Where Did Our Moon Come From?

“It appears that the Earth’s interior is probably a thousand to ten thousand times wetter than the moon’s interior. ...the original lunar magmas had no water in them.”

- Chip Shearer, Ph.D., Geologist, Univ. of New Mexico

Apollo 11 photograph of wet, blue Earth rising over dry, gray lunar foreground, July 20, 1969.
Apollo 11 photograph of wet, blue Earth rising over dry, gray lunar foreground, July 20, 1969.

August 26, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico and Honolulu, HawaiiIn the most recent edition of Nature Geoscience published online August 22, 2010, University of Arizona planetary geologists presented new lead isotope analysis from a chondrite meteorite found in the Sahara Desert that suggests our solar system is 4.568 billion years old. That could be almost 2 million years older than previously estimated.

Our Earth's age is about 4.5 billion years old and most planetary scientists say the moon is about 30 million years younger. Our Earth is very wet and the moon is very dry. The oxidized iron content in moon rocks is also different than Earth's.. So, where did our younger, very dry moon come from?


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Little Brown Bats in U. S. Headed for Extinction If White-Nose Fungus Can’t Be Stopped

“Bats have in the last four years experienced declines that are unprecedented in the history of wildlife studies in North America and in the world, for that matter ... from White-Nose fungus syndrome.”

- Thomas Kunz, Ph.D., Biologist, Boston University

Science, August 6, 2010, Vol. 329, No. 5992, pp. 679-682.
Science, August 6, 2010, Vol. 329, No. 5992, pp. 679-682.


August 26, 2010  Boston, Massachusetts - Since the winter of 2006–2007, more than a million bats have died in the United States and now in Canada from an insidious fungus called Geomyces destructans that leaves its white “dust” on the noses, faces, ears and wings of infected bats. This bat-killing fungus was unknown before 2006.


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Dead Seals with “Corkscrew” Cuts in Scotland and England

“In terms of mechanical devices on the seabed that could make these corkscrew cuts in the seals - no, we are not aware of anything at all.”

- Dave Thompson, Ph.D., SMRU, Scotland

August 24, 2010  Fife, Scotland - Since late July 2009, the U. K.'s Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) has been investigating the phenomenon of dead seals found with the mysterious corkscrew slicing around their bodies. To date from beaches in St. Andrews Bay and Firth of Forth near Fife, Scotland, the lab has gathered sixteen Harbor and decided two Grey seals in 2008 were in the same corkscrew cut category for a total of eighteen. SMRU later learned that the same disturbing corkscrew cuts were being reported in December 2009, about 300 miles south in North Norfolk on the beaches of Blakeney Point, Morston and Wells.

Upper red circle marks St. Andrews Bay and Firth of Forth, Scotland. About 300 miles southeast down the North Sea coast the bottom red circle marks the location of Blakeney Point, Morston and Wells beaches in North Norfolk County, England.
Upper red circle marks St. Andrews Bay and Firth of Forth, Scotland. About 300 miles southeast down the North Sea coast the bottom red circle marks the location of Blakeney Point, Morston and Wells beaches in North Norfolk County, England.


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Mysterious 3D Wheat Grid and Aerial Light in Wiltshire, U. K.

“When I walked into the Whitefield Hill formation the morning of August 4, 2010, everywhere I could see most of the seed heads in the flattened crop were straight relative to the heavily curled seed heads in the standing crop. … That seemed to be physically impossible.”

- Charles Mallett, Silent Circle Information Center, Yatesbury, Wiltshire, U.K.


Created on a slanted hillside, the large, 250-foot-diameter  Whitefield Hill “3-dimensional” wheat formation near Woodsend about six miles north of Marlboro, Wiltshire, England, was reported August 3, 2010. Aerial image © 2010 by Olivier Morel. See more images and information:   Cropcircleconnector.com.
Created on a slanted hillside, the large, 250-foot-diameter  Whitefield Hill “3-dimensional” wheat formation near Woodsend about six miles north of Marlboro, Wiltshire, England, was reported August 3, 2010. Aerial image © 2010 by Olivier Morel. See more images and information:   Cropcircleconnector.com.
Whitefield Hill is near Woodsend, Wiltshire, (red circle map center) about six miles north of Marlborough. Southeast of Woodsend are the ancient stone circles of Avebury and Silbury Hill, the largest, artificially constructed hill in Europe (red circle in lower left). To the southeast of Woodsend is Hungerford and the nearby M4 motorway where the two “grid and dots” crop patterns were discovered north and south of the M4 on July 30, 2010. See: 080410 Earthfiles.
Whitefield Hill is near Woodsend, Wiltshire, (red circle map center) about six miles north of Marlborough. Southeast of Woodsend are the ancient stone circles of Avebury and Silbury Hill, the largest, artificially constructed hill in Europe (red circle in lower left). To the southeast of Woodsend is Hungerford and the nearby M4 motorway where the two “grid and dots” crop patterns were discovered north and south of the M4 on July 30, 2010. See: 080410 Earthfiles.
Above and below: Fifteen rows of standing wheat of varying widths made up the “3-D sphere” inside the square grid turned on an angle to another square. Ground pole shot © 2010 by Photopole. Aerial © 2010 by Frank Laumen.
Above and below: Fifteen rows of standing wheat of varying widths made up the “3-D sphere” inside the square grid turned on an angle to another square. Ground pole shot © 2010 by Photopole. Aerial © 2010 by Frank Laumen.


August 22, 2010  Yatesbury, Wiltshire, England -

Mysterious crop circles associated with balls of light moving in the air across fields have been reported in England since at least World War I. The modern age of crop formations emerged in the late 1970s around Warminster, England, and evolved through the 1980s from single circles to simple patterns of a few circles to the astonishing geometries, fractals and other complex patterns in the 1990s and through the first decade of the 21st Century.


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Part 8:  1980 RAF Bentwaters Disaster Preparedness Tech S/Sgt. Monroe Nevels Describes “Top Secret” Investigation

“Lt. Englund told me that one of the airmen had been taken aboard the spacecraft (in Rendlesham Forest).”

- Monroe Nevels, S/Sgt. (Ret.), 1980 RAF Bentwaters Disaster Preparedness

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August 2010 series of fourteen RAF Bentwaters reports.

July 30, 2010  Tuscola, Texas - For the past 30 years since December 1980, no one ever said there was a TOP SECRET investigation organized right after sunup on December 26th, by RAF Bentwaters Base Commander Col. Ted Conrad. That was the morning that Staff Sgt. James Penniston, Airman 1st Class John Burroughs and Airman Ed Cabansag encountered lights and a craft in Rendlesham Forest, England. There were rumors right from the beginning that “one of the men jumped up on a UFO or was taken up in a beam of light.” The airman allegedly taken was John Burroughs, but even he did not know until recently that Commander Ted Conrad was already getting men he trusted out into the forest to examine tripod indentations in the forest floor and burn marks on the trees – even before the famous December 28th  night of Deputy Base Commander Lt. Col. Charles Halt. That’s when the famous audiocassette tape recording was made by Col. Halt out in the forest.


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Part 9:  1980 RAF Bentwaters Disaster Preparedness Tech S/Sgt. Monroe Nevels Describes “Top Secret” Investigation

“I found that there were burn marks on the tree limbs all the way around the vehicle landing site (tripod indentations)... it was like a gyroscopic object sitting there and spinning like a top. As it spun around, it was burning into the wood in the trees.”

- Monroe Nevels, S/Sgt. (Ret.),
1980 RAF Bentwaters Disaster Preparedness

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August 2010 series of fourteen RAF Bentwaters reports.


July 30, 2010  Tuscola, Texas - Part 2 continues with former RAF Bentwaters Disaster Preparedness Technician Staff Sergeant Monroe Nevels describing the lights, beams and “spacecraft” that he, Lt. Col. Charles Halt and others saw after midnight on Sunday, December 28, 1980, in Rendlesham Forest beyond the RAF Woodbridge East Gate.


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Part 10: Update – Bentwaters 1980, Telepathic Lights?

“The lights were red and blue, the red one above the blue one and they were flashing on and off. Because I never saw anything like that coming from the woods before, we  decided to drive down and see what it was.”

- January 2, 1981, Statement, Airman 1st Class John Burroughs,
81st Security Police Squadron, Bentwaters AFB, U. K.


Computer illustration of sketch by John Burroughs of lights in Rendlesham Forest, 3 AM, December 26, 1980. Artwork by John Rackham.
Computer illustration of sketch by John Burroughs of lights in Rendlesham Forest, 3 AM, December 26, 1980. Artwork by John Rackham.

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August 2010 series of fourteen RAF Bentwaters reports.


April 16, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico - On April 10, 2010, at the Eureka Springs, Arkansas, UFO conference, I presented a 2-hour update of my continued investigation of the December 1980 to January 1981, unidentified aerial lights and craft phenomena at the then-joint U. S. and U. K. RAF Bentwaters and Woodbridge air base northeast of London in Suffolk County, England. I have broken that 2-hour presentation down into several parts that begin today in Part 1.


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Part 11: Update – Bentwaters 1980, Telepathic Lights?

“If you took three handfuls of colored fire and put them together and you saw one color and then saw another color and saw another color, you would get the feeling that it’s not blinking, but that it was turning.”

- Former RAF Bentwaters Airman Lori Buoen

Fiery, orange-red sphere that former Airman Lori Buoen, D Flight law enforcement, RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge, reported after midnight to her Flight Chief  Master Sgt. Glen Whitehead, on December 27, 1980, after Lori watched the unidentified light move slowly down into Rendlesham Forest. Illustration © 2010 by Lori Buoen.
Fiery, orange-red sphere that former Airman Lori Buoen, D Flight law enforcement, RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge, reported after midnight to her Flight Chief  Master Sgt. Glen Whitehead, on December 27, 1980, after Lori watched the unidentified light move slowly down into Rendlesham Forest. Illustration © 2010 by Lori Buoen.

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August 2010 series of fourteen RAF Bentwaters reports.

April 17, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The computer graphic below was produced by John Burroughs and U. K. researcher, John Rackham, of what John remembers seeing in the forest on December 26, 1980.

- Not a crashing airplane.
- Not the planet Mars.
- And definitely not the Orford Ness lighthouse!

 Computer illustration of sketch by John Burroughs of lights in Rendlesham Forest, 3 AM, December 26, 1980. Artwork by John Rackham.
Computer illustration of sketch by John Burroughs of lights in Rendlesham Forest, 3 AM, December 26, 1980. Artwork by John Rackham.


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Part 12: Update – Bentwaters 1980, Telepathic Lights?

“We’re observing what appears to be a beam coming down to the ground!  This is unreal!”

- Former RAF Bentwaters Deputy Base Commander Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt


Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt described mysterious aerial light that emitted  down to the ground close in front of him and his investigating team in  near RAF Bentwaters, England, in the early morning hours of December  Illustration by Jan Roth at www.rendlesham-incident.co.uk used with permission.
Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt described mysterious aerial light that emitted down to the ground close in front of him and his investigating team in near RAF Bentwaters, England, in the early morning hours of December  Illustration by Jan Roth at www.rendlesham-incident.co.uk used with permission.

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August 2010 series of fourteen RAF Bentwaters reports.

April 21, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico - According to John Burroughs, even though his C FLIGHT was off duty December 27, 1980, that night at 11 PM when D Flight was back for its second midnight shift, John Burroughs was there, too.


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Part 13: Update – Bentwaters 1980: Telepathic Lights?

“I knew that craft was not from any form of government - I mean, no air force on Earth. It was beyond our (human) capability.”

- Former Staff Sgt. Jim Penniston, RAF Bentwaters

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August 2010 series of fourteen RAF Bentwaters reports.

April 27, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico - On June 25, 2009, USAF Col. Charles I. Halt (Ret.), former Deputy Base Commander at RAF Bentwaters, England, in December 1980, went on the record to state:

USAF Col. Charles I. Halt, September 13, 1981, RAF Bentwaters.
USAF Col. Charles I. Halt, September 13, 1981, RAF Bentwaters.


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