More Unexplained Loud Booms

“Loud booms came 3 or 4 in a row and lasted around 1 minute - shook our garage doors - sounded like cannon blasts/something very heavy hitting the ground.”

- Resident of Placerville, California


June 7, 2013  Albuquerque, New Mexico -

1)  May 24, 2013, Sharon, Pennsylvania

At 7:29 PM Eastern on Friday, May 24, 2013, Memorial Day weekend in Sharon, Pennsylvania, a resident in the 3500 block of Hubbard-West Middlesex Road reported to Mercer County 911 that “a loud sonic boom ... shook the house; it was not like a transformer blew. All of the neighbors came outside to see what happened, so many people felt it.” Southwest Mercer County Regional police investigated, but did not find a cause of the loud, house-shaking boom.


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Top Secret FISA Order Requires Verizon to Deliver Daily Millions of American Phone Records to NSA

— “The (leaked) secret FISA document shows for the first time that under the Obama administration the communication records of millions of US citizens are being collected indiscriminately and in bulk –  regardless of whether they are suspected of any wrongdoing.”

- The Guardian, U. K., broke story June 5, 2013

— “The U. S. is that far from a turnkey totalitarian state.”

- William Binney, former NSA official and whistleblower


June 6, 2013  Washington, D. C. - Someone has leaked to The Guardian in the U. K., which published in its June 5, 2013, edition the following 4-page TOP SECRET//SI//NOFORN order by Roger Vinson, Judge, U. S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) that was signed on April 25, 2013, authorizing Verizon to hand over to the National Security Agency (NSA) “all ‘telephony metadata’ created by Verizon for communications between the United States and abroad or wholly within the United States, including local telephone calls” until July 19, 2013.

First page of 4-page Top Secret//SI//NOFORN order granted by the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) on April 25, 2013, that requires Verizon until July 19, 2013, to turn over all requested American phone numbers for both parties in calls, location data, call duration, unique identifiers and time and duration of all calls  within the United States and between the U. S. and other countries.
First page of 4-page Top Secret//SI//NOFORN order granted by the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) on April 25, 2013, that requires Verizon until July 19, 2013, to turn over all requested American phone numbers for both parties in calls, location data, call duration, unique identifiers and time and duration of all calls within the United States and between the U. S. and other countries.


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Air China 757 Collision with “Unknown Foreign Object” At 26,000 Feet Now Said to Be Birds

“An unknown foreign object hit the nose of the Air China 757 leaving a large dent in the radome.”

- JACDEC, Accidents and Incidents Worldwide


June 6, 2013  Chengdu, China -  Two days ago on June 4, 2013, ten minutes after an Air China flight took off from Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport and was flying southeasterly bound for Guangzhou, an “unknown foreign object hit the nose of the Air China 757 leaving a large dent in the radome,” according to JACDEC, Accidents and Incidents Worldwide.

Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport is a major airport serving Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province, China. Chengdu's population of 14 million permanent residents is fourth largest city in China. The airport is located about 16 kilometers (10 miles) southwest of downtown Chengdu and is the hub for Air China, Chengdu Airlines and Sichuan Airlines.


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First 2013 Crop Pattern:  Gray, Tennessee

“I looked all around the pattern in my hay field and there were no tracks anywhere. But some tall grass was going clockwise and some was going counterclockwise. How is that possible?”

- Connie Osborne, Land Owner, Gray, Tennessee


Gray, Tennessee (upper right red circle), is 21 miles northwest of Johnson City. Madisonville, Tennessee (lower left red map marker) - where wheat formations occurred in 2007 and 2011- is 3.5 hours southwest of Gray, or about 200 miles.
Gray, Tennessee (upper right red circle), is 21 miles northwest of Johnson City. Madisonville, Tennessee (lower left red map marker) - where wheat formations occurred in 2007 and 2011- is 3.5 hours southwest of Gray, or about 200 miles.
 The Gray, Tennessee, crop pattern was reported May 13, 2013, in 4-foot-tall grasses growing in Connie Osborne's hay field along Old Gray Station Road about 21 miles northwest of Johnson City and about 200 miles northeast of Madisonville, TN (lower left red marker), where previous large wheat formations below were reported in the same wheat field on May 15, 2007, and May 16, 2011, southwest of Knoxville. Aerial May 14, 2013 © by Siri Karta.
The Gray, Tennessee, crop pattern was reported May 13, 2013, in 4-foot-tall grasses growing in Connie Osborne's hay field along Old Gray Station Road about 21 miles northwest of Johnson City and about 200 miles northeast of Madisonville, TN (lower left red marker), where previous large wheat formations below were reported in the same wheat field on May 15, 2007, and May 16, 2011, southwest of Knoxville. Aerial May 14, 2013 © by Siri Karta.
Top:  May 15, 2007, Madisonville, Tennessee, wheat pattern about 170 feet in diameter with crop laid down in counterclockwise circles and a triangle in the center circle of standing wheat. Aerial image © 2007 by Mark Boring, Monroe County Buzz. For more information, see 2007 Earthfiles.   Bottom: May 16, 2011, Madisonville, TN, pattern in same wheat field as the May 15, 2007, formation. Aerial image © 2011 by Mark Boring, Monroe County Buzz.
Top:  May 15, 2007, Madisonville, Tennessee, wheat pattern about 170 feet in diameter with crop laid down in counterclockwise circles and a triangle in the center circle of standing wheat. Aerial image © 2007 by Mark Boring, Monroe County Buzz. For more information, see 2007 Earthfiles.   Bottom: May 16, 2011, Madisonville, TN, pattern in same wheat field as the May 15, 2007, formation. Aerial image © 2011 by Mark Boring, Monroe County Buzz.


May 31, 2013  Gray, Tennessee - At 8 AM Monday, May 13, 2013, in Gray, Tennessee, 18-year-old Tim Blumberg went to the mailbox to place a letter his mom wanted mailed. He was surprised to see a pattern in the nearby hay field that was not there the day before. The Blumbergs are neighbors of Connie Osborne, 62, who was born in Carter City, Tennessee, only twenty-one miles from Gray, where she moved in 1979. Connie works for Host Engineering where she is a solder tech. She solders printed circuit boards for hard drives. The lowest part of her 8 1/2 acre farm is a field of eight different grasses that she grows for another neighbor to harvest as hay for his animals in exchange for his taking care of her property. That hay field is about twenty feet lower than her house and is dotted with large slabs of limestone that are part of the limestone beneath her hayfield and land.


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Honey Bee Deaths Higher Again in 2012-2013 Winter: One-Third of American Colonies Died Out.

“We're getting closer and closer to the point where we don't have enough bees in this country to meet pollination demands.”

- Dennis vanEngelsdorp, Ph.D., Entomologist, Univ. of Maryland

 Honey bees image by Jessica Lawrence, Eurofins Agroscience Services,
Honey bees image by Jessica Lawrence, Eurofins Agroscience Services,

Neonicotinoid Clothianidin Pesticide and Honey Bees:  “Among the neonicotinoids, clothianidin is among those most toxic for honey bees; and this combined with its systemic movement in plants has produced a troubling mix of scientific results pointing to its potential risk for honey bees through current agricultural practices. Our own research indicates that systemic pesticides occur in pollen and nectar in much greater quantities than has been previously thought, and that interactions among pesticides occurs often and should be of wide concern.”

- James Frazier, Ph.D., Prof of Entomology,
Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences


May 31, 2013  Niwot, Colorado - In early May 2013, the U. S. Department of Agriculture, apiary scientists and beekeepers all confirmed that the deaths and disappearances of honey bees in the United States in the winter of 2012 to 2013 rose again to at least one-third of all honey bee colonies.


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MERS Cases and Death Toll Continue to Rise

Saudi Arabia health officials and the World Health Organization reported on Thursday, May 30, 2013, that three more people there have died today after contracting the MERS coronavirus. Since March at least 50 people in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Jordan, Qatar, France, Germany and the United Kingdom have been infected by MERS and 30 have died. Image © 2013 by CBS.
Saudi Arabia health officials and the World Health Organization reported on Thursday, May 30, 2013, that three more people there have died today after contracting the MERS coronavirus. Since March at least 50 people in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Jordan, Qatar, France, Germany and the United Kingdom have been infected by MERS and 30 have died. Image © 2013 by CBS.

— “The MERS coronavirus is a threat to the entire world.”

- Margaret Chan, M. D., Dir.-Gen., W.H.O., May 28, 2013

— “This is the first time health care workers have been
diagnosed with MERS infection after exposure to patients.”

- World Health Organization, May 15, 2013

— “Of most concern is the fact that the different clusters
of MERS seen in multiple countries increasingly supports the hypothesis
that when there is close human contact, this MERS coronavirus
can transmit from person to person.”

- Keiji Fukuda, Asst. Dir.-General, W.H.O.

Photomicrograph of new MERS-CoV coronavirus (yellow) that first emerged from the Middle East, but with modern air travel has spread to Europe. A second patient in Paris, France, was hospitalized this week infected by MERS-CoV. Image credit: NIAID/RML. See:  W. H. O.
Photomicrograph of new MERS-CoV coronavirus (yellow) that first emerged from the Middle East, but with modern air travel has spread to Europe. A second patient in Paris, France, was hospitalized this week infected by MERS-CoV. Image credit: NIAID/RML. See:  W. H. O.

May 31, 2013
  Chicago, Illinois - Last week the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) reported that a  nurse and two health care workers in Saudi Arabia were infected after treating patients with MERS, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, a name suggested in the May 15, 2013, Journal of Virology by a Coronavirus Study Group. A WHO spokesperson told reporters on May 15th, “This is the first time health care workers have been diagnosed with MERS infection after exposure to patients.”


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