More Loud, Mysterious Booms in Kentucky and Illinois

“How do booms a mile away suddenly move over my house
and we didn't see anything in the sky?”

- Jon Stewart, Deerfield, Illinois

323 miles from Deerfield, Ill. near Lake Michigan (Google pointer) southeast to Louisville, Ky.
323 miles from Deerfield, Ill. near Lake Michigan (Google pointer) southeast to Louisville, Ky.

November 22, 2013 Louisville, Kentucky, and Deerfield, Illinois - Since January 2011, my news website has received reports from all over the United States about loud boom sounds that often shake — even crack — walls, windows and garage doors, sometimes associated with bright flashes of white light in clear, calm skies - no thunder, no lightning. Everyone who hears the loud, short booms say they are definitely not sonic booms from normal aircraft breaking the sound barrier. Some earwitnesses think the booms come from above ground or from the sky. Others such as the Mayor of Clintonville, Wisconsin, experience having the bottoms of their feet hit by a painful percussion wave from something underground — even when the U.S. Geological Survey has no record of seismic activity and local civil authorities say there is no underground fracking or mining or construction to explain the phenomenon.


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Tennessee Gelding Killed and Mutilated Where 2 Infrared Security Cameras Aimed, But Nothing Triggered Camera

“The cameras must have been blocked somehow. The Williamson County Sheriff's detective said they had never seen a case like this before.”

- Terry MacIlvain, Owner, Mutilated Gelding, Fairview, TN

Fairview, Tennessee (Google marker) is about 20 miles southwest of Nashville.
Fairview, Tennessee (Google marker) is about 20 miles southwest of Nashville.

November 21, 2013 Fairview, Tennessee - Barbara and Terry MacIlvain met and married forty years ago. Barbara has had a career as a computer software engineer and real estate broker while Terry works in medical equipment sales. In 1977, they bought a house with a 6-acre pasture in Fairview, Tennessee, 33 miles southwest of Nashville. Terry wanted a horse to ride trails around their home. So in 1992, he bought a 5-year-old, gelded (testicles removed) Peruvian Paso Fino male he named Bomber. Barbara also got a Paso Fino gelded male she calls Fahlderido. Paso Finos are very gentle horses famous for their smooth, natural gait that is popular for trail riding. The two Paso Finos grew up forming close bonds with each other and with the MacIlvains, who loved them as family.


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Updated – Part 2: Nuclear Missile Sites and UFOs – Ellsworth AFB MSgt James Klancnik Speaks On The Record

“The security guard was ‘AWOL,’ absent without leave, because he was taken by this orange thing in the sky.”

“We had full Colonels in pickup trucks in the missile field looking for these lights that would park (in the air) on top of a missile site and shut the thing down. That happened probably five or six times a year. That stuff was kept very, very quiet.”

- James Klancnik, retired USAF Msgt., Ellsworth AFB, SD


Return to Part 1.

Updated with mp3 audio interview below / originally filed October 29, 2013 Spearfish, South Dakota - Since doing the October 24th Earthfiles and COAST broadcast about the Ellsworth AFB abduction of a Minuteman II nuclear missile site security guard from Cactus Flats Delta-09 Minuteman Missile Squadron, I have learned that those who have tried to access the files from the 1970s of this abduction incident at Cactus Flats have discovered all those files “are missing.”


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Updated: Part 1 – Ellsworth AFB Security Guard Abducted By Aerial Light

“I have knowledge of an abduction of an Ellsworth AFB security guard by a UFO near Wall, South Dakota.”

- Perry Manack, 44th Missile Maintenance Squadron, Ellsworth AFB


Ellsworth AFB 44th Missile Wing Emblem.
Ellsworth AFB 44th Missile Wing Emblem.

UPDATED October 29, 2013 - Originally filed October 25, 2013 Seattle, Washington - In October 1975, my brother James Moulton called me in Boston late at night where I was producing medical TV programs for WCVB-TV (ABC). He was a helicopter pilot stationed at Malmstrom AFB in Great Falls, Montana. Excited, he said, “Linda, a UFO has set down on the base here!” He told me there had been a football-field-sized orange fluorescent disc-shaped object encountered by the Security Alert Team (SAT) hovering silently over one of the Minuteman nuclear silos, Kilo 7. Jets were scrambled and the large aerial object “blinked out” as the jets arrived. After the disappearance, the jets flew away. But the large orange fluorescent disc popped back into visibility exactly where it had been when the jets first approached. The Security Alert Team reported to Central Security Control that the object was back and rising. It was reported that the large aerial object Dopplered off the radar screen around 200,000 feet.


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Part 1: Viewer Emails About Nuclear Missile Sites and UFOs

“The responding officers found the security truck on its side with a hole @ 4ft in diameter, burned through the roof. Reports indicated radioactivity around the burn site. Both security officers were missing.

- Former F. E. Warren AFB Security Specialist

October 26, 2013 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Since my Earthfiles news broadcast on Coast to Coast AM radio Thursday, October 24, 2013, I have received several emails that I am sharing in this 2-part report that will include an important military voice in Part 2 concerning the Ellsworth AFB abduction of a security guard in the fall of 1973. This first report has a broader scope about UFO intrusions in the Minuteman nuclear missiles at the Francis E. Warren AFB in Cheyenne, Wyoming, as well as the red, green and yellow “Christmas lights” phenomenon of some aerial discs.

The LGM-30 Minuteman is a United States land-based intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), in service with the United States Air Force Global Strike Command. As of 2010, the LGM-30G Minuteman III version is the only land-based ICBM in service in the United States. The current US force consists of 450 Minuteman-III missiles in missile silos around Malmstrom AFB, Montana;  Minot AFB, North Dakota; and F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming. The name “Minuteman” comes from the Revolutionary War’s Minutemen. It also refers to its quick reaction time; the missile can be launched within minutes after the receipt of a valid launch order. The Air Force plans to keep the missile in service until at least 2030.
The LGM-30 Minuteman is a United States land-based intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), in service with the United States Air Force Global Strike Command. As of 2010, the LGM-30G Minuteman III version is the only land-based ICBM in service in the United States. The current US force consists of 450 Minuteman-III missiles in missile silos around Malmstrom AFB, Montana; Minot AFB, North Dakota; and F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming. The name “Minuteman” comes from the Revolutionary War’s Minutemen. It also refers to its quick reaction time; the missile can be launched within minutes after the receipt of a valid launch order. The Air Force plans to keep the missile in service until at least 2030.


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Part 1: 60 Feet From A Landed UFO

“This disc about 50-60 feet wide in size is in front of us hovering and it's not making a sound.”

- J. S. Mining Engineer and Pilot


The desert cliffs outside the small town of Los Cerrillos, New Mexico, 25 miles southwest of Santa Fe.
The desert cliffs outside the small town of Los Cerrillos, New Mexico, 25 miles southwest of Santa Fe.

October 25, 2013 Los Cerrillos, New Mexico - After my September 2013 COAST radio broadcast, I received an email from a professional metals and mining engineer and FAA-certified pilot that said: “I was 60 feet from a UFO when it landed in Los Cerrillos, New Mexico, in the summer of 1977.” I learned the date was the second or third week of July 1977, and the eyewitness was willing to talk with me on the record, but not with his real name. So I refer to him as “J. S.” This extraordinary encounter with an aerial object of unknown origin that put tripod legs down onto the desert sand of Los Cerrillos, New Mexico, needs some historic context from another highly credible description of a disc extending tripod legs and landing.


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Part 2: Disc Light Searches and Bleaches Sand

“The disc's bright light searched the desert soil that got so hot it actually bleached the soil white.”

- J. S., Mining Engineer and Pilot


Return to Part 1.


Los Cerrillos, New Mexico (Google marker) is 25 miles southwest of Santa Fe.
Los Cerrillos, New Mexico (Google marker) is 25 miles southwest of Santa Fe.
Out Camino Querencia Road southeast of Los Cerrillos is where the two mining engineers were working at 11:45 PM Mountain time the second or third week of July 1977, when the 50 to 60-foot-diameter disc landed on its three, thin tripod legs.
Out Camino Querencia Road southeast of Los Cerrillos is where the two mining engineers were working at 11:45 PM Mountain time the second or third week of July 1977, when the 50 to 60-foot-diameter disc landed on its three, thin tripod legs.

October 25, 2013 Los Cerrillos, New Mexico - Part 2 of mining engineer and pilot J. S.'s description of the close disc encounter he and his mining colleague had in the second or third week of July 1977 on Camino Querencia Road southeast of Los Cerrillos, New Mexico, about 25 miles southwest of Santa Fe.


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Bizarre Mississippi Goat Death

“I've never had anything like this happen before in 30 years of raising goats. It makes me sick.”

- Goat Farmer, Ellisville, Mississippi

A goat with a bloodless puncture wound on each side of its neck was found Thursday morning, October 17, 2013, in Ellisville, Mississippi (Google pointer),  which is 135 miles northeast of New Orleans, LA.
A goat with a bloodless puncture wound on each side of its neck was found Thursday morning, October 17, 2013, in Ellisville, Mississippi (Google pointer), which is 135 miles northeast of New Orleans, LA.
No predators had touched the goat's body when the Ellisville, Mississippi, owner  found the dead animal with a bloodless hole on each side of its neck on her farm where she has raised goats for thirty years without any bizarre death before.  Image © 2013 by WDAM-TV, Channel 7, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
No predators had touched the goat's body when the Ellisville, Mississippi, owner found the dead animal with a bloodless hole on each side of its neck on her farm where she has raised goats for thirty years without any bizarre death before. Image © 2013 by WDAM-TV, Channel 7, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.

October 22, 2013 Ellisville, Mississippi - Ellisville in Jones County, Mississippi, is a rural town of about 4,500 people 135 miles northeast of New Orleans, Louisiana. One of the residents there, who has asked for anonymity, has been raising goats for thirty years. On Thursday morning, October 17, 2013, she found one of her goats dead on the ground with two large, bloodless holes - one on either side of its neck. No predators had touched the goat's body.


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102213 UPDATE – Mystery of Big New Mexico Elk Die-off – Toxic Green Algae?

– “I've never seen anything like this. And I've talked with other wildlife biologists who've seen large die-offs, and I've not run across anyone who has seen anything of this magnitude.”

– “It is probably really doubtful that hemorrhagic disease would be the cause because hemorrhagic disease is an infectious disease and would run a course through time before that many animals died and they wouldn’t die  in such close proximity to each other”

- Kerry Mower, Wildlife Health Specialist, NM Dept. of Game and Fish


Twenty miles north of Las Vegas, New Mexico (Google pointer),  113 to 120 elk were all found dead in less than one square mile on a  private ranch, August 27, 2013. NM Dept. of Game and Fish investigated.
Twenty miles north of Las Vegas, New Mexico (Google pointer), 113 to 120 elk were all found dead in less than one square mile on a private ranch, August 27, 2013. NM Dept. of Game and Fish investigated.


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Monsanto’s Roundup and Roundup-Tolerant GMO Corn Linked to Cancers and Early Deaths in Rats. But Study Criticized.

“Rats exposed to even the smallest amounts of Roundup and NK603 Roundup-tolerant corn developed mammary tumors and severe liver and kidney damage.”

- Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini, Ph.D., Universite de Caen, France


Large cancerous tumors on white mice fed NK603 Roundup-tolerant genetically modified corn or given water containing Roundup at levels permitted in drinking water. This is the first medical study to examine long-term effects of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide and NK603 Roundup-resistant GMO corn created by Monsanto. CRIIGEN research led by Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini published September 19, 2012, in Food and Chemical Toxicology.
Large cancerous tumors on white mice fed NK603 Roundup-tolerant genetically modified corn or given water containing Roundup at levels permitted in drinking water. This is the first medical study to examine long-term effects of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide and NK603 Roundup-resistant GMO corn created by Monsanto. CRIIGEN research led by Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini published September 19, 2012, in Food and Chemical Toxicology.


Food and Chemical Toxicology, September 19, 2012.
Food and Chemical Toxicology, September 19, 2012.

Reprint October 13, 2013 - September 27, 2012  Oakland, California - According to the U. S. Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service, in 2011 the percent of corn crops in America that contain some form of genetic engineering is 96% . Most of that genetic engineering is Monsanto's Roundup-resistant corn in which the Roundup NK603 herbicide is built into the plant.


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