Global Warming Is Expected to Increase from Rapid Arctic Ice Melt and Methane Release.

“Climate models have predicted a retreat of the Arctic sea ice; but the actual retreat has proven to be much more rapid than the predictions.”

- Claire Parkinson, Ph.D., Climate Researcher, NASA Goddard

“The final Arctic summer sea ice collapse is now happening and will probably be complete by 2015 to 2016.”

- Peter Wadhams, Ph.D., Dir., Polar Ocean Physics Group,
Cambridge University, U. K.


An image of the Arctic sea ice on September 16, 2012, the day that the National Snow and Ice Data Center reported the minimum Arctic ice cover on record. The yellow outline shows the average sea ice minimum from 1979 through increasing summer ice melt to 2010. Illustrated image provided by NASA Goddard's Visualization Explorer.
An image of the Arctic sea ice on September 16, 2012, the day that the National Snow and Ice Data Center reported the minimum Arctic ice cover on record. The yellow outline shows the average sea ice minimum from 1979 through increasing summer ice melt to 2010. Illustrated image provided by NASA Goddard's Visualization Explorer.

October  25, 2012  Cambridge, England -  The U. S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports that the first nine months of 2012 were the warmest on record for the contiguous United States. Further, the Arctic is melting faster than any computer model ever predicted. For the first time on record, 75% of the Arctic sea ice had melted by mid-September 2012. The National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado says that direct satellite measurements of the Arctic sea ice began in the late 1970s, but it has been at least a few thousand years since the Arctic has had so much open water.


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Loud Boom and 3-D Radar of Mysterious Aerial Object in NW Louisiana

“Hardly anyone believes the cover story of a bunker explosion.”

- Shreveport, Louisiana Resident


At approximately 11:28 PM Central on Monday, October 15, 2012, the Shreveport, Louisiana, National Weather Service captured “a mystery object flying” on radar allegedly moving from Bossier City suburb (green circle lower left) northeast across I-20 near Haughton to Dixie Inn (red circle upper right) near Minden as reported by residents - or Webster more north as reported by KTBS-TV. There was also a loud, house-shaking boom. After the weather radar of the mysterious moving aerial object had been broadcast several times on local KTBS-TV news, by the morning of Tuesday, October 16, the explanation offered to the public was “a large bunker explosion near the border of the Camp Minden Army Ammunition Plant” 30 miles northeast of Shreveport.
At approximately 11:28 PM Central on Monday, October 15, 2012, the Shreveport, Louisiana, National Weather Service captured “a mystery object flying” on radar allegedly moving from Bossier City suburb (green circle lower left) northeast across I-20 near Haughton to Dixie Inn (red circle upper right) near Minden as reported by residents - or Webster more north as reported by KTBS-TV. There was also a loud, house-shaking boom. After the weather radar of the mysterious moving aerial object had been broadcast several times on local KTBS-TV news, by the morning of Tuesday, October 16, the explanation offered to the public was “a large bunker explosion near the border of the Camp Minden Army Ammunition Plant” 30 miles northeast of Shreveport.

October 17, 2012  Webster Parish, Northeast of Shreveport, Louisiana - Yesterday on October 16, 2012, I received the fax immediately below, followed by emails from the same Shreveport, Louisiana, resident.

"ATTN:  Giant UFO crashes in NW Louisiana. Something crashed in Dixie Inn (Webster Parish) last night. Local ABC news affiliate KTBS-TV showed radar images of the object crossing south to north over I-20 between the Bossier/Webster County (Parish) line and a town called Dixie Inn in Louisiana. Call me (Louisiana resident land, cell and fax numbers)."


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Bizarre Animal Mutilations in September 2012

- “A hole was in the head and it looks like they took out the entrails, kidneys, liver and some bones through it.”

- Abraham Santillán, Argentina Farmer

- “Another strange thing was that all the vegetation around the animal was dead for about a 12 to 14 foot area.”

- Joseph L. Torres, Rancher, Trinidad, Colo.

- “The animal mutilation perpetrators are creatures from outer space.”

- Former Sheriff Tex Graves, Logan County, Colorado


October 13, 2012  Albuquerque, New Mexico - I began investigating bloodless, trackless animal mutilations in September 1979, when I was Director of Special Projects at the CBS affiliate in Denver, Colorado, KMGH-TV. After nine months, on May 25, 1980, my documentary A Strange Harvest was first broadcast in a 90-minute TV special.

Sunday, May 25, 1980, 8:30 - 10 PM, A Strange Harvest about cattle mutilations for Denver, Colorado,  CBS affiliate KMGH-TV, Channel 7, produced, written, directed, edited and narrated by Linda Moulton Howe, Director, Special Projects, KMGH-TV. More about A Strange Harvest documentary in Earthfiles Shop.
Sunday, May 25, 1980, 8:30 - 10 PM, A Strange Harvest about cattle mutilations for Denver, Colorado, CBS affiliate KMGH-TV, Channel 7, produced, written, directed, edited and narrated by Linda Moulton Howe, Director, Special Projects, KMGH-TV. More about A Strange Harvest documentary in Earthfiles Shop.


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Part 2: Earthfiles Viewer Letters About “Angelic Light” Encounters

“Mass is a phenomenon of connecting light rays, which go back and forth, sort of freezing them into a pattern. So matter, as it were, is condensed or frozen light.”

- David Bohm, Ph.D., Theoretical Physicist (1917-1992),
Dialogues with Scientists and Sages

“I knew this light was alive; I felt this enormous energy of love that I cannot describe.”

- Earthfiles viewer, October 7, 2012



Return to Part 1.

October 8, 2012  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Since early childhood, light in various forms has played a protective and guiding role in my life. I have had an evolving experience that has convinced me there is a common source of intelligent energy that pervades all there is. I think of it as the Divine Field, which is both beyond and the source of all matter worlds.


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Part 1: Earthfiles Viewer Letters About “Angelic Light” Encounters

“Perhaps we have reached a cross roads in our evolution where only an intervention from more evolved beings can save us from self-destruction.”

- Earthfiles Viewer, Sept. 28, 2012

Blue-white “angelic” light “surrounded me like warm silk”
and left Oklahoma commercial real estate planner with
the thought that “something big is coming” in the
close future. Illustration © 2012 by Shane Elam.
See: 092812 Earthfiles.


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Crop Circle from Tlapanaloya, Tequixquiac, Mexico

“We must say that we never found a broken stem.
The oats were only bent, but alive, something
that caught the farmer's attention.”

- Crop Formation Investigator for Tercer Milenio


Pattern in oat field 198 feet in diameter discovered on Sunday morning,  September 23, 2012, in Tlapanaloya, Tequixquiac, Mexico, north of Mexico City. Image © 2012 by Tercer Milenio.
Pattern in oat field 198 feet in diameter discovered on Sunday morning, September 23, 2012, in Tlapanaloya, Tequixquiac, Mexico, north of Mexico City. Image © 2012 by Tercer Milenio.
Upper red circle is Tlapanaloya, Tequixquiac,in the  State of Mexico, north of Mexico City (bottom red circle).  On Sunday morning, September 23, 2012, a  198-foot-diameter pattern in oats was found.
Upper red circle is Tlapanaloya, Tequixquiac,in the State of Mexico, north of Mexico City (bottom red circle). On Sunday morning, September 23, 2012, a 198-foot-diameter pattern in oats was found.

October 2, 2012  Tlapanaloya, Tequixquiac, Mexico - Last week Jaime Maussan, a well known Mexico City TV reporter and producer of Tercer Melnio, called me about the report of a crop formation at least 180 feet in diameter in oats north of Mexico City. He emailed me a ground photograph taken by an investigator for Tercer Milenio, who arrived several hours after the pattern was first found on Sunday morning, September 23, 2012. There is an outer circle of sixteen small triangles around the perimeter narrow ring that point towards the central pattern that can be seen more clearly in the aerials below.


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Updated: Compare Google Map Street View “Lens Flares” to Historic UFO Images

“Both UFO images are definitely lens flares. Their tops point
directly at the sun, and both have those flarey, balloon-like
diffraction patterns under them.”

- Daniel, Professional Photographer


Top:  Unidentified aerial object in Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, 2012 Google Map Street View.  Bottom:  Photo, July 31, 1952, Passoria, New Jersey. Photo source:
Top:  Unidentified aerial object in Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, 2012 Google Map Street View. 
Bottom:  Photo, July 31, 1952, Passoria, New Jersey. Photo source:    

Jacksonville, Texas, is a town of about 15,000 people southeast of Dallas in Cherokee County (lower right red circle). Acoma Pueblo in New Mexico is about 60 miles west of Albuquerque near the El Malpais National Monument (upper left smaller red circle) with a population of about 5,000 Native Americans, who have continuously occupied the pueblo for more than 800 years. The distance between the two sites is 845 miles.
Jacksonville, Texas, is a town of about 15,000 people southeast of Dallas in Cherokee County (lower right red circle). Acoma Pueblo in New Mexico is about 60 miles west of Albuquerque near the El Malpais National Monument (upper left smaller red circle) with a population of about 5,000 Native Americans, who have continuously occupied the pueblo for more than 800 years. The distance between the two sites is 845 miles.

Updated: October 2, 2012  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Recently on September 28, 2012, ABC's Good Morning America reported: “UFO or Lens Flare in Google Street View? You Decide” This was the network follow up to its ABC affiliate KLTV 7's September 26, 2012, East Texas report, “Caught on Tape: UFO On Google Maps? Strange Sight Caught in Sky.”


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Ancient Foreign DNA Found in Modern Human DNA

“The group that we think contributed this foreign DNA to these
African populations was much more closely related to anatomically
modern humans than Homo erectus. I think it is more appropriate to think
of this foreign group as about as different as Neanderthals were
to Cro-magnon Homo sapiens sapiens.”

- Joshua Akey, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. of Genome Sciences, Univ. of Washington, Seattle


To reconstruct modern human evolutionary history, Prof. Akey and his Genome Sciences team at the University of Washington in Seattle, sequenced the whole genomes of five individuals in each of three different hunter-gatherer populations: Pygmies from Cameroon; the Khoesan-speaking Hadza and  Sandawe from Tanzania. Graphic by Joshua Akey, Ph.D.
To reconstruct modern human evolutionary history, Prof. Akey and his Genome Sciences team at the University of Washington in Seattle, sequenced the whole genomes of five individuals in each of three different hunter-gatherer populations: Pygmies from Cameroon; the Khoesan-speaking Hadza and Sandawe from Tanzania. Graphic by Joshua Akey, Ph.D.
Until the late 1900s, many researchers believed that humans evolved from an apelike  ancestor through a linear series of stages, but instead of smoothly evolving evolution,  the truth is closer to many “branches of twigs” from a large, family tree that has unexpected and unidentified “foreign DNA” from the distant past. Graphic source DNA Learning Center.
Until the late 1900s, many researchers believed that humans evolved from an apelike ancestor through a linear series of stages, but instead of smoothly evolving evolution, the truth is closer to many “branches of twigs” from a large, family tree that has unexpected and unidentified “foreign DNA” from the distant past. Graphic source DNA Learning Center.

September 27, 2012  Seattle, Washington - The August 3, 2012, issue of the journal Cell featured a new DNA study of three African populations that provoked the Seattle Times to headline:  “Sex with Early Mystery Species of Humans Seen in DNA.”  The subject is foreign DNA that does not resemble DNA from any modern humans and not even from Neanderthal DNA. Was it ancient sex? Or genetic manipulation of already-evolving primates by non-human intelligences terraforming Earth as described in leaked, alleged government documents shown to me and others since at least the early 1980s? See Earthfiles Archive.


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Monsanto’s Roundup and Roundup-Tolerant GMO Corn Linked to Cancers and Early Deaths in Rats. But Study Criticized.

“Rats exposed to even the smallest amounts of Roundup and NK603 Roundup-tolerant corn developed mammary tumors and severe liver and kidney damage.”

- Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini, Ph.D., Universite de Caen, France


Large cancerous tumors on white mice fed NK603 Roundup-tolerant genetically modified corn or given water containing Roundup at levels permitted in drinking water. This is the first medical study to examine long-term effects of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide and NK603 Roundup-resistant GMO  corn created by Monsanto. CRIIGEN research led by Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini published September 19, 2012, in Food and Chemical Toxicology.
Large cancerous tumors on white mice fed NK603 Roundup-tolerant genetically modified corn or given water containing Roundup at levels permitted in drinking water. This is the first medical study to examine long-term effects of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide and NK603 Roundup-resistant GMO corn created by Monsanto. CRIIGEN research led by Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini published September 19, 2012, in Food and Chemical Toxicology.


Food and Chemical Toxicology, September 19, 2012.
Food and Chemical Toxicology, September 19, 2012.

September 27, 2012  Oakland, California - According to the U. S. Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service, in 2011 the percent of corn crops in America that contain some form of genetic engineering is 96% . Most of that genetic engineering is Monsanto's Roundup-resistant corn in which the Roundup NK603 herbicide is built into the plant.


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How Many People Have Had Encounters with “Angelic Light” About “Something Big Coming”?

“There is something coming and the fabric of space and time
is getting thin and things are coming through. ... I think it’s going
to be either time travelers or other-dimensional beings.”

- Shane Elam, Commercial Real Estate, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

 Blue-white “angelic” light “surrounded me like warm silk”  and left Oklahoma commercial real estate planner with the thought that “something big is coming” in the  close future. Illustration © 2012 by Shane Elam.
Blue-white “angelic” light “surrounded me like warm silk” and left Oklahoma commercial real estate planner with the thought that “something big is coming” in the close future. Illustration © 2012 by Shane Elam.

September 28, 2012  Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - Shane Elam's last name comes from the ancient Elamites, a bloodline in Shane's family. Elam was to the east of Sumer, in the Zagros Mountains of what we call today Iran. Susa was its capital. The Elamites were one of the first cultures to adapt the Sumerian writing system to fit their own language. The earliest Elamite kings date back to almost 5,000 years ago. Elam was often at war with Mesopotamia's city of Ur.


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