Final Part 12: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor

“The Ebens genetically engineered these Archquloid entities with large noses by ‘rapid-cycle cloning’ and allegedly presented two or more to the U. S. government for observation, examination and study.”

- From transcript of alleged classified audio/video recording made
at Camp David, Maryland, during a briefing for then-President
Ronald Reagan, March 6 - 8, 1981, regarding “Unidentified Flying
Objects and Extraterrestrial Visitation to Earth.” Briefing
was by then-CIA Director William Casey.

Archquloid large-nosed grey humanoid genetically engineered by the Ebens in ‘rapid-cycle cloning.’ Illustration © 1974 by Allan Sandler Institutional Films, Inc., from 16mm film of non-human entities that landed at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, on April 25, 1964. Both Ebens and Archquloids were present.
Archquloid large-nosed grey humanoid genetically engineered by the Ebens in ‘rapid-cycle cloning.’ Illustration © 1974 by Allan Sandler Institutional Films, Inc., from 16mm film of non-human entities that landed at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, on April 25, 1964. Both Ebens and Archquloids were present.

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April 29, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - What is the true relationship between the three main types of non-humans described on Earth for decades in the Modern World and in biblical literature since at least the intelligent, seductive serpent in the Garden of Eden? Those three main types are roughly categorized as Reptilian Humanoids; Tall Blonds; and the Grey menagerie of biological androids and prime intelligences behind the androids that in this report are identified as Ebens and Archquloids. Does the U. S. government think any of them are allies? Or enemies? This report also indicates there are other categories of non-human life interacting with Earth and one is considered “dangerous” by the U. S. government.


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Part 11: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor

“Inside these tubes — standing upright, naked, and appearing to be asleep — were humans, or at least they looked human to me.  They looked like they were in some kind of suspended animation.”

- Linda Porter, California abductee


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April 17, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - The first week of March 1991, I received a brown, legal-sized envelope by Certified Mail postmarked February 28, 1991, from Porterville, California. The envelope contained an audiocassette, letter and drawings from a woman named Linda Porter. Linda was born in 1946 and began having memorable experiences with non-human intelligences by age 12 in 1958.


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Part 10: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor

“The white-skinned humanoid doesn’t say anything to me out loud,
but I feel something in my mind, ‘Look out there. The universe is full of –
there is conflict between good and evil.”


Joshua Rhinehall: “Flight was fast and erratic” between the huge sphere and the large, triangular craft that seemed to be in a dogfight. Illustration © 2011 by Joshua Rhinehall.
Joshua Rhinehall: “Flight was fast and erratic” between the huge sphere and the large, triangular craft that seemed to be in a dogfight. Illustration © 2011 by Joshua Rhinehall.

“I feel that the non-human entities have conducted genetic testing
on mankind for centuries in order to alter human genetics and guide
our evolution to a point where they can harvest a genetic component
for cloning and/or hybrid that has the ability to contain a soul.”

- “Joshua Rhinehall,” Private Investigator, Pacific Northwest


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April 14, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - As the 1980s evolved into the 1990s and past New Year's Day 2000, my files filled up with contradictory descriptions of different types of non-humans and agendas ranging from positive entities trying to help humanity to negative — even dangerous — intents of insectoids, grey types, standing up reptiles and large, humanoid praying mantises.


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Email from Earthfiles Viewers about Aerial Triangles, Metal Sounds and High Strangeness

“I see what appears to be a large whitish-grayish triangular shape
several hundred feet above us ... I could see through it- the stars were visible —  although muted somewhat through this triangle. It appeared to be enormous as it took up about 1/4 of the night sky view above us.”

- Eyewitness northwest of El Reno, Oklahoma

“I am sure the trumpet sounds and ripping metal sounds are coming from the supersonic jet (Aurora). ... The large triangles that move slowly and seem to blend in with the sky are American military experimental blimps that are outfitted with light alloy engines that are silent.”

- Military Airplane Mechanic, Baltimore, Maryland

April 8, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - In my Earthfiles news reports and Coast to Coast AM Radio broadcast on March 27-28, 2014, I featured two eyewitnesses of unidentified aerial triangular craft. One triangle over Wyoming wilderness seemed to make a loud trumpet sound; another triangle estimated to be 200 feet long and silent appeared “translucent, see through” to a Virginia resident. The following are more reports about triangular craft, strange metallic sounds and other high strangeness from viewers and listeners beginning with another “translucent triangular craft” description northwest of El Reno, Oklahoma. See: 032814 Earthfiles.


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Part 9: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor

“The Grey-type ETs were described as joined mind-to-mind in instant telepathy as bees in a hive; thus, a “hive mind.” Betrayal by an alien hive mind that could not be understood  is the quicksand. The illusions planted in human minds by the Greys is the hall of mirrors.”

- Linda Moulton Howe, Fall 1989, confidential interview notes

“Bustinza said our military bases are a decoy - like a big stage play —
like maybe under them underground all over are the alien homes here on Earth?”

- Larry Warren, former USAF Airman, RAF Bentwaters, England


Anonymous postcard dated June 19, 1989, from Seattle, Washington, to
Linda Moulton Howe at the time that her first book An Alien Harvest was released.


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Part 8: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor

“The extraterrestrial's ‘skin’ was nothing like anything I’d seen before. It was just like it was fabric. It was almost like it had a fabric suit on (leotard), but the suit was its flesh at the same time.”

- Wright-Patterson AFB Flight Surgeon, late 1940s

Sketch by Indianapolis, Indiana, adult female after abduction experience in 1965,  when she was 18-years-old. She has been abducted periodically since age four  by the “EBEN” grey type that have vertical pupils in their yellow eyes beneath the black lenses worn to see in infrared and other frequencies. This abductee, like so many others,  says the small beings pictured in the doorway are biological androids produced by the taller EBENs or other entity types through cloning and genetic manipulation.  Many abductees say the cloned biological androids are made and programmed  for various tasks on various planets of different atmospheres, different solar intensities, different water contents — different models of sophisticated biological  machines for different planetary investigations.
Sketch by Indianapolis, Indiana, adult female after abduction experience in 1965, when she was 18-years-old. She has been abducted periodically since age four by the “EBEN” grey type that have vertical pupils in their yellow eyes beneath the black lenses worn to see in infrared and other frequencies. This abductee, like so many others, says the small beings pictured in the doorway are biological androids produced by the taller EBENs or other entity types through cloning and genetic manipulation. Many abductees say the cloned biological androids are made and programmed for various tasks on various planets of different atmospheres, different solar intensities, different water contents — different models of sophisticated biological machines for different planetary investigations.

Return to Part 1.

March 31, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - In Part 1 of this series of reports, Judy Doraty — abducted along with her teenage daughter, Cindy from their car near Houston, Texas, in May 1973 — described cat-eyed beings testing Earth environments for a toxin that can threaten Earth life. The grey EBEN types are some of the extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) responsible for bloodless animal mutilations around this planet for at least a century.


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Large Orange Disc Cuts Tall Pines Into Circle and Drops Cow

“I think the orange disc dropped the cow in the tree!”

- Pam Conley, retired registered nurse, Florence, So. Carolina

Large orange glowing disc with dark portholes around the middle tilted back and forth (that's why 3 positions above) at the top of tall pine trees while a  vertical line of evenly spaced bright lights remained stationary over cow  pasture. A large cow was later found dead in the top of one of those  40-foot-high pines. Illustration © 2014 by Pam Conley.
Large orange glowing disc with dark portholes around the middle tilted back and forth (that's why 3 positions above) at the top of tall pine trees while a vertical line of evenly spaced bright lights remained stationary over cow pasture. A large cow was later found dead in the top of one of those 40-foot-high pines. Illustration © 2014 by Pam Conley.

March 28, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - One of my first exposures to the presence of silver or orange glowing discs linked to mutilated animals or carcasses found hanging from tree branches was my interview with Washington State's Snohomish County Sheriff's Deputy Jerry Phillips about his firsthand investigations of Sasquatch, UFOs and animal mutilations in 1977. He told me there were dozens of unusual, bloodless animal deaths in the Snohomish area similar to the several thousand animal mutilation cases reported worldwide since at least the 1960s, and probably decades before.


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Part 2, Fukushima: Thyroid Cancer Increase in Japanese Children

“The thyroid cancers in Japan now are 40 times higher than normal — 40 times higher in three years!”

“Now Japan has passed a Secrecy Law that will put people in jail for ten years if they talk about what happened at Fukushima, if they talk about the meltdowns.”

- Charles Bonner, Lead Atty., USS Reagan Class Action Lawsuit

March 27, 2014 San Diego, California - As attorney Charles Bonner has pointed out, Japan's TEPCO power utility in 2014 is finally admitting that it “significantly undercounted radiation levels” since the March 11, 2011, quake and tsunami disaster and core meltdowns of three nuclear power reactors in Fukushima. Two of the most dangerous radioactive substances that spewed into the air and water from Japan's Fukushima TEPCO plant are strontium-90 and cesium-137. See “How Cesium and Strontium-90 Can Kill Children and Adults Fairly Quickly” in Websites below.

Bloomberg News, February 25, 2014.
Bloomberg News, February 25, 2014.


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