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Updated: Three Eyewitnesses in Selden, Texas, Saw Two, Large Rectangles of “White Flames” in Sky

“Then in two or three more seconds, the two vertical lines of flashing lights turned into white flames. It looked like the flames were contained inside two rectangular shaped 3-dimensional frames about 50 yards wide and about 150 yards tall.”

- Steve Allen, Glen Rose, Texas


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Abductee Jim Sparks Comments On Alien Symbol Technology

“I know that flashing symbols is a method of getting
information from E. T. to E. T., or E. T. to human. It’s a fast way
of transmitting a tremendous amount of data, in a short time
and retaining it.”

- Jim Sparks, Author and Abductee


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Updated: More Aerial “Symbols” Photographed Over Dublin, Texas

Updated February 22, 2008, about Angelia Joiner:  As of Tuesday, February 19, 2008, Angelia has been hired by KCUB-FM 98.5 radio in Stephenville. She emailed to me, “Still in the planning stages, but will be early morning. Probably won't begin on air until next week (February 25-29). I just started Tuesday. One segment will be community events, announcements and one will be straight news for the local community.”

“It was a disc-like object that was throwing off colors and looked like a ‘spinning sun or Jupiter planet throwing off colored strobe lights. What was so odd about it was when I zoomed in, it looked like a triangle or pyramid inside of the spinning disc.’”

- Lee Roy Gaitan, Erath County Constable, Dublin, Texas


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Law Officers Describe Unidentified Shape-Shifting Aerial Craft in Stephenville, Texas, Region

“The police officer said this huge thing in the sky turns toward the east,
but it is no longer horizontal. It’s vertical. And he says it is traveling at a low rate of speed and he cannot believe it was able to stay in the air after it turned vertical.”

- Lee Roy Gaitan, Constable, Erath County, Dublin, Texas


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Updated 01-28-08:  Viewer Letters About Aerial Craft and Military Fly-Overs Above Dublin, Stephenville and Seldon, Texas

“Each cone-shaped indention is a device that creates an electrical vortex (sometime called a plasma or ion vortex), and like a tornado with multiple vortexes, they all the add up to cause one big vortex around the craft.”

- Earthfiles Viewer


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Updated: Huge Aerial Craft Over Dublin, Texas, “Longer Than 3 Football Fields”

“I don’t know how you can make a piece of metal that large with no bolts, rivets, seams or welds. I’ve never seen anything like this.”

- Ricky Sorrells, Metal Welder and Machinist, Dublin, Texas


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Part 4:  Dulce, LEONID and “Alien Weapon Determinant”

“We are also talking about an AI, artificial intelligence system,
that was given to us by Greys — just one of their gifts to us.”

- Anthony F. Sanchez, Computer Engineer and Author UFO Highway


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