Oregon Beach Metal Boxes?  No Evidence.

“I sent some assistants this weekend to the beach area that is supposed to have the ‘unmovable’ metal boxes and there is nothing there.”

- William Hanshumaker, Ph.D., Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon


February 14, 2012  Stonefield and Bray's Point, Oregon, beach region:  Two recent internet “news” stories have been circulated by a Dave Masko claiming 5-foot by 5-foot by nearly 1-foot-high metal boxes that made odd sounds had washed up on southern Oregon beaches such as Stonefield and Bray's Point. The second Masko story referenced William Hanshumaker, Ph.D., who is a Senior Instructor at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon. On Friday morning, February 10, 2012, I talked with Prof. Hanshumaker about the Masko article. Prof. Hanshumaker said he did not know anything about the metal boxes until Masko called his office around 5 PM on Thursday, February 9, 2012. Prof. Hanshumaker said he would make no comment until he saw the metal boxes for himself.


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Video of Kiev-like Strange Sound in Amarillo, Texas: What Happened?

“The videotape and weird sound is real! I taped it with my own cell phone!”

- Cadillac Cruz, BlakeFM, Amarillo, TX

“This was the creepiest thing I have ever heard! A strange noise coming from the sky and since it was dark, we couldn’t really figure out what it was.”

- Tommy, the Hacker, KISSFM 96.9, Amarillo, TX

“I'm afraid these sounds are indistinguishable from those in the Kiev video.”

- Daniel Drasin, Researcher


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Updated:  Earthfiles Email About Mysterious “Chorus of Trumpets” and Other Strange Sounds

“Beside the horns, there is also a konstant higher sound that reminds to some kind of technical machine.”

- Resident of  Monchengladbach, Germany

“At about 3am, my husband and I both woke to a sound we thought was the television upstairs left on. ...It was a weird, everywhere kind of sound.”

 - Kansas residents vacationing at Lake Perry


Kiev, Ukraine, August 3, 2011. Eerie horn sounds in the atmosphere videotaped for 11 minutes and 24 seconds and uploaded to YouTube by christref on August 11, 2011.
Kiev, Ukraine, August 3, 2011. Eerie horn sounds in the atmosphere videotaped for 11 minutes and 24 seconds and uploaded to YouTube by christref on August 11, 2011.

Play Video: “Strange Sound in Kiev, Ukraine,” uploaded Aug. 11, 2011.

Updated February 2 / Originally filed February 1, 2012  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Since posting the previous January 31, 2012 Earthfiles report about mysterious trumpet sounds heard by residents near Nashville and Memphis, Tennessee, I have received the following email reports from Germany and Australia. Another sound was described by a Lake Perry, Kansas, resident who compared what she and her husband heard to a “television upstairs left on. ... I stayed outside for a long time listening and it was very haunting and wherever I went around the house, it had the same level of volume and direction was absent.”


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Part 4:  Tall, Cat-Eyed Beings in Pennsylvania Turnpike Abduction

“Humans don't know what the teams look like
in this wager between the Talls and Controllers. Humans
don't know that both sides can appear as Tall Blonds or that
either side can work in body containers of any kind.”

- Wanna Lawson, Pennsylvania Turnpike Abductee


7-foot-tall blond-haired female humanoid with large, pale blue eyes and dark vertical pupils “like a cat's.” Wanna Lawson saw this tall blond briefly in the presence of a tall, hooked-nosed male humanoid. Wanna  did not understand what the relationship between the tall female and the tall  males were, but emphasized that the Tall civilization creates different  body containers for various purposes, including to interact with Earth humans.  Sketches by L. Hoffman for Linda Moulton Howe © 1992.
7-foot-tall blond-haired female humanoid with large, pale blue eyes and dark vertical pupils “like a cat's.” Wanna Lawson saw this tall blond briefly in the presence of a tall, hooked-nosed male humanoid. Wanna did not understand what the relationship between the tall female and the tall males were, but emphasized that the Tall civilization creates different body containers for various purposes, including to interact with Earth humans. Sketches by L. Hoffman for Linda Moulton Howe © 1992.


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January 29, 2012  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The next phase of Wanna Lawson's experience with the tall “Native American” male aboard the large craft is detailed in a February 2, 2010 Earthfiles, “Part 3:  High Strangeness - Body Containers.”


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5th Horse Mutilation Reported in Southwestern U. K.

“The police and the RSPCA told my mum and dad outside that my horse, Sammy, had been mutilated and that's the word they used.”

- Tanya Ingram, Owner, 3rd mutilated horse, Holsworthy, Devon, England


1st U. K. horse mutilation, found January 5, 2012:  7-year-old chestnut-colored stallion, Barney, found Thursday, January 5, 2012, in pasture near Whitland, Carmathenshire, Wales, by owner Linda Vickerage. Contrary to first media “bloodbath” reports, Linda says the only blood was a trickle coming from one eye socket and a small stomach area. Both of the stallion's eyes had been excised,there was a long cut in the stomach, the upper half of an ear had been cut off and his genitals removed. The next night, on Friday, January 6, the mutilator/s returned and removed the half ear down to the scalp leaving a 6-inch oval hide deep.


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2012 NDAA Detention Statute “Unnecessary and Dangerous” 

“I have signed this bill despite having serious reservations with certain
provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation, and prosecution of suspected terrorists.  ... I want to clarify that my Administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens. Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a Nation. My Administration will interpret section 1021 in a manner that ensures that any detention it authorizes complies with the Constitution, the laws of war, and all other applicable law.”

- Pres. Barack Obama Signing Statement for H. R. 1540 -
National Defense Authorization Act, Dec. 31, 2011


U. S. President Barack Obama signed H. R. 1540 - NDAA into law on New Year's Eve, December 31, 2011, while on vacation in Hawaii. Image © 2011 by Pete Souza/White House, Getty Images
U. S. President Barack Obama signed H. R. 1540 - NDAA into law on New Year's Eve, December 31, 2011, while on vacation in Hawaii. Image © 2011 by Pete Souza/White House, Getty Images


H. R. 1540

Subtitle D—Counterterrorism
Subtitle D—Counterterrorism

Sec. 1021. Affirmation of authority of the Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force.

Sec. 1022. Military custody for foreign al-Qaeda terrorists.

January 27, 2012  Washington, D. C.  - The 2012 Fiscal Year National Defense Authorization Act, known also as the NDAA, was signed into United States law on New Year's Eve December 31, 2011, by President Barack Obama during his holiday vacation in Hawaii.


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GMOs Have Created Stronger Weeds – Now “Agent Orange” Toxin Under Consideration As Next Stronger Weed Poison

“By creating GMO crops that can be sprayed with 2,4-D - an ingredient in Agent Orange - if it gets approved for use, they will be drenching the fields, drenching the food with 2,4-D.”

- Jeffrey M. Smith, Ex. Dir., Institute for Responsible Technology


Above:  Spraying the whole GMO RoundupReady crop with Monsanto's Roundup (glyphosate) was originally supposed to kill all the weeds while soybeans, corn or other glyphosate-resistant crops would survive. There has been a more than 1900% increase in glyphosate use on RoundupReady soybeans from 1994 to 2006, according to the Center for Food Safety in May 2008.  Below:  But RoundupReady crops have ironically provoked “frankenstein weeds” that are no longer killed by Roundup glyphosate, but thrive causing even more problems.
Above:  Spraying the whole GMO RoundupReady crop with Monsanto's Roundup (glyphosate) was originally supposed to kill all the weeds while soybeans, corn or other glyphosate-resistant crops would survive. There has been a more than 1900% increase in glyphosate use on RoundupReady soybeans from 1994 to 2006, according to the Center for Food Safety in May 2008.  Below:  But RoundupReady crops have ironically provoked “frankenstein weeds” that are no longer killed by Roundup glyphosate, but thrive causing even more problems.
This graph shows the rising number of known glyphosate-resistant weed species in United States since 1996. Source: Facts About Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds by Chris Boerboom, Univ. of Wisconsin, and Michael Owen, Iowa State University, 2006.
This graph shows the rising number of known glyphosate-resistant weed species in United States since 1996. Source: Facts About Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds by Chris Boerboom, Univ. of Wisconsin, and Michael Owen, Iowa State University, 2006.

January 27, 2012  Fairfield, Iowa - In December 2011, the United States Department of Agriculture announced approval of another genetically engineered corn manufactured by Monsanto that allegedly is “drought tolerant.” Behind the scenes, USDA received over 40,000 public comments opposing the new Monsanto GMO corn.


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Updated –   Part 1: Photos of Unidentified Utah Aerial Craft – and Missing Time?

“There was the very bright, white flash like a camera. And then instantly six 3-dimensional triangular-shaped objects appeared at the same time below the big craft.”

- “C. A.,” Riverton, Utah Eyewitness

Left:  Image 378, one of six cell phone photos (3 of which seem duplicates) taken  at 2:37 AM Mountain on December 13, 2011, by Utah eyewitness “C. A.”   Right:  Huge aerial craft hovering in front of C. A.'s car on Legacy Parkway  west of Bountiful, Utah. Photo and illustration © 2012 by “C. A”
Left: Image 378, one of six cell phone photos (3 of which seem duplicates) taken at 2:37 AM Mountain on December 13, 2011, by Utah eyewitness “C. A.” Right: Huge aerial craft hovering in front of C. A.'s car on Legacy Parkway west of Bountiful, Utah. Photo and illustration © 2012 by “C. A”

Updated   January 26 and January 14, 2012  Riverton, Utah - On December 30, 2011, I received an email from a woman in Utah about a December 13, 2011, close encounter of her niece, “C. A.,” with a large, silent, bright aerial craft on Legacy Parkway south of Ogden and “she also has 1 hour missing time.”


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Part 3:  Tall, Cat-Eyed Beings in Pennsylvania Turnpike Abduction

“But those were black shields of some kind over the tall alien's eyes. Later on, he took the black lenses off and I could see gold eyes like a cat's underneath.”

- Wanna Lawson, Pennsylvania Turnpike Abductee

Gold cat-eye beneath tall male alien's black lenses. Drawing by L. Hoffman for Linda Moulton Howe © 1992.
Gold cat-eye beneath tall male alien's black lenses. Drawing by L. Hoffman for Linda Moulton Howe © 1992.

Return to Part 1.

January 20, 2012  Albuquerque, New Mexico - I met a woman in January 1992, who encountered alien and human bodies in “preservation tubes of light.” She asked to remain anonymous because of her management position in a southern New Jersey municipal government and suggested I call her Wanna Lawson. She was born August 16, 1937. Her mother was German and Afro-American; her father's ancestors were from the Seneca American Indian reservation near Warren, Pennsylvania.


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Part 2:  Utah Aerial Craft, Missing Time and Cat-Eyed, Blond Beings

“What I've seen in my dreams are blond beings with blue eyes that have vertical pupils like a Siamese cat's eyes.”

- C. A., Riverton, Utah

  Left:  Huge aerial craft hovering in front of C. A.'s car on Legacy Parkway west of Bountiful, Utah.   Right:  Cat-eyed blond being in C.A.'s vivid dreams since December 13, 2011, craft encounter, physical re-location from highway to highway and missing time. Illustrations © 2012 by “C. A.”

Left: Huge aerial craft hovering in front of C. A.'s car on Legacy Parkway west of Bountiful, Utah. Right: Cat-eyed blond being in C.A.'s vivid dreams since December 13, 2011, craft encounter, physical re-location from highway to highway and missing time. Illustrations © 2012 by “C. A.”

Return to Part 1.

January 18, 2012  Riverton, Utah - Since the December 13, 2011, incident, C. A. has had repeating dreams about tall, blond beings with cat eyes (vertical pupils) that are in a competition with Someone Else about human kind.


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