What Are These Mysterious Patterns?

“This sand pattern (spiral) seems to show an astronomical theme, with some kind of binary computer code in its largest circles.”

- Red Collie, retired geneticist, Sydney, Australia

“The Albuquerque 8-ring pattern appeared to be sustained in dust by an electrostatic charge on the window.”

- Albuquerque Resident


December 23, 2013 Watergate Bay Beach, Newquay, Cornwall, U. K. and Albuquerque, New Mexico - On the southwestern coast of Cornwall at a small beach community called Newquay, there were once up to fifteen pre-historic barrows known as The Barrowfields. But now only a few remain from burials 3,500 years ago. The first settlements were Iron Age hill forts and iron mines.

Newquay, Watergate Bay Beach, Cornwall County, U. K., has two miles of sand  along the Celtic Sea in southwestern British Isles.
Newquay, Watergate Bay Beach, Cornwall County, U. K., has two miles of sand along the Celtic Sea in southwestern British Isles.

December 8, 2013 - Beach Sand Spiral Mystery
Watergate Beach, Cornwall, U. K.

On December 8, 2013, at the seaside town of Watergate Bay Beach in Newquay, Cornwall County, United Kingdom, a woman named Karen saw an intricate spiral in the beach sand, photographed it and put it on Facebook. At first, Karen thought the creator of the pattern was Cornish sand artist Tony Plant, but when he was asked, he said he did not know who made the pattern.

Mysterious sand spiral with intricate overlay of binary code circles at Watergate Bay Beach in Newquay, Cornwall County, U. K., on December 8, 2013. Image by Karen, posted on Facebook.
Mysterious sand spiral with intricate overlay of binary code circles at Watergate Bay Beach in Newquay, Cornwall County, U. K., on December 8, 2013. Image by Karen, posted on Facebook.


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Updated Part 2: Anomalous Radiation in RAF Bentwaters Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

“I think given the type of radiation that causes certain biological damage,
we're dealing with something exotic, something that serves a purpose that every-day-humans on this Earth have no idea is capable of being done.”

- Pat Frascogna, Esq., representing John Burroughs

“The well-reported Rendlesham Forest/Bentwaters event is an example where it might be postulated that several observers were probably exposed to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) radiation for longer than normal UAP sighting periods.”

- Page F-4, ANNEX F, “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK
Air Defence Region: Executive Summary, Scientific & Technical
Memorandum - No. 55/2/00,” Ministry of Defence, December 2000

Computer illustration of sketch by John Burroughs of lights he encountered in Rendlesham Forest around 3 AM, December 26, 1980, when he was a USAF Airman 1st Class in the 81st Security Police Squadron C Flight at Bentwaters AFB, U. K. near Woodbridge. He said, “The lights were red and blue, the red one above the blue ones, and they were flashing on and off.” Artwork by John Rackham.
Computer illustration of sketch by John Burroughs of lights he encountered in Rendlesham Forest around 3 AM, December 26, 1980, when he was a USAF Airman 1st Class in the 81st Security Police Squadron C Flight at Bentwaters AFB, U. K. near Woodbridge. He said, “The lights were red and blue, the red one above the blue ones, and they were flashing on and off.” Artwork by John Rackham.

Return to Part 1.

December 20, 2013 Jackson, Mississippi, and Sedona, Arizona - I talked with John Burroughs’s attorney, Pat Frascogna, about the possible link between anomalous radiation in Rendlesham Forest and injury to John’s heart and other damage such as the cataract in his left eye.


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NSA and Canada’s CSEC Spying Together

“I think what Edward Snowden has done for us is to tell us something that perhaps we should have realized before he came along, which is that we have to have a debate about intelligence power in a post-911 world. How much do we want? How much do we not want? And where do protection of civil liberties fall in that debate?”

- Wesley Wark, Ph.D., Public and Int'l. Affairs, Univ. of Ottawa, Canada

Top: NSA's official seal. Bottom: badge of Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC).
Top: NSA's official seal. Bottom: badge of Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC).

From left: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper; U. S. NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden; and U. S. President Barack Obama. Image © 2013 Canadian Press/The Guardian/Associated Press.
From left: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper; U. S. NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden; and U. S. President Barack Obama. Image © 2013 Canadian Press/The Guardian/Associated Press.

December 20, 2013 Toronto, Canada - On December 9, 2013, the Canadian Broadcasting Company's News division known as the CBC received exclusive permission from Glenn Greenwald working with American whistleblower Edward Snowden to release another NSA top secret document that reveals Canada had set up covert spying posts around the world for the American National Security Agency. The CBC redacted - blacked out - portions of the documents on its own, but most of the content is quite clear. Subject: NSA Intelligence Relationship with Canada's Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC). “NSA and CSEC cooperate in targeting approximately 20 high-priority countries. .. The intelligence exchange with CSEC covers worldwide national and transnational targets ... and has opened covert sites at the request of NSA.”


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What Is Killing 11 Species of Sea Stars from California to Alaska?

“When you hear about 100% mortality (in 11 sea star species), it strikes me as odd because once the pathogens have gone into their host and the host dies, then they have nowhere to go and they die themselves. ”

- Ian Hewson, Ph.D., Asst. Prof. of Microbiology, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY


December 20, 2013 Vancouver, B. C., Canada, and Ithaca, New York - In August this year, divers in Howe Sound northwest of Vancouver, British Columbia, in Canada, began seeing sick and dead sea stars. Strangely, the arms of the marine creatures appeared to be “melting off,” as divers put it.


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Updated: High Strangeness Before and After Montreal Boom and Blue Sky Flash

—“Homeland Security confirmed there was no military activity that could have caused the sounds.”

- Fire Chief Kenneth Richards Jr., Old Mystic, Connecticut

— “On Tuesday, November 26th, at 3 PM Eastern in Albany County, New York [ 224 miles straight south of Montreal and 5 hours BEFORE Montreal boom event], I heard a loud boom, saw a flash of light, and my entire apartment shook like an earthquake.”

- Resident in Albany County, New York

— “On Wednesday, Nov. 27th, at approximately 10:30 PM Alaska standard time [night after Montreal event] the sky lit up bright blue, as if it were day ... about 3 minutes later there was what sounded like an explosion that shook the cabin.”

- Resident in Talkeetna, Alaska


Updated December 1, 2013 Albuquerque, New Mexico - This report includes audio of a recorded boom sound in Woodland Hills, California, on Thursday, November 28, 2013, at 4:38 AM Pacific in Woodland Hills, California. It's updated below with new information from Old Mystic Fire Chief about unexplained booms the morning of November 29th in Southeastern Connecticut.


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Booms Continue from Montreal to Arizona

“What was that boom? What was that flash of blue-green light?
And where were they coming from?”

- The Montreal Gazette, November 26, 2013

“Something big blew up over Montreal around 8 PM, November 26th.”

- WPTZ-TV News Channel 5, Burlington, Vermont

The Google pointer marks St-Lazare west of Montreal, Canada. 64 miles south of Montreal is Plattsburgh, New York. Residents in all three regions reported hearing an enormous explosive boom with a flash of blue-green light around 8 PM on Tuesday, November 26, 2013. No source of the mysteirous loud boom is known.
The Google pointer marks St-Lazare west of Montreal, Canada. 64 miles south of Montreal is Plattsburgh, New York. Residents in all three regions reported hearing an enormous explosive boom with a flash of blue-green light around 8 PM on Tuesday, November 26, 2013. No source of the mysteirous loud boom is known.

November 27, 2013 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Last night around 8 PM Eastern, residents in Montreal, St-Lazare and the surrounding Canadian region as far as Ormstow and Cornwall, Ontario, onward to Plattsburgh, New York, were literally shaken by a loud boom and a bright flash of blue-green light in the night sky. But no one anywhere – including Environment Canada and St-Lazare Mayor Robert Grimaudo – knows for certain what caused the loud, mysterious boom and light flash over so much geography. One speculation is a meteor hitting the atmosphere with a sonic boom. But mysterious booms – some with bright light flashes, usually white – have been reported around the United States since January 2011 without explanation. See November 22nd Earthfiles and November 24th Earthfiles.


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Minnesota Moose Dying Out Rapidly

“Something's seriously changed. 4,000 animals in one Minnesota herd are now down to 100.”

- Jim Robbins, NYTimes Science Contributor

The North Woods of Minnesota where moose are concentrated there is marked by the Google pointer. Other American regions that are also seeing a sharp decline in moose populations are Montana, Wyoming and New Hampshire.
The North Woods of Minnesota where moose are concentrated there is marked
by the Google pointer. Other American regions that are also seeing a sharp
decline in moose populations are Montana, Wyoming and New Hampshire.


November 22, 2013 Helena, Montana - On October 24, 2013, scientists at the University of Colorado in Boulder reported that the average summer temperatures in the Eastern Canadian Arctic are higher now than during any century for perhaps as long ago as 120,000 years.


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Monarch Butterfly Migration At Lowest Numbers On Record

“Normally by now, hundreds of Mexico trees would be covered by wintering monarchs, but so far it's only 12 trees.”

- Lincoln Brower, Ph.D., Biologist, Sweet Briar College, VA.


Fall Migration map showing the 1900 to 2400 miles that Monarch butterflies travel  each fall from American regions to central Mexico's Oyamel fir forest for the winter.  Then in the spring there is a second shorter migration from southern U.S.  Graphic © Prof. Lincoln Brower, Sweet Friar College, Virginia.
Fall Migration map showing the 1900 to 2400 miles that Monarch butterflies travel each fall from American regions to central Mexico's Oyamel fir forest for the winter. Then in the spring there is a second shorter migration from southern U.S. Graphic © Prof. Lincoln Brower, Sweet Friar College, Virginia.

November 22, 2013 Sweet Briar, Virginia - Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) living east of the Rocky Mountains in North America have flown south each fall, gathering in central Mexico's Oyamel fir forest to get through winter. This extraordinary Monarch migration is unique in the insect world. None but the Monarchs in different generations fly twice every year in fall and spring for as much as 2400 miles each way. Their destination are twelve mountaintops west of Mexico City covered with Oyamel firs. Historically when the Monarchs were healthy and not threatened by radical changes in their milkweed food and a warming climate, a billion of the beautiful orange and black creatures would fly south and literally cover some 60 acres of the fir trees.


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