Part 7:  Private Detective’s Encounters with Non-Humans

“It appears that the body is standing in the tube with nothing around it.  ... And now, I change bodies.”

- “Wanna Lawson,” New Jersey city employee and human abductee

Return to Part 1.

February 19, 2011 Albuquerque, New Mexico - After I posted Part 6 on February 14, Joshua Rhinehall emailed his further thoughts about genetic material used by advanced intelligences to influence timelines through the creation of hybrids or cloned bodies.


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Part 6:  Private Detective’s Encounters with Non-Humans

“That point of origin in the 3-D hologram the being showed me is where every possible timeline emanated from the center outward, like an expanding ball.”

- “Joshua Rhinehall,” Private Investigator, Pacific Northwest

Return to Part 1.

February 14, 2011 Albuquerque, New Mexico - The 3-dimensional symbol suspended in the middle of the round room has haunted Joshua Rhinehall since his November 2008 dream. I asked him if we could do another interview about his timeline illustrations. Joshua said the non-human being's telepathic download about how to manipulate timelines to achieve specific influences without causing chaos was much more than he consciously remembers. But what he does remember follows.


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More Reports of Strange Booms and Aerial Lights

“From below the red light, a brilliant, white ‘liquid orb’ would drop a few inches in the sky before just sort of  blinking out... then a new orb would appear and drop.”

- Eyewitness near Mt. Graham, Arizona

Click here for American Fork, Utah, Video.January 26, 2011, between 7:15 PM - 7:30 PM Mountain. Video © 2011 by JohnJayandKinna. Image © 2011 by Jessica Fawson.
Click here for American Fork, Utah, Video.January 26, 2011, between 7:15 PM - 7:30 PM Mountain. Video © 2011 by JohnJayandKinna. Image © 2011 by Jessica Fawson.

February 8, 2011 Albuquerque, New Mexico - On January 29, 2011, I reported at Earthfiles about several viewer reports of strange, loud, booms heard in many states and even in The Netherlands since December 2010. On Wednesday, January 26, came news and videos of red, glowing, unidentified aerial lights dropping “white orbs” or sparkling, silver-white material over American Fork, Utah, south of Salt Lake City, between 7:15 PM and 7:30 PM. The following are some of the emails I have received from Earthfiles viewers since those reports.


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Part 5:  Private Detective’s Encounters with Non-Humans

“I felt like I was being shown that there is conflict in the universe –
good and evil, negative and positive not just on Earth but universal –
and the conflict is ongoing and escalating.”

- “Joshua Rhinehall,” Private Investigator, Pacific Northwest

Return to Part 1.

February 8, 2011 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Joshua Rhinehall was born in 1964. From age four on, he remembers small, Grey entities around his bed and many times he felt exhausted, had glimpses of other places beyond his home where he thought he had been for days, but his friends and family never seemed to notice. “It has been a knowing I've been gone for long stretches of time, but on a watch only seconds. I've never understood that and would like to know more about what was happening to me all those times I can't remember.”


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Part 4:  Private Detective’s Encounters with Non-Humans

“In my opinion when it comes to the Praying Mantis and the Greys that I've had contact with, I feel their agenda or goal is genetic engineering. I feel like the goal is to be able to engineer something that can contain the energy of a soul.”

- “Joshua Rhinehall,” Private Investigator, Pacific Northwest

Return to Part 1.

February 2, 2011 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Not many people in the human abduction syndrome have had firsthand interactions with the tall Preying Mantis entities. In Part 3, Joshua Rhinehall said, “In my opinion when it comes to the Praying Mantis and the Greys that I’ve had contact with, I feel their agenda or goal is genetic engineering. I feel like the goal is to be able to engineer something that can contain the energy of a soul.”


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Tampa Airports Change Compass Marks While North Magnetic Pole Moves Toward Siberia

“We are seeing a decrease in the strength of the Earth's magnetic field,
which is something that we know happens before a full pole reversal,
but so far it's happening at the rate of only 8% decrease per century.”

- Stefan Maus, Ph.D., NOAA Geophysicist, Boulder, Colorado

The Earth's magnetic field is similar to that of a bar magnet tilted 11 degrees from the spin axis of the Earth.  Magnetic fields surround electric currents, so we surmise that circulating electric currents in the Earth's molten metallic core are the origin of the magnetic field. A current loop gives a field similar to that of the earth. The magnetic field magnitude measured at the surface of the Earth is about half a Gauss and dips toward the Earth in the northern hemisphere. The magnitude varies over the surface of the Earth in the range 0.3 to 0.6 Gauss. Illustration © by C. R. Nave, Georgia State University.
The Earth's magnetic field is similar to that of a bar magnet tilted 11 degrees from the spin axis of the Earth.  Magnetic fields surround electric currents, so we surmise that circulating electric currents in the Earth's molten metallic core are the origin of the magnetic field. A current loop gives a field similar to that of the earth. The magnetic field magnitude measured at the surface of the Earth is about half a Gauss and dips toward the Earth in the northern hemisphere. The magnitude varies over the surface of the Earth in the range 0.3 to 0.6 Gauss. Illustration © by C. R. Nave, Georgia State University.

February 1, 2011  Tampa, Florida and Boulder, Colorado - There have been recent media headlines about Tampa, Florida's International and general aviation airports having to repaint compass markings on their runways. Geophysicists say it's because there is a general westward drift of the Earth's magnetic field in the Western Hemisphere. So for pilot safety, Tampa airports corrected runway compass marks to reflect what compasses actually read now in southern Florida.


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2010 – 2011 Extreme Weather

“In the winter of 2010 to 2011, the Arctic and North Atlantic Oscillations
went into a very big low which means the normal westerly winds
from the west to the east have been weak and that has allowed
the jet stream to drop down to Florida and stay ther longer than usual.”

- Art DeGaetano, Ph.D., Meteorologist, Cornell University

“I don’t know of any data that is indicating there is a major
shut down or slowing in the Gulf Stream system.”

- Chris Meinen, Ph.D., NOAA Oceanographer


January 31, 2011  Ithaca, New York and Miami, Florida - Since December 2010 - in addition to all the Earth life die-offs in both hemispheres - there has been unprecedented flooding in Australia during their summer season while at least six major storms have dumped huge amounts of snow in the Midwest and East Coast of the United States. Now the National Weather Service is warning that the week of January 31 - February 4, 2011, is bringing a seventh huge and “dangerous storm” from the Rockies to the East Coast. Winds up to 40 mph will make already-freezing temperatures much worse.


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Earthfiles Viewers Reports of Strange, Loud Booms

‘Boom’ Heard Across SE Part Of Metro OKC USGS Says ‘Boom’ Was Not An Earthquake

POSTED by News 5 10:54 AM CST on January 27, 2011

OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA -- A loud ‘boom’ was heard by Oklahomans on Thursday morning, January 27, 2011m but officials confirmed that it was not an earthquake. Eyewitness News 5 began reporting a possible earthquake around 10:30 a.m. The United States Geological Survey said no such earthquake had occurred. The last earthquake in Oklahoma was at 9:53 a.m. on Jan. 19. It was a magnitude of 2.8, according to the USGS. So what was the January 27th morning boom?


January 29, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - On January 27 to 28, 2011, at Earthfiles and Coast to Coast AM radio, I reported news about the many animal die-offs around the world since December 2010 to date. In Beebe, Arkansas, at 11 PM on New Year's Eve December 31, 2010, at least 5,000 red-wing blackbirds and starlings were found dead in a mile stretch of rural countryside. Authorities tried to blame the deaths on fireworks scaring all the birds from trees in the dark and right after a thunderstorm. What local residents did report was seeing birds flying into car windows and houses low to the ground, but not necessarily linked to fireworks.


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RAF Bentwaters Update After December 2010 Return to Rendlesham Forest with Former USAF John Burroughs and Jim Penniston

“It was like Jim went into a trance and he started acting like he was re-living it from thirty years before. He acted like he was walking around it (black, glassy, triangular craft in forest).”

- USAF Airman 1st Class John Burroughs, December 26, 1980,
Rendlesham Forest near RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge, England


“On a repeat of coming back touching these symbols, I get a bright light
and I can't see. ...I just see these symbols (zeros and ones)...they are coming at me fast!”

- USAF S/Sgt. James Penniston, December 26, 1980, Rendlesham Forest near RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge, England


January 28, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Thirty years ago on December 26, 1980, around 3 AM, USAF Airman 1st Class John Burroughs, USAF Staff Sergeant James Penniston and USAF Airman Ed Cabansag were in Rendlesham Forest under orders to investigate highly strange and colorful aerial lights. According to signed and dated statements at the time, John Burroughs and Jim Penniston came close to the lights and a “craft of unknown origin” on the forest floor. Jim Penniston described approaching a 9-foot-long by 6-foot-high triangular object and touching its black, glassy surface. As his fingers went over raised symbols “like Braille” in a 3.5 foot long section toward the pointed end of the craft, S/Sgt. Penniston's mind was telepathically flooded with binary code and some information about the intelligence behind the craft and lights.      


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New Year 2011 – Bird, Fish, Penguin, Crab Deaths and More Corkscrew-sliced Seals on North Norfolk, England Coast

“What has been interesting about a lot of these corkscrew-sliced injuries is that no bones are broken.”

- Neil Wellum, Deputy Chief Marine Officer,
U. K. Marine Management Organization


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