Eyewitness Astonished As Wheat Circle Formed Rapidly in Front of Him

“Some force (from UFO?) was shaking the wheat with two different forces at once and the plants got down pretty flat. We went over and looked. The stems were not broken. That astounded me!”

- Pasquale Galante, English Teacher

October 28, 2010  Santa Barbara, California - The modern age of crop circle formations began in the 1980s in the region of Hampshire and Wiltshire Counties of southern England. Researcher and photographer Lucy Pringle described in her 1999 book, Crop Circles: The Greatest Mystery of Modern Times, one eyewitness case. Around 5:30 PM on July 11, 1981, in Westbury, Wiltshire, researcher Ray Barnes watched seed heads on a crop “jiggle” as if shaken while a “wave or line” of invisible force moved in an arc across the field. Then in only a few seconds, a section of the crop went down in a neat circle.


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Updated 10/28 – 20 ICBMs Shut Down by UFOs At Malmstrom AFB in March 1967

“All ten missiles in ECHO Flight at Malmstrom lost strat alert within ten seconds of each other. ... The fact that no apparent reason for the loss of ten missiles can be readily identified is cause for grave concern to this headquarters.”

- Strategic Air Command to Hill AFB, March 17, 1967

Illustration in 2006 by investigator Frank Warren of unidentified flying disc near USAF missile site.
Illustration in 2006 by investigator Frank Warren of unidentified flying disc near USAF missile site.

October 26, 2010 Update:  50 ICBMs At Warren AFB Temporarily Offline.

“We've never had something as big as this happen ... we've never lost complete command and control and functionality of 50 ICBMs.”

- Military officer briefed on October 23, 2010

The current Minuteman ICBM force has 450 Minuteman III missiles manufactured by Boeing in missile silos around F.E. Warren AFB, Cheyenne, Wyoming; Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, Montana; and Minot AFB, North Dakota. Photo courtesy USAF.
The current Minuteman ICBM force has 450 Minuteman III missiles manufactured by Boeing in missile silos around F.E. Warren AFB, Cheyenne, Wyoming; Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, Montana; and Minot AFB, North Dakota. Photo courtesy USAF.

When 50 intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles went offline on Saturday morning, October 23, 2010, at Warren AFB near Cheyenne, Wyoming, two men immediately notified were Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Michael Mullen and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. President Barack Obama was debriefed this morning. The Atlantic.com reports that engineers believe, but are not certain, that “the Launch Control Center computer began to ‘ping’ out of sequence, resulting in a surge of ‘noise’ through the system. The LCCs interrogate each missile in sequence, so if they begin to send signals out when they're not supposed to, receivers on the missiles themselves will notice and send out error codes.”  The increasing error messages provoked a decision to shut down for about an hour the five LCCs containing 50 missiles. The cause of the failure remains unknown. See:  The Atlantic.com.


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More Half-Cats and Cattle Mutilations from Vancouver, B. C., Canada to Flowery Branch, Georgia

“It appears the cats have been cleanly cut in half surgically.”

- Sgt. Peter J. Thiessen, RCMP, Surrey, B.C., Canada

“In our mutilations – it’s strictly a milk bag or a penis and testicle situation.”

- Kathy Cooper, Cattle Raiser, Flowery Branch, Georgia


Above: Mutilated male cat was found first week of August 2003, in Bothell Washington. Veterinarian Cherie Good, D.V.M., placed cat remains to show width of cat's cut out middle section. Below is an x-ray of the same cat showing the dark space in the back half that indicates all internal organs were removed. Photograph and x-ray © 2003 by Cherie Good, D.V.M.
Above: Mutilated male cat was found first week of August 2003, in Bothell Washington. Veterinarian Cherie Good, D.V.M., placed cat remains to show width of cat's cut out middle section. Below is an x-ray of the same cat showing the dark space in the back half that indicates all internal organs were removed. Photograph and x-ray © 2003 by Cherie Good, D.V.M.

Also see 2-part Half-Cat Mutilation history in 101210 Real X-Files.

October 28, 2010  Vancouver, B. C., Canada, and Flowery Branch, Georgia - Since June 2010, various law enforcement offices have received reports of cats cut in half – usually with the front half or back half found by an owner or neighbor – in the following North America locations:


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Honey Bee Disappearances Not “Solved” by Virus and Fungi

“Beekeepers there in North Dakota saw so many dead bees ... and we sent some samples into a lab in Florida and they found Imidacloprid in the honey and the bees and the wax. I mean, that pretty much nails it down.”

- Daniel F. Mayer, Ph.D., Entomologist

In Colony Collapse Disorder, honey bees either don't return to the hive or are found dead around the honey bee colony (above image).
In Colony Collapse Disorder, honey bees either don't return to the hive or are found dead around the honey bee colony (above image).

Bayer v. Beekeepers

by Katherine Eban, October 8, 2010
from Fortune.com: "What a scientist didn't tell The New York Times
about his study on bee deaths"

As for the Bayer-Bromenshenk connection, in 2003 a group of 13 North Dakota beekeepers brought a class-action lawsuit against Bayer, alleging that the company's neonicotinoid, Imidacloprid, which had been used in nearby fields, was responsible for the loss of more than 60% of their hives. "My bees were getting drunk," Chris Charles, a beekeeper in Carrington, N.D., and a plaintiff in the lawsuit, told me in 2008. "They couldn't walk a white line anymore -- they just hung around outside the hive. They couldn't work."

Charles and the other North Dakota beekeepers hired Bromenshenk as an expert witness. Bayer did not dispute that Imidacloprid was found among the bees and their hives. The company simply argued that the amount had not been enough to kill them.

As the North Dakota lawsuit moved forward, an expert witness for the beekeepers, Dr. Daniel Mayer, a now retired bee expert from Washington State University, traveled to 17 different bee yards in North Dakota and observed dead bees and bees in the throes of what looked like Imidacloprid poisoning, he told me in 2008. He theorized that after foraging in planted fields where the seeds had been treated with Imidacloprid, the bees then brought the pesticide back to the hive, where it built up in the wax combs.



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Dead Sea Scrolls Going Online

“We are establishing a milestone connection between progress and the past to preserve this unique heritage for future generations. At the end of a comprehensive and profound examination, we have succeeded in recruiting the best minds and technological means to preserve this unrivaled cultural heritage treasure which belongs to all of us, so that the public with a click of the mouse will be able to freely access history in its fullest glamour.”

- Shuka Dorfman, Director, Israel Antiquities Authority


Scholar working with Dead Sea Scroll images on computer.  The Israel Antiquities Authority is collaborating with the Google R&D center in Israel to upload all 30,000 Dead Sea Scrolls fragments, as well as additional data that will allow users to perform searches across a broad range of data in a number of languages and formats. Image 2010 courtesy Israel Antiquities Authority.
Scholar working with Dead Sea Scroll images on computer.  The Israel Antiquities Authority is collaborating with the Google R&D center in Israel to upload all 30,000 Dead Sea Scrolls fragments, as well as additional data that will allow users to perform searches across a broad range of data in a number of languages and formats. Image 2010 courtesy Israel Antiquities Authority.

October 21, 2010  Jerusalem, Israel - The entire collection of 900 Dead Sea Scroll manuscripts made from 30,000 Dead Sea Scroll fragments are being digitally photographed by the Israel Antiquities Authority and Google's Research and Development center in Israel to put the entire historic writings online. According to the Antiquities Authority, the digital Dead Sea Scrolls will be equal in quality to actually viewing them in person.

NASA space age multi-spectral imaging technology will be used to produce high-resolution images of the sometimes-faded texts that may reveal new letters and words. The estimated cost of $3.5-million will be funded by the Israel Antiquities Authority and Google R&D's division in Israel. The entire Dead Sea Scroll collection will be made available online free of charge online in a searchable database complemented by translations. The first images could go online in the next few months, with the project completed within five years.


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Part 1: 2010 Half-Cat Mutilations

“It appeared the 2010 cats in Vancouver were cut in half surgically, and we had one half-cat looked at by a veterinarian and it was determined that cat was cut post-mortem.”

- Sgt. Peter Thiessen, RCMP


Above: Mutilated male cat was found first week of August 2003, in Bothell Washington. Veterinarian Cherie Good, D.V.M., placed cat remains to show width of cat's cut out middle section. Below is an x-ray of the same cat showing the dark space in the back half that indicates all internal organs were removed. Photograph and x-ray © 2003 by Cherie Good, D.V.M.
Above: Mutilated male cat was found first week of August 2003, in Bothell Washington. Veterinarian Cherie Good, D.V.M., placed cat remains to show width of cat's cut out middle section. Below is an x-ray of the same cat showing the dark space in the back half that indicates all internal organs were removed. Photograph and x-ray © 2003 by Cherie Good, D.V.M.


October 12, 2010  Vancouver, B. C., Canada - Since June 2010, at least nine half-cats have been reported to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in the White Rock, Langley, and West Vancouver regions around Vancouver, British Columbia. No photographs of the current cat victims are available, but today I interviewed one of the investigators, Sgt. Peter J. Thiessen, Senior Media Relations for the Lower Mainland District of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Surrey, B.C., Canada.

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, has been the location of many half-cat mutilations
for at least twenty years. In July to September 2010, White Rock, Langley and
West Vancouver experienced at least nine bloodless, half-cat cases reported to the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police office in Surrey, B. C.   Bellingham, Washington,
(bottom red circle) has also had several half-cat mutilations over the past couple of decades.


Sgt. Peter J. Thiessen, Senior Media Relations Officer, Lower Mainland District of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada:  “I first became aware of the half-cat problem several weeks ago in July 2010 when we had several reports in White Rock, British Columbia (southeast of Vancouver and northwest of Bellingham, Washington). White Rock had three separate half-cat incidents over several months. Then I became aware that another adjacent community, Langley, outside of Vancouver, B. C., had five similar half-cats in the weeks of July and August 2010.


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Part 2: History of Half-Cat Mutilations

“Some of the cats were cut in half with what some say is almost surgical precision, others disemboweled or skinned.”

- The New York Times, August 13, 1989


Above: Mutilated male cat was found first week of August 2003, in Bothell Washington. Veterinarian Cherie Good, D.V.M., placed cat remains to show width of cat's cut out middle section. Below is an x-ray of the same cat showing the dark space in the back half that indicates all internal organs were removed. Photograph and x-ray © 2003 by Cherie Good, D.V.M.
Above: Mutilated male cat was found first week of August 2003, in Bothell Washington. Veterinarian Cherie Good, D.V.M., placed cat remains to show width of cat's cut out middle section. Below is an x-ray of the same cat showing the dark space in the back half that indicates all internal organs were removed. Photograph and x-ray © 2003 by Cherie Good, D.V.M.


Return to Part 1


October 12, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The following is an overview of the many half-cat mutilations I have reported about at Earthfiles.

In 1978 in St. Catharines near Toronto, Canada, authorities were frustrated by more than 100 missing cats and dogs and many others found in their owners' yards cut in half, skinned, decapitated, disemboweled, or paws removed, without blood at the site.

Ten years later on August 13, 1989, The New York Times reported about 67 cats found mutilated in Tustin, California - a suburb of Los Angeles near Santa Ana. The NYT wrote:


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Part 3:  What A Biophysicist Says About Crop Formations

“I have never seen such rapid changes from plant sample to plant sample in both of the ring circles. That means the plasma energies were so compartmentalized that wheat growing only twelve inches from another sample was very different.”

- W. C. Levengood, Biophysicist

Return to Part 1

October 11, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico  -  The following is my presentation at the Brazil Conference: “Science Discusses the Crop Circle Phenomenon,”  September 25 – 26, 2010, in  Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

As a science and environment investigative reporter, I made my first trip to Wiltshire County, England, in July 1992, to explore the beautiful mystery of crop formations. The first pattern I stepped into convinced me I had encountered a powerful and profound force. A group of us heard about this a pattern of five circles below Milk Hill and had walked along the crest to look from above. The sky was blue, the wheat was glistening and there were five circles, four connected by undulating paths and one circle by itself.


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Part 1:  U. K. Farmers Impressed by High Strangeness in Crop Formations

“As we pulled out of the ground some of those crisp, 90-degree bent - but uncreased and unbroken - canola stems to show the farmer and to show him that the petals on the canola were completely intact, that angry farmer started to completely soften.”

- Gary King, Videographer, CropCircleReporter.com

On September 26, 2010, Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe landing in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to speak for “Science Discusses the Crop Circle Phenomenon” organized by MIST Productions and the good efforts of Brazilian producers Marta Jaramillo and Anna Sharp. Image © 2010 by Linda Moulton Howe.
On September 26, 2010, Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe landing in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to speak for “Science Discusses the Crop Circle Phenomenon” organized by MIST Productions and the good efforts of Brazilian producers Marta Jaramillo and Anna Sharp. Image © 2010 by Linda Moulton Howe.
Rain forest-covered volcanic walls rise straight up from many streets of the beautiful, French-Portuguese style Rio surrounded by the breath-taking beauty of wild nature and the powerful Atlantic Ocean. September 26, 2010 image © by Linda Moulton Howe.
Rain forest-covered volcanic walls rise straight up from many streets of the beautiful, French-Portuguese style Rio surrounded by the breath-taking beauty of wild nature and the powerful Atlantic Ocean. September 26, 2010 image © by Linda Moulton Howe.
Our hotel was across the street from the beach that ended at a rain forest mountain rising into the misty clouds.  September 26, 2010 image © by Linda Moulton Howe.
Our hotel was across the street from the beach that ended at a rain forest mountain rising into the misty clouds.  September 26, 2010 image © by Linda Moulton Howe.
Rain came and went during our stay in Rio de Janeiro, but on September 27, 2010, I was able to photograph atop the 2,400-foot-tall Corcovado Mountain, Rio’s most famous monument, Christ The Redeemer (Cristo Redentor). Constructed in 1931, Christ The Redeemer stands upright 98 feet tall and weighs 1.4 million pounds (700 tons), with outstretched, protective arms over Rio. Image © 2010 by Linda Moulton Howe.
Rain came and went during our stay in Rio de Janeiro, but on September 27, 2010, I was able to photograph atop the 2,400-foot-tall Corcovado Mountain, Rio’s most famous monument, Christ The Redeemer (Cristo Redentor). Constructed in 1931, Christ The Redeemer stands upright 98 feet tall and weighs 1.4 million pounds (700 tons), with outstretched, protective arms over Rio. Image © 2010 by Linda Moulton Howe.
September 27, 2010, in lobby of Copacabana Palace Hotel, Rio de Janeiro. L-R: Speaker Jonathan Paul de Vierville, San Antonio, Texas; Clara Lucia Gomez, Colombia; speaker Linda Moulton Howe, Albuquerque, New Mexico; speaker Gary King, Melksham, Wiltshire, England; MIST producer Marta Jaramillo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
September 27, 2010, in lobby of Copacabana Palace Hotel, Rio de Janeiro. L-R: Speaker Jonathan Paul de Vierville, San Antonio, Texas; Clara Lucia Gomez, Colombia; speaker Linda Moulton Howe, Albuquerque, New Mexico; speaker Gary King, Melksham, Wiltshire, England; MIST producer Marta Jaramillo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

October 9, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico - On September 23, 2010, I flew from Albuquerque to Sao Paulo, Brazil, to join four other speakers to present information about global crop formations before two audiences in Sao Paulo on September 25th and in Rio de Janeiro on September 26th. The conference title was “Science Discusses the Crop Circle Phenomenon” organized by MIST Productions and the good efforts of Brazilian producers Marta Jaramillo and Anna Sharp. 


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Part 2:  U. K. Farmers Impressed by High Strangeness in Crop Formations

07-07-07 East Field Phenomenon Reprinted on October 9, 2010


Updated Part 1:  1,033-Foot-Long East Field Wheat Formation
“Happened Within 90 Minutes.”
Investigators presented video and eyewitness evidence at July 19, 2007,
press conference in Coronation Hall, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, U.K.

© 2007 by Linda Moulton Howe

“We were the first to reach the formation at 4 AM (July 7, 2007) after seeing a very bright flash of light. The wheat circles were raised 6 inches above the ground so when we stepped in, the plants crunched under our feet like we were stepping on delicate crystals.”

- Gary King, Cardiff, U. K. Paralegal

4 AM digital images added below.

Approximately 3:20 AM, Saturday, July 7, 2007, Alton Priors, Wiltshire, England. Sony digital still frame in pre-dawn misty haze from atop Knap Hill looking toward Woodborough Hill (center dark clump of trees near horizon.) Vast wheat formation of 150 circles spread across 1,033 feet was created some time in the previous 90 minutes to hour and 45 minutes. Image © 2007 by Winston Keech.
Approximately 3:20 AM, Saturday, July 7, 2007, Alton Priors, Wiltshire, England. Sony digital still frame in pre-dawn misty haze from atop Knap Hill looking toward Woodborough Hill (center dark clump of trees near horizon.) Vast wheat formation of 150 circles spread across 1,033 feet was created some time in the previous 90 minutes to hour and 45 minutes. Image © 2007 by Winston Keech.

Return to Part 1

July 19, 2007 / Updated  July 27, 2007  Alton Barnes, Wiltshire  -  Gary King is 41-years-old and currently a Linguistics student at Cardiff University in Wales, U. K. Between 1985 and 1987, he had worked as a paralegal in London and then moved on to form his own private investigator company to trace missing persons and investigate cases of matrimonial discontent. He was doing private-I work until July 1997, when he walked into his first English crop formation "and life has changed considerably ever since," Gary told me in a July 11, 2007, phone interview. He explored Navaho reservations in Arizona, studied the dance traditions of West Africa, increased his knowledge of Tai Chi and other martial arts. He began to realize that he was becoming increasingly sensitive to the seen and unseen.


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