Part 1: Hundreds of Earthquakes, Low Rumbling Sounds and Aerial Lights in Surprise Valley and Cedarville, California

“There was no way the lights could have been an airplane. It almost looked like something was shooting something out, the way it was in a straight line.”

- Cindy, Cedarville, CA. eyewitness of strange aerial lights

Cedarville (red pointer), population 514, is in Surprise Valley of Modoc County, California. The green valley has hot springs and artesian wells. Lassen Volcanic National Park is 143 miles southwest and Vya, Nevada, is 22 miles straight east. All three areas have felt the swarm of earthquakes numbering in the thousands. Some Surprise Valley residents have felt the 112 magnitude-3 and twelve magnitude-4 quakes since they started in July 2014. In addition to increasing quakes, Surprise Valley has also had repeating loud rumbling sounds associated with many appearances of unidentified aerial lights. USGS, Stanford University and other university seismologists are now studying unusual and sudden hot springs temperature changes in November 2014. 
Cedarville (red pointer), population 514, is in Surprise Valley of Modoc County, California. The green valley has hot springs and artesian wells. Lassen Volcanic National Park is 143 miles southwest and Vya, Nevada, is 22 miles straight east. All three areas have felt the swarm of earthquakes numbering in the thousands. Some Surprise Valley residents have felt the 112 magnitude-3 and twelve magnitude-4 quakes since they started in July 2014. In addition to increasing quakes, Surprise Valley has also had repeating loud rumbling sounds associated with many appearances of unidentified aerial lights. USGS, Stanford University and other university seismologists are now studying unusual and sudden hot springs temperature changes in November 2014.


Aerial view of Surprise Valley with its many hot springs and some artesian wells outside the town of Cedarville, population 514. Image © 072508 by Bioflyer.
Aerial view of Surprise Valley with its many hot springs and some artesian wells outside the town of Cedarville, population 514. Image © 072508 by Bioflyer.

November 20, 2014 Cedarville, California -  In the past few weeks, Earthfiles has received more unexplained booms, rumblings, trumpets and metallic scraping reports along with periodic sightings of unidentified amber, red and other colored aerial lights — sometimes at the same time as strange sounds. This combination of phenomena has been reported persistently since January 2011 all over North America, but in this era of terrorist threats and national security excuses to spy on everyone, neither the American nor Canadian government leaderships have acknowledged the hundreds of reports and growing concerns of their taxpayers.


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Part 2:  Are the 2014 Seismic Swarms and Strange Rumbles in Cedarville and Surprise Valley Related to the Yellowstone Hot Spot?

“It sounded almost mechanical to us. There was no Doppler effect
at all. It was just a steady, rather loud, low, rumbling roar type of thing.”

- Jean Bilodeaux, Writer-Reporter, Modoc County Record, Alturas, California

Cedarville (red pointer), population 514, is in Surprise Valley of Modoc County, California. The green valley has hot springs and artesian wells. Lassen Volcanic National Park is 143 miles southwest and Vya, Nevada, is 22 miles straight east. All three areas have felt the swarm of earthquakes numbering in the thousands. Some Surprise Valley residents have felt the 112 magnitude-3 and twelve magnitude-4 quakes since they started in July 2014. In addition to increasing quakes, Surprise Valley has also had repeating loud rumbling sounds associated with many appearances of unidentified aerial lights. USGS, Stanford University and other university seismologists are now studying unusual and sudden hot springs temperature changes in November 2014. 
Cedarville (red pointer), population 514, is in Surprise Valley of Modoc County, California. The green valley has hot springs and artesian wells. Lassen Volcanic National Park is 143 miles southwest and Vya, Nevada, is 22 miles straight east. All three areas have felt the swarm of earthquakes numbering in the thousands. Some Surprise Valley residents have felt the 112 magnitude-3 and twelve magnitude-4 quakes since they started in July 2014. In addition to increasing quakes, Surprise Valley has also had repeating loud rumbling sounds associated with many appearances of unidentified aerial lights. USGS, Stanford University and other university seismologists are now studying unusual and sudden hot springs temperature changes in November 2014.
 Aerial view of Cedarville, population 514, and Surprise Valley. The valley is famous for its many hot springs and some artesian wells. Image © 072508 by Bioflyer.
Aerial view of Cedarville, population 514, and Surprise Valley. The valley is famous for its many hot springs and some artesian wells. Image © 072508 by Bioflyer.

Return to Part 1.

November 20, 2014 Cedarville, California -  Since July 12, 2014, Cedarville has had hundreds of small quakes seeming to increase in magnitude recently, but all very shallow near the surface of the Earth. Eleven occurred today, November 20th, and two were in magnitude 3.0 range. All the persistent seismic swarms over the past four months provoked scientists from USGS and Stanford University, UC-Berkeley, UC-Davis and UN-Reno to visit Surprise Valley to take temperatures of the many hot springs that run the length of the valley near Cedarville. The results have been puzzling. Recently only in November, the same hot spring can measure 150 degrees Fahrenheit or hotter one day, but the next day measure much colder and then rise to a midpoint the next day and then soar back to 150 degrees F. or higher. So far, no one knows why the Surprise Valley hot springs are suddenly so changeable, but assume they are somehow related to the seismic swarms.


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Part 2: Why Do World Governments Conspire to Conceal UFOs and E.T.s?

“Holding secrets is power. Power corrupts. ...If we allow corruption to take hold, ... we allow a few to control us and our lives without our consent, and we allow a few to decide how we will interact with extraterrestrial life.”

- Robert Salas, USAF Captain (Ret.),
author of 2014 Unidentified and 2005 Faded Giants

Highly strange 3-foot-tall creature that U. S. Army Sergeant 1st Class Mark David Koch encountered on a Bavarian hill in  Hohenfels, Germany, where he was stationed at the Joint Multinational  Readiness Center. Like the Makasib, Iraq, huge triangular craft, Sgt. Koch  did not report this alien-looking creature to his military superiors in Germany either,  because talking about UFOs and ETs in the military can bring harsh repercussions.
Highly strange 3-foot-tall creature that U. S. Army Sergeant 1st Class Mark David Koch encountered on a Bavarian hill in Hohenfels, Germany, where he was stationed at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center. Like the Makasib, Iraq, huge triangular craft, Sgt. Koch did not report this alien-looking creature to his military superiors in Germany either, because talking about UFOs and ETs in the military can bring harsh repercussions.


Return to Part 1.

October 31, 2014  Baldwin City, Kansas and Ojai, California -  Seven years before the June 13, 2006, huge black triangle over Makasib, Iraq, U. S. Army Sergeant 1st Class Mark David Koch encountered something else so strange that he has nightmares about it. In October 1999, Mark was stationed at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels, Germany, 140 miles southeast of Nuremberg. He was in the same Army unit he had in Iraq — Charlie Company 2nd Combined Arms Battalion 137th Infantry Regiment.


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Part 1: Gigantic, Silent, Black Triangle Above U. S. Army Platoon in Baghdad — Same Day Pres. George W. Bush Made Surprise Visit.

“This big triangle was like an aircraft carrier suspended in the sky .”

- U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class David Mark Koch, Makasib, Iraq

 Eyewitness U. S. Army Sergeant 1st Class David Mark Koch (Ret.) estimated aerial triangle above Makasib, Iraq, was 1200 feet long and remained unmoving in the night sky for at least five minutes. Illustration © 2014 for by David Mark Koch.
Eyewitness U. S. Army Sergeant 1st Class David Mark Koch (Ret.) estimated aerial triangle above Makasib, Iraq, was 1200 feet long and remained unmoving in the night sky for at least five minutes. Illustration © 2014 for by David Mark Koch.

October 31, 2014 Baldwin City, Kansas - On June 13, 2006, U. S. Army Sergeant 1st Class David Mark Koch from Kansas was Charlie Company Platoon Leader in the 2nd Combined Arms Battalion 137th Infantry Regiment, working at the Radwaniyah Palace south of Baghdad. That grand palace belonged to Saddam Hussein until it was taken over by coalition forces during the March to April 2003 invasion of Iraq ordered by U. S. President George W. Bush.


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Ebola, Simpler Than HIV Retrovirus, But Can Kill More Rapidly

“Ebola is only a 7-gene (RNA) ‘infectious particle (filovirus),’ so streamlined it isn’t even a cell, isn’t even alive, can reduce a human body to a puddle, inner barriers dissolving into nothingness, within days. How does Ebola virus, so much simpler than influenza, simpler than HIV retrovirus, do it?”

- Ricki Lewis, Ph.D., Genetics Science Writer


Electronmicroscope image of Ebola filovirus.
Electronmicroscope image of Ebola filovirus.
Scanning electron micrograph of Ebola virus in body tissue. Photo NIAID.
Scanning electron micrograph of Ebola virus in body tissue. Photo NIAID.

October 30, 2014  Galveston, Texas - The 2014 Ebola outbreak is the biggest since the filovirus's first emergence in 1976 as a devastating infectious disease in Sudan and Zaire, Africa, 38 years ago.

The current good news is that seven Americans treated in U. S. hospitals with blood plasma transfusions from Ebola survivors and a few experimental drugs have recovered. One American doctor, Craig Spencer, remains in “serious but stable” condition at Bellevue Hospital Center in New York after a blood plasma transfusion from Ebola survivor Nancy Writebol. Dr. Spencer returned in mid-October symptom-free to New York City after treating Ebola patients in Guinea, West Africa. But on October 23rd, with a fever, he was admitted to Bellevue.


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Updated:  USAF Tech Sgt. (Ret.) John Burroughs Has Forced U. K. Ministry of Defence to Admit It Withheld At Least 18 Classified UFO Files

“I read the Condign report and in my FOIA to the MoD, I asked specific questions about Condign that said we were exposed to this phenomena in Rendlesham Forest.”

- USAF Tech Sgt. (Ret.) John Burroughs

Webster's Dictionary Unabridged.
Webster's Dictionary Unabridged.

“I wish to make it perfectly clear that the UFOs that I saw were structured
machines moving under intelligent control and operating beyond the realm of anything I have ever seen before or since. I believe the objects that I saw at close quarter were extraterrestrial in origin and that the security services of both the United States and England were and have been complicit in trying to subvert the significance of what occurred at Rendlesham by use of well-practiced methods of disinformation.”

- Col. Charles Halt (Ret.), June 25, 2009 press release


 Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt described a mysterious aerial light above  Rendlesham Forest that emitted several thin, white beams down to the ground, including one right in front of his own feet as he stood next to Staff Sergeant Monroe Nevels in the early morning hours of December 28, 1980. Illustration  by Jan Roth at used with permission.
Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt described a mysterious aerial light above Rendlesham Forest that emitted several thin, white beams down to the ground, including one right in front of his own feet as he stood next to Staff Sergeant Monroe Nevels in the early morning hours of December 28, 1980. Illustration by Jan Roth at used with permission.

Updated October 30, 2014  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Three and a half years ago, the British Ministry of Defence said it had transferred all of its UFO files to The National Archives. On March 3, 2011, the Archives released 35 files containing 8,500 pages of “UFO-related documents, drawings, letters and parliamentary questions covering the years 2000 to 2005.”


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Updated Part 2 – Majestic Twelve 1st Annual Report, 1952, About UFO and ET Retrievals Including Human Deaths from “Retro-virus.” Any relationship to Filovirus Ebola?

“The samples extracted from (alien) bodies found in New Mexico have
yielded new strains of a retro-virus not totally understood, but, give promise of the ultimate BW weapon. The danger lies in the spread of airborne and bloodborne outbreaks of diseases in large populations, with no medical cures available.”

- MJ-12 First Annual Report, 1952, Truman Administration


Return to "Horrible Secret.""

Updated  October 17, 2014  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Part 1 is an updated version of a 2004 Earthfiles about extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) having survival problems and the potential for alien viruses to infect humans with lethal results. The entire Majestic Twelve Project 1st Annual Report, 1952, is reprinted here as Parts 2 and 3 in its entirety as leaked in the 1990s. This gives viewers the whole President Harry Truman era MJ-12 insider's context for the "retro-virus" seizures and hemorrhaging deaths as described in Part 1, "Horrible Secret." Another mysterious hemorrhagic disease since its emergence in 1976 in Africa is Ebola, which is a filovirus. Both retroviruses and filoviruses involve RNA that manipulates DNA, but in different ways.


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Part 3 – Majestic Twelve 1st Annual Report, 1952, About UFO and ET Retrievals Including Human Deaths from “Retro-virus.” Any relationship to Filovirus Ebola?

“The MJ-12 Panel was concerned over the contaminationof several
SED personnel  upon coming in contact with debris near the (alien) power plant.”

- Paragraph 8., ANNEX A, MJ-12 1st Annual Report, 1952


Return to Updated Part 2.

October 17, 2014  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The continuing pages of the Majestic Twelve Project 1st Annual Report, 1952, referencing an alien virus that caused all four SED (Special Engineering Detachment) technicians from Los Alamos Laboratory that gathered up dead E.T. bodies near a 1947 Roswell UFO crash site to die of “seizures and profuse bleeding. All four were wearing protective suits when they came in contact with body fluids from the (alien) occupants.” See retyped Page 9 for clarity below.


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Part 2 – “Horrible Secret” in UFO Crash Retrievals Near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947?

Page 6, IPU Intelligence Assessment was dated September 4, 1960, by the authority of Lt. General John A. Samford, Director, National Security Agency, and approved by Allen Dulles, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and stamped TOP SECRET MAJIC ULTRA.
Page 6, IPU Intelligence Assessment was dated September 4, 1960, by the authority of Lt. General John A. Samford, Director, National Security Agency, and approved by Allen Dulles, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and stamped TOP SECRET MAJIC ULTRA.

March 17, 2004  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania -

Continued from Part 1

Dan Burisch, Ph.D., Microbiologist, working in Las Vegas, Nevada, while assigned to do biomedical work on alleged extraterrestrial biological entity at S-4, Area 51, Nellis AFB. Photograph by BJ Wolf.
Dan Burisch, Ph.D., Microbiologist, working in Las Vegas, Nevada, while assigned to do biomedical work on alleged extraterrestrial biological entity at S-4, Area 51, Nellis AFB. Photograph by BJ Wolf.

Dan Burisch, Ph.D., microbiologist, says he was recruited by American intelligence agents when he was a very gifted science student in high school in the early 1980s. He was born on February 2, 1964.


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Updated October 17, 2014 – “Horrible Secret” in UFO Crash Retrievals Near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947?

Page 6, IPU Intelligence Assessment was dated September 4, 1960, by the authority of Lt. General John A. Samford, Director, National Security Agency, and approved by Allen Dulles, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and stamped TOP SECRET MAJIC ULTRA.
Page 6, IPU Intelligence Assessment was dated September 4, 1960, by the authority of Lt. General John A. Samford, Director, National Security Agency, and approved by Allen Dulles, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and stamped TOP SECRET MAJIC ULTRA.
In Annex, Paragraphs 8-9 of the Majestic Twelve Project's 1st Annual Report (below), there are more details about the “seizures and profuse bleeding ... all four SED were wearing protective suits when they came in contact with body fluids from the (alien) occupants.” SED was an acronym beginning in October 1943 for the 9812th Special Engineer Detachment (SED) of the Manhattan Engineer District (MED) that were essentially “scientists in uniform.”
In Annex, Paragraphs 8-9 of the Majestic Twelve Project's 1st Annual Report (below), there are more details about the “seizures and profuse bleeding ... all four SED were wearing protective suits when they came in contact with body fluids from the (alien) occupants.” SED was an acronym beginning in October 1943 for the 9812th Special Engineer Detachment (SED) of the Manhattan Engineer District (MED) that were essentially “scientists in uniform.”

Updated "Horrible Secret"   (Continued from 2004 Part 1)


Dan Burisch, Ph.D., Microbiologist, working in Las Vegas, Nevada, while assigned to do biomedical work on alleged extraterrestrial biological entity at S-4, Area 51, Nellis AFB. Photograph by BJ Wolf.
Dan Burisch, Ph.D., Microbiologist, working in Las Vegas, Nevada, while assigned to do biomedical work on alleged extraterrestrial biological entity at S-4, Area 51, Nellis AFB. Photograph by BJ Wolf.

Dan Burisch, Ph.D., microbiologist, says he was recruited by American intelligence agents when he was a very gifted science student in high school in the early 1980s. He was born on February 2, 1964.


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