Abduction? Missing Time? When Security Guards Fired at UFO Over Ellsworth AFB Minuteman Site

— “The Ellsworth AFB missile security guards had ‘spooked’ and opened fire on the UFO.”

- “John Smith,” former USAF First Lieutenant
and Missile Launch Officer, Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota

— “A total of 9 individuals, including 3 officers, all disappeared (were transferred deliberately?) after this Ellsworth AFB incident!”

- Anonymous

Malmstrom AFB near Great Falls, Montana (upper left circle); Minot AFB near Minot, North Dakota (upper right circle); Ellsworth AFB near Rapid City, South Dakota (middle right circle); and Warren AFB near Cheyenne, Wyoming (lowest red circle).
Malmstrom AFB near Great Falls, Montana (upper left circle); Minot AFB near Minot, North Dakota (upper right circle); Ellsworth AFB near Rapid City, South Dakota (middle right circle); and Warren AFB near Cheyenne, Wyoming (lowest red circle).

February 14, 2013  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Since my October 25, 2010, interview with retired USAF Captain Robert Salas [ 102510 Earthfiles ] about his firsthand experience sixty feet underground in a Minuteman missile silo at Malmstrom AFB, Montana, on March 24, 1967, periodically I have received other reports about UFO interaction with Minuteman nuclear ICBM sites. The following occurred in July 1976. I welcome further feedback and will always honor requests for confidentiality.


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CIA Manipulation of Hollywood Productions About UFOs: Part 4:   The Day the Earth Stood Still

“Gen. C. D. Jackson referred to Darryl Zanuck as being among a group of Hollywood ‘friends’ – including Cecil B. DeMille, Jack Warner and Walt Disney – on whom the government could rely ‘to insert in their scripts and in their action the right [ gov't.] ideas with the proper subtlety.’”

- Robbie Graham, Producer, Silverscreensaucers.com


Return to Part 1.

February 7, 2013  Albuquerque, New Mexico - After posting Parts 1 through 3 about CIA manipulation of Hollywood productions concerning UFOs, I received the following email from one film and TV producer regarding his firsthand experience with such government intelligence and counterintelligence manipulation. With his permission, I am reprinting his email in full below.


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Viewer Emails about Boom Mystery

“I watched the pilot maneuver his AH-64 Apache helicopter in a very tight, low, banking circuitous pattern over the neighborhood for the next 15 minutes going up and down over houses from street to street.”

- Fort Knox, Kentucky resident after January 9, 2013, loud booms
in southern Indiana and Illinois and northwestern Kentucky


The Romeo Observer, Bruce, Michigan, north of Detroit on  Wednesday, January 23, 2013, Page 8-A.
The Romeo Observer, Bruce, Michigan, north of Detroit on Wednesday, January 23, 2013, Page 8-A.

February 6, 2013  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Earthfiles has received loud boom reports from at least thirty regions of the United States since October 17, 2012, as residents from the East Coast to Bakersfield, California, and from Verde Valley, Arizona to Anchorage, Alaska, have reported booms associated in some cases with bright flashes of light to local authorities and media. So far no one has a final answer to the eerie boom phenomenon that has been ongoing since the spring of 2011. During the first year of reports, many people described feeling hard thumps against the bottom of their shoes and on the wall next to them while floors shook. Then beginning in mid-2012, most witnesses said the loud booms and flashes of light were coming from the sky.


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CIA Manipulation of Hollywood Productions About UFOs: Part 3:   The Mormon Connection

“Sunn Classic Pictures was established in Utah as a Mormon-run company with Raylan Jensen as its first President. It makes sense that a Mormon-run film studio should exhibit an interest in UFOs. Mormon cosmology holds that the Earth is not unique, but just one of many inhabited planets, each one created by Jesus for the purpose of bringing about immortality and eternal life.”

- Robbie Graham, Producer, Silverscreensaucers.com


Return to Part 1.

February 3, 2013  Reigate, Surrey, England - Robbie Graham gave Earthfiles his permission to reprint his most recent January 2013 report that includes a strong link between Sunn Classic Pictures and the Mormon church that embraces other life in the universe on many inhabited planets.

Robbie Graham, independent U. K. scholar and producer of Silverscreensaucers.com,  Reigate, Surrey, England.
Robbie Graham, independent U. K. scholar and producer of Silverscreensaucers.com, Reigate, Surrey, England.


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CIA Manipulation of Hollywood Productions About UFOs: Part 1: Hangar 18 in 1980

“Kelso has deciphered the aliens' language. This is a translation of a document found aboard the spacecraft. Now this translation is very rough and is incomplete, but if what we can read is true - and there is no reason to doubt that it isn't - then all of the previous information we have had about the origin of mankind and the human race is absolutely false. ... This is a report of a previous visit of the spacemen to Earth. This report speaks of the capture, the training and the use of certain animals as slaves - both male and female. The slaves worshipped them as gods. Then what they refer to as ‘animals,’ were pre-humans. The report also speaks to the fact that the female slaves found it a great honor to  be chosen to live with  and bear the offspring of the gods. So, you see it is no coincidence that the spacemen are almost identical to us. It is not a case of two species developing, evolving independently of each other. Those ancient spacemen altered forever our evolution. They are the missing link! ...We, mankind, the human race, are their children!”

Hangar 18, produced and released July 1980
by Sunn Classic Pictures; spoken by actor Darren McGavin

Hangar 18, produced and distributed by Sunn Classic Pictures in July 1980, a Hollywood production company established by the Schick Razor Company, originally headed by Patrick J. Frawley, Jr., a member of the American Security Council (ASC) along with General Nathan Twining, who was listed on President Harry Truman's MJ-12 group of insiders monitoring E. T. interactions with Earth. Another member of the ASC was General Douglas MacArthur, who made statements in the 1960s about anticipating planetary wars. Also on the ASC Board with Frawley was James Jesus Angleton, head of CIA counterintelligence from 1954 to 1975. Frawley was also a member of the Knights of Malta whose members over the past decades have included CIA managers such as William Casey, John McCone, George Bush, Sr., and Wild Bill Donovan. Theatrical release poster © 1980 by Sunn Classic Pictures, Inc. To view movie, see Websites below.
Hangar 18, produced and distributed by Sunn Classic Pictures in July 1980, a Hollywood production company established by the Schick Razor Company, originally headed by Patrick J. Frawley, Jr., a member of the American Security Council (ASC) along with General Nathan Twining, who was listed on President Harry Truman's MJ-12 group of insiders monitoring E. T. interactions with Earth. Another member of the ASC was General Douglas MacArthur, who made statements in the 1960s about anticipating planetary wars. Also on the ASC Board with Frawley was James Jesus Angleton, head of CIA counterintelligence from 1954 to 1975. Frawley was also a member of the Knights of Malta whose members over the past decades have included CIA managers such as William Casey, John McCone, George Bush, Sr., and Wild Bill Donovan. Theatrical release poster © 1980 by Sunn Classic Pictures, Inc. To view movie, see Websites below.
Sunn Classic Pictures, Inc. established in 1970 by Schick Safety Razor Co, produced and released Hangar 18
Sunn Classic Pictures, Inc. established in 1970 by Schick Safety Razor Co, produced and released Hangar 18.

February 1, 2013  Reigate, Surrey, England - Since 2008, I have interviewed U. K. independent scholar Robbie Graham, 31, about his research into probable CIA manipulation of Hollywood productions about UFOs, including The Day the Earth Stood Still first released in 1951, and later in 1980, the Sunn Classic Pictures production and release of Hangar 18.


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Mysterious Booms and Light Flashes Across U. S.

“At this point, nobody seems to know. The geologists say it's not in the ground. The Air Force says it's not in the air. The astronomers say it's not from space. So we're running out of options.”

- Jeffrey Braun, Ph.D., Physicist, Univ. of Evansville, Indiana


February 1, 2013  Cedar Hills, Utah - The boom phenomenon of the past two years is confusing because sometimes people have felt strong vibrations against the bottom of their shoes, while windows and floors shake. Other people more recently insist the booms are coming from the sky along with bright flashes of light. I have been marking a map of booms from October 17, 2012, to the end of January 2013. The map now has twenty-four different regions of the United States from the East Coast to Central California. Strangely, during this time line there have been no publicly reported booms right along the Pacific Coast as there were repeatedly in the first half of 2012.


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Morphogenetic Fields, Telepathy and Science Set Free

“The morphogenetic field is a bit like a magnetic field that organizes iron filings in particular patterns - so there is a group field and every animal group has that.”

- Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D., Biochemist and Author

Schools of fish, flocks of birds, human families move in  synchronized patterns influenced by morphogenetic fields that link and shape close groups of living organisms. Image © by Wolcott Henry.
Schools of fish, flocks of birds, human families move in synchronized patterns influenced by morphogenetic fields that link and shape close groups of living organisms.
Image © by Wolcott Henry.

January 31, 2013  London, England
- Rupert Sheldrake was born in Nottinghamshire, England, seventy years ago with a destiny to challenge established scientific paradigms. By 1974, he had received his Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Cambridge and spent the next ten years to 1985 working as a plant physiologist in India for the International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics. That’s when he wrote his first groundbreaking, but controversial book, A New Science of Life, published in 1981. See More Information below.


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Updated: Part 5:  High Strangeness in Dundee, Oregon

“Since I saw the red burning eyes and then that round light in the black sky put a beam down, I've had an increasing sense of being observed at different times here on the farm.”

- Vincent Cantwell, Farmer, Dundee and Yamhill, Oregon

Top:  “Red burning eyes” encountered 20 feet away from Vincent Cantwell at his farm in Yamhill near Dundee, Oregon, in summer 2010. Illustration © 2013 for  Earthfiles.com by Vincent Cantwell.  Bottom: November 2012 circular light and beam seen from same Yamhill farm. Illustration © 2013 for Earthfiles by Vincent Cantwell.
Top:  “Red burning eyes” encountered 20 feet away from Vincent Cantwell at his farm in Yamhill near Dundee, Oregon, in summer 2010. Illustration © 2013 for Earthfiles.com by Vincent Cantwell.  Bottom: November 2012 circular light and beam seen from same Yamhill farm. Illustration © 2013 for Earthfiles by Vincent Cantwell.       

Dundee, Oregon, marked by the map marker, is about 12 miles northeast  of McMinnville and 27 miles southwest of Portland.
Dundee, Oregon, marked by the map marker, is about 12 miles northeast of McMinnville and 27 miles southwest of Portland.


The Scottish Highlands were raised on Yamhill pasture property (upper left) about 14 miles from the Dundee vineyard property (far right). McMinnville (lower left) is 12 miles southeast of Dundee. Yamhill County is where OregonBigfoot.com has had reports of Sasquatch sightings, including one on September 15, 2005, by a log processor. “There in the road were 2 Sasquatch standing together. I saw two Apelike, long-haired juvenile Bigfoots. They had blonde-colored coats. I would estimate their height to be 5 to 6 feet tall ... not full grown.” See Yamhill County encounter links at end of this report.
The Scottish Highlands were raised on Yamhill pasture property (upper left) about 14 miles from the Dundee vineyard property (far right). McMinnville (lower left) is 12 miles southeast of Dundee. Yamhill County is where OregonBigfoot.com has had reports of Sasquatch sightings, including one on September 15, 2005, by a log processor. “There in the road were 2 Sasquatch standing together. I saw two Apelike, long-haired juvenile Bigfoots. They had blonde-colored coats. I would estimate their height to be 5 to 6 feet tall ... not full grown.” See Yamhill County encounter links at end of this report.

Return to Part 1.

Updated January 24, 2013 / Original January 16, 2013  Dundee and Yamhill, Oregon - Until the summer of 2010, Vincent Cantwell had never seen “burning red eyes” in the night before the unusual deer and cattle deaths, the strange, aggressive hostility among some of the cattle, the scary growls, odd clicking sounds and even a blue-white aerial object that put a beam down as recently as a dark night in November 2012.


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