“Death Travelers” Confirm Consciousness Survives in Some, After Body Life Ends

“Consciousness endures after death. This was a shock to me,
I have to say, because I never believed that until I started talking to scientists and doctors about it and nurses. But I’m now forced to believe it.”

- Judy Bachrach, Author, Glimpsing Heaven © 2014

“Ascent of the Blessed” is one of four panels entitled “Visions of the Hereafter” produced after 1490 by Dutch artist Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516). Was Bosch depicting his own near death experience, or a vivid description by someone he knew?
“Ascent of the Blessed” is one of four panels entitled “Visions of the Hereafter” produced after 1490 by Dutch artist Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516). Was Bosch depicting his own near death experience, or a vivid description by someone he knew?

December 19, 2014 Washington, D. C. - Thirteen years ago in December 2001, the prestigious Lancet medical journal published results from a 10-year study entitled, “Near-death experience in survivors of cardiac arrest.” The lead investigator was Dutch cardiologist Dr. Pim van Lommel, who studied 344 patients that were “clinically dead” after serious heart attacks. During the times of death, 18% of them reported seeing a tunnel with a bright light at the end, encountering beings of light and relatives who had died, and in some cases being given a life review about what they had done right and what they had done wrong.


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Invisible, Mysterious Force Field Protecting Earth from “Killer Electrons”

“The high-energy particles run into some kind of a barrier
that we were not expecting. That barrier is remarkably stable.”

- Phillip Erickson, Ph.D., MIT Haystack Observatory

Scientists have discovered that high-energy electrons from the sun and cosmic rays are being cutoff around 7,200 miles from Earth, as if the  “killer electrons” traveling at 100,000 miles per second are slamming into an  invisible brick wall. Illustration © 2014 by Andy Kale, Univ. of Alberta, Canada.
Scientists have discovered that high-energy electrons from the sun and cosmic rays are being cutoff around 7,200 miles from Earth, as if the “killer electrons” traveling at 100,000 miles per second are slamming into an invisible brick wall. Illustration © 2014 by Andy Kale, Univ. of Alberta, Canada.

December 19, 2014  Westford, Massachusetts- In the November 27, 2014, issue of the science journal, Nature, NASA announced a surprising discovery hidden inside the two Van Allen radiation belts. The huge irony is that the Van Allen belts that range from 600 to 25,000 miles above the Earth, and were discovered in 1958 by physicist James Van Allen, are full of highly energetic particles of solar radiation and cosmic rays. The dangerous “killer electrons” in the Van Allen belts travel faster than 100,000 miles per second and would seriously damage satellites or humans trapped in those belts. And yet at 7,200 miles up, scientists have found an invisible, impenetrable barrier that is keeping the killer electrons from getting to the Earth's surface. And so far, no one understands exactly how the “invisible brick wall” protecting Earth got there.


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Human Consciousness Can Recycle In and Out of Matter Containers

“When one realizes that reincarnation is part of the fabric of this
underlying reality  – that it's Soul School – and of this journey that we’re
all on together, then life makes much more sense.”

- Eben Alexander, M. D., Neurosurgeon and Author,
Proof of Heaven © 2013 and The Map of Heaven © 2014

The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion, and Ordinary People Are Proving the Afterlife  © 2014 by Eben Alexander, M. D., Neurosurgeon.
The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion, and Ordinary People Are Proving the Afterlife © 2014 by Eben Alexander, M. D., Neurosurgeon.

December 19, 2014  Lynchburg, Virginia - Fifty-eight years ago, Eben Alexander was born in Charlotte, North Carolina - and then put up for adoption as a newly born infant. The family that adopted and named him encouraged his passions for learning and eventually for skydiving in college. Eben graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1976 with a major in chemistry. Then four years later in 1980, he graduated with an M. D. degree from Duke University Medical School. Afterward, he continued with a fellowship in cerebrovascular neurosurgery in the United Kingdom's Newcastle-Upon-Tyne in northern England.


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Could Earth’s Magnetic Poles Flip This Century?

The last (pole) snap between reversed and normal (today) polarity  happened between two (ancient ash) samples that are only two centimeters apart.  That has to correspond to 100 years or less.”

- Paul Renne, Ph.D., Director, Berkeley Geochronology Center, UC-Berkeley

 Above are supercomputer models of Earth's magnetic field. On the left is a normal dipolar  magnetic field. On the right is the sort of complicated magnetic field Earth would have leading up to a pole reversal. The Earth's dipole magnetic field, akin to a bar magnet, remains about the same intensity for thousands to millions of years. Then for unknown reasons, it can  weaken and reverse polarity. In the first half of 2014, data indicates that the Earth's magnetic field is decreasing 10 times faster than normal. Illustration by NASA.
Above are supercomputer models of Earth's magnetic field. On the left is a normal dipolar magnetic field. On the right is the sort of complicated magnetic field Earth would have leading up to a pole reversal. The Earth's dipole magnetic field, akin to a bar magnet, remains about the same intensity for thousands to millions of years. Then for unknown reasons, it can weaken and reverse polarity. In the first half of 2014, data indicates that the Earth's magnetic field is decreasing 10 times faster than normal. Illustration by NASA.
Earth's magnetic poles are actually pretty far from its geographic poles. In 2005,  the North Magnetic Pole (NMP) was about 810 km (503 miles) from the Geographic North Pole (GNP). The NMP was in the Arctic Ocean north of Canada. The South Magnetic Pole (SMP) was about 2,826 km (1,756 miles) from the Geographic South Pole. The SMP was off the coast of Antarctica in the direction of Australia. Approximate 2014 North Magnetic Pole Coordinates: 75.7667° N, 99.7833° W Approximate 2014 South Magnetic Pole Coordinates: 107.79°E, 80.08°S
Earth's magnetic poles are actually pretty far from its geographic poles. In 2005, the North Magnetic Pole (NMP) was about 810 km (503 miles) from the Geographic North Pole (GNP). The NMP was in the Arctic Ocean north of Canada. The South Magnetic Pole (SMP) was about 2,826 km (1,756 miles) from the Geographic South Pole. The SMP was off the coast of Antarctica in the direction of Australia. Approximate 2014 North Magnetic Pole Coordinates: 75.7667° N, 99.7833° W Approximate 2014 South Magnetic Pole Coordinates: 107.79°E, 80.08°S

December 18, 2014  Berkeley, California - 786,000 years ago, iron atoms in Earth's liquid outer core began switching their orientation in opposition to the existing Earth magnetic field. What causes iron atoms to act like tiny magnets that revolt against the planetary magnetic field is not understood. But when it happens in increasing numbers, patches of reverse-aligned iron atoms keep growing until they dominate the rest of the Earth's liquid outer core — and the planet's magnetic field flips. That means what was the north magnetic pole becomes the south magnetic pole and what was the south becomes the north. According to ancient sedimentary rock, volcanic ash and sea floor core research, there have been 184 polarity changes in the last 83 million years. Recent ground research indicates that in the century before the last pole flip, the Earth's magnetic field weakened and strengthened and weakened and strengthened several times before locking into the current north and south magnetic poles.


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Part 2: The Strange Case of A Skin Mystery and Neodymium Magnet

“As we cut through the implant in layers only a few microns thick,
or finer than a single strand of hair, the blade became damaged once it
passed through the initial layers of skin. It hit something hard
enough to damage the blade multiple times.”

- Sid Goldberg, Toronto TV Director and Investigator


Return to Part 1.

December 15, 2014  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Continuing with surgical removal by professional cosmetic surgeon of mysterious object underneath right arm skin of Natalie from Michigan that attracted a neodymium magnet shown in Part 1. All images are from videotape of entire procedure by Sid Goldberg, Toronto TV director and investigator.


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Part 1: The Strange Case of A Skin Mystery and Neodymium Magnet

“I was in grade school then and I’m in a deep sleep.
Something wakes me up. There was a flash of white light.
And I was a little frightened. I had a shooting pain in my right arm.”

- Natalie from Michigan.


December 13, 2014  Albuquerque, New Mexico - In the first week of June 2014, I was in Canada to speak for the 2014 Modern Knowledge Tour at the Toronto Space Center. One of my workshops focused on an emerging taxonomy of non-human entities interacting with Earth as described by government and military whistle-blowers and people affected by the human abduction syndrome. For at least half a century since World War II, men, women and children from all over this planet have described encounters with beams of light and entities that transport people to brightly glowing, round rooms where often the human becomes conscious of lying on a table with variously shaped beings, short or tall, conducting medical-like procedures that can include the implantation of a tiny monitoring technology under the skin or inside tissue.

My friend, research colleague and Toronto TV director, Sid Goldberg, attended the conference and introduced me to a mother and daughter, who attended to find help about what to do with a hard object beneath the daughter Natalie's upper right arm skin, a hard object that had bothered her since she was nine or ten years old in 1989 or 1990.


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Update: Mystery Cracks Near Cedarville, California

“Talked to a Surprise Valley resident today who has been feeling some of the quakes. She said it felt like her home was speeding down a very washboardy road on one; and another just a hard jolt or two.”

- Jean Bilodeaux, Modoc County Record writer-reporter, Nov. 29, 2014

“The thousands of earthquakes in the last several months is the strongest
of the swarm-type sequences recorded in Nevada in recent history”
(east of Surprise Valley, CA).

- University of Nevada Seismological Laboratory

Cedarville (red pointer), population 514, is in Surprise Valley of Modoc County, California. The green valley has hot springs and artesian wells. Lassen Volcanic National Park is 143 miles southwest and Vya, Nevada, is 22 miles straight east. All three areas have felt the swarm of earthquakes numbering in the thousands. Some Surprise Valley residents have felt the 112 magnitude-3 and twelve magnitude-4 quakes since they started in July 2014. In addition to increasing quakes, Surprise Valley has also had repeating loud rumbling sounds associated with many appearances of unidentified aerial lights. USGS, Stanford University and other university seismologists are now studying unusual and sudden hot springs temperature changes in November 2014. 
Cedarville (red pointer), population 514, is in Surprise Valley of Modoc County, California. The green valley has hot springs and artesian wells. Lassen Volcanic National Park is 143 miles southwest and Vya, Nevada, is 22 miles straight east. All three areas have felt the swarm of earthquakes numbering in the thousands. Some Surprise Valley residents have felt the 112 magnitude-3 and twelve magnitude-4 quakes since they started in July 2014. In addition to increasing quakes, Surprise Valley has also had repeating loud rumbling sounds associated with many appearances of unidentified aerial lights. USGS, Stanford University and other university seismologists are now studying unusual and sudden hot springs temperature changes in November 2014.

December 1, 2014  Cedarville, California - Twenty-two miles west of Vya, Nevada, is Surprise Valley, California, where residents in Cedarville have been reporting strange unidentified lights the past year that have appeared before and after ominous rumbling sounds that some people think are coming from the sky, while others sense are coming from underground. Since mid-July 2014, there has been an ongoing seismic swarm of thousands of small magnitude quakes effecting Surprise Valley, the Vya region of northwestern Nevada and south central Oregon across the border from where California and Nevada borders meet.


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Are Cows Being Implanted Like Human Abductees? Or Are Excision Technologies Self-Activating, Miniature Heat Devices?

“Whatever is causing the metal detector to beep is on the move under
the cow's hide. It came up into the ear and down in the ear canal.
I can see what looks like a bioluminous glow."

- Ken Storch, retired policeman and independent animal mutilation
investigator, Locust Grove, Oklahoma


Norwood, Missouri (Google pointer) is 190 miles southwest of St. Louis, Missouri. Norwood is a small rural town of about 660 people in south central Missouri.
Norwood, Missouri (Google pointer) is 190 miles southwest of St. Louis, Missouri. Norwood is a small rural town of about 660 people in south central Missouri.
Norwood, Missouri, is 235 miles northeast of Locust Grove, Oklahoma.
Norwood, Missouri, is 235 miles northeast of Locust Grove, Oklahoma.

November 30, 2014 Locust Grove, Oklahoma - In late October 2014, I received a phone call from a small campground owner in Locust Grove, Oklahoma, east of Tulsa. He said he had a cow ear preserved in his freezer from two years ago on February 9, 2012. He also said that he had seen with his own eyes a blue-green glow inside that cow’s ear after he used a metal detector over her bloodlessly mutilated body on a ranch in Norwood, Missouri, east of Springfield.


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51st Anniversary of JFK’s Assassination is November 22, 2014: Author Jim Marrs Says “Oswald Was A CIA Patsy”

“As you must know LANCER [JFK] has made some inquiries
regarding our activities which we cannot allow.”

- This quote from the scorched page below was allegedly written by either Allen W. Dulles, Director of Central Intelligence (MJ-1) for the CIA from 1953 to 1961; or by CIA Director John McCone from 1961 to 1965 and was CIA Director when  President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963.

1st page of a 9-page memo allegedly written in 1961-1963 time period.  Leaker said he worked 1960 -1974 in CIA counterintelligence for James Jesus Angleton, Director, CIA Counterintelligence from 1954 -1974. After Angleton died in 1987, leaker said he pulled nine pages from a fire of Angleton's most sensitive  MJ-12 secret files. All burned images provided by Robert Wood, Ph.D, Majestic Documents.com and retired from McDonnell Douglas Corp. See 5-part 2011 Earthfiles report with all memo pages at the end of this November 22, 2014, report.
1st page of a 9-page memo allegedly written in 1961-1963 time period. Leaker said he worked 1960 -1974 in CIA counterintelligence for James Jesus Angleton, Director, CIA Counterintelligence from 1954 -1974. After Angleton died in 1987, leaker said he pulled nine pages from a fire of Angleton's most sensitive MJ-12 secret files. All burned images provided by Robert Wood, Ph.D, Majestic Documents.com and retired from McDonnell Douglas Corp. See 5-part 2011 Earthfiles report with all memo pages at the end of this November 22, 2014, report.
The 16-foot-diameter granite CIA seal in the lobby of the original headquarters building. The official seal of the Central Intelligence Agency approved on February 17, 1950, in President Harry Truman's Executive Order 10111. The CIA came into being on September 18, 1947, when Truman signed the National Security Act two and a half months after the recovery of at least three wedge-shaped craft and non-human bodies from three different sites in the region of Roswell, New Mexico. The majority of the provisions of the Act took effect on September 18, 1947, the day after the Senate confirmed James Forrestal as the first  Secretary of Defense. A year and a half later on May 22, 1949, Forrestal was found dead at Bethesda Naval Medical Center where he had been treated for severe mental depression. Were the stresses of trying to cope with an extraterrestrial presence while carrying out strict policies of denial about the ETs the true cause of Forrestal's mental deterioration and suicide or murder?
The 16-foot-diameter granite CIA seal in the lobby of the original headquarters building. The official seal of the Central Intelligence Agency approved on February 17, 1950, in President Harry Truman's Executive Order 10111. The CIA came into being on September 18, 1947, when Truman signed the National Security Act two and a half months after the recovery of at least three wedge-shaped craft and non-human bodies from three different sites in the region of Roswell, New Mexico. The majority of the provisions of the Act took effect on September 18, 1947, the day after the Senate confirmed James Forrestal as the first Secretary of Defense. A year and a half later on May 22, 1949, Forrestal was found dead at Bethesda Naval Medical Center where he had been treated for severe mental depression. Were the stresses of trying to cope with an extraterrestrial presence while carrying out strict policies of denial about the ETs the true cause of Forrestal's mental deterioration and suicide or murder?


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