Part 2: Western Pennsylvania Is Haunted by Eerie Creatures.

“Big cat now appeared to be physically growing in size to that of about a black panther, and he could see it had glowing yellow eyes. And he said this black panther suddenly vanished into thin air and disappeared.”

- Stan Gordon, UFO Anomalies Zone website
in Greensburg, Pennsylvania

Like Sasquatch that disappear in a flash of light, large black cats and winged humanoids in western Pennsylvania disappear without leaving evidence similar to the Whitby coast in North Yorkshire, U. K., that has a long history of large, black cats that seem to appear and disappear. Image © 2012 by Whitby Gazette.
Like Sasquatch that disappear in a flash of light, large black cats and winged humanoids in western Pennsylvania disappear without leaving evidence similar to the Whitby coast in North Yorkshire, U. K., that has a long history of large, black cats that seem to appear and disappear. Image © 2012 by Whitby Gazette.


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Part 1: Sasquatch That Can’t Be Killed with Bullets and Disappear in A Flash of Light.

“Until he passed away, the farmer's son told me that he'd never forget how that large 8-foot-tall Bigfoot creature with those glowing green eyes kept looking back and staring at him as he's firing live ammo into it. And he said there was no evidence that it was injured in any way!

- Stan Gordon, UFO Anomalies Zone website


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Part 3 – Secret History of CIA, NSA and DIA Investigations into Extrasensory Perception

— “What was also remarkable about Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14 astronaut and founder of the Noetic Institute) was that he was one of the first fronts for the CIA.”

- Annie Jacobsen, author of  “PHENOMENA: The Secret History of the U. S. Government's Investigations into Extrasensory Perception (ESP) and Psychokinesis (PK).”


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Part 2 – Secret History of CIA, NSA and DIA Investigations into Extrasensory Perception

“The discovery of the energy underlying telepathic communications
will be the equivalent to the discovery of atomic energy.”

- Leonid Leonidovich Vasiliev, Ph.D., Prof. of Physiology,
Leningrad University, USSR, and author Experiments in Mental Suggestion


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Part 1 – Secret History of CIA, NSA and DIA Investigations into Extrasensory Perception

“UAPs, UFOs — which your listeners are entirely familiar with and
educated on, far more so than this reporter — those two subjects came
up often in my research in everything from declassified documents
that were with CIA and DoD.”

- Annie Jacobsen, author, PHENOMENA © 2017


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Part 2: Fiery UFO Seen by Two Army M.P.s At Fort Baker Near San Francisco

“The yellow-orange-white bright light came down from high in the sky
to the bottom of a 100-foot-high cliff at Ft. Baker — no explosion or fire —
but three 'people' suddenly appeared at the top of the cliff!”

- U. S. Army Specialist 4/ Military Policeman, Fort Baker, California


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Part 1: Reptilian Water Creature Seen by Two Army Military Police At Ft. Baker Near San Francisco

“It looked like the Creature from the Black Lagoon.”

- U. S. Army Specialist 4/ Military Policeman, Fort Baker, California

Frame from 1954 Hollywood film "Creature from the Black Lagoon."
Frame from 1954 Hollywood film "Creature from the Black Lagoon."


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Simulated Universe and New Age of Human Transition to Cyborgs?

“In the future, our 'cyborg' descendants may look back on us with pity —
how sad it was that there was that phase during which this wondrous thing called consciousness and life were housed in such a delicate constraint.”

- Brian Greene, Ph.D., Prof. of Physics,
Columbia University, NYC


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