Updated:  Leaked EPA Document Says Bayer’s Nicotine-Based Clothianidin Kills Honey Bees

“Clothianidin (nicotine-based pesticide) is highly toxic to honey bees.”

- Leaked EPA Document, November 2, 2010
[ See Websites below for 101-page Memo.]

“When bees consume guttation (dew) drops collected from plants grown from neonicotinoid-coated seeds, they encounter death within a few mintues."

- “Translocation of Neonicotinoid Insecticides From Coated Seeds
to Seedling Guttation Drops: A Novel Way of Intoxication for Bees”
© 2009 published by Entomological Society of America

2009 photographic evidence of honey bee deaths in front of their hive at 7:30 AM after the bees drank clothianidin-contaminated dew water (nicotine-based pesticide). Source: Hedwig Riebe of the Deutscher Berufs und Erwerbs Imker Bund e. V. in 2009, German Beekeepers Association.
2009 photographic evidence of honey bee deaths in front of their hive at 7:30 AM after the bees drank clothianidin-contaminated dew water (nicotine-based pesticide). Source: Hedwig Riebe of the Deutscher Berufs und Erwerbs Imker Bund e. V. in 2009, German Beekeepers Association.


Update U.K. House of Commons
has proposed ban on nicotine-based pesticides.

On January 25, 2011, 36 MPs in the U. K. House of Commons motioned to immediately suspend the licenses for all neonicotinoid pesticides used in Great Britain. By the end of March 2011, the process to put teeth into an actual law banning nicotine-based pesticides could be a groundbreaker in the struggle to give honey bees a chance to live in an environment freer from poisons and more balanced to support life, not death.

Early Day Motion EDM 1267:  “That this House is gravely concerned by the contents of a recently leaked memo from the U.S. Environmenalt Protection Agency whose scientists warn that bees and other non-target invertebrates are at risk from a new neonicotinoid pesticide and that tests in the U.S. approval process are insufficient to detect the environmental damage caused; acknowledges that these findings reflect the conclusions of a 2009 Buglife report that identified similar inadequacies in the European approval regime with regard to neonicotinoids; notes reports that bee populations have soared in four European countries that have banned these chemicals; and therefore calls on the Government to act urgently to suspend all existing approvals for products containing neonicotinoids and fipronil pending more exhaustive tests and the development of international methodologies for properly assessing the long-term effects of systemic pesticides on invertebrate populations.”


Updated January 27 / original file January 23, 2011  Niwot, Colorado - Tom Theobald went to work for IBM in 1965 to 1975. “I knew I didn't want to spend the rest of my life in the corporate world,” he told me recently,  “so I left IBM not knowing what else I was going to do. But I had a large garden and decided to get some bees to raise. Before I knew it, I was a beekeeper and founder of the Boulder County Beekeepers Association where I served as president for the next thirty years.”


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Updated: Part 3: Private Detective’s Encounters with Non-Humans

“When that Praying Mantis being communicated, ‘You’re going to be OK,’ that instrument was moving flexibly like a water snake in the air. It shot right into the corner of my right hip.”

- “Joshua Rhinehall,” Private Investigator, Pacific Northwest

Updated with Earthfiles viewer email:

Subject: Ant heads
Date: January 26, 2011
To: [email protected]


I've been following "Joshua's" experience with the Praying Mantises (ant heads as my sister and I call them).   Although my memories of abduction were initially filled with sheer terror, at the end of my abduction, my emotions were that of love and wanting to stay with them - strange, yes. My sister's experiences were not of terror or fear - she had more just of a 'matter of fact' feeling. I've got to say that I don't really agree with Josh's feelings that they are malevolent, even though I am still fearful when things go bump in the night around here.

I do believe that there is some type of genetic research going on - as the alien issues seem to follow along my father's side of the family, and paranormal (seeing ghosts, etc...) along my mom's side of the family (whether those two things are from each other, I do not know. I do not feel that they are visiting me to cause me harm. Partial reasons for this belief is that the activity level was increased when my boys were young (they are now 15 and 21), and subsided as they got older. And, now, I have a daughter who just turned 1, and the activity has since picked up, once again! And, also, my memories of the encounter had aspects of physical exams of my brain, etc.... and, my sister has had some exams of her hands because she could get her hands to radiate heat.


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Part 2: Private Detective’s Encounters with Non-Humans

“I wondered if the entity’s eyes were some kind of lens covering on the eyes that might be used to analyze things or see different wavelengths around - like welding goggles, they reflect light and only allow so much light in.”

- “Joshua Rhinehall,” Private Investigator, Pacific Northwest

Pacific Northwest private detective's illustration of his 2005 encounter with a praying mantis creature.
Pacific Northwest private detective's illustration of his 2005 encounter with a praying mantis creature.
Praying Mantis (Mantis religiosa). Image © by Frank L. Hoffman.
Praying Mantis (Mantis religiosa). Image © by Frank L. Hoffman.
Chinese praying mantis image © by Nelson Kruschandl. The praying mantis’s “arms” are lined with sharp spikes for stabbing and grabbing. Mantis forelegs can strike and retract in half the time a human can blink. While they usually prey on insects and spiders, their speed is so great that they will take down animals three times their size such as lizards, chameleons, frogs, fish, small mammals, and even birds and hummingbirds that come too close.
Chinese praying mantis image © by Nelson Kruschandl. The praying mantis’s “arms” are lined with sharp spikes for stabbing and grabbing. Mantis forelegs can strike and retract in half the time a human can blink. While they usually prey on insects and spiders, their speed is so great that they will take down animals three times their size such as lizards, chameleons, frogs, fish, small mammals, and even birds and hummingbirds that come too close.

Editor's Note:  Wikipedia - Mantodea or mantises is an order of insects that contains approximately 2,200 species in nine families worldwide in temperate and tropical habitats. Most of the species are in the family Mantidae. A colloquial name for the order is “praying mantises,” because of their often prayer-like stance, although the term is often misspelled as “preying mantis” because mantises are predatory. Insects form their primary diet, but larger species have been known to prey on small lizards, frogs, birds, snakes, fish, even rodents and any species small enough to successfully capture and devour. Most species of mantis are known to engage in cannibalism. Their large eyes can see up to 60 feet away and the mantis lashes out at remarkable speed to ambush its prey. ]

Return to Part 1.

January 17, 2011  Pacific Northwest - Joshua Rhinehall continues from Part 1 his descriptions of extraordinary encounters with non-humans that began for him at age 4 and have persisted to the current day, now age 46.


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UPDATED Part 1: Private Detective’s Encounters with Non-Humans

“I feel that the non-human entities have conducted genetic testing on mankind for centuries in order to alter human genetics and guide our evolution to a point where they can harvest a genetic component for cloning and/or hybrid that has the ability to contain a soul. ”

- “Joshua Rhinehall,” Private Investigator, Pacific Northwest

Pacific Northwest private detective's illustration of his 2005 encounter with a praying mantis creature.
Pacific Northwest private detective's illustration of his 2005 encounter with a praying mantis creature.
Praying Mantis (Mantis religiosa). Image © by Frank L. Hoffman.
Praying Mantis (Mantis religiosa). Image © by Frank L. Hoffman.
Chinese praying mantis image © by Nelson Kruschandl. The praying mantis’s “arms” are lined with sharp spikes for stabbing and grabbing. Mantis forelegs can strike and retract in half the time a human can blink. While they usually prey on insects and spiders, their speed is so great that they will take down animals three times their size such as lizards, chameleons, frogs, fish, small mammals, and even birds and hummingbirds that come too close.
Chinese praying mantis image © by Nelson Kruschandl. The praying mantis’s “arms” are lined with sharp spikes for stabbing and grabbing. Mantis forelegs can strike and retract in half the time a human can blink. While they usually prey on insects and spiders, their speed is so great that they will take down animals three times their size such as lizards, chameleons, frogs, fish, small mammals, and even birds and hummingbirds that come too close.

Editor's Note:  Wikipedia - Mantodea or mantises is an order of insects that contains approximately 2,200 species in nine families worldwide in temperate and tropical habitats. Most of the species are in the family Mantidae. A colloquial name for the order is “praying mantises,” because of their often prayer-like stance, although the term is often misspelled as “preying mantis” because mantises are predatory. Insects form their primary diet, but larger species have been known to prey on small lizards, frogs, birds, snakes, fish, even rodents and any species small enough to successfully capture and devour. Most species of mantis are known to engage in cannibalism. Their large eyes can see up to 60 feet away and the mantis lashes out at remarkable speed to ambush its prey. ]

UPDATED January 15, 2011  Pacific Northwest - “Joshua Rhinehall” has asked for anonymity, but wants to share his encounters with non-humans since he was 4-years old in order to see if any other Earthfiles viewers or Coast radio listeners have had any similar experiences. Joshua is now 46-years-old and lives in the Pacific Northwest where he farmed for the first half of his life. After that, he studied at a local community college and has been a private investigator since 1995.


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Earthfiles Viewers High Strangeness Reports

“That Skyhawk disappeared without a trace on a cloudless day in perfect flying weather.”

- U. S. Navy eyewitness, Tonkin Gulf, North Vietnam, 1968

A  U.S. Navy A-4E over North Vietnam in November 1967. Image source U.S. Defense Visual Information System.
A  U.S. Navy A-4E over North Vietnam in November 1967. Image source U.S. Defense Visual Information System.

“I know what their alien skin looks like up close. It always sort of reminded of a Brown Anole lizard.”

- Earthfiles viewer and Coast listener

The Brown Anole, Anolis sagrei or Norops sagrei is a lizard native to Cuba and the Bahamas.
The Brown Anole, Anolis sagrei or Norops sagrei is a lizard native to Cuba and the Bahamas.

January 12, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - On December 16, 2010, I reported news updates at Earthfiles.com and Coast to Coast AM radio that included unusual changing patterns of bright orange lights of unknown origin over Naples, Florida; multi-colored, spinning, “gyroscopic” aerial objects in Florida, Japan and Tunisia; lime green light and lizard-skinned non-humans. Following my Earthfiles and radio reports, many viewers and listeners wrote about their own experiences, including the emails below.


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Part 4:  Updates On RAF Bentwaters Mystery – Analysis Problems in Penniston’s Telepathic Download of Binary Code

Summary of 5 pages of Jim Penniston's December 1980 hand-written binary code after December 26th encounter with lights and triangular craft of unknown origin in Rendlesham Forest near Capel Green farm field in Woodbridge. Translation by Dr. Horace R. Drew and Dr. Mike Reed on November 11, 2010.
Summary of 5 pages of Jim Penniston's December 1980 hand-written binary code after December 26th encounter with lights and triangular craft of unknown origin in Rendlesham Forest near Capel Green farm field in Woodbridge. Translation by Dr. Horace R. Drew and Dr. Mike Reed on November 11, 2010.

Return to Part 1

January 7, 2011  Timberlake, North Carolina - There are problems in trying to translate the stream of zeros and ones that former RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge Staff Sergeant James Penniston wrote down in his notebook after the traumatic encounter with lights and craft of unknown origin on December 26, 1980.

First, are the stream of numbers translatable in 7-bit ASCII (pre-1986) or 8-bit ASCII (post- 1986)? Willing to take on the task were two retired scientists:

- Horace R. Drew, Ph.D. from Caltech in 1981, and now Australia, and well-known for producing the first high-resolution x-ray structure of DNA, for discovering certain aspects of the genetic code used to curve DNA in chromosomes, and for serious studies of geometries and other embedded mathematical “language” in crop formations under the pseudonym “Red Collie.”

- American retired astronomer Michael A. Reed, Ph.D., University of Arizona, and former astronomical instrumentation specialist, University of Arizona, now retired in Timberlake, North Carolina.


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Updated: New Year Deaths of Birds, Fish and Crabs Around the World

“I’ve been here for 30 years and to my knowledge, there has never been a bird die-off this big. It’s the sheer numbers of this one that makes it unusual.”

- George Badley, D.V.M., Arkansas State Vet, Livestock & Poultry Commission

Southeastern United States

Map's upper right red circle is Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, where at least two million spot and croaker fish have been found floating dead since around New Year's eve 2010. Authorities say “probably killed by the cold weather.”

Florida red circle is Spruce Creek near Daytona Beach where thousands of fish have been found washed up dead since around New Year's eve 2010. More cold weather blamed.


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Part 2:  Updates On RAF Bentwaters Mystery – IR Anomalies and Telepathic Download of Binary Code

“Both John Burroughs and I independently witnessed ping pong-sized balls of blue/blue-white light appear amongst the trees in front of us and move briskly through the tree ‘finger’.”

- Winston Keech, Engineer and Owner, The Power Collective, U. K.


L-R: Light orange straight path from left turn off logging road going east toward the open field. Red circle in area where John Burroughs reported the TriField meter pegged at highest level after midnight on December 26 and 27, 2010, in the smaller southern field known as Capel Green. Blue circle marks the watery marsh in the finger of trees that would explain  why both John Burroughs and Jim Penniston reported getting wet during their December 26, 1980, 3 AM, encounter with the lights and craft. White circle marks the third house that has animals. Orange circle marks the second house directly across the field from the picnic table and UFO signs (pink circle) of what John and Jim now say is not the correct location of their encounter. Yellow circle marks the first house. Graphic overlay of Google map by Earthfiles.
L-R: Light orange straight path from left turn off logging road going east toward the open field. Red circle in area where John Burroughs reported the TriField meter pegged at highest level after midnight on December 26 and 27, 2010, in the smaller southern field known as Capel Green. Blue circle marks the watery marsh in the finger of trees that would explain  why both John Burroughs and Jim Penniston reported getting wet during their December 26, 1980, 3 AM, encounter with the lights and craft. White circle marks the third house that has animals. Orange circle marks the second house directly across the field from the picnic table and UFO signs (pink circle) of what John and Jim now say is not the correct location of their encounter. Yellow circle marks the first house. Graphic overlay of Google map by Earthfiles.


Return to Part 1

January 2, 2011  Woodbridge, Suffolk, England - I have learned that human eyes and visible light sensitive cameras are not adequate for monitoring the environment where highly strange phenomena have been reported. Near and Far Infrared and the mid-range in between are the frequencies where many phenomena “hide” from human retinas.


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Part 3:  Updates On RAF Bentwaters Mystery – IR Anomalies and Telepathic Download of Binary Code

Summary of 5 pages of Jim Penniston's December 1980 hand-written binary code after December 26th encounter with lights and triangular craft of unknown origin in Rendlesham Forest near Capel Green farm field in Woodbridge. Translation by Dr. Horace R. Drew and Dr. Mike Reed on November 11, 2010.
Summary of 5 pages of Jim Penniston's December 1980 hand-written binary code after December 26th encounter with lights and triangular craft of unknown origin in Rendlesham Forest near Capel Green farm field in Woodbridge. Translation by Dr. Horace R. Drew and Dr. Mike Reed on November 11, 2010.

Return to Part 1

January 2, 2011  Woodbridge, Suffolk, England - Around 3 AM on December 26, 1980, USAF Airman 1st Class John Burroughs and Staff Sergeant James Penniston, that night assigned as RAF Woodbridge Security Supervisor, were on foot running through the eastern end of Rendlesham Forest that bordered the Capel Green and larger farm fields. Time was distorted for both of them as John and Jim felt like they were moving in slow motion. Each man says their skin tingled and hair on their heads and necks rose as if in a strong electrostatic field, similar to the atmosphere before a big thunderstorm. But it was a cold, clear winter night.


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Part 1:  Updates On RAF Bentwaters Mystery – IR Anomalies and Telepathic Download of Binary Code

“Security Control, the object is about 150 feet in front of us.”

- USAF S/Sgt. James Penniston, December 26, 1980, Rendlesham Forest near RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge, England


Woodbridge Community Hall gathering about RAF Bentwaters mystery on December 28, 2010, the 30th anniversary of the December 26 - 28, 1980 phenomena. R-L: John Burroughs (table right), former USAF Airman 1st Class at RAF Bentwaters; Nick Pope (center), former U. K. Ministry of Defence UFO desk manager; former USAF Staff Sergeant Jim Penniston (standing below table yellow collar); Peter Robbins, co-author with former USAF Airman Larry Warren of book, Left At East Gate. Image © 2010 by Linda Moulton Howe, speaker and panel member.
Woodbridge Community Hall gathering about RAF Bentwaters mystery on December 28, 2010, the 30th anniversary of the December 26 - 28, 1980 phenomena. R-L: John Burroughs (table right), former USAF Airman 1st Class at RAF Bentwaters; Nick Pope (center), former U. K. Ministry of Defence UFO desk manager; former USAF Staff Sergeant Jim Penniston (standing below table yellow collar); Peter Robbins, co-author with former USAF Airman Larry Warren of book, Left At East Gate. Image © 2010 by Linda Moulton Howe, speaker and panel member.

January 1, 2011  Woodbridge, Suffolk, England - On the evening of  Tuesday, December 28, 2010, there was a gathering of some 400 people in the Woodbridge Community Hall on the 30th anniversary of aerial lights, beams and craft of unknown origin reported after midnight on three consecutive early mornings of December 26, 27 and 28, 1980, at the then joint U. K. and American RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge air base. This 30th anniversary event was organized by Suffolk County resident Gordon Goodger to raise money for the U. K. TreeHouse national charity for autistic children and their families. Speakers included Nick Pope, who once was in charge of the U. K. Ministry of Defence UFO desk; Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe; and Left At East Gate co-author Peter Robbins.


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