More Strange Metallic Sounds, Booms and Black Pyramid

“I heard the weird noise again. It was extremely loud
and sounded like trumpets coming from the sky.”

- John Paul Bobick, Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming


October 12, 2014  Albuquerque, New Mexico - This year of 2014 as in the previous three years since the beginning of 2011, people in the United States and around the world continue to report unexplained loud, metallic, horn or trumpet sounds coming from the air above or loud booms and metallic scrapings that seem to come sometimes from below ground and other times from the sky. Earthfiles has done over a hundred in-depth reports about the phenomenon, all in the Earthfiles Archive in chronological order. Here now are more to ponder since June 2014.


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Silent, Stationary White “Orbs” in Utah and Colorado

“Some people who saw them over Breckinridge said the white objects
formed triangles and a line. But on our camera, it seemed the objects
did not move at all ... for as long as five to fifteen minutes without moving
an inch on our viewscreen in the camera. And then you would see a flash
of light and they would take off across the edge of the (Baldy) mountain ridge.”

- Colorado KUSA-TV 9news Reporter Matt Renoux in Breckinridge, CO


October 6, 2014  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Since October 2, 2014, beginning at 4:30 AM Mountain time in Utah, a large ball of light was reported traveling in the dark sky before sunup northwest to southeast over the Salt Lake City region. Then some seven and a half hours later near NOON, many people called media and authorities about three, white, silent, “orbs” hovering for three hours not moving in the sky over Utah County south of Salt Lake City. Local media contacted the U. S. Air Force, local airport and the U. S. Weather Service, but no one knew what the three stationary aerial objects were. A few eyewitnesses posted images unusual white aerial objects on KSL radio's “The Browsers” talk news Facebook page. See Websites below.


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Whose Large, Silent Aerial Drone Is This?

“The central portion of the object was a sphere about 25 feet in diameter ... no sound was heard and no apparent method of locomotion was observed.”

- One of  three eyewitnesses at Montauk Harbor, LINY, August 1, 2014


Silent, 6-legged aerial object  with central 25-foot-diameter sphere seen by three eyewitnesses on August 1, 2014, from Montauk Harbor restaurant, Long Island, New York.
Silent, 6-legged aerial object with central 25-foot-diameter sphere seen by three eyewitnesses on August 1, 2014, from Montauk Harbor restaurant, Long Island, New York.
Montauk Harbor is 104 miles east of New York City at the tip of Long Island in East Hampton, Suffolk County. Population is about 3,400.
Montauk Harbor is 104 miles east of New York City at the tip of Long Island in East Hampton, Suffolk County. Population is about 3,400.


October 4, 2014  Montauk Harbor, East Hampton, Long Island New York - The furthest tip of Long Island is 104 miles east of New York City ending at Montauk in East Hampton, Suffolk County, Long Island New York. Extending out into the Atlantic Ocean with Long Island Sound to the north, Montauk has always had strategic importance since the American Revolution. That's when the Montauk Lighthouse was used to lookout for British ships that might try to sail into Manhattan or Boston.


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Another Bizarre Pregnant Cow Mutilation in Haigler, Nebraska

— “This new mutilation was directly north about 150 feet from the first
three mutilated cows I had last year.”

- Alex Peterson, Owner, Windmill Angus Ranch, Haigler, Nebraska

— “It looked like a spotlight from helicopters ... a really, really bright white ...
but it was like a solid beam. And it did at one point look like
there was something black in the beam.”

- Michael Knight, ranch hand sighted light beam  above
Alex Peterson Windmill Angus Ranch in Haigler, Neb., Sept. 19, 2014


Haigler, Dundy County Nebraska, (Google marker) is only 100 miles southeast of Sterling, Logan County, Colorado, where hundreds of mutilated cattle, horses and other animals were reported to the Logan County Sheriff's Office from the early 1970s ongoing to date. See Earthfiles Shop for new 2014 2nd Edition of An Alien Harvest: Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life Forms and the 2-volume Glimpses of Other Realities © by Linda Moulton Howe.
Haigler, Dundy County Nebraska, (Google marker) is only 100 miles southeast of Sterling, Logan County, Colorado, where hundreds of mutilated cattle, horses and other animals were reported to the Logan County Sheriff's Office from the early 1970s ongoing to date. See Earthfiles Shop for new 2014 2nd Edition of An Alien Harvest: Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life Forms and the 2-volume Glimpses of Other Realities © by Linda Moulton Howe.


September 26, 2014  Haigler, Nebraska - It was only a year ago that rancher Alex Peterson in Haigler, Nebraska, about 190 miles east of Denver, Colorado, suffered half a dozen mutilations of his pregnant black Angus cows between June and August 2013. See 081013 Earthfiles. Alex and his father have been raising cattle in Haigler since the 1930s and now Alex has 600 pure bred black Angus. One of those big, pregnant Angus cows was dropped nose-first into a small pasture hole discovered on August 1, 2013. Alex Peterson knew after he dragged her 1700-pound body from the hole and found a perfectly preserved spiderweb inside the hole, that she was dead when dropped straight down into the small hole. Otherwise, her struggle and breathing would have destroyed the fragile web.


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Part 2: Large Aerial Triangle Reports from 1800s to Present

“Albany, Georgia, 1953 — pilot states as he closed on the light, ‘it alternated white, red, white, red’ and did that two or three times for roughly two to three second intervals. Then, he stated in the Air Force Project Blue Book report, ‘The light then changed into a perfect equilateral triangle’ right before his eyes. ”

- David Marler, Author, Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation


Return to Part 1.

September 26, 2014  Albuquerque, New Mexico - One long-time researcher of the mysterious aerial triangles going back as far as the 1800s is David Marler. In 2013, he focused some of his research in a book entitled, Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation.

Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation © 2013 by David Marler. See: Amazon Books.
Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation © 2013 by David Marler. See: Amazon Books.


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314 North American Bird Species Face Extinction This Century Because Climate Is Changing Faster Than They Can Adapt

Geneva, Switzerland September 9, 2014, report by the WMO.
Geneva, Switzerland September 9, 2014, report by the WMO.

"In 2013, concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere was 142% of the pre-industrial era (1750), and of methane and nitrous oxide 253% and 121% respectively."

Earth's atmosphere reached a modern record high in 2013 of 396 parts per million CO2, the biggest year-to-year change in three decades, according to the World Meteorological Organization in its annual report. Graph by zfacts.comCarbonDioxide.
Earth's atmosphere reached a modern record high in 2013 of 396 parts per million CO2, the biggest year-to-year change in three decades, according to the World Meteorological Organization in its annual report. Graph by zfacts.comCarbonDioxide.

September 25, 2014  Washington, D. C. - According to the September 2014 report by the World Meteorological Organization, the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reached a new record high over the year 2013. The WMO's Greenhouse Gas Bulletin shows that between 1990 and 2013 — only 23 years there was a “34% increase in radiative forcing – the warming effect on our climate – because of long-lived greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and nitrous oxide. In 2013, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere was 42% higher than in the pre-industrial era starting in 1750. Methane climbed to 153% higher than the pre-industrial era; and nitrous oxide reached 21% higher. The global concentrations of CO2 rose to 396 parts per million in 2013 — an increase of 2.9 ppm from 2012. That is the biggest year-to-year change in three decades. Based on this current rate of increase, CO2 levels are expected to rise above 400 ppm by 2016.


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Part 5:  Dulce and Dropa Stones

“I do understand that at one point there was a faction of Greys
at Dulce that left Dulce, and those are the Dropas of Tibet and China.”

- Anthony F. Sanchez, author, UFO Highway

A Dropa disc was allegedly tested in 1962 with an oscillograph and “a surprising oscillation rhythm was  discovered, just as if the disks with their groove-writing had once been charged or had functioned as electrical conductors.”
A Dropa disc was allegedly tested in 1962 with an oscillograph and “a surprising oscillation rhythm was discovered, just as if the disks with their groove-writing had once been charged or had functioned as electrical conductors.”

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September 17, 2014  Albuquerque, New Mexico - After our Earthfiles and Coast interviews on August 29, 2014, I talked further with Anthony Sanchez about the Mars connection to the Progenitors, Annunaki, AUSTRA ALBUS, Eloaha Greys, hybrid humans and ancient Earth mysteries such as the Dropas and Dropa discs of China and Tibet.


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Part 5:  “Dark Pyramid” Underground in Alaska

“What could the reason be for an advanced - and most likely extraterrestrial species - to construct and bury a large pyramid structure, one that somehow either creates electricity or is designed to utilize or amplify electricity?”

- Retired U. S. Navy Captain


This map shows Nome far upper left; then Unalakleet on eastern edge of Norton Sound; then purple circle with white pyramid at the latitude and longitude west of Mt. McKinley (red circle) where retired Navy Captain reported finding a “square” anomaly in the landscape that could be the site of a large underground pyramid.
This map shows Nome far upper left; then Unalakleet on eastern edge of Norton Sound; then purple circle with white pyramid at the latitude and longitude west of Mt. McKinley (red circle) where retired Navy Captain reported finding a “square” anomaly in the landscape that could be the site of a large underground pyramid.

Return to Part 1.

September 14, 2012  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The alleged underground pyramid structure west of Mount McKinley continues to provoke email since my original Earthfiles and Coast to Coast radio interview with Doug Mutschler, retired U. S. Army Counterintelligence Warrant Officer, with information about an underground pyramid was posted on July 26, 2012. See: Updated Parts 1 - 3: 072712 Earthfiles.


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Part 4:  Dulce, LEONID and “Alien Weapon Determinant”

“We are also talking about an AI, artificial intelligence system,
that was given to us by Greys — just one of their gifts to us.”

- Anthony F. Sanchez, Computer Engineer and Author UFO Highway


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September 12, 2014  Albuquerque, New Mexico - More from Anthony Sanchez about the ET-related LEONID mission, an acronym that stands for Low-Earth Orbit Nanosatellite Interceptor Defense — a multi-faceted weapons system that had multiple components.


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