAF Bentwaters, England, in the early morning hours of December 28, 1980. Illustration by Jan Roth at used with permission.
Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt described mysterious aerial light that emitted white, narrow, beam down to the ground close in front of him and his investigating team in Rendlesham Forest near RAF Bentwaters, England, in the early morning hours of December 28, 1980. Illustration by Jan Roth at used with permission.


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April 21, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico - According to John Burroughs, even though his C FLIGHT was off duty December 27, 1980, that night at 11 PM when D Flight was back for its second midnight shift, John Burroughs was there, too.

If John is correct on the date, it is the early morning hours of December 28, 1980, that Deputy Base Commander Charles Halt assembled a security and law enforcement team to go with him into Rendlesham Forest with a tape recorder, light-alls, radios, radiation meters and photographic equipment.
1)  RAF Bentwaters Deputy Base Commander Charles I. Halt.


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Part 2: U. K. Sheep Mutilations and Red-Orange Spheres in U.K.’s Radnor Forest

“The occupants or intelligences controlling these spheres,
in our opinion, were making it quite clear that they were aware of us.”

– Phil Hoyle, U. K. Animal Pathology Field Unit

March 12 - 13, 2010, video frame from two hours of reddish lights (appear whitish-green in video frames) and dimmer white beams interacting in the Radnor Forest of Wales in southwestern United Kingdom, where bloodless, bizarre sheep mutilations, similar to those reported in North America and South America for decades, persisted between March 2009 and February 2010. Image © 2010 by APFU.
March 12 - 13, 2010, video frame from two hours of reddish lights (appear whitish-green in video frames) and dimmer white beams interacting in the Radnor Forest of Wales in southwestern United Kingdom, where bloodless, bizarre sheep mutilations, similar to those reported in North America and South America for decades, persisted between March 2009 and February 2010. Image © 2010 by APFU.
Triangular region of high strangeness marked by the three yellow circles from Oswestry, Shropshire, England, in the north to Leominster in the southeast to Rhayader, Wales, in the southwest. Between Leominster and Rhayader, the red circle marks the Radnor Forest, Radnorshire region of sheep mutilations and red-orange spheres.
Triangular region of high strangeness marked by the three yellow circles from Oswestry, Shropshire, England, in the north to Leominster in the southeast to Rhayader, Wales, in the southwest. Between Leominster and Rhayader, the red circle marks the Radnor Forest, Radnorshire region of sheep mutilations and red-orange spheres.

Return to Part 1

- Continuing in Part 2 with Phil Hoyle, Investigator and Researcher for the U. K.'s Animal Pathology Field Unit, about the night of March 12 - 13, 2010, when he and his colleague, Mike Freebury, videotaped on a tripod above valley where red spheres and beams appeared to have a “Star Wars” battle for at least two hours. Brief video excerpt is included in this Earthfiles report. The nearby farm is where persistent sheep mutilations occurred from March 2009 to February 2010.


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