Part 4:  “Falling Squares of Light” in Levittown, PA – Scientific Research

“This seems to be physical evidence of very thin energy beams
only 1/10th of a millimeter wide, probably of a microwave nature,
that caused these straight line lesions in the leaves. ... I’ve never seen
anything like this before.”

- Biophysicist W. C. Levengood

Arrow points to unusual reddish, thin, straight line on one of the sampled silver maple leaves exposed to the Levittown aerial object's glittery light energy. Image © 2008 by W. C. Levengood.
Arrow points to unusual reddish, thin, straight line on one of the sampled silver maple leaves exposed to the Levittown aerial object's glittery light energy. Image © 2008 by W. C. Levengood.
Left: “Boomerang” version of mysterious aerial object that morphed into middle pink-colored disc. Right: The pink disc then flashed three oval, white lights on its bottom surface and “little squares of light” dropped like snow onto apartment yard and privet bush. Half a dozen sightings April through July 2008, Levittown, Pennsylvania. Image and drawings by resident and eyewitness.
Left: “Boomerang” version of mysterious aerial object that morphed into middle pink-colored disc. Right: The pink disc then flashed three oval, white lights on its bottom surface and “little squares of light” dropped like snow onto apartment yard and privet bush. Half a dozen sightings April through July 2008, Levittown, Pennsylvania. Image and drawings by resident and eyewitness.
Privet bush about 15 feet high grows next to eyewitness's apartment back door in Levittown, Pennsylvania, where “little squares of light” first fell on June 12, 2008 - and two more times in July 2008 - from a pink-colored aerial disc and surrounded the privet bush and a silver maple tree about 65 feet away. Image © 2008 by Robert Gardner.
Privet bush about 15 feet high grows next to eyewitness's apartment back door in Levittown, Pennsylvania, where “little squares of light” first fell on June 12, 2008 - and two more times in July 2008 - from a pink-colored aerial disc and surrounded the privet bush and a silver maple tree about 65 feet away. Image © 2008 by Robert Gardner.

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April 1, 2011 reprint of November 17, 2008  Grass Lake, Michigan - The biophysical and biochemical research by biophysicist W. C. Levengood continues with this laboratory report about somatic leaf growth anomalies in privet bush leaves exposed to energy dispersed from unidentified aerial craft over Levittown, Pennsylvania, apartment three times on June 12, July 10 and July 16, 2008.


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Corexit and Crude Oil Still in Gulf Year After BP Disaster; Marine Life Dead and Some People Sick

“The (Corexit) dispersant is sticking around. Key dispersant chemicals
underwent negligible or slow rates of biodegradation.”

- Elizabeth Kujawinski, Ph.D., Marine Chemist,
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

“None of eight Corexit products tested are ‘without toxicity,’
and the ecological effect of mixing the dispersants with oil is unknown,
as is the toxicity of the breakdown products of the dispersant.”

- EPA Administrator

“Some medical doctors have been turning patients away from their offices because they don’t want to deal with political fall out of confirming Gulf oil and Corexit illnesses.”

- Rodney Soto, M. D.


March 30, 2011  Orange Beach, Alabama, and Santa Rosa Beach, Florida - Microbiologist Samantha Joye, Ph.D., University of Georgia, showed images of oil-suffocated marine creatures at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico 10 miles north of the BP Macondo oil disaster site that she photographed in recent research presented before the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual conference in Washington, D. C., on February 19, 2011.

BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig burning after the April 20, 2010, explosion that killed 11 men working on the platform and injured 17 others. The disastrous crude oil gusher from the broken BP Macondo well a mile down on the sea floor lasted from April 20 until July 15, 2010, when the well was finally capped. Meanwhile, 770,000 gallons of toxic Corexit dispersant had been sprayed on Gulf waters to allegedly reduce the thick oil slick. Image by EPA.
BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig burning after the April 20, 2010, explosion that killed 11 men working on the platform and injured 17 others. The disastrous crude oil gusher from the broken BP Macondo well a mile down on the sea floor lasted from April 20 until July 15, 2010, when the well was finally capped. Meanwhile, 770,000 gallons of toxic Corexit dispersant had been sprayed on Gulf waters to allegedly reduce the thick oil slick. Image by EPA.


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Part 10:  Private Detective’s Encounters with Non-Humans

“To better explain what the blond being said about war waging in the universe and my keen sense now of escalation in the cosmic conflict, this current and intensifying Earth chaos plays a big part of it and fuels my obsession to be away from large cities.”

- “Joshua Rhinehall,” Private Investigator, Pacific Northwest

“- a) Time line that is chosen for genetic change. - b) 22.5 degrees radius from point of origin. Genetic altering can only be done within the zone. - c-d) Genetic material can be taken from one time line to the other without disruption to either time line. - e) Is the end goal of the entities genetic program. There is a unique spiritual/soul connection with all genetic/DNA material that is harvested from the specific source. When the DNA material is used for cloning/hybrid - the soul/spirit of source material can connect with the clone or hybrid - like tuning in a radio. The connection of the source to the clone can come across as a vision or lucid dream. It will be as if you are looking and living through another's eyes.”
- a) Time line that is chosen for genetic change. - b) 22.5 degrees radius from point of origin. Genetic altering can only be done within the zone. - c-d) Genetic material can be taken from one time line to the other without disruption to either time line. - e) Is the end goal of the entities genetic program. There is a unique spiritual/soul connection with all genetic/DNA material that is harvested from the specific source. When the DNA material is used for cloning/hybrid - the soul/spirit of source material can connect with the clone or hybrid - like tuning in a radio. The connection of the source to the clone can come across as a vision or lucid dream. It will be as if you are looking and living through another's eyes.”

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March 21, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - I listened to Joshua Rhinehall explain the blond humanoid's telepathic explanation of the 3-D hologram about manipulating time lines. As Joshua described the strategy of taking DNA from a parallel time line to insert into an Earth life - a developing foetus - to influence the Earth's future, I wondered if all the avatars of human history have been “DNA insertions” by the blond humanoids?


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Water Cannons, Fire Trucks and Tons of Helicopter-Lifted Water Have Not Stopped Heating in Fukushima Reactors

“I think the Unit 4 firefighters were withdrawn (March 16, 2011) because the fuel pools are drying out. That means high levels of Cesium-137 (gamma rays) at the site and the uranium products will turn into radioactive gasses that can touch skin and be breathed in. This could be as bad as, or worse than, Chernobyl.”

- Arnie Gundersen, Nuclear Engineer and Safety Expert, Fairewinds Assoc.

Fukushima Update 10:30 AM Pacific March 19, 2011 - Radiation Found in Milk and Spinach. More Electric Power Cables Laid to Radioactive Reactors, But Hook Ups Not Tested.

“Though radioactive iodine has a short half-life of about eight days and decays naturally within a matter of weeks, there is a short-term risk to human health if radioactive iodine in food is absorbed into the human body.”

- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano announced today that levels of  radiation exceeding Japanese safety limits were found in milk sampled 19 miles (30 km) from the Fukushima plant and in spinach sampled 65 miles (100 km) south, almost half way to Tokyo. The radiation level is about 7 millisieverts. If the contaminated food were eaten continuously for a year, the amount of ingested radiation would be equivalent to one CT scan.

Japanese fire truck spraying water on Fukushima Unit 3, the only reactor that contains MOX fuel, "mixed-oxide" that contains plutonium as well as uranium. Plutonium is the most dangerous radioactive material with a half-life of 24,000 years. If it is released in smoke and steam from a burning reactor, that plutonium can be inhaled and will contaminate soil downwind. Image by Japanese Defense Ministry.
Japanese fire truck spraying water on Fukushima Unit 3, the only reactor that contains MOX fuel, "mixed-oxide" that contains plutonium as well as uranium. Plutonium is the most dangerous radioactive material with a half-life of 24,000 years. If it is released in smoke and steam from a burning reactor, that plutonium can be inhaled and will contaminate soil downwind. Image by Japanese Defense Ministry.


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Three Japan Damaged Nuclear Reactor Fuel Rods “Melting”?

Update 2:00 PM Pacific Mar. 14, 2011 - Fuel Rods in All Three
Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Reactors Melting?

Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano announced today there were signs that the fuel rods were melting in all three reactors at Fukushima Daiichi. “Although we cannot directly check it, it's highly likely happening.” Full meltdowns, in which molten nuclear fuel melts its way through containment vessels, could release catastrophic amounts of radiation, putting first responders and those attempting to fix the problem in even more danger. However, so far one nuclear reactor expert told the BBC that a Chernobyl-scale disaster is unlikely “because the reactors are built to a higher standard and have much more rigorous safety measures.” But what happens if those safety measures fail?

A person who is believed to be radiation-contaminated is wheeled on a guerney to a radiation-treatment center. Photo: Jiji Press/AFP.
A person who is believed to be radiation-contaminated is wheeled on a guerney to a radiation-treatment center. Photo: Jiji Press/AFP.

The radioactive plume from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan is being blamed for low-level contamination detected on 17 sailors who had flown on helicopter relief missions to rescue stricken Japanese in the Sendai region that the tsunami smashed. The exposure is not considered significant — decontamination of the affected men was washing with soap and water. The U.S. Navy helicopter crews are on the USS Ronald Reagan 100 miles northeast of the nuclear power plant site south of Sendai. The U.S. 7th Fleet announced that it has pulled back its forces to widen the miles between them and the leaking reactors.


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8,500 More UFO Pages Released by U. K. Ministry of Defence – But RAF Bentwaters Files Are Missing

“Officials found a ‘huge’ gap where Defence Intelligence files
relating to the (Dec. 1980) Rendlesham Forest/RAF Bentwaters case should be.”

- BBC News March 3, 2011

“I am firmly convinced that it (Bentwaters phenomena) was something beyond the realm of anything we know that probably comes from another place - or another dimension. Here was something too small for human habitation, that moves under intelligent control, has the ability to change shape, and then multiple objects appear that have the ability to send down the  equivalent of what I would say would be laser beams.”

- Col. Charles I. Halt (Ret.), Dec. 1980 RAF Bentwaters Deputy Base Cmdr., 2009

“Secret and top-secret ‘SecDef’ files for the years since the late 1950s...
are generally unavailable. ...Military intelligence records are even more
elusive, and details on the filing systems of the CIA and other intelligence agencies remain classified.”

- William Burr, National Security Archive, George Washington Univ., 2001

March 4, 2011  London, England - Yesterday the U. K. National Archives released 35 more UFO files containing 8,500 pages of  “UFO-related documents, drawings, letters and parliamentary questions covering the years 2000 – 2005.”  See hot link at end of this report.

After BBC News had staff go through the newly released files, BBC yesterday reported:  “Intelligence papers on the ‘Rendlesham Incident’ have gone missing. … Officials found a huge gap where Defence Intelligence files should have been.”


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Part 8:  Private Detective’s Encounters with Non-Humans

“The connection with genetic material from time line to time line is resonance between all similar genetic materials, even those implanted
in this Earth time line to have influence on our future.”

- “Joshua Rhinehall,” Private Investigator, Pacific Northwest

A theoretical time travel machine. This wormhole illustration shows a theoretical  “tunnel” or shortcut through space-time predicted by Einstein's theory of relativity.  A wormhole links two places in space-time where negative energy pulls space and time into the mouth of the wormhole tunnel, emerging in another universe. Illustration © 2010 by DailyMailOnline.
A theoretical time travel machine. This wormhole illustration shows a theoretical  “tunnel” or shortcut through space-time predicted by Einstein's theory of relativity.  A wormhole links two places in space-time where negative energy pulls space and time into the mouth of the wormhole tunnel, emerging in another universe. Illustration © 2010 by DailyMailOnline.

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March 3, 2011 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Joshua Rhinehall is not the only person in the human abduction syndrome who has linked UFOs to time travelers, missing time and encounters with non-humans. Is time travel past and future really possible?


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Part 9:  Private Detective’s Encounters with Non-Humans

“I feel like the Preying Mantis types are trying to make a cloned body or hybrid-type body that is able to capture energy of a soul and contain it or trap it to use for some goal.”

- “Joshua Rhinehall,” Private Investigator, Pacific Northwest


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March 10, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - As I interviewed Joshua Rhinehall and heard his description of time line manipulation by advanced intelligences in order to influence Earth's future, I thought back to two men I met in 1985, who claimed to have government insider knowledge about an extraterrestrial civilization in the binary star system, Zeta Reticuli that is 37.5 light-years from Earth. One man was retired in Washington, D. C. The other continued government assignments in the southwest. Each said he had worked for a secret group that kept evolving from the original MJ-12 (Majestic or Majority 12) organized during the Harry Truman administration.


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Part 1:  BP Oil and Corexit Dispersant Still In Gulf of Mexico

New evidence that Corexit dispersant is degrading very slowly while seafloor marine life suffocate covered by oil, dolphin stillborn deaths in January and February 2011 are ten times normal, and many coastal residents are sick.

“The (Corexit) dispersant is sticking around. Key dispersant chemicals
underwent negligible or slow rates of biodegradation.”

- Elizabeth Kujawinski, Ph.D., Marine Chemist,
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

“When the world sees something like baby dolphins washing up on shore, it pulls at the heartstrings, and we all want to know why.”

- Blair Mase, Marine Mammal Strandings
Coordinator, SE Region, NOAA

Marine scientists report that since January 20, 2011, twenty-six stillborn and dead baby dolphins have washed ashore along 200 miles of coastline from Louisiana east across Mississippi to Gulf Shores, Alabama. The Institute for Marine Mammal Studies in Gulfport, Mississippi, west of Keesler AFB, gathered tissue samples from a male baby dolphin discovered dead on the Gulfport beach Monday, February 21, 2011. Image © 2011 by James Edward Bates/Sun Herald.
Marine scientists report that since January 20, 2011, twenty-six stillborn and dead baby dolphins have washed ashore along 200 miles of coastline from Louisiana east across Mississippi to Gulf Shores, Alabama. The Institute for Marine Mammal Studies in Gulfport, Mississippi, west of Keesler AFB, gathered tissue samples from a male baby dolphin discovered dead on the Gulfport beach Monday, February 21, 2011. Image © 2011 by James Edward Bates/Sun Herald.

February 23, 2011 Gulfport, Mississippi - Microbiologist Samantha Joye, Ph.D., University of Georgia, showed images of oil-suffocated marine creatures at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico she photographed in recent research presented before the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual conference in Washington February 14 - 18, 2011. A year ago on April 20, 2010, the BP Macondo oil well erupted nearly a mile down on the Gulf seafloor. Between that day and late July 2010, 206,000,000 gallons of crude oil gushed uncontrollably into the Gulf of Mexico, while 770,000 gallons of Corexit were pumped and sprayed into the Gulf to “disperse” BP's oil disaster.


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