Mysterious Shockwaves and Booms Persist

“I was on a ladder painting the house when I felt the ladder shake
and then witnessed the whole Lake House shake. There was no boom —
more like a shock wave of sorts. The strange thing was that as soon as the
house and ladder finished shaking (maybe 5 seconds), I saw an A-10 Warthog fly by.”

- Resident of Alpena, Michigan, August 2014


September 9, 2014  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Earthfiles continues to receive reports about mysterious and unexplained trumpet or loud booms or even silent shockwaves.


To: [email protected]
Subject:  Sonic Booms in Harrisville, Utah
September 8, 2014

Harrisville, Utah, is a small town of 3,700 people 5 miles north of Ogden and 17 miles north of Hill Air Force Base.
Harrisville, Utah, is a small town of 3,700 people 5 miles north of Ogden and 17 miles north of Hill Air Force Base.


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Part 3:  Muroc Field Researchers Allegedly Found Eloah Grey Vast Underground Facility in 1940

Twenty-two miles (35 km) northeast of Lancaster, California, is a flat, dry lake bed that has evolved from the 1930s Army Air Corps's Muroc Field to a re-naming as Edwards Air Force Base in December 1949.
Twenty-two miles (35 km) northeast of Lancaster, California, is a flat, dry lake bed that has evolved from the 1930s Army Air Corps's Muroc Field to a re-naming as Edwards Air Force Base in December 1949.

Return to Part 1

September 2, 2014  Albuquerque, New Mexico - One of the most startling descriptions by the USAF Lt. Colonel in Anthony Sanchez's UFO Highway are several pages about a research expedition from Muroc Field, California, to the Dulce, New Mexico, region in 1940 and the discovery of Grey non-humans underground there.


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Part 2: Is The Dulce ET Underground Lab Linked to ETs from Zeta Reticuli 1 and Sirius B?

“EBE (a grey-skinned extraterrestrial biological entity) did explain where he lives in the universe. We call this star system Zeta Reticuli, which is about 40 light-years [39.16] from Earth. EBE's planet was within this star system.”

- Transcript of classified tape recording made at Camp David, Maryland, March 6 - 8, 1981, during a presidential briefing for newly elected U. S. President Ronald Reagan with CIA Director William Casey re: “UFOs and Extraterrestrial Visitation of Earth.”

Also see Earthfiles Real X-Files:   4-Part Taxonomy
of Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs).


Return to Part 1

August 31, 2014  Albuquerque, New Mexico - On April 9, 1983, while researching the HBO documentary UFOs: The E. T. Factor, I was in a meeting at the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) office in Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico. There, I was shown an alleged briefing paper for an unnamed American President about extraterrestrial biological entities. The paper referenced two types: small grey-skinned and “Talls.” No physical description was given of the Talls. But I was told that their respective origins were two different planets in the binary star system Zeta Reticuli 1 and 2 that is about 39 light-years from Earth. [ From Earth in light-years, Zeta-1 is 39.16; Zeta-2 is 39.24 light-years.]


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Part 1: USAF Whistleblower Says There Really Is An Underground ET Cloning and Hybridization Lab Near Dulce, New Mexico. 

“Progenitor: A person or thing from which a person, animal
or plant is descended or originates: an ancestor or parent.”

- Oxford Dictionary

“...One of the things that the Colonel told me is that they (nanosatellites
with ET technology) are meant to target things that are inbound from space.

Anthony F. Sanchez, Author, UFO Highway


Dulce, New Mexico (Google pointer) is in Rio Arriba County about 10 miles from the Colorado border. The population was 2,623 in the 2000 census, almost entirely Native American, the largest community and tribal headquarters of the Jicarilla Apache Reservation.
Dulce, New Mexico (Google pointer) is in Rio Arriba County about 10 miles from the Colorado border. The population was 2,623 in the 2000 census, almost entirely Native American, the largest community and tribal headquarters of the Jicarilla Apache Reservation.
There are three different Archuleta names within a 20 mile radius north of Dulce, New Mexico. Closest is Archuleta Mesa, NM, 4.5 miles north of Dulce. Next is Mt. Archuleta, NM, which is 5 miles northwest. Third is Archuleta Mesa, Colorado, 6.5 miles north and across the state border. The “Dulce Grey ET Facility” is allegedly underground Archuleta Mesa and Mt. Archuleta,NM.
There are three different Archuleta names within a 20 mile radius north of Dulce, New Mexico. Closest is Archuleta Mesa, NM, 4.5 miles north of Dulce. Next is Mt. Archuleta, NM, which is 5 miles northwest. Third is Archuleta Mesa, Colorado, 6.5 miles north and across the state border. The “Dulce Grey ET Facility” is allegedly underground Archuleta Mesa and Mt. Archuleta,NM.

August 29, 2014  Dulce, New Mexico - Back in the fall of 1979 when I was Director of Special Projects at the CBS station in Denver, Colorado, my crew and I traveled to Dulce, New Mexico, where rancher Manuel Gomez had several cattle mutilations on his ranch within a single year. All neatly bloodless, but not all trackless. Near one of the mutilated animals in the dusty pasture ground were a series of round indents as if golf balls in two parallel lines had been put next to each other in the dust. Around Dulce, the Jicarilla Apache natives who lived there pointed to the sky and said their ancestors, the “star people,” were the ones doing the animal mutilations. For them, it was a secret they would not talk about on camera. Back then was the first time I heard about the possibility of a large, multi-leveled Dulce underground where grey extraterrestrials did genetic experiments for reasons unknown.


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Earth Life Is Dying In A 6th Mass Extinction As Great As Asteroid Hit 65 Million Years Ago – But This Time the Cause Is Humans.

— “The worst case is the rapid loss of species. But what is really unusual
about this extinction event is that the climate is changing anywhere between 10 and a 100 times faster than even the previous extinction events.”

- Chris Langdon, Ph.D., Marine Biologist, Univ. of Miami

— “The science is sobering—the global temperature in 2012 was among
the hottest since records began in 1880. Make no mistake: without concerted action, the very future of our planet is in peril.”

- Christine Lagarde, Managing Dir., International Monetary Fund

— “There's good reason to believe southern Florida will eventually have to be evacuated.”

- Ben Strauss, COO of Climate Central, Florida


August 28, 2014  Miami, Florida - On August 19, 2014, five climate scientists warned Florida Governor Rick Scott that a major threat to Florida's future is the steadily rising ocean as carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases build up in the Earth's atmosphere like a warming blanket. Florida State University Prof. Jeff Chanton told Governor Scott that as the ocean expands with warmer water and polar caps keep melting, southern Florida's barrier islands to Lake Okeechobee are going to go under water. “That's a seriously different world,” Prof. Chanton said. “It's going to be a different planet for our children.”


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Sea Stars Continue to Die By the Millions from Alaska to California: Is It A Virus?

“The situation in Puget Sound looks really grim. It’s really bad there.
Several different species (of sea stars) — they are just dying like flies.”

- Neil McDaniel, Videographer and Naturalist, Vancouver, B. C., August 2014


Healthy sea stars on a rock outcrop near Croker Island, Indian Arm, British Columbia, on Oct. 9, 2013. Underwater image © 2013 by Neil McDaniel.
Healthy sea stars on a rock outcrop near Croker Island, Indian Arm, British Columbia, on Oct. 9, 2013. Underwater image © 2013 by Neil McDaniel.
20 days later, the living creatures on the same rock outcrop have died, Croker Island,  Indian Arm, British Columbia, on October 29, 2013. Image © 2013 by Neil McDaniel.
20 days later, the living creatures on the same rock outcrop have died, Croker Island, Indian Arm, British Columbia, on October 29, 2013. Image © 2013 by Neil McDaniel.

August 27, 2014  Vancouver, Washington and Miami, Florida - The northeast Pacific Ocean from Alaska to Vancouver and down the West Coast  has been warmer than usual for months. At the same time, millions of sea stars — at least a dozen different species of them — have rotted away in a mysterious wasting disease that causes arms to drop off and then the bodies to dissolve away. Cornell University DNA research is said to be leading up to publication that the cause is a virus. But many scientists are linking the warming waters and warming climate change to an increase in all kinds of microbes that cause disease from the disintegrating sea stars to the decline in corals all over the planet.


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A Real Live Gnome in Pennsylvania?

“I have a cabin north of Pittsburgh in the mountains of Western Pennsylvania ... I have a game camera set up in the woods to capture images of the abundant wildlife in the area. Three weeks ago, I discovered a series of three images of a creature that I have NEVER seen before.”

- Keith Sniadach, Writer, Pittsburgh, PA

“Gnome:  A legendary dwarfish creature supposed
to guard the Earth's treasures underground.”

German garden gnomes (above) usually have bushy eyebrows, a long beard and conical hat, often reddish in color.
German garden gnomes (above) usually have bushy eyebrows, a long beard and conical hat, often reddish in color.

August 23, 2014  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - In 1200 A.D., a Swedish man named Frederik Ugarph found a hard wood statue only about six inches (15 cm) high of a little person wearing a conical hat in what is now Trondheim, Norway. The statue was standing on a pedestal engraved with the words:  “NISSE Riktig Storrelse.” That means, “Gnome, actual height.” Owned and housed today by the Oliv family in Uppsala, Norway, X-ray tests indicate the wooden statue is more than 2,000 years old, perhaps carved from a tree that is no longer known.


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Part 2 – “Horrible Secret” in UFO Crash Retrievals Near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947?

Page 6, IPU Intelligence Assessment was dated September 4, 1960, by the authority of Lt. General John A. Samford, Director, National Security Agency, and approved by Allen Dulles, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and stamped TOP SECRET MAJIC ULTRA.
Page 6, IPU Intelligence Assessment was dated September 4, 1960, by the authority of Lt. General John A. Samford, Director, National Security Agency, and approved by Allen Dulles, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and stamped TOP SECRET MAJIC ULTRA.

March 17, 2004  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania -

Continued from Part 1

Dan Burisch, Ph.D., Microbiologist, working in Las Vegas, Nevada, while assigned to do biomedical work on alleged extraterrestrial biological entity at S-4, Area 51, Nellis AFB. Photograph by BJ Wolf.
Dan Burisch, Ph.D., Microbiologist, working in Las Vegas, Nevada, while assigned to do biomedical work on alleged extraterrestrial biological entity at S-4, Area 51, Nellis AFB. Photograph by BJ Wolf.

Dan Burisch, Ph.D., microbiologist, says he was recruited by American intelligence agents when he was a very gifted science student in high school in the early 1980s. He was born on February 2, 1964.


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Part 2: Lunar “Humanoid Shadows” Probably Processing Errors, But Lead to More Mysterious Sites

Close-up of “humanoid shadow” oriented in a “standing” position. There are many such “humanoid shadows” repeating every 22 miles or so in the higher resolution band in Google Earth below. Implication:  imaging processing errors. But in the process of finding many humanoid shadows, other mysterious sites were found below. Above NASA image from “Odd figure on the Moon?” posted July 18, 2014, on YouTube by wowforreeel.
Close-up of “humanoid shadow” oriented in a “standing” position. There are many such “humanoid shadows” repeating every 22 miles or so in the higher resolution band in Google Earth below. Implication:  imaging processing errors. But in the process of finding many humanoid shadows, other mysterious sites were found below. Above NASA image from “Odd figure on the Moon?” posted July 18, 2014, on YouTube by wowforreeel.

Return to Part 1.

August 19, 2014  - After contributing moon image analysis in Part 1, retired Navy Captain Mark Wood studied the moonscape and started finding repeating “humanoid silhouette shadows” on average every 22 to 24 miles apart along the top of the NASA band of higher resolution. The implication is that the “humanoid shadows” are some kind of processing error. As examples, a few of them are marked by yellow Google pins below. The shadows are not identical, but some seem to repeat such as Silhouette 21 at 18 02 07.48N  40 48 58.82E and MarkSilhouette14 at  21 34 05.02N  29 46 58.20E


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