More Half-Cats in Florida and History of Half-Cats

“The chest cavity that should contain the heart and lungs was empty
and the trachea was cut near the neck. The spinal cord appeared to be cut clean. The tissue did not appear to have been violently torn as it would have in the event of an animal attack. ...the trauma inflicted on the cat
was most likely done by a knife or sharp object.”

- Lakeland Police Dept. Incident Report of veterinarian analysis
by Robert Houghton, D.V.M. of  mutilated half-cat found at 7:45 AM on
April 23, 2014, only 45 minutes after let out of house in Lakeland, Florida

Lakeland, Florida, population about 100,000, is 35 miles east of Tampa.
Lakeland, Florida, population about 100,000, is 35 miles east of Tampa.

May 10, 2014  Lakeland, Florida -  Since the 1970s, there have been cycles of cat mutilations in the same geographic areas of Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. Florida has had many incidents of bloodless half-cats where a smooth, surgical cut was made through the entire cat's body near the front legs. Most often, the front half of the mutilated cats are found with no back half, but occasionally the back half is left and the front half is never found.


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Updated May 5, 2014 with Rebuttal Comments –  Is This Why NSA Has Classified All Information About MH370?

Boeing 777-2H6ER 9M-MRO, the aircraft used for flight MH370 that disappeared  at 1:19 AM on Saturday, March 8, 2014, when its transponder was mysteriously  shut off enroute to Beijing. Credit: Rodger McCutcheon, Auckland Photo News.
Boeing 777-2H6ER 9M-MRO, the aircraft used for flight MH370 that disappeared at 1:19 AM on Saturday, March 8, 2014, when its transponder was mysteriously shut off enroute to Beijing. Credit: Rodger McCutcheon, Auckland Photo News.

Update May 5, 2014  / Orig. April 30, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - On April 27, 2014, Earthfiles reported that an NSA reply to an attorney's FOIA request for all information concerning the disappearance of Malaysian Flight MH370 was a “currently and properly classified matter.”

“We have determined that the fact of the existence or non-existence
of the (MH370) materials you request is a currently and properly classified
matter in accordance with Executive Order 13526 ...”

- National Security Agency, April 16, 2014


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NSA Reply to FOIA Request On MH370: “Currently and properly classified matter.” What does NSA know?

“We have determined that the fact of the existence or non-existence
of the (MH370) materials you request is a currently and properly classified
matter in accordance with Executive Order 13526 ...”

- National Security Agency, April 16, 2014

April 27, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - On March 24, 2014 — seventeen days after Malaysian Flight 370's transponder was turned off at 1:19 AM on Saturday, March 8, 2014, and the plane disappeared with 239 people on board — California attorney Orly Taitz filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for “any and all documents in possession of NSA relating to missing flight Malaysian flight MH 370, which disappeared on March 8, 2014, and three American citizens on board.”

On Thursday, April 24, 2014, attorney Taitz issued a press release along with a copy of the National Security Agency's reply to her FOIA request.

April 24, 2014 Press Release by Attorney Orly Taitz.
April 24, 2014 Press Release by Attorney Orly Taitz.


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Part 2 CIA Investigated Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions in 1958

“We gathered that the E.T.s put the implant in her neck not too far from the spinal column and we gather that was like a homing device where they would be able to find this particular woman again wherever she may be.”

- “Anonymous” Kewper Stein, Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst


Return to Part 1.

April 25, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Continuing from Part 1 with audio excerpts of
3-day-interview by Linda Moulton Howe with “Anonymous” Kewper Stein in June 1998 at his Florida home.


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Strange Disappearance of Flight MH370

“The Inmarsat satellite signal path overlapped near Pinger # 2 search grid - is that where MH370 is?”

- Mark Wood, retired U. S. Navy Captain


Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia with a population of some 1.6 million.  Early Saturday, March 8, 2014, at 12:41 AM local time, Malaysian Airliner MH370 took  off for a routine 2,700 mile flight to Beijing. But at 1:19 AM over the Gulf of Thailand, MH370 disappeared when the transponder shut off. Inmarsat-3 F1 geostationary satellite picks up data that indicates that MH370 went either north or south along the red arcs. Possible black box pings were heard in the Indian Ocean southwest of Perth, Australia, where underwater drone searches as of April 23, 2014, had not found any wreckage. Map of search for MH370 by Soerfm, Wikipedia.
Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia with a population of some 1.6 million. Early Saturday, March 8, 2014, at 12:41 AM local time, Malaysian Airliner MH370 took off for a routine 2,700 mile flight to Beijing. But at 1:19 AM over the Gulf of Thailand, MH370 disappeared when the transponder shut off. Inmarsat-3 F1 geostationary satellite picks up data that indicates that MH370 went either north or south along the red arcs. Possible black box pings were heard in the Indian Ocean southwest of Perth, Australia, where underwater drone searches as of April 23, 2014, had not found any wreckage. Map of search for MH370 by Soerfm, Wikipedia.
 Boeing 777-2H6ER 9M-MRO, the aircraft used for flight MH370.  Credit: Rodger McCutcheon, Auckland Photo News.
Boeing 777-2H6ER 9M-MRO, the aircraft used for flight MH370. Credit: Rodger McCutcheon, Auckland Photo News.

April 25, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - MH370 Malaysian airline pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, on Friday, March 7, 2014, traveled from his Kuala Lumpur home 15 miles to Putrajaya to attend the trial of his friend, Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. Captain Shaw was enraged when Ibrahim was sentenced to five years in jail on a homosexuality charge.


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Part 1 “Anonymous” Kewper Stein, Former Army and CIA UFO Analyst On Tape in 1998

“The whole craft was like an electronic circuit and the aliens
had to be inside the craft with headbands on and their fingertips in control
panels in order to complete the electronic circuit to make it fly.”

- “Anonymous” Kewper Stein, Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst

Panels with depressions of six-fingered handprints allegedly found  with six-fingered humanoids in May 31 to June 2, 1947, recovery operation at  crash site southwest of Socorro, New Mexico. Linda Moulton Howe was given the date of May 31, 1947, between Aragon, New Mexico, and Elk Mountain at the western end of the Plains of San Agustin, as the disc crash site where 6-fingered and 6-toed extraterrestrial biological entities were retrieved and autopsied at either  Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, or the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda,  Maryland. Photograph from 16mm film © 1996 by Orbital Media Ltd.
Panels with depressions of six-fingered handprints allegedly found with six-fingered humanoids in May 31 to June 2, 1947, recovery operation at crash site southwest of Socorro, New Mexico. Linda Moulton Howe was given the date of May 31, 1947, between Aragon, New Mexico, and Elk Mountain at the western end of the Plains of San Agustin, as the disc crash site where 6-fingered and 6-toed extraterrestrial biological entities were retrieved and autopsied at either Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, or the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Photograph from 16mm film © 1996 by Orbital Media Ltd.

April 25, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - A year ago on Friday, May 3, 2013, I was participating as an investigative journalist in a Citizen Hearing at the National Press Club in Washington, D. C. I was there to speak before a panel of retired Congressional representatives paid to listen to forensic evidence and human eyewitness testimonies that I and many others have documented. The truth is that extraterrestrial biological entities are interacting with this planet and secret agencies of our government know it.


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