Updated: Strange, S-Shaped Weather Radar Pattern Off Western Coast of Australia — A Military Exercise?

— “There's no cloud, there's nothing to produce a rain echo ...  which we do see a lot, but not this particular S-shape.”

- Neil Bennett, Perth Bureau of Meteorology, Western Australia, February 12, 2014

— “The Unusual Pattern that appeared on the Bureau of Meteorology's Perth weather radar on Wednesday, February 12, was the result of a Defence exercise off the West Australian coast.”

- Australian Navy spokesperson, February 13, 2014

Screenshot of an Australian Bureau of Meteorology weather radar map showing a  strange S-shaped pattern west of Perth and 30 km west of Rottnest Island (7 miles  or 11 km long), a limestone reef off the coast of Western Australia  on February 12, 2014. Screenshot by ABC News, Australia.
Screenshot of an Australian Bureau of Meteorology weather radar map showing a strange S-shaped pattern west of Perth and 30 km west of Rottnest Island (7 miles or 11 km long), a limestone reef off the coast of Western Australia on February 12, 2014. Screenshot by ABC News, Australia.

Updated February 17 / Original February 13, 2014 Perth, Australia - The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) reported on February 13, 2014, that “a strange S-shaped formation which appeared on Perth weather bureau radar off the West Australian coast on February 12, 2014, was not caused by cloud.” ABC News in Australia had inquired with the Australian Department of Defence about whether there are military operations off the west coast that might interfere with weather radar, but received no comment for some 24 hours. Then on February 13, an Australian Navy spokesperson released a statement to the general press that read in part:


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Strange Metallic Horns and Boom Reports Persist In 2014

“I heard the more metallic sounds that were described by one of the women in your Earthfiles interview. It did sound like a road grader with the blade down on asphalt or metal.”

- Resident of Brookings, South Dakota, January 2014

“The shofar (ram's horn) is mentioned frequently in the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud and rabbinic literature. The loud horn sound of a shofar emanating  from the thick cloud on Mount Sinai made the Israelites tremble in awe.”

- Wikipedia about Exodus 19:16-19

Archangel Michael depicted on the Ponte Sant'Angelo bridge in Rome, Italy, who is described in the Quran as “blowing on his trumpet, calling the angels when this Age is about to pass away.” See also: The Trumpet Is Blown Or Is It?
Archangel Michael depicted on the Ponte Sant'Angelo bridge in Rome, Italy, who is described in the Quran as “blowing on his trumpet, calling the angels when this Age is about to pass away.” See also: The Trumpet Is Blown Or Is It?

February 15, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Since my January 2014 Earthfiles, Coast and Dreamland Online reports about persistent strange horn/trumpet sounds mixed with loud, unexplained booms and vibrations, I have received dozens more reports from listeners and viewers. Many people are asking me about shofars, mentioned frequently in the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud and rabbinic literature and sometimes called “the first trump of God.” Shofars are made from the horns of sheep, kudu, rams, or other cloven-hoofed animals, but not cows.


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Feedback About Mysterious Booms and Horn/Trumpet Sounds

“The boom (and horn sound like Switzerland video) actually came from the  direction of the now famous June 23, 2012, Waldo Canyon fire on the very same day the fire started. ... the CBS 4 helicopter footage showed house after house on fire with NO fire to the trees surrounding those burning homes.”

- Resident of Littleton, Colorado

The June 2012 Waldo Canyon Fire's odd destruction of houses amid green unburned trees and other untouched houses northwest of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Aerial © 2012 by Getty Images.
The June 2012 Waldo Canyon Fire's odd destruction of houses amid green unburned trees and other untouched houses northwest of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Aerial © 2012 by Getty Images.

“And the sixth angel sounded (which had the trumpet), and I heard
a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God ...”

- King James Bible, Revelation, Chapter 9


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Loud, House-Shaking Booms – Even Horn/Trumpet Sounds – Persist in U. S. and Canada

— “For some reason, I was terrified of looking up there and I don't know if anybody else has had that feeling, but it's (horns) not very friendly.”

- Monika Andre, about horn/trumpet sound in
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, January 9, 2014

— “ I thought that something really bad was happening. It was terrible. It shook the house!”

- Dana McKenna, Milton, Vermont, December 23, 2013

— “Did you hear a loud 'boom' last night (January 27, 2014) around 11:20 PM Pacific, especially in the College Terrace neighborhood? If so, you weren't alone. Our 24-hour dispatch center received several calls about it. Our officers did an extensive area check, but were unable to locate the source of (boom), nor any damage anywhere. We believe that it was most likely caused by an extremely large firework! If you have any information to the contrary, please let us know.”

- Palo Alto Police Dept. near Stanford University, Jan. 27, 2014

Update February 13, 2014 St. Paul, Minnesota - Between 4 AM to nearly 5 AM, February 13, 2014, on the southwest side of St. Paul, Minnesota, several residents living on Randolph Avenue between Snelling and Cleveland Avenues called the Ramsey County Emergency Communications Center to report strange sounds variously described as like scraping metal, horns or whales recorded by some earwitnesses.


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Wanaque, New Jersey: Aerial Disc, Beam and Entity 1966-1967

“Something is burning a hole in the ice!
Something with a bright light on it, going up and down!”

- Wanaque, NJ Patrolman Joseph Cisco

“I had the impression that there was something in the water
that was coming out – or wanted to come out of the water.
... We were in the way. We were interfering with something.”

- Michael Kuzmicz, Wanaque Reservoir, July 4, 1967

Forty-eight years ago on January 11, 1966, in Wanaque, NJ, 32 miles northwest of New York City, the Mayor, city councilmen, police,  security guards and other eyewitnesses watched an aerial disc above the frozen  Wanaque Reservoir emit a beam of nearly opaque light that melted a circle in the ice.  The photograph above is allegedly one taken that escaped confiscation  by military that quickly took over the reservoir and warned  eyewitnesses to never talk about the craft and beam.
Forty-eight years ago on January 11, 1966, in Wanaque, NJ, 32 miles northwest of New York City, the Mayor, city councilmen, police, security guards and other eyewitnesses watched an aerial disc above the frozen Wanaque Reservoir emit a beam of nearly opaque light that melted a circle in the ice. The photograph above is allegedly one taken that escaped confiscation by military that quickly took over the reservoir and warned eyewitnesses to never talk about the craft and beam.


January 31, 2014 Seminole, Florida - Forty-eight years ago on the evening of January 11, 1966, it was clear and cold in Wanaque, New Jersey, a small town of some 10,000 people about 32 miles northwest of New York City. Historically, it was the land of the Ramapough Mountain Indians. The name Wanaque was their word for “sassafras,” the North American tree that provided roots and bark for sassafras tea and oils used for medicinal purposes and to ward off evil spirits.


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Push Back Against GMOs in Cheerios

“When a product becomes a non-GMO product-verified, it increases sales by 15% to 30%.”

- A.C. Gallo, President, Whole Foods, March 2013

“We have parents talking about allergies and asthma and ADHD and skin problems and weight problems disappearing after putting their children on non-GMO diets.”

- Jeffrey Smith, Author, Genetic Roulette

 On January 3, 2014, General Mills announced its Cheerios will no longer  have any GMOs in them because of public demand. This followed the March 2013 announcement by Whole Foods President, A. C. Gallo, that his company will label all of its products in North American stores that contain genetically modified ingredients by 2018. Is this the beginning of a major anti-GMO  revolt in the multi-billion dollar food industry?
On January 3, 2014, General Mills announced its Cheerios will no longer have any GMOs in them because of public demand. This followed the March 2013 announcement by Whole Foods President, A. C. Gallo, that his company will label all of its products in North American stores that contain genetically modified ingredients by 2018. Is this the beginning of a major anti-GMO revolt in the multi-billion dollar food industry?

January 31, 2014 Fairfield, Iowa - The New Year began with food production giant General Mills announcing that it would start manufacturing its original Cheerios brand without genetically modified ingredients and would label those original Cheerios boxes as “Not Made with Genetically Modified Ingredients.” Symbolically, this was a big step for consumer activists, who have been trying to get genetically modified products labeled in supermarkets and other stores for some time.


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20% of Humanity Controls Barter System for Other 80%. Is It Conspiracy? Or the Power Law of Distribution?

“The  question always is: Is this  a conspiracy? Is this  engineered? Are there masterminds behind this?”

- James Glattfelder, Systems Theorist, Zurich, Switzerland

January 27, 2014 © Daily Tribune Cagle Cartoons.com.
January 27, 2014 © Daily Tribune Cagle Cartoons.com.

“This massive concentration of economic resources in the hands of fewer people presents a significant threat to inclusive political and economic systems. People are increasingly separated by economic and political power, inevitably heightening social tensions and increasing the risk of societal breakdown.”

- Oxfam dedicated to eradicating poverty

Oxfam International reported about the huge gap between the rich power-elite versus half the world's poor on January 21, 2014, as the World Economic Forum was set to begin in Davos, Switzerland, the next day with the most influential money-power players in international trade, business, finance and politics.
Oxfam International reported about the huge gap between the rich power-elite versus half the world's poor on January 21, 2014, as the World Economic Forum was set to begin in Davos, Switzerland, the next day with the most influential money-power players in international trade, business, finance and politics.

January 31, 2014 Zurich, Switzerland - The World Economic Forum began on January 22, 2014, in Davos, Switzerland, where the most influential money-power players in international trade, business, finance and politics came together to make more deals and solidify their elite hold on the world's barter system. The day before on January 21st, Oxfam International reported that the 85 wealthiest individuals on this planet have assets equal to the bottom 3.55 billion poorest combined.


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