Part 9:  Maze of Deception

“In effort to establish contact with non-human entities,
every avenue is being explored.” - The Writers

Drawing by Aleister Crowley of “Lam, an extraterrestrial” after alleged 1919 contact, as reprinted in The Magical Revival © 1991 by Kenneth Grant.
Drawing by Aleister Crowley of “Lam, an extraterrestrial” after alleged 1919 contact, as reprinted in The Magical Revival © 1991 by Kenneth Grant.

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May 13, 2015  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Continuing Ray Boeche's January 24, 1992, notes from first meeting with the Writers in Nebraska.

Ray Boeche: Enfoldment Technology - produces research on the use of various waves to influence physical health and behavior.

The human brain operates as a receptor for portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. EM energy, when modulated, can act as a stimulus at some point in the sensory systems. This provides a physiological basis for the degradation of behavior and for emotional and physical changes.


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Guardian Angel, or “Third Man” Phenomenon

“We are alone in situations where we are beyond
the ability to help ourselves. And yet, somehow help is found —
like there is a hand that reaches down at that moment.”

- John Geiger, Author, The Third Man Factor and The Angel Effect


May 3, 2015 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada - The term “Third Man” came from the great American poet T. S. Eliot writing about the December 1914 to May 1916 “Imperial Transantarctic Expedition” to Antarctica by explorer Ernest Shackleton and colleagues. By May 20, 1916, in a struggle to keep himself and his men alive, Shackleton and two of his team walked for 36 hours in life-threatening cold and ice to reach the whaling station, Stromness, on the north coast of South Georgia. The only equipment they had was a rope and an axe. Miraculously, all three survived what many explorers before and since think was a nearly impossible feat. What no one knew at the time is what the three men described as a powerful help they had from a mysterious presence that stayed with them through those 36 hours.


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Roswell UFO Metal? At Lockheed Martin

“He said the strange metal wasn’t from here because nothing
we have on this planet could do that. I think he came to the conclusion
that the piece of material came out of Roswell and they were still trying
to figure out what its content was, what it was made of.”

- Tim Durham about his father Joe Durham, engineer,
Lockheed Martin Sunnyvale, 1970s


Front page of the Roswell Daily Record, July 8, 1947, printed the day that Roswell Army Air Field 509th Bomb Group Commander Colonel William Blanchard issued a press  release about a crashed “flying disk” retrieved by the RAAF.
Front page of the Roswell Daily Record, July 8, 1947, printed the day that Roswell Army Air Field 509th Bomb Group Commander Colonel William Blanchard issued a press release about a crashed “flying disk” retrieved by the RAAF.

May 1, 2015 Squaw Valley, California - On the morning of July 3, 1947, Corona, New Mexico, ranch manager William “Mac” Brazel discovered strange pieces of thin, silverish metal where something odd had crashed down in one of his sheep pastures 75 miles northwest of Roswell. The next day on July 4th, Mac Brazel made a trip to see Chaves County Sheriff George Wilcox to tell him about the strange crash debris he had found. Sheriff Wilcox notified Roswell Army Air Field, the home of the 509th Bomb Group commanded by Colonel William Blanchard. On the morning of Tuesday, July 8, 1947, Col. Blanchard issued a press release that said a crashed “flying disk” had been recovered. That startling news was transmitted that same day over the wire services to over thirty U. S. afternoon newspapers.


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Imitation “Jets”?

–“After around three minutes, the (triangle) craft came into sight.
It seemed incredibly large and astonishingly low in the sky with
three red lights that were easily noticeable ... and deep and very loud droning.”

- Cannock Chase, England, resident to Birmingham Mail, March 24, 2015

–“The delta-shaped aerial craft had no after burner, was flying at my
rooftop and the sound seemed to be 'broadcast' from it rather than from the engine.”

- “John Smith,” retired DoD Administrator, describing third
appearance of imitation "jet" flying in daytime low over his South Kingstown, Rhode Island, house on Monday, January 27, 2011

Left: Making an abnormal, deep, bass roar "like pretending to be an F-15 or F-14-type jet," (F-14 on right) a long triangular aircraft with two red, circular lights on its base and moving parallel with a ball of white light, flew low over the South Kingstown, Rhode Island, house of a retired Dept. of Defense administrator on January 24, 201l. On March 24, 2015, at 9 PM local time, a similar confusion about a large, unidentified aerial object was reported by hundreds of Cannock Chase residents a few miles north of Birmingham, England. People said the huge triangle was flying low and slowly at rooftop levels with a "deep and very loud droning." Is Something imitating terrestrial jets in Earth skies? Illustration for Earthfiles by retired DoD administrator. F-14 image by U. S. Navy.
Left: Making an abnormal, deep, bass roar "like pretending to be an F-15 or F-14-type jet," (F-14 on right) a long triangular aircraft with two red, circular lights on its base and moving parallel with a ball of white light, flew low over the South Kingstown, Rhode Island, house of a retired Dept. of Defense administrator on January 24, 201l. On March 24, 2015, at 9 PM local time, a similar confusion about a large, unidentified aerial object was reported by hundreds of Cannock Chase residents a few miles north of Birmingham, England. People said the huge triangle was flying low and slowly at rooftop levels with a "deep and very loud droning." Is Something imitating terrestrial jets in Earth skies? Illustration for Earthfiles by retired DoD administrator. F-14 image by U. S. Navy.


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Part 7:  Maze of Deception

“...Man is created from the blood of a revolting god, Quingu,
in order to toil on behalf of the gods.”

- Babylonian Enuma Elish, Epic of Creation

Primeval man is created by the god Ea from the blood of the warrior Quingu. Mankind was created to bear the burden of the gods. Babylonians thought of humans as the slaves of the gods, put on this Earth for one reason — to serve those gods.


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April 24, 2015  Albuquerque, New Mexico - To recap the timeline of communication with the Writers, their first floppy disc to me was dated June 21, 1994, contained three pages and is the subject of Part 1 in this Real X-Files series, now updated with an electronic scan of the original June 21, 1994, disc print out, which includes an important book and authors list given by the Writers as context for their NHE (non-human entities) discussion.


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Part 5:  Maze of Deception

“There is a predestination doctrine known as the Two Spirit Theology,
in which one's soul is said to be fated for all eternity, blessed or cursed
as the result of a kind of angelic wrestling match between two of the
‘Watcher’ spirits: ... a Good Angel and an Evil Angel, who struggle for
possession of your soul ...”

- David Flusser, Israeli Biblical scholar commenting on the Dead Sea Scrolls

“The grey Watchers are our remote imaging surrogates
connected to the tall Elders with bio-electric mind projections.”\

- Tall Elder to Betty Andreasson Luca, Abductee


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April 20, 2015  Albuquerque, New Mexico - After my November 3, 1994, correspondence to The Writers — that included the alleged hybrid photo and CIA/State Department document — Ray Boeche and I talked by phone about my possibly traveling to meet The Writers for a face-to-face discussion around Thanksgiving 1994. But the Writers decided it was too dangerous. Throughout 1995, there were no more discs from them.


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Part 4: Maze of Deception

“Attached is alleged official U. S. government/CIA document
with photograph of hybrid taken from a crashed disk, perhaps as early as 1947.”

- Attachment for The Writers

Alleged TOP SECRET Central Intelligence Agency document about human and E.T. hybrid retrieved from crashed disk, perhaps as early as 1947, stamped by Dept. of State September 23, 1949.
Alleged TOP SECRET Central Intelligence Agency document about human and E.T. hybrid retrieved from crashed disk, perhaps as early as 1947, stamped by Dept. of State September 23, 1949.

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April 18, 2015 Albuquerque, New Mexico - On November 3, 1994, I sent my second reply to the Writers. Content in Real X-Files at is presented for consideration in a wide range of phenomena and interpretations, not as proven fact.


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