Dead and Dying Coral South of BP’s Gulf Oil Disaster Site

“Ninety percent of 40 large corals were heavily affected and showed dead and dying parts and discoloration.”

- Charles Fisher, Ph.D., Prof. of Biology, Penn State

Most of this coral skeleton seven miles southwest of the BP Macondo well disaster is dead and covered by brown, thick, gunk that most likely is residue of the gushing oil combined with all the dispersant chemicals dumped into the Gulf. Discovered during October 14 to November 4, 2010, NOAA Gulf of Mexico coral exploration conducted by Charles R. Fisher, Ph.D., Prof. of Biology, Penn State University. Image credit: Lophelia II 2010, NOAA OER and BOEMRE.
Most of this coral skeleton seven miles southwest of the BP Macondo well disaster is dead and covered by brown, thick, gunk that most likely is residue of the gushing oil combined with all the dispersant chemicals dumped into the Gulf. Discovered during October 14 to November 4, 2010, NOAA Gulf of Mexico coral exploration conducted by Charles R. Fisher, Ph.D., Prof. of Biology, Penn State University. Image credit: Lophelia II 2010, NOAA OER and BOEMRE.

November 23, 2010 University Park, Pennsylvania -  On April 20, 2010, the BP Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded. Eleven men working on the platform died and 17 others were injured. Over the next three months, some 53,000 barrels of crude oil per day gushed uncontrollably into the Gulf of Mexico from BP's exploratory Macondo well blowout a mile down on the sea floor. When a cap on the Macondo well finally worked on July 15, 2010, at least 4.9 million barrels (185 million gallons), combined with the controversial chemical dispersant called Corexit, had soiled the Gulf waters and covered birds and marine life with the slimy goo.


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ICBM Heavy, Concrete Silo Covers Moved Aside by Glowing Discs

“My father told me about the alarms they had (at Minuteman sites) because a missile silo had been breached, that the concrete covers that sit on top of the missiles were set off to one side, and the radioactive material in the warhead was dead.”

- Martin Cole, son of Boeing Minuteman engineer Alden Stockwell Cole

Boeing Bomarc and later Minuteman engineer Alden Stockwell Cole's Prime Secret W33-038 6th Army Area security clearance through Headquarters, Air Material Command, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio, in 1950s to 1960s.
Boeing Bomarc and later Minuteman engineer Alden Stockwell Cole's Prime Secret W33-038 6th Army Area security clearance through Headquarters, Air Material Command, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio, in 1950s to 1960s.

November 23, 2010 Whitefish, Montana   - When the United States decided to build Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missiles and place them in underground silos around Malmstrom AFB in Montana, Warren AFB in Wyoming and Minot AFB in North Dakota, one of the unsung heroes behind the scenes was a Boeing engineer named Alden Stockwell Cole. Alden Cole was born on March 10, 1922, in Portland, Oregon, and died on January 26, 1989, in Eugene, Oregon, at age 67. After high school graduation, Alden Cole began working for Boeing Aircraft Manufacturing Co. in Seattle, Washington, as a sheet metal worker in 1941.


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Part 3:  October 2010 Horse Mutilation in Sussex, England

Eastbourne, Sussex, England (bottom circle) is about 58 miles from London (upper circle) very near the English Channel coast.
Eastbourne, Sussex, England (bottom circle) is about 58 miles from London (upper circle) very near the English Channel coast.


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November 17, 2010   Eastbourne, Sussex, England - The same Sunday of October 24, 2010, that the mutilated cow in Montana and mutilated bull in Utah were found (Parts 1 and 2), on the other side of the world near Eastbourne, Sussex, England, a 2-year-old gelding was also found dead and mutilated around 9 AM. His body was 300 yards from the owners' house.


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Part 2:  October 2010 Cattle Mutilations – Utah 

“The testicle sac was dark with a black scorch mark like something really hot hit it.”

- Matt Montgomery, School Carpenter, Westpoint, Utah


Grouse Creek, Utah (upper left circle) is about 250 miles northwest of Salt Lake City, Utah, beyond the Great Salt Lake. Dugway Proving Ground, an Army facility in the grey area at bottom of map is about 85 miles southwest of SLC in southern Tooele County.
Grouse Creek, Utah (upper left circle) is about 250 miles northwest of Salt Lake City, Utah, beyond the Great Salt Lake. Dugway Proving Ground, an Army facility in the grey area at bottom of map is about 85 miles southwest of SLC in southern Tooele County.

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November 14, 2010   Westpoint, Utah - Matt Montgomery was born 28 years ago in Layton, Utah, and raised in Westpoint about 30 miles north of Salt Lake City. He works for the Davis School District as a carpenter. Every year when hunting season begins, he joins his brothers and father for a trip to the Goose Creek Mountain range. That's what they were doing on Sunday, October 24, 2010. It was about 2 PM when Matt, his dad and brother-in-law, a medical doctor, were driving about five miles north of Grouse Creek, a small town in northeastern Utah.


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Part 1:  October 2010 Cattle Mutilations – Montana 

“We are all baffled about how something like this could happen.  Nobody has any answers. It defies explanation.”

- Jon Lopp, Meagher County Sheriff, White Sulphur Springs, Montana


White Sulphur Springs in Meagher County, Montana, is 68 miles south of Great Falls and Malmstrom AFB where Minuteman nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) have been buried in silos as far as Judith Gap (map lower right). From the early 1970s onward, this region has had persistent cycles of animal mutilations.
White Sulphur Springs in Meagher County, Montana, is 68 miles south of Great Falls and Malmstrom AFB where Minuteman nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) have been buried in silos as far as Judith Gap (map lower right). From the early 1970s onward, this region has had persistent cycles of animal mutilations.

November 12, 2010  White Sulphur Springs, Montana - Sheriff Jon Lopp was born in Montana forty-four years ago and has spent half his life in law enforcement. He has been both the Sheriff and Coroner for Meagher (pronounced Mar) County in White Sulphur Springs, Montana, since July 2009. Before then, Jon was undersheriff for twelve years. Prior to October 28, 2010, he had never seen a mutilated animal. In a recent interview, Sheriff Lopp told me, “We are all baffled about how something like this could happen. Nobody has any answers. It defies explanation.”


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Letters to Earthfiles About UFO Interactions with ICBMs

“An unidentified aerial object flew slowly over the Ellsworth AFB missile launch Control Facility. It emitted what appeared to be a blue-green focused beam from the ‘craft’ to the ground.”

- Retired USAF Master Sergeant

Malmstrom AFB near Great Falls, Montana (upper left circle); Minot AFB near Minot, North Dakota (upper right circle); Ellsworth AFB near Rapid City, South Dakota (middle right circle); and Warren AFB near Cheyenne, Wyoming (lowest red circle).
Malmstrom AFB near Great Falls, Montana (upper left circle); Minot AFB near Minot, North Dakota (upper right circle); Ellsworth AFB near Rapid City, South Dakota (middle right circle); and Warren AFB near Cheyenne, Wyoming (lowest red circle).

November 8, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Since posting my October 25, 2010, interview with retired USAF Captain Robert Salas [ 102510 Earthfiles ] about his firsthand experience 60 feet underground in a Minuteman missile silo at Malmstrom AFB on March 24, 1967, I have received several emails about other similar incidents. Below are some of the most substantive for Earthfiles viewer consideration. I welcome further feedback and will always honor requests for confidentiality.


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Part 4: February 1971 – Blond Beings Created and Control Grey Androids?

“It's my opinion that the Blonds were giving the orders and the smaller Greys were carrying out the work.”

- Gary Connor, former U. S. Army Private, Fort Dix, NJ

Fort Dix and McGuire AFB in New Jersey are about 45 minutes east of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The American Army and Air Force bases have been next to each other since 1937 construction of McGuire AFB as part of Fort Dix.
Fort Dix and McGuire AFB in New Jersey are about 45 minutes east of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The American Army and Air Force bases have been next to each other since 1937 construction of McGuire AFB as part of Fort Dix.

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November 8, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico - After Gary Connor and his Fort Dix security colleague allegedly shot the two small, grey-colored, non-humans in February 1971 that were picked up by the tall Blonds, the two new recruits were severely intimidated by their superiors and other recruits. Gary Connor was even beat up while he was told never to talk. He wanted out of the Army, out of Fort Dix and to his surprise, another Blond craft showed up again at the Fort Dix fence perimeter as if it came back to help Gary Connor escape.


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Part 3: February 1971 – Two Grey Entities Shot At Ft. Dix, NJ

“Our job was to protect that ammo dump and Davis raised his weapon. I said, ‘Davis, don’t do it!’ But of course, we had orders and he let off the first shot and dropped one of the Grey beings.”

- Gary Connor, former U. S. Army Private, Fort Dix, NJ

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November 6, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Two years after Gary Connor's encounter with the large disc that contained at least the two, tall, blond-haired beings and the small, grey-skinned entity that telepathically placed the formula in Gary's mind, he left Gaithersburg for the U. S. Army at Fort Dix, New Jersey, about 45 minutes east of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His induction was on February 2, 1971, in Baltimore, Maryland.

First known as Camp Dix and later Fort Dix, its construction began in June 1917 for the United States War Department. It was named for Major General John Adams Dix, a veteran of the War of 1812 and the Civil War. Twenty years later in 1937, Fort Dix Airport was built and first opened to military aircraft on January 9, 1941. On January 13, 1948, the United States Air Force renamed the facility McGuire Air Force Base in honor of Major Thomas Buchanan McGuire, Jr, (1920–1945), who was a Medal of Honor recipient and the second highest scoring American ace during World War II.


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Part 2 – Grandson of AEC Scientist Encounters Blond Entities

“The Grey being moved between the two, tall blonds at the door and came down from the craft on a slightly slanted ramp from the liquified door and approached us.”

- Gary Connor, Gaithersburg, Maryland

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November 2, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico - By the time Gary Connor was 15-years-old in 1969, his divorced mother had moved them to Gaithersburg, Maryland. The end of May that year on the last day of school before summer vacation, Gary's best friend, John Trigger, phoned.

Gary Connor:  “We belonged to Boy Scout Troop  357 in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Our scout master’s name was Mr. Frederick. My stepfather by then, who had adopted me when I was 12-years-old, was Ronald Patrick Connor. He was an aerospace engineer for Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory. He also did some work for NASA. In 1972, he got transferred to Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico.


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Part 1 – Grandson of AEC Scientist “Healed” by Grey Entities in 1958

“Then it appeared as though the wall of the hospital liquefied and three, small, brownish-grey-colored beings just came through the liquefied wall. It was amazing!”

- Gary Connor, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

October 30, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Gary Connor was born in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, in 1954, and had extraordinary interactions with non-humans when he nearly died at age four in 1958; during a boy scout trip outside Gaithersburg, Maryland, when he was twelve in 1966; and as a new 17-year-old U. S. Army recruit in February 1971, at Fort Dix, New Jersey, southeast of Trenton.

Retired now with disability from trucking and security work, Gary contacted me because he has seen other Earthfiles reports about people who grew up during World War II or in the couple of decades afterward inside families where parents and grandparents were exposed to the non-human presence on Earth during their work as scientists or in military missions.


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