Mysterious Unidentified Light Beams and Light Flashes

— “Coming up from what I think would be the (Pacific) ocean was a
huge beam of light. ... The beam was beam with a stripe in it.”

- Resident, Marin County, California, August 16, 2015

— “The light beams came in threes one right after another.
They looked like search lights, but it kind of looked like they
were coming up from the ground also?”

- Anonymous, August 19, 2015

— “The color was more like that of daylight than a lightening flash
... just a single bright flash and there was no sound.”

- Resident, Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania, August 13, 2015

Strange "striped" beam of light seen from Marin County, California, at 4 AM Pacific, on early Sunday morning, August 16, 2015. Sketch by Kentfield, California, resident.
Strange "striped" beam of light seen from Marin County, California, at 4 AM Pacific, on early Sunday morning, August 16, 2015. Sketch by Kentfield, California, resident.

August 19, 2015 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Recently in August 2015, in addition to the mysterious phenomenon of a Port Townsend, Washington, night sky flaring with sudden, silent and colorful explosion-like light (see 081415Earthfiles), there have also been light beam reports from ground to sky that last only a few seconds and are also without sound. The following are recent eyewitness descriptions to We would like to hear from other eyewitnesses to such mysterious beams that are seen with the human eye and not associated with thunderstorms. The following beam and bright light flashes all occurred in clear night skies without weather.


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Mysterious, Silent Explosion in the Sky Over Port Townsend, Washington

“Red, yellow and orange kept expanding in the night sky just like flames
as if you were looking into a blast furnace. Nothing I've ever seen in my life and I've seen a surface-to-air missile impact. But no sound!”

- Daniel C. Scheall, Sr., Former USAF Survival Tech
and Financial Consultant, Port Townsend, WA, August 2, 2015

“A huge flash lit up the early evening darkness ... an orange light with yellow and white in the middle engulfs the entire sky ... strangely no sound was picked up.”

- The Siberian Times, November 18, 2014

August 14, 2015 Port Townsend, Washington - Port Townsend is a small town of about 10,000 people on the Olympic Peninsula and the strait of Juan de Fuca that comes from the Pacific Ocean. As far back as 1792, settlers recognized the value of the protected natural harbor and it became a busy port city.

Center of downtown Port Townsend seen from Port Townsend Bay.
Center of downtown Port Townsend seen from Port Townsend Bay.

Port Townsend is 25 miles northwest of the Naval Air Station on Whidbey Island that was commissioned officially as U. S. Naval Air Station Whidbey Island on September 21, 1942, followed by the creation of Ault Field where the earliest squadrons of aircraft were F4F Wildcats during World War II. Wikipedia reports that "today, there are seventeen active duty squadrons and three Ready Reserve squadrons based at NAS Whidbey Island. The base continues its longstanding role as a center of activity for Naval Air Reserve operations and training in the region that includes over 50 tenant commands."


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New Data-Generated Images of Ceres Bright Spots and Pyramid Mountain

“Scientists have not yet determined what it is about the composition
or structure of the bright spots that is responsible for their extreme brightness. ...To discover their real nature, we need to get more data from lower altitudes.”

- Marc Rayman, Ph.D., Director, Dawn mission orbiting Ceres


The intriguing bright spots on Ceres lie in a crater named Occator, which is about 60 miles (90 kilometers) across and 2 miles (4 kilometers) deep. This image comes from recent NASA animation generated from Dawn spacecraft data in which the vertical relief has been exaggerated by a factor of 5 to better highlight topography and subtle features. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA/LPI
The intriguing bright spots on Ceres lie in a crater named Occator, which is about 60 miles (90 kilometers) across and 2 miles (4 kilometers) deep. This image comes from recent NASA animation generated from Dawn spacecraft data in which the vertical relief has been exaggerated by a factor of 5 to better highlight topography and subtle features. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA/LPI

August 9, 2015 Pasadena, California - NASA/JPL's DAWN spacecraft team now calls the Ceres crater of mysterious bright spots Occator (oh-KAH-tor), one of twelve “assistant gods” to Ceres of Greek lore. Occator is the one that harrows the ground with heavy metal breaking up dirt clods, removing weeds and covering seeds.

In an August 6, 2015, newly released NASA/JPL video produced from DAWN spacecraft's data, Marc Rayman, Dawn Mission Director, asks,“How can you not be mesmerized by those glowing spots?" (See 080615 NASA video below).


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Big Red-Blue Light Near RAF Bentwaters Weapons Storage Area and UFOs Tracked On Radar Into Rendlesham Forest

July 11, 2015 - “I have confirmation that (Bentwaters radar operators)... saw the object go across their 60 mile (96km) radar scope in two or three seconds, thousands of miles an hour — (object) came back across their scope again, stopped near the water tower, they watched it and observed it go into the forest where we were. At Wattisham, they picked up what they called a 'bogie' and lost it near Rendlesham Forest.
Whatever was there was clearly under intelligent control.”

- Col. Charles Halt (Ret.), former Deputy Base Commander,
RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge, England, speaking in
Woodbridge Community Hall

Dec. 28, 1980 - “It just sat there. That blue-red, big, object didn’t go anywhere. It just sat in one spot. I think you could have put a crosshair on it and that big light never would have moved.”

- Rick Bobo, Former USAF Sgt. and Delta Security Flight Chief,
RAF Bentwaters WSA (nuclear tactical weapons)

Dec. 27, 1980 - “If you took three handfuls of colored fire and put them
together and you saw one color and then saw another color and
saw another color, you would get the feeling that it’s not blinking,
but that it was turning.”

- Former RAF Bentwaters Airman Lori Buoen

Fiery, orange-red sphere that former Airman Lori Buoen, D Flight law enforcement, RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge, reported after midnight to her Flight Chief  Master Sgt. Glen Whitehead, on December 27, 1980, after Lori watched the unidentified light move slowly down into Rendlesham Forest. Illustration © 2010 by Lori Buoen.
Fiery, orange-red sphere that former Airman Lori Buoen, D Flight law enforcement, RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge, reported after midnight to her Flight Chief  Master Sgt. Glen Whitehead, on December 27, 1980, after Lori watched the unidentified light move slowly down into Rendlesham Forest. Illustration © 2010 by Lori Buoen.


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Is Cascadia Subduction Zone Most Dangerous in North America? Could A Juan de Fuca Cascadia Earthquake “Destroy A Sizable Portion of the Coastal Northwest?”

“When the next full-margin rupture happens (of the Cascadia
Subduction Zone), that region will suffer the worst natural disaster
in the history of North America. The area of impact will cover some
140,000 square miles, including Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Eugene
and Salem, Oregon, and Olympia, Washington.”

- The New Yorker, July 20, 2015, “The Really Big One”

The 90,000 square mile Juan de Fuca Plate is sliding under the bigger North American Plate a few millimeters a year. Where the two plates meet is called the Cascadia Subduction Zone (black line with spikes) that extends from Vancouver south down the coast of Washington, Oregon and northern California. Seismic estimates are that every 250 to 500 years, the plates "unstick" or break their overlap in earthquakes that can range between magnitude 8 and 9. The last big one was 1700. Map by USGS.
The 90,000 square mile Juan de Fuca Plate is sliding under the bigger North American Plate a few millimeters a year. Where the two plates meet is called the Cascadia Subduction Zone (black line with spikes) that extends from Vancouver south down the coast of Washington, Oregon and northern California. Seismic estimates are that every 250 to 500 years, the plates "unstick" or break their overlap in earthquakes that can range between magnitude 8 and 9. The last big one was 1700. Map by USGS.

August 6, 2015 Seattle, Washington - In the July 20, 2015, issue of The New Yorker was an article that was picked up by the 6 o'clock news throughout North America. The title was, “The Really Big One: An earthquake will destroy a sizable portion of the coastal Northwest. The question is when?”


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Part 18:  Maze of Deception – Epilogue: Abductees Speak

“Many races of extraterrestrials have, over time, lost their reproductive
abilities, and now rely almost exclusively on the creation of new
beings by cloning them from the existing population.”

- “Chisky,” alleged human/E.T. hybrid geneticist working
in hybridization program underground near Area 51, Nevada.

“Are we humans pawns in a cosmic chess game
between the cosmic forces of light and darkness?”

- Ray Boeche, Th.D., Theologian, Paranormal
Researcher and Protestant Church Pastor

Return to Part 1.

August 3, 2015   Albuquerque, New Mexico - The maze of deception is a multi-level chess game played on Earth by alien intelligences — past, present and future — that appear in varying types ranging from grey-skinned beings with large black eyes to praying mantis insects to standing up alligators to tall, pale humanoids with pale blue or deep gold eyes and blond hair, grey-white hair, red hair, black hair, no hair. The chess pieces range from DNA-manipulated Homo sapiens sapiens to genetically manipulated human-E. T. hybrids, androids and clones all controlled by superior Prime Intelligences that allegedly can move in and out of this dimension and timeline.


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Part 2: JFK Wanted to Know What the Truman-Appointed Majestic-12 Knew About E. T.s.

“As you must know LANCER [JFK] has made some inquiries
regarding our activities which we cannot allow.”

- Director of Central Intelligence (MJ-1)

“I would presume that the scenario involved is that MJ-1
is dictating this burned memo to a secretary. He, MJ-1, does not want the
secretary to know that he is saying, ‘We ought to kill JFK.’”

- Robert Wood, Ph.D., Physicist and Retired Aerospace Manager

“Caddy felt it was important for humanity and for our future
to know the alien presence is real and it was the reason for JFK's assassination.”

- Daniel Liszt, Host and Producer, Dark Journalist

War Department Operations Manual SOM1-01 by Majestic-12 Group, April 1954.
War Department Operations Manual SOM1-01 by Majestic-12 Group, April 1954.

Return to Part 1.

July 31, 2015   Houston, Texas - Seven years ago in August 2008, I did not know that by 2015, an historic Watergate break-in figure such as attorney Douglas Caddy would share his last conversation with the CIA’s E. Howard Hunt when Hunt said that JFK was assassinated because he was trying to penetrate the MJ-12 and CIA control over information about “the alien presence.”


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Population Control: How Corporate Owners Are Killing Us with NYT Best-Selling Author Jim Marrs.

“The globalists elite are like parasites. They feed off the population
all the while soothing us, even as they plot our extermination.”

- Jim Marrs, NYT best-selling author, from his latest 2015 book,
Population Control: How Corporate Owners Are Killing Us

Population Control: How Corporate Owners Are Killing Us © 2015 by Jim Marrs, from book jacket.
Population Control: How Corporate Owners Are Killing Us © 2015 by Jim Marrs, from book jacket.

July 31, 2015   Springtown, Texas - A year ago in January 2014 at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Oxfam International, that fights poverty in 94 countries, held a press conference to criticize the huge gap between the rich-power-elite versus half the world's poor. Only 85 individuals on planet Earth have wealth equivalent to the three and a half billion poorest on this planet. The Oxfam spokesperson told reporters, “This massive concentration of economic resources in the hands of fewer people presents a significant threat to inclusive political and economic systems. People are increasingly separated by economic and political power, inevitably heightening social tensions and increasing the risk of societal breakdown.”


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Part 1: Watergate Break-In Retired Attorney Douglas Caddy with JFK Assassination Secret from CIA “Super Spy” E. Howard Hunt.

President John F. Kennedy's November 12, 1963, memorandum for The Director (name blacked out, DCI in Nov. 1963 was John McCone), Central Intelligence Agency on the "SUBJECT: Classification review of all UFO intelligence files affecting National Security." JFK was assassinated ten days later in Dallas, Texas. It is assumed that Allen W. Dulles, Director of the CIA until November 1961, replaced by John McCone, continued on in his other more powerful position as MJ-1.
President John F. Kennedy's November 12, 1963, memorandum for The Director (name blacked out, DCI in Nov. 1963 was John McCone), Central Intelligence Agency on the "SUBJECT: Classification review of all UFO intelligence files affecting National Security." JFK was assassinated ten days later in Dallas, Texas. It is assumed that Allen W. Dulles, Director of the CIA until November 1961, replaced by John McCone, continued on in his other more powerful position as MJ-1.

July 31, 2015   Houston, Texas - Forty-three years ago on June 17, 1972, five men were arrested for breaking into the Democratic National Committee offices at the Watergate Hotel and office complex in Washington, D. C. They were James McCord, a former CIA agent working for Nixon's re-election CREEP committee, Frank Sturgis, Bernard Barker, Virgilio Gonzalez and Eugenio Martinez.

Watergate is an office-hotel-apartment complex near the Potomac River in Washington, D. C.
Watergate is an office-hotel-apartment complex near the Potomac River in Washington, D. C.
The DNC burglars were led off in handcuffs on June 17, 1972, after their arrest for breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate complex near the Potomac River. Three of those arrested were Cuban exiles, one was a Cuban-American and their on-site leader was James McCord, a former CIA agent and a security coordinator for President Richard Nixon's Committee for the Reelection of the President (CREEP). Photo © 1972 by AP.
The DNC burglars were led off in handcuffs on June 17, 1972, after their arrest for breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate complex near the Potomac River. Three of those arrested were Cuban exiles, one was a Cuban-American and their on-site leader was James McCord, a former CIA agent and a security coordinator for President Richard Nixon's Committee for the Reelection of the President (CREEP). Photo © 1972 by AP.


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