Arctic Ice Melt Shrinks At Record Pace, While Greenland Also Melts.

“I don’t think it is the 0.1 centigrade (0.18 degrees F.) warming around northern Greenland which is five times the global warming average that the Defense Department worries about as much as coming wars over water, food, fossil fuels and other Earth resources.”

- Andreas Muenchow, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Earth, Ocean and Environment, Univ. of Delaware

August 17, 2012  Newark, Delaware - The U. S. National Snow & Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, reports, “The average pace of Arctic ice loss since late June 2012 has been rapid at just over 38,000 square miles per day (100,000 sq. km).  However, this pace nearly doubled for a few days in early August during a major Arctic cyclonic storm.”


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Updated:  New Animal Mutilations in Argentina and Gunnison, Colo.; More Half Cats in California and Nevada; and “Chupacabra” Kill in Missouri

One of several bloodless cattle mutilations found in the province of Entre Rios, Argentina, since the second week of July 2012. Researcher  Simondini Andrea Perez of Visao Ovni said, “Veterinarians who analyzed the Entre Rios, Argentina, cases did not find a natural explanation for the injuries.”
One of several bloodless cattle mutilations found in the province of Entre Rios, Argentina, since the second week of July 2012. Researcher  Simondini Andrea Perez of Visao Ovni said, “Veterinarians who analyzed the Entre Rios, Argentina, cases did not find a natural explanation for the injuries.”

“If there is another mutilation, the ranching community will really be up in arms. What concerns us is what they (mutilators) are going to do next?”

- Mike Clarke, Owner, Esty Ranch, Gunnison, Colorado, August 7, 2012

“There was an absolutely horrific cat mutilation in Southwest Las Vegas the last week of July 2012.”

- Las Vegas World News, August 6, 2012

This unusual animal, similar to half a dozen killed or found dead in Texas and other states over the past decade and reported about at Earthfiles, was shot in first week of August near Poplar Bluff, Butler County, Missouri. Also more half-cats have been reported in Las Vegas, Nevada; and Tustin, California. Dozens of half-cats have been reported in Tustin since the 1980s.
This unusual animal, similar to half a dozen killed or found dead in Texas and other states over the past decade and reported about at Earthfiles, was shot in first week of August near Poplar Bluff, Butler County, Missouri. Also more half-cats have been reported in Las Vegas, Nevada; and Tustin, California. Dozens of half-cats have been reported in Tustin since the 1980s.

August 10, 2012 UPDATE - from investigators Visao Ovni in Argentina, translated by Scott Corrales of Inexplicata:

"Mysterious Animal Mutilations in Argentina August 8, 2012

ARGENTINA. There are more than a month, mysterious deaths animal deaths with mutilations and extraction of organs have been taking place in different rural areas of Argentina as departments in the fields of Victoria (east of Rosario), Colonia Yerua (west of Concordia), Viale and Villaguay - all located in the province of Entre Rios. The cuts are precise and cauterized. The cases come by multiplying since the second week of July (2012).


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Part 3: Is There A Large Pyramid Underground Between Mt. McKinley and Nome, Alaska?

“I don't know if the Purkeypile, Alaska, seismic sensor would identify an underground pyramid structure, but if the requirement is that the anomaly has to be on a straight line connecting the explosion at Lop Nor to the sensor in Alaska, then I think we can check that box as a straight line!”

- Retired U. S. Navy Captain, Navigator/Communicator,
Tactical Coordinator and Mission Commander


Mount McKinley is north of Anchorage. Nome is upper left red circle on Norton Sound west of Mount McKinley. The region between Mount McKinley and Nome is where the large pyramid structure was allegedly found during geophysical studies of the May 22, 1992, Chinese underground detonation of a large nuclear bomb at Lop Nor.
Mount McKinley is north of Anchorage. Nome is upper left red circle on Norton Sound west of Mount McKinley. The region between Mount McKinley and Nome is where the large pyramid structure was allegedly found during geophysical studies of the May 22, 1992, Chinese underground detonation of a large nuclear bomb at Lop Nor.


Return to Part 1.

August 3, 2012  Albuquerque, New Mexico - After my Coast to Coast AM broadcast July 26 to 27, I have received many emails concerning aerial discs seen in Alaska skies and the alleged underground pyramid between Mount McKinley and Nome, as well as information about the 1973 remote viewer Pat Price's description of a “UFO base” inside or under Mount Hayes northeast of Mount McKinley. Pat Price was working in a CIA-funded remote viewing program directed by Hal Puthoff at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Palo Alto.


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Updated Part 2: Is There A Large Pyramid Underground Between Mt. McKinley and Nome, Alaska?

Updated with mp3 audio of interviews.

“The TV news showed the whole world and they had it sliced out
where the pyramid was and how big it was in proportion. I mean
the thing was huge in the proportional graph they showed.”

- Douglas A. Mutschler, Chief Warrant Officer, U. S. Army Counterintelligence

Mount McKinley is north of Anchorage. Nome is upper left red circle on Norton Sound west of Mount McKinley. The region between Mount McKinley and Nome is where the large pyramid structure was allegedly found during geophysical studies of the May 22, 1992, Chinese underground detonation of a large nuclear bomb at Lop Nor.
Mount McKinley is north of Anchorage. Nome is upper left red circle on Norton Sound west of Mount McKinley. The region between Mount McKinley and Nome is where the large pyramid structure was allegedly found during geophysical studies of the May 22, 1992, Chinese underground detonation of a large nuclear bomb at Lop Nor.

Return to Part 1.

Updated July 30, 2012  Fairborn, Ohio - After my Coast to Coast AM broadcast July 26 to 27, I received the following email from a retired Navy Captain and professional engineer who provides analysis of a large “square” he found in Google maps in which each side of the square measures exactly twice the length of each side of the Cheops Great Pyramid in Egypt.


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Updated: Was Biggest Canyon in the Solar System Scarred by Plasma? Was Biggest Canyon in the Solar System Scarred by Plasma? 

“Valles Marineris looks like nothing more than an electric arc
blasting across the surface of Mars and removing immense
amounts of material from the planet.”

- David Talbott, Video Producer, The Lightning-Scarred Planet Mars

Valles Marineris, our solar system's biggest canyon, runs along the Martian equator for 2,500 miles (4000 km) at depths up to 4 miles (7 km ). For comparison, Arizona's Grand Canyon is about 500 miles long (800 km) and 1 mile deep (1.6 km). Valles Marineris spans one-fifth of the entire distance around Mars! NASA 1980 global mosaic image by Viking 1.
Valles Marineris, our solar system's biggest canyon, runs along the Martian equator for 2,500 miles (4000 km) at depths up to 4 miles (7 km ). For comparison, Arizona's Grand Canyon is about 500 miles long (800 km) and 1 mile deep (1.6 km). Valles Marineris spans one-fifth of the entire distance around Mars! NASA 1980 global mosaic image by Viking 1.

Updated with mp.3 audio. July 29, 2012  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The 19th Annual National Philosophy Alliance (NPA) conference was held July 25 - 28, 2012, at the Marriott Pyramid North hotel in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Presentations ranged from quantum physics and relativity to the electric universe hypothesis. Electric universe researcher David Talbott argues that Valles Marineris on Mars was sculpted by large bolts of plasma, not by water or continental drift forces seen on Earth. Further, Wallace Thornhill from Chapman in the Australian Capital Territory near Canberra, presents new evidence that hourglass-shaped and filamentous galactic nebulae are linked to electrical behavior more than gravity.


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Updated Part 1: Is There A Large Pyramid Underground Between Mt. McKinley and Nome, Alaska?

Updated with mp3 audio of interview.

“My father was 're-recruited' by the military to join a group of other experts to study and work at an underground structure in Alaska that in his words they called the‘Dark Pyramid.’”

- July 27, 2012 email to Earthfiles

“What the geologists said they found in this byline news story (Anchorage TV Channel 13) story was under Alaska, they found a pyramid bigger than the one in Egypt.”

- Douglas A. Mutschler, Chief Warrant Officer, U. S. Army Counterintelligence

Mount McKinley is north of Anchorage. Nome is upper left red circle on Norton Sound west of Mount McKinley. The region between Mount McKinley and Nome is where the large pyramid structure was allegedly found during geophysical studies of the May 22, 1992, Chinese underground detonation of a large nuclear bomb at Lop Nor.
Mount McKinley is north of Anchorage. Nome is upper left red circle on Norton Sound west of Mount McKinley. The region between Mount McKinley and Nome is where the large pyramid structure was allegedly found during geophysical studies of the May 22, 1992, Chinese underground detonation of a large nuclear bomb at Lop Nor.

Updated August 10, 2012 / Original Report July 27, 2012 - I continue to receive email from a wide variety of professionals with comments about the possible underground pyramid structure in Alaska between Mount McKinley and Nome said to be larger that the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. One particularly noteworthy email is dated July 27, 2012.


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Fires, Severe Drought and 40,000 Record High Temperatures in 2012 – A New Normal in Global Warming?

“Clearly the Earth’s climate is warming up and these anonymously high temperatures – these really bad heat waves – are making the droughts much worse.”

- Jonathan Overpeck, Ph.D., Inst. of the Environment, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson

Friday, July 20, 2012, Albuquerque Journal.
Friday, July 20, 2012, Albuquerque Journal.
NOAA U. S. Drought Monitor as of July 17, 2012.
NOAA U. S. Drought Monitor as of July 17, 2012.

July 26, 2012  Tucson, Arizona - In only the last six months since January 1st this year, the United States has set more than 40,000 high temperature records, but only 6,000 low temperature records. At the beginning of May, two massive wildfires burned in far West Texas.


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Updated:  FBI and Homeland Security Warning on May 17, 2012, About Terrorist Attacks in Theaters

“...terrorists may seek to emulate overseas attacks on theaters
here in the United States because they have the potential to inflict
mass casualties and cause local economic damage.”

- FBI and Homeland Security, May 17, 2012

Updated with Channel 4 TV Video, Aurora, Colorado, below: July 21, 2012  Albuquerque, New Mexico - On May 17, 2012, the following FBI and Homeland Security “Roll Call Release” for Police, Fire, EMS and Security Personnel was distributed on the internet. The release states that “terrorists may seek to emulate overseas attacks on theaters here in the United States because they have the potential to inflict mass casualties and cause local economic damage.”  The official terrorist warning release was “Prepared by the Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A), Cyber, Infrastructure and Science Division. Coordinated with the I&A Homeland Counterterrorism Division, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Interagency Threat Assessment and Coordination Group (ITACG). Shared with the DHS Office of Infrastructure Protection.”


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Part 1: Is This What the CIA, NRO, DIA and NSA Cover Up About Roswell?

“The most disturbing aspect of this investigation was -
there were other bodies found not far from LZ-1 that looked
as if they had been dissected as you would a frog. It is not known
if army field surgeons had performed exploratory surgery on these
bodies. Animal parts were reportedly discovered inside
the craft at LZ-2 but this cannot be confirmed.”

- July 22, 1947, War Department IPU Memorandum

Floor seal in U. S. Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
Floor seal in U. S. Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

July 12, 2012  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Since producing the May 1980 television special, A Strange Harvest, for KMGH-TV, then the CBS affiliate in Denver, Colorado, I have tried to find out what United States government need-to-know insiders have in firm evidence about non-human entities and technologies from UFO crash retrievals that have provoked an American policy of misinformation and denial in the interest of national security since the 1940s. Simultaneously with the policy of denial, American government, military and intelligence agencies have been in league with selected corporations to secretly back-engineer retrieved alien technologies. That information has come over the years from several whistleblowers, including U. S. Army Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso now deceased. See:  March 17, 2004 Earthfiles.


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Part 2: Is This What the CIA, NRO, DIA and NSA Cover Up About Roswell?

“The NSC felt investigations of UFO sightings and incidents
had to continue in secrecy without any public knowledge. ...the fact that
an Alien was captured alive and survived for three years under secrecy cannot be released to the public for fear the information would be obtained by SHIS.”

- Page 7, “Executive Briefing, PROJECT AQUARIUS (TS)”


 Floor seal in U. S. Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
Floor seal in U. S. Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

Return to Part 1.

July 12, 2012  Albuquerque, New Mexico
- People often ask me what is the strongest document evidence I've seen that the U. S. has retrieved several non-terrestrial craft and non-human entities in Roswell and beyond. My answer is the Project Aquarius document in previous September 17, 2011 Earthfiles and this War Department TOP SECRET ULTRA Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit (IPU) Summary Intelligence Assessment dated July 22, 1947.


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