Could BP Oil Disaster Threaten Gulf Power Plants?

More than 100 million gallons of crude oil from British Petroleum's unplugged drill hole might already have spewed into the Gulf of Mexico. On June 11, 2010, scientists estimated the BP blown-out well a half mile down in the Gulf could have been spewing as much as 2 million gallons of crude a day until the BP cut-and-cap that is now siphoning off some of the gushing oil. [ 35,000 to 60,000 barrels a day = 1.5 to 2.5 million gallons a day.]

“The BP oil spill threatens a number of power plants.
If the water supply for these facilities becomes contaminated
with oil, cooling water systems could be damaged.”

- U. S. Dept. of Energy May 12, 2010 Situation Report


Sea bird covered with British Petroleum oil in June 2010 on Louisiana shore after BP's Deepwater Horizon drilling unit blew up on April 20, 2010, releasing as much as 2 million gallons of crude oil every day up to BP's recent cut-and-cap maneuver that began capturing some of the oil flow. [ 35,000 to 60,000 barrels a day = 1.5 to 2.5 million gallons a day.] Image by Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries.
Sea bird covered with British Petroleum oil in June 2010 on Louisiana shore after BP's Deepwater Horizon drilling unit blew up on April 20, 2010, releasing as much as 2 million gallons of crude oil every day up to BP's recent cut-and-cap maneuver that began capturing some of the oil flow. [ 35,000 to 60,000 barrels a day = 1.5 to 2.5 million gallons a day.] Image by Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries.
June 12, 2010  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - At approximately 11:00 PM EDT on April 20, 2010, an explosion occurred aboard British Petroleum's (BP) Deepwater Horizon mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) located 52 miles southeast of Venice, Louisiana, and 130 miles southeast of New Orleans. Eleven men working the oil rig died. BP was drilling an exploratory well at the time of the incident. By June 11, 2010, scientists trying to give a reality check on how much oil has erupted from the disastrous mile-deep drill hole stunned the U. S. and the world with an estimate as high as 2 million gallons of crude oil a day, turning the Gulf of Mexico into a toxic marineland and destroying the birds, animals and plant life that live in the delicate wetlands bordering the Gulf shores in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, western Florida and potentially even the east coast of Florida if enough oil gets into the loop current that goes around the southern tip of Florida and back up the East Coast.


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Does New Somerset, U. K., Bean Formation Link to Comet McNaught?

“Quite remarkably, planet Earth and Moon will lie precisely between the two Comet McNaught tracks, incoming or outgoing, close to comet perihelion [ July 2, 2010].”

- Australian Scientist Red Collie


Amateur astronomer Michael Jager of Stixendorf, Austria, photographed the new Comet McNaught C/2009 R1 on June 6, 2010, while the comet was visible to the naked eye in the northeastern morning sky. Comet McNaught will pass closest to the sun (perihelion) on July 2, 2010, at a distance of 37 million miles (60 million km).
Amateur astronomer Michael Jager of Stixendorf, Austria, photographed the new Comet McNaught C/2009 R1 on June 6, 2010, while the comet was visible to the naked eye in the northeastern morning sky. Comet McNaught will pass closest to the sun (perihelion) on July 2, 2010, at a distance of 37 million miles (60 million km).  “Comet McNaught (C/2009 R1) is now just barely visible to the naked eye in the predawn, northeastern sky from the Northern Hemisphere. This map shows the sky as of June 9 2010, just before daybreak. The comet will be near the star Mirfak on June 13-14, and brighter than now. Sliding lower each morning, Comet McNaught will reach 3rd magnitude near the star Capella on June 21-22.” Sky map © 2010 by  “Comet McNaught (C/2009 R1) is now just barely visible to the naked eye in the predawn, northeastern sky from the Northern Hemisphere. This map shows the sky as of June 9 2010, just before daybreak. The comet will be near the star Mirfak on June 13-14, and brighter than now. Sliding lower each morning, Comet McNaught will reach 3rd magnitude near the star Capella on June 21-22.” Sky map © 2010 by


June 11, 2010  Stony Littleton Long Barrow near Wellow, Somerset, England - Last September 2009, a new comet was discovered by Australian astronomer Robert McNaught. This is the 51st comet to bear comet-seeker McNaught's name. And now ten months later as Comet McNaught is finally becoming visible to the naked eye, an unusual crop formation in beans was reported on June 7, 2010, not far from the Stony Littleton Long Barrow near Wellow, Somerset, England. Australian scientist and crop pattern analyzer, Red Collie, thinks there is a link between the new comet and the new bean formation.


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Part 2:  High Strangeness in Chacon, New Mexico

“Who, or what, could overwhelm a 1500-pound cow, transport her from the pasture for the various tissue removals, and then return her to a grove of trees without nearby residents hearing or seeing something?”


Chacon and Mora, New Mexico, are remote ranching communities marked by the red circle about 50 miles northeast of Santa Fe.
Chacon and Mora, New Mexico, are remote ranching communities marked by the red circle about 50 miles northeast of Santa Fe.

Return to Part 1.

June 10, 2010  Chacon, New Mexico - Biophysicist W. C. Levengood found cellular changes in the plants I sampled from the Chacon, New Mexico, mutilation and “floating” cow site that suggested exposure to microwave frequencies. He had found similar changes at other mutilation sites such as Garnett, Kansas, in June 1994. About that Garnett, Kansas case, biophysicist Levengood's lab report, “Crop Formation Associated with a Cattle Mutilation,” is included in More Information below.


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Part 1:  High Strangeness in Chacon, New Mexico

“That cow was being dragged sideways somehow with its legs
touching the ground. The cow's back was moving toward the weird,
loud sound and the cow could not move its legs to get up.”

- Larry Gardea, Carpenter, Chacon, New Mexico


Chacon, New Mexico, is a remote ranching community about 50 miles northeast of Santa Fe.
Chacon, New Mexico, is a remote ranching community about 50 miles northeast of Santa Fe.

June 7, 2010  Chacon, New Mexico - Northeast of Santa Fe, New Mexico, across the Carson and Santa Fe National Forests is the small and very rural ranching community of Chacon. Around Chacon rise mountains to 10,000-foot-peaks. There are only a few hundred farm residents who depend on each other to survive. They watch their pastures, the mountains and the sky for any signs of trouble.


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Update on Liddington Castle Barley Formation – Linked to Upcoming June 26th Lunar Eclipse?

Liddington Castle near Swindon, Wiltshire, England, reported June 2, 2010. Aerial image © 2010 by Lucy Pringle. Also information and images:
Liddington Castle near Swindon, Wiltshire, England,
reported June 2, 2010. Aerial image © 2010 by Lucy Pringle.
Also information and images:
Liddington Castle (upper left pink circle) is northeast of Avebury stone circles and Silbury Hill (center left circle). Southeast of Avebury is the Wilton Windmill (center circle). Ancient Stonehenge is bottom left circle. Left of Stonehenge, off the map to the west, is Codford St. Peter, location of June 3rd 12-fold geometry.
Liddington Castle (upper left pink circle) is northeast of Avebury stone circles and Silbury Hill (center left circle). Southeast of Avebury is the Wilton Windmill (center circle). Ancient Stonehenge is bottom left circle. Left of Stonehenge, off the map to the west, is Codford St. Peter, location of June 3rd 12-fold geometry.

June 4, 2010  Liddington Castle near Swindon, Wiltshire, England - Today I received the following email from Red Collie, an Australian scientist who collaborates with astronomer Mike Reed in the United States and other crop investigators in Italy and elsewhere. For the past few years, Red Collie finds continual references in crop formations to lunar and solar eclipses and other astronomical relationships. When he examined the June 2, 2010, circular pattern in Barley at Liddington Castle, he thinks there is a link to the upcoming June 26, 2010, partial lunar eclipse - and possibly a relationship to the Mayan Long Count calendar.


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Part 1:  “Greatest Equation Ever” in Binary Code in Wiltshire Oilseed Rape

“You see the windmill and see the circle and they seem connected. And then to see Euler’s equation relating to the circular idea just fitted in beautifully with it!  So, I was mightily impressed with the whole design!”

- Richard Andrews, U. K. Web Designer


Far right red circle marks the Wilton Windmill in Wilton, Wiltshire, England, a few miles southeast of the ancient double stone circles of Avebury (upper left red circle).  Since the late 1980s, Avebury, Silbury Hill and the Vale of Pewsey south of Avebury have been the focus of most U. K. crop formations.
Far right red circle marks the Wilton Windmill in Wilton, Wiltshire, England, a few miles southeast of the ancient double stone circles of Avebury (upper left red circle).  Since the late 1980s, Avebury, Silbury Hill and the Vale of Pewsey south of Avebury have been the focus of most U. K. crop formations.
 300-foot-diameter formation in 5-foot-tall oilseed rape near the Wilton Windmill in Wiltshire, England, first reported around noon on Saturday, May 22, 2010. Aerial photograph © 2010 by Lucy Pringle. Images and information by:
300-foot-diameter formation in 5-foot-tall oilseed rape near the Wilton Windmill in Wiltshire, England, first reported around noon on Saturday, May 22, 2010. Aerial photograph © 2010 by Lucy Pringle. Images and information by:

June 1, 2010  Guildford, Surrey, England - Richard Andrews was staring at Lucy Pringle's aerial photograph (above) on his computer screen after midnight on Sunday, May 23, 2010. Richard is a freelance web designer and administrator who was born 46 years ago in Henley-on-Thames in Oxfordshire county about thirty miles west of London. After high school in 1982, Richard first worked for a year on a degree in environmental psychology at the University of Surrey. Then he went to Africa to work on a game reserve. By 1994, he had earned a Diploma in Heritage Interpretation from the University of London's Birkbeck College. He's currently writing a book entitled The Temple of the Grail, which he plans to publish in the near future. Richard is also an administrator for owned by Greg Taylor, a website that explores the edges of science and history, including the worldwide phenomenon of crop formations.


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Part 2: “Greatest Equation Ever” in Binary Code in Wiltshire Oilseed Rape

“I have tried to stand on a mature oilseed rape stem
and that plant will crack, will snap, at the base. ...There were
lots of stems in the Wilton Windmill formation flattened close to the
ground without any breakage.”

- Andrew Pyrka, Cropcircle Investigator


Return to Part 1.

Wilton Windmill is upper right blue circle. Stonehenge is the bottom left blue circle. The ancient double stone circles of Avebury near Silbury Hill and Windmill Hill are the upper left blue circle.
Wilton Windmill is upper right blue circle. Stonehenge is the bottom left blue circle. The ancient double stone circles of Avebury near Silbury Hill and Windmill Hill are the upper left blue circle.
300-foot-diameter formation in 5-foot-tall oilseed rape near the Wilton Windmill in Wiltshire, England, first reported around noon on Saturday, May 22, 2010, by pilot Busty Taylor. Aerial image © 2010 by Lucy Pringle. Images and information by:
300-foot-diameter formation in 5-foot-tall oilseed rape near the Wilton Windmillin Wiltshire, England, first reported around noon on Saturday, May 22, 2010, by pilot Busty Taylor. Aerial image © 2010 by Lucy Pringle.
Images and information by:
 Aerial photograph © 2010 by Lucy Pringle. Images and information by:
Aerial photograph © 2010 by Lucy Pringle.
Images and information by:
Saturday, May 22, 2010, 5 PM, inside the 5-foot-tall oilseed rape formation with Wilton Windmill in background only a few hours after first noon report of discovery in Wilton, Wiltshire County, England. Image © 2010 by Andrew Pyrka.
Saturday, May 22, 2010, 5 PM, inside the 5-foot-tall oilseed rape formation with Wilton Windmill in background only a few hours after first noon report of discovery in Wilton, Wiltshire County, England. Image © 2010 by Andrew Pyrka.

June 3, 2010  Wilton, Wiltshire, England - Two English researchers and videographers got to the Wilton Windmill formation within hours after the first report around noon on Saturday, May 22, 2010, by pilot Busty Taylor. The first one in was 44-year-old Gary King who moved from the Cardiff region to Wiltshire County two and a half years ago after being present during a night to sunup hillside nightwatch on July 7, 2007. To his astonishment, in the 3:45 AM early dawn, a large pattern with at least 150 circles was visible in the East Field when there had been no formation the day before. He had been intrigued by crop formations since 1997, but that 07-07-07 East Field event turned him into a passionate investigator. “My life has never been the same since then,” Gary told me. [ See 071407 Earthfiles in Archive.]


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Earthfiles Viewer Letters About High Strangeness

“The moving aerial object struck my attention because it was slightly darker blue than the sky and triangular-shaped.”

- Ohio traveler

May 30, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico - After my May 27-28, 2010, Earthfiles and Coast to Coast AM radio news updates that included recent unidentified aerial lights, triangle and falling bits of light over the town of Weslaco, Texas [ See: 052810 Earthfiles], I received the following viewer and listener emails that I feel are important for general audience consideration. I also urge others who might have experienced or seen any similar events to contact [email protected]. Earthfiles does not share names, email address or other contact information without permission.


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New Fungus Strain Killing People and Animals in Northwest. 

“Everybody was taken completely by surprise because
there had been no cases prior to 1999 of Cryptococcus gattii in the
Northern Hemisphere and suddenly, there were a whole series
of cases occurring in both humans and animals.”

- Joseph Heitman, M. D., Molecular Geneticist, Duke Univ. Med. Center

Cryptococcus gattii basidia and spores. Photomicrograph provided by Joseph Heitman, M. D. and Ph.D., Molecular Geneticist, Duke University Medical Center.
Cryptococcus gattii basidia and spores. Photomicrograph provided by Joseph Heitman, M. D. and Ph.D., Molecular Geneticist, Duke University Medical Center.

May 27, 2010  Durham, North Carolina  -  Recently Web MD and other internet medical sites have featured articles with headlines such as, “About 10 People Have Reportedly Died in Northwestern U.S. After Infection with C. Gatti. [sic]”  Cryptococcus gattii is a soil and plant fungus species usually found in South America, Australia, Africa and New Guinea. That particular fungus was not discovered in North America before 1999 when clinicians on the island of Vancouver, B. C., Canada, in the southeastern cities of Victoria and Nanaimo, confirmed emergency room patients with pneumonia and meningitis were infected with C. gattii fungus.


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Strange Aerial Lights and Triangle Over Weslaco, Texas

“From the big blue light, these smaller ‘sparks’
kind of floated downward on to Weslaco. Then I looked
up at the blue light and it dissipated, ate itself up (from the outside
into blackness).”

- Jose Gonzalez, College Student, Weslaco, Texas


 Digital frame 2666 photographed by Jose Gonzalez, February 28, 2010, around 10 PM Central, Weslaco, Texas.
Digital frame 2666 photographed by Jose Gonzalez, February 28, 2010, around 10 PM Central, Weslaco, Texas.
Weslaco is a city of about 27,000 people in Hidalgo County, Texas, some 60 miles west of Padre Island and the Gulf of Mexico. Corpus Christi is north and Brownsville is a few miles southeast.
Weslaco is a city of about 27,000 people in Hidalgo County, Texas, some 60 miles west of Padre Island and the Gulf of Mexico. Corpus Christi is north and Brownsville is a few miles southeast.

May 27, 2010  Weslaco, Texas  -  Over the past forty years, there have been many high strangeness UFO reports from the Brownsville to Harlingen, Texas, region near the Gulf of Mexico. Here are some case files from Unexplained! © 1999 edition by Jerome Clark.


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