Eerie Metallic Scraping Sounds Heard from Michigan to Alaska

— “If you had a snowplow going down a dry street and you had this loud
sound of scraping metal against concrete, almost like a squealing as it’s scraping.”

- Pattie, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor

— “All of a sudden I heard an extremely loud screeching noise.
It sounded like a 10,000-gallon steel drum being drug over a bed or rocks.”

- Gordon, Construction, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska


June 26, 2014 - Since the phenomenon of strange sounds around the world began in early 2011, perhaps the oddest is the metallic scraping or trumpet sounds. Recently on June 18, 2014, an administrative assistant in the University of Michigan Health System in Ann Arbor arrived home from work in the early afternoon before a thunderstorm. She has asked me to call her Pattie. Upstairs her partner was working and across the street a neighbor was home. All three heard a loud, metallic scraping sound seeming to come from the sky that lasted for several seconds. Pattie compares the mysterious sound to “a snowplow going down a dry street ... almost like a squealing as it's scraping.”

Ann Arbor is only a few miles west of Detroit, Michigan, where a bizarre buzzing sound has been reported by hundreds of residents as persisting on and off since around 2009,  without authorities being able to locate precisely its source or to stop it. See:  100411Earthfiles  “What Are Strange ‘Hums’' That Keep People Awake?"
Ann Arbor is only a few miles west of Detroit, Michigan, where a bizarre buzzing sound has been reported by hundreds of residents as persisting on and off since around 2009, without authorities being able to locate precisely its source or to stop it. See:  100411Earthfiles “What Are Strange ‘Hums’' That Keep People Awake?"



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1953 – 1981:  Project AQUARIUS — 16 Volumes About UFOs and IACs

“In the 1976 MJ3 report, it was estimated the Alien's technology
was many thousands of years ahead of United States technology.”

- Alleged historic MJ12 TOP SECRET Executive Briefing


June 15, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - The following “Executive Briefing on the Subject of Project Aquarius” was allegedly prepared for U. S. President Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) and has been distributed in the past decade to some investigators of the UFO phenomenon, including These alleged, but not proven, government documents are shared as possible facts about the U. S. government cover-up since World War II concerning extraterrestrial biological entities, their advanced technologies and the government's estimate of the situation — at the time of the Executive Briefing — that the non-humans were not considered a national security threat. Between 1981 to 2014, has that estimate of the situation remained the same? Or would a 2014 Project AQUARIUS Executive Briefing describe more complex and changing relationships between humans and ETs?


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Viewer Letters About E. T.-Human Hybrids

— “There are two (2) common links between each alien group and the Ebens. The first link is that the Ebens discovered each group, civilized them and then CLONED (hybridized) their species with others.”

- Email to Earthfiles, May 31, 2014

—  “We made you, we put you here, but you have to live it.”

- Eben to USAF Captain, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 194

Page 221, Raechel's Eyes © 2005 by Helen Littrell and Jean Bilodeaux: “Triangular emblem seen on Raechel's food and water containers, on the license plate of the car driven by the men visiting Raechel at her apartment, and on a truck outside the Four Corners, Nevada, underground base.”
Page 221, Raechel's Eyes © 2005 by Helen Littrell and Jean Bilodeaux: “Triangular emblem seen on Raechel's food and water containers, on the license plate of the car driven by the men visiting Raechel at her apartment, and on a truck outside the Four Corners, Nevada, underground base.”

Return to Part 1 and 2 E.T.-Human Hybrids.

Update June 5, 2014 - Viewer About Reptilian Eye — Have any Earthfiles viewers or COAST and Dreamland Online listeners ever encountered a human with one or more cat or reptilian eyes as described in this Update email? Please contact [email protected]. All requests for confidentiality are honored.


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Part 2: Racheal’s E. T.-Human Hybrid Eyes

“Since humans and these E. T. species all share the same genetic heritage going back millions of years when Earth was first seeded with life, humans are the ideal species to interbreed with.”

- Chisky, Hybrid Geneticist from Zeta Reticuli 1

Sketch by Helen Littrell of Racheal Nadien as she saw the large, solid “avocado green with vertical black slit” eyes of the alleged alien-human hybrid from Zeta Reticuli 1 brought to Earth in a “Humanization Program” operated underground at “Four Corners” on the north end of Area 51, Groom Lake, Nellis AFB. Illustration © May 11, 2014 by and Helen Littrell.
Sketch by Helen Littrell of Racheal Nadien as she saw the large, solid “avocado green with vertical black slit” eyes of the alleged alien-human hybrid from Zeta Reticuli 1 brought to Earth in a “Humanization Program” operated underground at “Four Corners” on the north end of Area 51, Groom Lake, Nellis AFB. Illustration © May 11, 2014 by and Helen Littrell.


Return to Part 1.

May 31, 2014  Klamath Falls, Oregon - Col. Nadien told Helen and Marisa that he worked under “the highest level of security in the U. S. government called MAJI, or Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence.” He told them that MAJI “controls all projects dealing with alien entities, concocting and distributing deliberate misinformation as   a cover-up.” The Director of MAJI, or MAJESTIC-12 as it’s also been called, has been the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency since its creation on September 18, 1947, soon after the retrieval of at least three wedge-shaped extraterrestrial craft from the Roswell, New Mexico, region in the summer of 1947.


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Part 1: Raechel’s E. T.- Human Hybrid Eyes

“Hybrid is an offspring of two animals or plants of different
races, breeds, varieties, species, or genera.”

- Merriam-Webster Dictionary

“The Humanization Program was a (MAJI) project to see how
well beings from another place (planet) could be integrated into our
Earth society. It was also an inter-species breeding program on another planet.”

- Helen Littrell, mother of roommate living with human-alien hybrid, Sacramento, Calif.


May 30, 2014  Cedarville, California and Klamath Falls, Oregon - It is highly probable that all life on Earth was seeded by an advanced intelligence from somewhere else in the cosmos. That idea was first proposed by 1903 Nobel Prize chemist Svante Arrhenius, who introduced the concept of “panspermia,” the seeding of life through spores of living cells on different planets.

Then 70 years later in 1973, Nobel Prize laureate Francis Crick evolved Arrhenius's concept to “directed panspermia.” After the discovery that DNA was a double helix molecule that contains the singular genetic code for all Earth life from bacteria and fish to plants and humans, Crick puzzled over why there was only one genetic code for all terrestrial life. That could not have happened by chance, he hypothesized. So Crick agreed with Arrhenius that life on Earth was likely seeded and directed by Advanced Intelligences.

DNA double helix molecule. The genome “sentence” to make a Homo sapiens sapiens is about 3.2 billion base pairs long and contains 20,000 to 25,000 distinct protein-coding genes.
DNA double helix molecule. The genome “sentence” to make a Homo sapiens sapiens is about 3.2 billion base pairs long and contains 20,000 to 25,000 distinct protein-coding genes.


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Plastic Microbead Trash from Oceans to Great Lakes Hurting Birds, Marine Life — and Humans?

“We can show that the chemicals are adhering to the plastic.  We can show that organisms eat the plastic. We can show the chemicals then desorb into the organism that affects the health of THAT organism!”

- Sherri Mason, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. of Chemistry, SUNY - Fredonia, NY


 More than a million Laysan Albatrosses (Tournefortia argentea) live on the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge in the middle of the Pacific Ocean administered by theU. S.  Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). Above are albatross chicks amid plastic garbage  accumulating on Midway and sadly being eaten by and hurting the albatrosses. Once home to the Midway Naval Air Station, Midway is now a U. S. Minor Outlying Island only 2.4 square miles in size positioned 3,200 miles (5,200 km) west of San Francisco and 2,500 miles (4,100 km) east of Tokyo. Image © 2008 by U. S. Navy.
More than a million Laysan Albatrosses (Tournefortia argentea) live on the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge in the middle of the Pacific Ocean administered by theU. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). Above are albatross chicks amid plastic garbage accumulating on Midway and sadly being eaten by and hurting the albatrosses. Once home to the Midway Naval Air Station, Midway is now a U. S. Minor Outlying Island only 2.4 square miles in size positioned 3,200 miles (5,200 km) west of San Francisco and 2,500 miles (4,100 km) east of Tokyo. Image © 2008 by U. S. Navy.

May 29, 2014  Los Angeles, California, and Fredonia, New York -  The Earth has five major ocean gyres where the water swirls around and around and floating trash from humanity collects in those swirls creating great garbage patches in the North and South Atlantic Ocean; the North and South Pacific Ocean; and the Indian Ocean.


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More Strange Booms in Idaho and Wisconsin.

– “When the boom hit, a glass plate and drinking glass shattered into
micro bits that sent pieces flying at least twenty feet away!”

- Skylar Massey, Rancher, Kamiah, Idaho

– “I was sitting in the house watching TV and I heard this loud explosion — not like a firecracker or a cherry bomb — more like dynamite
or like a military-type explosion.”

- Ron Eldridge, retired Guidance Counselor, Antigo near Clintonville, WI


May 29, 2014  Kamiah, Idaho, and Antigo near Clintonville, Wisconsin - Four months ago in my February 2014 Earthfiles, COAST and Dreamland reports, I interviewed an audio technician in Kamiah, Idaho, not far from Lewiston. He had been sitting on his porch around 10 PM at night when he heard a weird, metallic sound above him.

He said, “It was like a road grader with the blade down on asphalt or metal.”   He looked up and saw a large, black triangular aircraft going overhead — each corner glowed with light.  See 022714 Earthfiles.

Wane: “There was this very large, dark triangular craft going overhead  with three (reddish-orange) lights on it. That's where this (metallic scraping) sound was coming from!" Wane's sketch of aerial triangle August 2009, Kamiah, Idaho.
Wane: “There was this very large, dark triangular craft going overhead with three (reddish-orange) lights on it. That's where this (metallic scraping) sound was coming from!" Wane's sketch of aerial triangle August 2009, Kamiah, Idaho.


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SERPO Part 1: Retired AFOSI Agent Describes Face-to-Face with Non-Human “Grey.” Which “Blonds” Are Camouflaged Insects?

“At the moment of eye contact with that Grey,
it was like seven different feature films started rapidly
running through my mind all at the same time with sound, temperature,
touch and 3-dimensional gold symbols superimposed over the films.”

- Retired AFOSI Agent


Updated May 25, 2014  Albuquerque, New Mexico - In my 1984 research files about high strangeness in the non-human phenomena, I typed the following notes after an interview with a man who had retired from the U. S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). He implied that he actually received his check from an American intelligence agency when he said, “The AFOSI is convenient cover for U. S. intelligence all over the world.” The following allegedly occurred in March 1981 during a Camp David briefing by intelligence agents for then-U.S. President Ronald Reagan about five extraterrestrial types interacting with Earth, including one defined as “hostile.”


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SERPO Part 2:  More About “Hostile Alien Visitors” in Pres. Ronald Reagan Briefing

“We call the hostile aliens simply that, HAV,  meaning Hostile Alien Visitors. MJ-12 placed that code on them back in the 1950s.”

- March 1981 Alleged SERPO Briefing for Pres. Ronald Reagan at Camp David


Return to Part 1.

May 25, 2014  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Continuing with excerpts about the alleged Trantaloid “Hostile Alien Visitors (HAVs),” an extraterrestrial species that can camouflage themselves as some type of blond humanoid. The following is in the alleged briefing transcript of classified tape recordings made at Camp David, Maryland, during a presidential briefing regarding the subject of UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS and EXTRATERRESTRIAL VISITATION of EARTH. The briefing transcript states the recordings were made between March 6 and 8, 1981. Leading the Above Top Secret (ATS) briefing were:

- William Casey, Director of the CIA
- The CARETAKER, a CIA Contract Employee and custodian of E. T. information.
- ADVISERS # 1 and # 2

See Websites below for whole Reagan briefing transcript.


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Dragonfly Drone: Emits Blue Beam At Eyewitness

“It rotated so that the ‘tail’ was facing directly away from me;
and then a very tight intensely blue beam of light seemed to project toward my eyes. ... I felt intuitively that I had been ‘scanned’ in some manner. ”

- Eyewitness, Las Vegas, Nevada

Illustration by eyewitness, Las Vegas, NV.
Illustration by eyewitness, Las Vegas, NV.
Top: Image taken on May 6, 2007, by “Chad,” who said it was in the region of  Bakersfield, California, but later investigations confirmed the location was back of a restaurant/diner off Highway 7 near Los Gatos, CA. Bottom:  Photo taken on May 16, 2007, by “Rajman1977.”  Claimed to be taken in Capitola, California, but the pole location was actually traced to Campbell, California.
Top: Image taken on May 6, 2007, by “Chad,” who said it was in the region of Bakersfield, California, but later investigations confirmed the location was back of a restaurant/diner off Highway 7 near Los Gatos, CA. Bottom:  Photo taken on May 16, 2007, by “Rajman1977.”  Claimed to be taken in Capitola, California, but the pole location was actually traced to Campbell, California.   


May 20, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - On May 4, 2014, I reported about an eyewitness of the strange dragonfly drone phenomenon as far back as 1981. Please see:

— Earthfiles Part 1:  New 2014 Revelations About Dragonfly Drone Extraterrestrial Technology.

Earthfiles Part 2: Isaac June 2007 Comments and Leaked CARET Document.

After those reports, I received the following email from a viewer that reinforces the mystery of the dragonfly drones invisibly monitoring Earth's skies and monitoring some humans. The drone technology was identified by the whistleblower Isaac in 2007 as extraterrestrial technology that the United States government has been trying to understand and back-engineer since at least the mid-1980s.


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