Cold Fusion – For Real?

“Those who have persisted with cold fusion research have seen a lot of energy coming from experiments.”

- Peter Hagelstein, Ph.D., MIT

2011 Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reaction/Cold Fusion (LANR/CF) Colloquium was held at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 11 - 12, 2011, where two dozen scientists discussed their experimental evidence that test tube nuclear fusion is a real effect. Illustration © 2011 by Discovery News.
2011 Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reaction/Cold Fusion (LANR/CF) Colloquium was held at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 11 - 12, 2011, where two dozen scientists discussed their experimental evidence that test tube nuclear fusion is a real effect. Illustration © 2011 by Discovery News.

July 1, 2011  Cambridge, Massachusetts - Twenty-two years ago on March 23, 1989, the science world was stunned when chemists Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons announced they had produced deuterium nuclear fusion in a test tube that produced 4 megajoules of energy. The megajoule (MJ) is equal to one million joules, or approximately the kinetic energy of a one-ton vehicle moving at 100 mph (160 km/h). At the time, Stanley Pons, Ph.D., was Chairman of the Chemistry Department at the University of Utah. Working with him was retired British electrochemist, Martin Fleishmann, Ph.D., a Fellow of the Royal Society in Great Britain, who had received the 1985 Palladium Medal from the U. S. Electrochemical Society. The two scientists originally met in England in 1975 at the University of Southampton where University of Michigan student Stanley Pons completed his Ph.D. and Martin Fleischmann was a Professor of Electrochemistry.


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Part 1: Dragonfly Drones, Oltissis and Ethos

“Those from Oltissis are downloading their life essence into the dragonfly drone craft in order to control (from afar?) and do the tests that they need to do with these (dragonfly drone) craft.”

- “Ted Connors,” Security Specialist, Montgomery, Alabama


 Dragonfly-shaped aerial craft photographed by Chad on May 6, 2007, in Bakersfield, California region.
Dragonfly-shaped aerial craft photographed by Chad on May 6, 2007, in Bakersfield, California region.
More complicated dragonfly-shaped aerial craft photographed by Ty Brannigan on June 5, 2007, in Big Basin Redwood State Park near Saratoga, California.
More complicated dragonfly-shaped aerial craft photographed by Ty Brannigan on June 5, 2007, in Big Basin Redwood State Park near Saratoga, California.

June 30, 2011  Montgomery, Alabama - Four years ago in May to June 2007, a series of eyewitnesses in California submitted photographs to Earthfiles and other websites of strange, dragonfly-shaped aerial craft that seemed to flicker in and out of visibility in the sky. Here is a list of Earthfiles reports about the dragonfly drones in the Earthfiles Archive.


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Black Holes and Galaxies Grew Up Together in Early Universe

"There are at least 30 million supermassive black holes in the early universe.”

- NASA Chandra X-ray Center

“We know from observations of nearby galaxies, starting with our own Milky Way - but also extending to other galaxies in the nearby universe - we can actually deduce the presence of their local black holes and find that every galaxy probably does have a black hole at its center.”

- Mitchell Begelman, Ph.D., Dir., JILA; Prof. of Astrophysics, CU-Boulder

Composite image from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) combines the deepest X-ray, optical and infrared views of the sky. The composite image shows a small section of the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS), where the Chandra sources are blue, the optical HST data are shown in green and blue, and the infrared data from Hubble are in red and green. Using these images, astronomers have obtained the first direct evidence that black holes are common in the early universe and that very young black holes grew more aggressively than thought along side evolving galaxies. Image credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/U.Hawaii/E.Treister et al; Infrared: NASA/STScI/UC Santa Cruz/G.Illingworth et al; Optical: NASA/STScI/S.Beckwith et al.
Composite image from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) combines the deepest X-ray, optical and infrared views of the sky. The composite image shows a small section of the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS), where the Chandra sources are blue, the optical HST data are shown in green and blue, and the infrared data from Hubble are in red and green. Using these images, astronomers have obtained the first direct evidence that black holes are common in the early universe and that very young black holes grew more aggressively than thought along side evolving galaxies. Image credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/U.Hawaii/E.Treister et al; Infrared: NASA/STScI/UC Santa Cruz/G.Illingworth et al; Optical: NASA/STScI/S.Beckwith et al.

June 29, 2011  Boulder, Colorado - On June 15, 2011, NASA hosted a TV press conference with several astrophysicists, including Prof. Mitchell Begelman, Ph.D., Director of the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA) and Prof. of Astrophysics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. The news headline was “NASA's Chandra Finds Massive Black Holes Common in Early Universe.” The next day in the June 16, 2011, issue of Nature, astronomers described “Black Hole Growth in the Early Universe Is Self-Regulated and Largely Hidden from View.”


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Updated:  ASCII Code in Italian Crop Formation

“The Poirino 2011 formation contains some coded information ... the outer rim contains the names ‘Enki Ea,’ coded in ASCII.”

- Strob (George Costanza), Circle Chasers Facebook

Poirino is 12 miles (20 km) southeast of Turin (Torino), Italy.
Poirino is 12 miles (20 km) southeast of Turin (Torino), Italy.

Updated 063011:  June 28, 2011  Poirino, Italy - Two extraordinary 2011 crop formations have been reported in the northwestern town of Poirino, Italy, on June 13 and 20, 2011. Poirino is a town in the Province of Turin in the Italian Piedmont region located about 12 miles (20 km) southeast of Turin (Torino) where the famous Christ Shroud is kept. Poirino has also been the location of other crop formations over the past decade, including one alleged a year ago on June 11, 2010, that was described by the CMM research group in 2010 graphics below in More Information.

This year on June 20, 2011, a 7-petal pattern emerged that has a 7-pointed star around a ring at its center. The seven petals are divided by seven straight lines of dark (standing crop) and light (flattened crop) patterns of seven circles.


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Final Part 12:  Private Detective’s Encounters with Non-Humans

“I think the robed beings are interested in our spiritual development, our evolution, our ability to perceive the world and be able to ascend past the physical container bodies.”

- “Joshua Rhinehall,” Pvt. Investigator, Northwest

“- a) Timeline that is chosen for genetic change. - b) 22.5 degrees radius from point of origin. Genetic altering can only be done within the zone. - c-d) Genetic material can be taken from one timeline to the other without disruption to either timeline. - e) Is the end goal of the entities genetic program. There is a unique spiritual/soul connection with all genetic/DNA material that is harvested from the specific source. When the DNA material is used for cloning/hybrid - the soul/spirit of source material can connect with the clone or hybrid - like tuning in a radio. The connection of the source to the clone can come across as a vision or lucid dream. It will be as if you are looking and living through another's eyes.”
- a) Timeline that is chosen for genetic change. - b) 22.5 degrees radius from point of origin. Genetic altering can only be done within the zone. - c-d) Genetic material can be taken from one timeline to the other without disruption to either timeline. - e) Is the end goal of the entities genetic program. There is a unique spiritual/soul connection with all genetic/DNA material that is harvested from the specific source. When the DNA material is used for cloning/hybrid - the soul/spirit of source material can connect with the clone or hybrid - like tuning in a radio. The connection of the source to the clone can come across as a vision or lucid dream. It will be as if you are looking and living through another's eyes.”

Return to Part 1.

June 16, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Recently Duncan Roads, Editor, of NEXUS Magazine in Australia, called me about an alleged U. S. intelligence operative who was assigned to read 20,000 transcript pages of highly classified transmissions decoded and received by “RAND and Associates, or RA” between 1994 and 1999.  Duncan said the operative agreed to share some of the information for the June – July 2011 NEXUS magazine and Duncan wanted to send me an advance copy for my feedback on what he had been given to publish as communication from a “parallel-universe/dimension/timeline.”


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Part 2: Google Mars Update with Planetary Scientist James Bell

“It would have been incredibly exciting and interesting and perhaps even historic if this were a real feature, but it appears to have just been some sort of mapping or mosaic mistake in the low-resolution data.”

- James Bell, Ph.D., Astronomer and Planetary Scientist, ASU

Mars Google map location: 71 49’19.73″N 29 33’06.53″W Allegedly discovered and posted on YouTube by American amateur astronomer David Martines, and reported June 2, 2011, by U. K.'s The Sun. See Martines video link in Websites at end of report.
Mars Google map location: 71 49’19.73″N 29 33’06.53″W Allegedly discovered and posted on YouTube by American amateur astronomer David Martines, and reported June 2, 2011, by U. K.'s The Sun. See Martines video link in Websites at end of report.

Return to Part 1.

June 14, 2011  Tempe, Arizona - On June 11, 2011, I reported an Earthfiles interview with Prof. James Bell, Ph.D., Prof. of Astronomy and Planetary Sciences, Arizona State University, in Tempe, Arizona, about the recent and controversial David Martines video at YouTube and related articles in the U. K. Daily Mail and The Sun. Please see 061111 Earthfiles.

Prof. Bell is an astronomer and planetary scientist who uses remote sensing, field studies, and laboratory studies to explore the geology, mineralogy, origin, and evolution of planetary surfaces. His current research focuses mostly on the geology and mineralogy of Mars using data from the Spirit and Opportunity Mars rovers. He is the lead scientist for those cameras and also works with images from the other Mars orbiters.


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Part 1: Is This A Structure On Mars? Planetary Scientist Replies.

“If this were like an alien space station or something, that would be the coolest thing ever! ... But I just don’t see any evidence that supports it.”

- James Bell, Ph.D., Astronomer and Planetary Scientist, ASU

Mars Google map location: 71 49’19.73″N 29 33’06.53″W Allegedly discovered and posted on YouTube by American amateur astronomer David Martines, and reported June 2, 2011, by U. K.'s The Sun. See Martines video link in Websites at end of report.
Mars Google map location: 71 49’19.73″N 29 33’06.53″W Allegedly discovered and posted on YouTube by American amateur astronomer David Martines, and reported June 2, 2011, by U. K.'s The Sun. See Martines video link in Websites at end of report.

June 11, 2011  Tempe, Arizona - On June 2, 2011, the U. K. Sun online headlined ‘Space Station’ Found On Mars and included a video put together by an alleged American amateur astronomer named David Martines. In the video, Martines said a large, white structure is   “something I discovered on Google Mars quite by accident at coordinates Latitude 71 49'19.73"N and Longitude 29 33'06.53"W.” Many websites picked up on the Martines video and National Public Radio also reported about the alleged discovery on June 7, 2011, in a science blog by Mark Memott. See Websites below.


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Winter 2010 Honey Bee Hive Losses Averaged 30% in U. S., But Beekeepers Are Suffering 50% to 60% Losses Over A Year

“More than a billion pounds of pesticides are used annually in the United States, and the EPA has registered more than 18,000 different pesticides for use. Extensive scientific studies show widespread and pervasive pesticide contamination in groundwater, drinking water and wildlife habitats throughout the U. S.”

- Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)

Western honey bee, or European honey bee (Apis mellifera), gathering pollen from purple aster.
Western honey bee, or European honey bee (Apis mellifera), gathering pollen from purple aster.

June 9, 2011   Oakdale, California and Eagle Bend, Minnesota - Over the past several months, various media have headlined different answers to the serious decline of honey bees since the winter of 2006 in a phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD. Some proposed answers have included:  “Nicotine-based pesticides such as imidacloprid and clothianidin are killing bee larva and foraging adults.” “Cell phone microwave radiation interferes with bee navigation.” “It's Nosema ceranae, the unicellular parasite.” “It's Varroa mites.” “It's the Israel acute paralysis virus.” “It's new viruses, fungi, climate change.”  


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What Are the Mysterious Booms?

“I heard the boom. It kind of woke me up. It was louder than anything I'd heard before.”

- Jack Hughes, D.V.M., Tipton County, Indiana

June 7, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - After filing several 2011 Earthfiles reports about loud and mysterious booms in several states, I have received more emails about unusual and loud booms from California, Texas, Northeast Philadelphia, Indiana and Oklahoma.

Red dots are locations from White Rock, British Columbia, Canada (upper left circle) to Woodville and Crawfordville, Florida (lower right circle), where residents have heard “loud booms like a cannon” or “rolling, low thunder,” or a “low flying jet,” or “the first half of a lightening strike.” Recent unidentified, mysterious booms have been reported several times since December 2010 into May 2011, and the unexplained boom phenomenon goes back to reports in 1804.
Red dots are locations from White Rock, British Columbia, Canada (upper left circle) to Woodville and Crawfordville, Florida (lower right circle), where residents have heard “loud booms like a cannon” or “rolling, low thunder,” or a “low flying jet,” or “the first half of a lightening strike.” Recent unidentified, mysterious booms have been reported several times since December 2010 into May 2011, and the unexplained boom phenomenon goes back to reports in 1804.

1)  Subject: Booms Underground
Date: May 27, 2011
To: Linda Moulton Howe <[email protected]>

My boyfriend lives near the border of Nevada and California. For three years we hear booms underground and we're in the middle of the desert with really nothing around..they happen mostly in the summer and sound and feel like a bomb going off underground. Try to get you longitude and latitude - but he lives off the old Spanish Trail highway about 10-12 miles up from the Hwy 160 turn off.


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